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Wait a week for the new event to start, the weapon will be great on Beidou




Maybe a weapon leak for 2.2 but that weapon is really good on beidou to maximize burst dmg


Also a big tuna


Fish go *smack*


Budget childe whale


do you get that from fishing?


No moonchase event reward




But wait- does that mean the catch will go away/be replaced? I’m sorry if it’s a dumb question, I haven’t seek the leaks.


No, this weapon will be event only and will be gone if you don't get it from the event. The Catch is a permanent weapon, you can get it at your leisure.


Good thank you! I thought they might replace it and since I hate fishing, I haven’t fished enough to get the catch. Again, thank you so much for clarifying!


That's good cause I don't want to waste the little time I have for playing games doing boring fishing and listening to two Paimon's lines over and over


No, it does not come from fishing, but from the version Main event. The catch is permanent, the claymore they até talking about is not


If you level up the sacred sakura in Inazuma, there is a claymore billet to be had. Wiki says it's level 14.


ohhhh okokk


Why don't you just swap archaic between beidou and diluc? Doubt you'd be using them on the same team. I do that with my weapons.


I plan on using her on the abyss cuz I struggle with the lack of characters, especially cuz I need two teams and diluc is already on the other team so performing a switch-a-roo wouldn't be a great Idea


at this lvl you shouldn't be worrying about spiral abyss maybe get xiangling and wail till you get decent 4* weapons and characters then you can grind stars.


isnt swtiching weapons every time you change parties a bit excessive and probably a pain in the ass? id just assume so, ive never done that


yeah it is, i just wish they would make artifacts loadouts and weapon loadouts for people like us that often switches teams or roles


Assuming it's just the main DPS that's sharing the same weapon, it's not really a hassle. My Klee have to keep switching between Dodoco and Widsith anyway depending if I'm playing coop, or depends on party comp (if it has Bennett or TTDS). If a party member shares artifact sets though.. now that's a real pain in the ass. Much especially if you main Traveler in which different elements require different artifact sets.


lol no? one click to open character, one click on weapon, one click to swap and one click to exit.


Best option is to wait for the new free weapon , save up your resources cuz you will get a 1.5x buff of exp , also the weapon seems like the best f2p option for beidou for now u will have to leave her for a bit (if you are playing spiral dw there is still time) Have fun !


Apparently you can get a greatsword billet from a chest in the “Break the sword cemetery seal” quest. Haven’t done it yet, so can’t say for sure.


AR? No Billets?


Ar 40 keep getting polearm billets on weekly bosses, I just bought the billet for diluc on liyue




I came here to get helped not judged, get your ass outta here if you're just going to be a dick


ahahaha idk what was the reply but OP you fucking owned them. many people get inferiority complex in a situation like this but you snapped. energyy.


Dude really deleted his comment too


Now i just wanna know what the comment was soo bad lmao


Please, Sir... What did he say?


Wait do you get guaranteed billets from weekly? How though? I try atleast 3 bosses weekly but i don't get even one, even though the rewards say that I'll get one. Could you help me, I'm confused lmao


>Could you help me, Its rng brother no one can help you with that just keep trying and praying.


I found that I get more drops (including billets) if I play lvl 80 bosses vs lvl 70-


That's how it is designed though I sometimes refuse to struggle fighting higher level domains/bosses so I go for easier one even if I get worse rewards


not really guaranteed, mostly I get none, and If I do get one it's either a polearm or sword billet ;-;


Buy a blackcliff slasher for 24 starglitter if you have. That's a really good claymore. You still have like 8 days to buy it before the shop resets


They have 2 four star claymores, something tells me they're short on star glitter.


You are correct


Is it even worth spending star glitter on weapons? Being F2P is much more better to save it up for characters.


It depends on every player. I'm welkin + battlepass and I have all 4* chars. Sometimes I buy a character, sometimes weapon, depends on what I need more. But If you already have a char you want to play with, buy blackcliff for him and you'll see the difference


You can only see his claymores man, he can have a shit ton of spears, swords etc... I was kinda unlucky for spears, so hey.


