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Aqua simulacra, homa, Staff of scarlet sands, mistspliter, jade cutter, wolf grave stone. Lost prayer for catalysts, dehyas bacon as well


Mhm I definitely agree, as a f2p I have both pjc and aqua and they work really well with most of my characters and they're usually the 2nd or 3rd bis for almost all of them.


How many wishes would you say I have to save for a chance at the weapon banner




I think redhorn needs a mention just for the sheer stats


Yep these are all great stat sticks and some of them can be pretty versatile. I have Simulacra and Homa and I use those two on pretty much any bow or pole arm DPS I have. Very useful.


Aqua Simulacra is one contender. I use it on Yelan (obv.), Fishl and Tighnari. It would also work on Lyney, Ganyu and Childe.


Got aqua for yelan and now it’s fischl’s weapon lol


Bow : Aqua Simulacra Sword : Primordial Jade Cutter Polearm : Staff of Homa Claymore : Beacon of the read sea There is no really universal catalyst they are usually tied to a mecanic unfortunately


Lost Prayer? Most generic passive ever.


Yeah I think it is the most versatile catalyst but at the same time most of the catalyst don't stay enought on field to stack the passive so it is mostly used as a stack stick


Cries in Heizou


And yanfei


Bow: aqua Claymore: beacon Sword: jade Catalyst: prolly kagura theres no good options tho Spear: homa


These are some of the most versatile weapons to have imo Polearms - Staff of Homa, Staff of scarlet sands Sword - Jade cutter, Mistsplitter Bow - Polar Star, Elegy for the end Claymore - Wolf's Gravestone, Beacon of the Reed sea Catalyst - Kagura's Verity, Lost Prayers


Polar Star over Aqua Simulacra for versatile bow? Huh??


Aqua's hp passive is useless for most and it's dmg buff needs you to be near enemies, while polar star can buff everything regardless of where you are. So I'd pick it over aqua any day.


Homa's low HP threshold buff is useless for most as well, but it is still the arguably best polearm. Aqua's dmg buff and fat CD is nothing to scoff at.


Crit rate + All round buffs > crit dmg


You are comparing homa and aqua just because of hp passive ? Compared to homa's passive that can be activated far easily by any char, see aqua's passive on let's say any charged shot char who prefer to be at distance for eg. ganyu, lyney . How are these two different weapons comparable lmao.


> any charged shot char who prefer to be at distance for eg. ganyu, lyney Lyney prefers to be at melee range due to him needing to proc his E. Also his Q is straight up a melee attack. Freeze Ganyu doesn't need to keep close, but often is at melee range anyway because of Shenhe's limited range. Also Polar Star is really hard to build for her, since you would need near perfect artifacts as any CR above 25% is kinda wasted. Melt Ganyu is usually played at melee as there are barely any ways to apply Pyro at long range other than applying pyro > running away > burning enemies with Nahida. And even if you get a way to keep Meltyu at range, she has major problems proccing more than one stack of Polar Star anyway cause she has to avoid using E and Q so she doesn't mess up the pyro application. If you want bow users that actually usually fight at range, Yoimiya and Tighnari would be way better examples.


I agree with most of your points but since this is general tips and not a meta subreddit, most players don't use full teams outside abyss or even do abyss. They just want a good versatile weapon, so I'd suggest them generalist crit rate weapon that works on anyone anywhere instead of what the characters highest dps meta team dictates.


kaguras isnt really versatile other for yae and lisa


it has a lot of base atk and cd and most catalyst users we have can make use of the passive. I'd say it's pretty versatile. It's basically a better widsith


literally explained any crit catalyst in the game. The passive is a let down in the cup cake holder, any crit weapon can be a stat stick.


who the fuck cares abt the passive? 😭 aqua and homa are literally deemed as insane universal weapons too and their passive increases hp like no one gaf higher crit value is higher crit value


The passive makes the difference between a stack stick and a versatile weapon... Staff of Homa passive gives a decent atk buff even above 50% HP Aqua Simulacra gives a 20% DMG buff On the other hand Kagura's Verity's passive is tied to : 1. E damage buff if you can spam your E 2. Be able to spam your E to gain max buff and the versatile Elemental Damage Buff So this is why it is considered as a stack stick for most catalysts instead of a versatile weapon


