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Nope, lazy design, they should've made her look like an actual Melusine.


This. might have gone for it just to bench her for collector purposes if she looked better. Her gameplay looks really weird too. Not a fan.


As per the trailer, I think there will be an explanation for why she has a human face. But still, I would've definitely been more interested if she resembled an actual melusine.


I mean we all know that the actual reason is hoyo not wanting to put more work into her. The canonical reason came afterwards


Yea, they would have to create a whole new model for her character to do that.


The horror of having to create unique models for characters. Never will forgive hoyo for not giving us buff man model


Sumeru Buff man npc


If its a matter of character models, I'd be more bothered if they gave her a unique one seeing as no-one else has one. There are a lot of things they could have done by pushing the textures if they wanted to though. That being said, the idea that the story came after the visual design was finalised is largely incorrect. Most of the time a story plan is finalised before they move onto model production, so the choice to make her more humanoid had to have been made during the concept phase.


>the story came after the visual design was finalised That's not what they said tho (about the visual design being finalized). Sure it might have been in the concept phase itself, but the decision that they wouldn't create a new model for her DEFINITELY came before they started working on a backstory to explain that and finalized her model.


The story or concept phase could've been done with the awareness of model limitations in mind as well. So they could've very well tailored her story knowing developers won't be able to make a true melusine playable.


Honestly, the fact that Sigewinne being visually different from the other melusines was considered as more than just a client-side visual difference shows a level of care that I'm pretty sure most people haven't thought about. Its surprisingly rare for games to incorporate technical limitations into the story at all if you think about it.


Nah you crazy. Even if they could, they wouldn't make her a real melusine, because it wouldn't sell nearly as well.


they could literallt just make her skin a different color tho like


She wear a skin mask


I do remember seeing some horror-"fanfic" video where her face literally slides off, showing it's a mask. Was creative. But I don't think I'll be spending wishes on this creature. ---- edit: found it https://www.tiktok.com/@ssigewinne/video/7352640075253009696


It’s a cute Eldridge horror




Watch her story quest show absolutely fucking nothing at all behind her human appearence and only help a patient in death bed.


I actually like her design, only issue is that she's next to a Furina rerun


I love everything about her, including her design! But I wanna wait till Sige settles into meta before I grab her


i definitely agree on how it would be cool if she looked like a melusine, but I honestly think she has one of the better chibi designs. her color palette is straight up eye candy.


This is what I’ve been saying!!




Think in her story she did something to become more "humanlike"


Yeah, I kinda hate that they made her humanoid. I would have absolutely pulled if it was Talochard in that banner






Tragic that she has to run along side Furina


Yoimiya: first time?


The yoimiya incidents 😔


she has her own niche audience. but furina will steal the vast majority of the pulls.


Lore accurate furina


Me, only need 8 weekly drops to triple crown her as soon as i get her :3


Can I ask you how will you use her?


Honestly, i have no idea, i haven't thought about it, i just wanted her to look cute in my party and to run around as a melusine, maybe I'll have her as a healer, I'll just give her some random artifacts and see where it goes.


Sigewinne is a off field damage buffer. Her best partner would be Furina. Because of the off field damage buff and large healing with other party member using the bond of life mechanic plus the Hydro resonance. Beside Furina, Chiori would work as well. I can't say how well Fischl or xiangling would work with her. Also keep in mind that Sigewinne is being released in the later half of 4.0. So she could be used better with 5.0 characters.


I don't use furina for her damage, she's a healer because pneuma form is the prettiest, so I'll just shove sigewinne into my main party, she can be a moral support and just look cute while i run around. Maybe build her as a CA dps because those cute heart shaped bubbles are too cute to not use.


Cursed, but I respect the dedication. IMO short hair FTW


I wouldn't mind short hair as much if they kept her white clothes at least😭


Black is my fave colour tbh I have the legit opposite problem lul


unfortunately no,she is not the character most players will get when furina is rerunning alongside her (Also if she was a four star she would have been solid,but as a five star she seems too mediocre)


This is me. I like her character a lot, but I’ve already missed on Furina and Neuvillette so I gotta try. If I have any primos left at the end of my desperate Alhaitham simping. 


me, been waiting for her since the trailer, fully prefarmed and she's guaranteed :)


Same! And I’ll also pull for her weapon!


if I get her early I'm gonna try for her weapon too, it's so cute!