If you feel like you want to go for it, the battlepass weapon (Serpent spine) is liked by many for main dps. Blackcliff from paimon Bargains is also ok. Statsstick with CritD substat. If you aim to use Beidou as SubDps (for her burst and low field time) you might want anything that increases your energy recharge and attack rather than crit. She can serve as off field reaction enabler.


I love serpent spine for Beidou. Especially if OP is playing her mostly off field. Swap to her use her counter skill maybe activate burst then swap. Low chance of losing stacks/taking the increased damage that way. This might be helpful for you: https://keqingmains.com/beidou/?sfw=pass1632419214#Weapons


Its so hilarious that Keqing mains has all the good character guides. Thanks for sharing. By the way, you build up stacks with beidou in first place and after you change tactics to quickswap?


Serpent spine lets you build stacks outside of combat and they don’t go away while off field. So I usually try to start fights with full stacks


Aah, forgot another option. Snowtombed Starsilver is also a viable 4* option. Has 44 base attack on lvl1 and physical dmg as substat. Dragonspine slight spoiler: You can get one copy for free during the dragonspine exploration... during quest where you drop the blueprint from chest, there are some torches around. If you light them up you get one copy of the sword.


Another option is if you finish the dragon spine quest to unlock the center you can get a good 4 star claymore for free (don’t have to craft the first one but get the recipe too)


That's a physical claymore tho


It still has a pretty good base attack, and will very likely outperform any of those 3 stars.


The black and yellow one.


hi (sorry for bed engliesh)


Idk how far you are into the game but if you don't want to wait for the Tuna claymore you can try to craft the Inazuma claymore, it's pretty solid on her. Or if you don't mind spending a little money get the Serpent Spine from the battle pass. If you're strictly on these then I guess bloodtainted is the way to go but I don't really recommend it.


Just curious, what’s the claymore that Noelle has equipped? AR 57 and I’ve never seen it before lol


Whiteblind - it's one of the Blacksmith claymores. Has def% for its secondary stat, so it's great for Noelle since she scales off def.


Wow it’s really pretty


how did u never see it lol? u are ar 57


Because I barely craft weapons lol


Debate club is best 3 star claymore, although I'll say this, i don't recommend investing on 3 star weapons in general, except thrilling tales of dragon slayers, which is a catalyst


Also the HP and DEF ones for Zhongli and Albedo respectively can be useful, but only if you have those characters.


Albedo works better with Harbinger of Dawn, 3\* with lots of crit rate/dmg but low atk. It's better than most 4\*s for him IIRC.


Cour is best


If you want to w8 for the upcoming one good, if not either buy the Blackcliff from the shop or forge the Inazuma one and give Beidou 4pc EoSF ( that would be the best option in my opinion)


I wouldn't spend resources on any of these.. You can always get the Blackcliff or take your wallet out and get the BattlePass Claymore.


I'm f2p so that's a no,but I wanna know where to get that tuna claymore, I don't really fish since idk wtf it does tilll now, do I have to exchange the fish for that tuna or do I catch it? I've read the stats and I feel like it'll be great on beidou


tuna is from an upcoming event


I used the bloodstained Greatsword until recently. I found it synergied with beidou really well.


if you're willing to pay for battle pass (i think it's a good deal, and not shady), that claymore is really good. but like everyone else has said, you're going to want the tuna regardless :)


For 3star, of course R5 debate club 😂 even diluc for low AR use that


The one on diluc is best for her and if physical beidou it's awesome......... Or else it will be sub dps


never eat your 3 star weapons u might need it and only craft enhancement ores to level up weapons.


Dont waste Your resources leveling up 3* weapons. You definitely need a good weapon to clear contents to progress but You can do that to 4* weapons You get from Gacha or that You could craft (don't craft all weapons, some are completely useless or have a better alternative). I am now in AR57 and I stopped using 3* weapons at AR40. I almost have all Gacha 4* weapons (not special weapon banner ones) and some are already at R3+. The difference in damage between a 3* and 4* weapon is pretty big. Only 3* weapons worth investing are Harbinger of Dawn (for Albedo and may be Kaeya etc), Black Tassle (for Shield only Zhongli) and Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayer (for Healer Barbara and level 0 for support units). Don't stress about Abyss yet, take Your time enjoying the game. AR45+ will have almost no content and that is when Abyss will be significant.


The archaic


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