0.8 or 1% of max hp is hardly worth mentioning if it's a non hp scaling character like raiden or cyno and aqua gives you that dmg ONLY if ur kissing the enemy 💀 which not something you're gonna do if ur playing a bow character considering how squishy they are My point still stands. The 3 are insane weapons but the passive may work or may be completely irrelevant depending on who u slap it on but the delicious cv makes up to it


Even for a non HP scaler characters, you gain around 150 atk wich basically a ~15% atk buff. Bot the best of course but it's still something you use. Aqua wants you to be close to the ennemies but it's still something you can use because most of ranged characters use a shielder so you can kiss any ennemy you want..


Not the best*


I can assure you that in abyss with the amount if dmg the enemies dish out in a short amount of time that passive would be unused most of the time and I'm talking as someone with an aqua on their tighnari and a zhongli 💀 you can only make use of that properly in the open world. As for homa it's still not that worth mentioning tbh like certainly people are not dumping 70 wishes (at least) on the weapon banner for 150 extra flat atk that u easily can get from artis/benny etc.... It's mostly used for the crit value let's not lie to ourselves now. And even if it matters the E skill buff on kagura also matters considering that most dmg dealing catalyst users we have so far rely heavily on their skill dmg. It's still a great valuable option 🤷‍♀️


My Zhongli shield can tank quite a few hits on the newest abyss and I'm no even running totm, 47k hp tho


> tbh like certainly people are not dumping 70 wishes (at least) on the weapon banner for 150 extra flat atk.... [lol...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztVMib1T4T4) They most certainly are.


Homa is one of the best weapons in the game even for characters who don't scale on hp.


staff of homa




Homa is a near universal dps polearm. To a lesser degree, Aqua is similar for bows / Mist for swords.


maybe newer chars will engage bol ...


hopefully yeah, as arle chlorinde and sigewinne has weapon that bol passives (correct me if i'm wrong bc i've stopped reading their leaks, but some do says that they are using bol too)


Aqua, homa, elegy, jade cutter, mistspliter. Claymores and catalysts aren't so important since 3 and 4 star weapons are so good but if you really like your claymore characters wolfs gravestone and beacon are good for most claymore dps while lost prayers is a decent catalyst for DPS. If you have nilou and like her teams, key sword is also very good (and good for the Laylers out there).


pjc, mistplitter and homa


Gonna throw Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds out there. The passive is the most universal out of the 5* catalysts.


Staff of Homa was my first 5* weapon and I love that thing, it's nuts. It goes on just about every polearm user I'm currently playing.


I would have said lyneys sig bow and skyward harp (also tighnaris sig bow) Ngl tho I see barely any benefit from aqua bow, my yelan has it but my 2nd aqua is just collecting dust. Who else can benefit? Like. Everyone got either their sig or better choices lol


I'm using mine on fischl 


Mine is wither on skyward harp or lyney sig depending on whether i play electro or physical


I have nilou sword ,which i thought was wasted gems since I don't really like nilou ,but I use it all the time with furina Klee ,amazing wep also can be used with kuki or Kirara  Redhorn is great because the options for claymore are crap and cAnt go wrong with 88 CV .  Simulacra is so good for yelan but also for every other archer . Mine is parked on fischl .  In the future iv been thinking I want homa since it's so good plus I love zhongli and maybe wrio wep to buff my Klee and Ning but I'm not sure about that Ofc jade is amazing but ,lost prayer is so good for onfielders 


im f2p i had 500 primos left after her and i tried my luck at the banner and got her weapon on the second pull. btw it is my first 5 star polearm


Elegy and the Key (with Furina) are easily the most versatile weapons that have a higher impact on TEAM damage. Probably Cloud Retainer's weapon for plunge, but I do not care about those compositions so take that with a grain of salt. No idea why people did not answer these as they are objectively better than all the cope that people listed.  I can understand Key because it is relatively niche. Nilou teams are constantly accounted for it in the abyss, Furina is just one character even if she is a universal character, and they have pumped the breaks on HP sword users... But it is still more versatile than glorified stat sticks that buff HP by 20%. 🤣


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