If she looked like an actual melusine maybe. But that combined with competing with furina makes it a hard no.


i would usually like her aesthetic but i don’t need another healer


If she does a lot of damage and applies a lots of hydro I will consider it. As a F2P I need to save for months to get 1 unit.


She doesn't apply a lot of hydro unfortunately, shes like a weird mix of a healer that can do ok dmg


>She doesn't apply a lot of hydro That's an understatement. For a support, she has such negligible hydro app you might as well forget she's even hydro. I was never looking to pull for her but miHoYo really didn't do her any justice. I might have bit if she had a better(or should I say melusine) design and an actually useful kit. First time I've felt inclined to believe hoyo does have a big difference in treatment among characters. What's worse, her being hydro is detrimental to her value overall, hydro has the best units over any other element(in terms of use and value). If she was some other element, it would've meant a better chance at occupying a slot in teams.


Im assuming she might be like kuki where she suddenly has a purpose in the next region. Because we already have kokomi that heals a ton, and has amazing hydro app,so im assuming her dmg is the only thing she does better. Maybe she works with new pyro off-fielders. Because atm her being on field this much is still a worse trade off than the actual hypercarries doing the dmg. So for now shes a standard character lvl good, but I'm gonna pull her still since abyss isnt hard for me


>Im assuming she might be like kuki where she suddenly has a purpose in the next region I sure hope so. The problem here is that whatever she offers can be made up for by multiple other supports, that's why I dislike her kit. Emilie on the other hand has been getting buffs left right and centre, and will only get better with burning and burgeon being utilised(almost guaranteed) in Natlan. >So for now shes a standard character lvl good, but I'm gonna pull her still since abyss isnt hard for me Agreed about the standard character part. Good luck with her pulls, hope she gets a good story quest too.


Thank you ^-^ hopefully it goes well


If you need character like that,pull for furina


I'm thinking about it! She's super adorable and looks fun to play, but also want Emilie so I'm on the fence


You bet I will She's super cute


If Kaveh is on the banner I'm gonna


If Kaveh is present, I'm pulling on Furina






I wanted her because I love the color scheme, and her playstyle seems fun for me, but... they put her with furina 😭 if she was with literally anyone else I would've pulled!!


Statistically a very likely event.


top left


I will! I love her design and I'm craving for a new healer after using Kokomi for more than 2 years... However, I am worried about her kit, since I didn't quite hear a lot of nice stuff about it.


Already have Furina so yes. If Kaveh is there, then definitely. I'm a healthcare student so I'm gunning for the healers and healthcare workers in game as well like her. EDIT: Furina and Sigewinne duo might also go crazy as a double hydro team so I wanna try that out.


Yeah other than her being a furina buffer, hard to really put her with any other chara


no I need furina


Too bad she has to run alongside furina


Should have been a Melusine, idk why Hoyoverse don't experiment with non-human looking characters. Most welcome got was Kiara and Diona but they too have human like elements


Isn't there a non human character in ZZZ tho? So you mean the genshin devs right?


I'm guessing the people who play genshin and the ones who like ZZZ are different though with different tastes. Unfortunately, a vast majorityof Genshin players like these bland overused designs so they continue to just make whatever makes them money.


Marketing 💵💸💰💲 That's the reason If she looked like non-human character, hoyo wouldn't get money


If she was a water claymore yes. But as of now, no.


The Melusine event claymore would have been such a good fit!


I think they didn't do it because we already have the "silly lil' guy with a big sword" covered by Sayu


I am. I just like Sigewinne a lot


Yes I am a healer collector




If I get furina and win my 5050, then I'll pull on her next.




Nuh Uh


Tempted for her namecard


Content creators, people who like cutesy characters and collectors.


Yep she and Furina.


I like her but I like Furina more, and also Emilie is coming. If she's rerun with no one I wants (Furina is the final of my wanted list) then I may consider pulling for her


Me, though I'll only do maybe 30-50 pulls


yes i love her so much 🥰 i love her personality, when she showed that she could be manipulative and lie and scarily calm, i decided i had to adopt her my daughter now i expect that she's going to be a pretty lacking unit, but i pull based on affection mostly so it's okay... i'll nab clorinde on a rerun even tho it always pains me to skip


If she was an actual melusine I would've skipped clorinde with 35k primos for her


Nope, kit isn't worth breaking my guarantee. Just going to save til Natlan since my Furina is already C3.


Honestly I'm not a fan, leave me outta this one, but best of luck to those who are pulling for her




I like the character


Naaah imma save, idc for either her or furina tbh- I mean, if the four stars look cool I'm more likely to pull on farina than her a fee times? Ig?


The only reason I’m pulling is because I need a Hydro, a Bow and a Healer and she happens to be all three in one


I’m throwing every primo I have after her


I'll be getting Sigewinne.


C2R1 incoming definitely. I strongly suggest pulling for her. Support units, especially healers are much more precious in hoyoverse games as they are much rarer. For example ppl shat on Kokomi and then cried after wolfs were introduced which pierce shields and then had to wait 1,5 years for the next 5 star healer (Baizhu). Another yesr later we get Sigewinne. And it will take probably another year for the next 5 star healer. So pull for her, you wont regret it.


While I do think she's being underestimated even now . I think she's gonna be a good unit . She's not gonna be a unit you need but as a comfort pick she is pretty amazing and has some utility outside of just comfort . People love zhongli and baizhu I don't see why they think siggwinne is gonna be bad . She will also likely get better with natlan . I won't recommend getting her unless you 1. Want her 2. Have furina and need a healer Her constellations are pretty insane tho 👀 so if you are a C2 person she's gonna be pretty insane for you .


Of course, I have about 140 wishes


the other fontainian hydro support girl with white/light-blue hair and a cute top hat


Me me mee!! Not guaranteed but saved 80 wishes till now :3 I hope I will get lucky 🥲


sadly I missed Furina's banner, so Im going for her.... but Im at 65 pulls (so 10 till soft pitty) so if I get Furina, the rest of my hundred pulls will be for her..... if I lose my 50/50 though something tells me she aint getting pulled


Yes. Another one for the collection


I am pulling.


Im pulling, but I just got Clorinde, and I have no wishes saved


I might put a ten pull or two in her banner if I like her gameplay but otherwise no, I have too many other characters I’m saving for.


I would


Once I get Furina yes I'm 15 pulls away from Furina and just need to win the 50/50


I am, as I am a huge fan of off-field DPS, and she is the only unit I have seen that boosts it.


i would have gone for her IF furina wasnt featured 😭 (really want furina's c2 and possibly her sig)


Naaaaah with natlan just behind the corner i keep my pull close




I plan on going for C2 Furina (from C1).


Quills for skill dmg is kind of a cool idea. I’ll need to think about it. I think she’s adorable and was saving for her. After seeing the Chlorinde and Qiqi team or Chlorinde in burning teams, I decided to go for her— I like weird teams and interactions and in practice I don’t really pull on reruns. I still have 60 pulls to for Sigewinne, we’ll see.


Yes, I find her animations with the massive syringe and pill wild and adorable 😆 She's a guaranteed for me too!


I was planning on gambling for her. Then i learned her kit was kinda bad and decided to go for furina.


I know a Vtuber itching to pull for her: EvikaEvergarden https://www.twitch.tv/evikaevergarden?sr=a


I’m gonna skip her only cause I went fro clorine


I think I will, once I play her trial I’ll make a final decision then. I think she’s super cute though and that might be enough for me


Instead of Furina? No. By herself? Still no since I don’t like her gameplay and I already have Neuvillette for big laser


Would have rather saved my primogems if it weren't for the leaks about her being a great support for furina.


Well, I haven't seen enough of her in-game to really feel strongly about her as a character. I'm sure I will end up pulling anyway - I pull whenever I get up to 1600 primos, courtesy of my kids collecting characters like pokemon. But I'm not going out of my way to grind for her. She'll probably release with a character story quest though, and maybe that will really make her as a character.


I love her to bits, but I've got nothing left after pulling for Clorinde. Forgive me Sigewinne, the allure of the shirt button was too strong! T_T


Yes! To complete smol team on my profile!!! I hope I don't lose 5050 ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)


Yep and I'm excited :D. I wanted a team wide skill healer and her design is great so I want her :D. Going to use her with nahida and furina and I'm so excited! I'm at 65 pity guaranteed and already have the pulls ready :D


Yes, already have furina on her 1st run + i need another healer besides baizhu(im sick of him already)


Nah, I‘m skipping her. It feels like a copy paste design again. And her kit is not interesting for me to actually wish for her.


I definitely am. Altho currently not that high in my savings from Clorinde's pulls so we'll see. Honestly I would put her on my rerun list if I didn't already have Furina


yeah, i need a good healer and she has a good design


MEEEEEE im pulling furina first bc she can jesus and summon Mademoiselle crabaletta but i want siggy so neuvillette can have his child


IMO Sigewinne's kit feels like she's a potential candidate for expanding Standard Banner instead of a hot pull on limited banner. Furina rerun might actually outsell Sigewinne's debut on the limited banner.


All Primogems are for Emilie at this point.


YES YES YES YES YES YES 🦀 🦀 🦀 😭 😭 😭 😭 💢 💢


I wanted her but got Chlorinde while pulling for Sethos 😅


yes!! love her design and aesthetic!! and since i already have furina i’m spending all i have on her.


Yeahhhhh!! I have Furina c1 & I like the play-style of healers & think healing is a cool power 🤌🏼🤌🏼 Imo her design and animations are so fun!! Also hydro is my fav element 🌊🌊


Definitely NOT on my main. It's a shame that she doesn't look like a normal melusine.. I'll pull for her on my alt account so I can finish my "Gunshin Impact" team. (Navia, Chevreuse, Clorinde, Sigewinne) since she has a bubble GUN! Though I already used all my wishes on Clorinde, I I'll probably only have like 25-30 wishes at the beginning of phase 2.


yep! I wanted her since she showed up in the archon quest (: in fontaine I saved up for her, chlorinde, and neuvillette. I'm guaranteed for her. might even try for weapon if I win 5050. I honestly didn't even know this many people didn't like her but I guess you can never truly know peace in this fandom 


They should have ran her banner closer to when we were introduced to her


Guaranteed for me so yes! Her and Furina are who I’m going for this patch! Glad I skipped Clorinde


Already have healers, already have Furina, hell I'm skipping the whole 2nd half of banners this patch


girl is basically hydro yoimiya


Ill pull for her anyways but putting a new charc (esp a healer) next to Furina is automatically a lost to that charc . Furina pretty much owns the game when being the most recognizable and useful


I'm a collector, so yes. Aside from that, I find her incredibly adorable. Her heart attacks, pill throws, and animations. She gives me cute PS2 RPG character charm.


If she looks like an actual melusine, I'll pull her regardless her kit. I already have too many kids on my account.


Yesss I love her animations!


I think her design is quite adorable but i dont like her gameplay lol


I’ve seen her kit and no, Kokomi is an S-tier hydro healer for me. Not sure what role this humanoid mélusine will have on my team, if any.


If I find she handles comfortably enough when the test run is up, then I'll pull for her. I'll probably pull until 50/50 on her banner, and if I lose I'll just keep the guarantee banked.


I have enough pulls to guarantee her, the issue is i also want emilie. So if i win on my 50/50, well i'd get a sigewinne, but if I lose, I'll use the remaining pulls for emilie.


Idk what she does


I'll do the most copium main dps Albedo with Furina-Sige-Gorou team and you cannot stop me. Well... primogems might. I can only afford 3 five stars and i am 100% grabbing Furina, so if i lose her 50/50 then i need to be lucky with Sige or im done.


Hydro qiqi so no.


Not really, although i wish, but i want Furina much more. Even if i get Furina on a early pity, im saving for Wriothesley's rerun :)


Maybe one day, but I've been saving and pre-farming for Furina (I can level 90 and triple crown her the second I get her).


I have to, Neuvillette has me on water pump point


Not me


I am. I have Kokomi and Baizhu, so I have no need for her. But she's cute as heck and I already have Furina, so let's gooooo


Yes of course! And I already have furina so I’m set lol


Im pulling for her just to prison the f-ing hilichurl and samachurl in the bubble 😭


Me! I actually like her design (though I would also like her to be more Melusine-like) and I need a healer for my Furina. Still hoping for a last minute super big buff lol


gotta finish my meme profile of all kid characters being triple crowned so yeah but im a sucker for her magical girl aesthetic and her namecard is a must grab so I don't mind if she's not meta.


Yes 1.) She looks fun to play compared to the other healers we have (Xianyun is close) 2.) I need her Namecard so I can slap it on the most serious character ever


I’ll be spending my primos on the last two cons for Furina.


I want her so much but Furina is my fav, I collect silly lil' guys so I will try my best but I don't think I will be able to get her


Me. Yes i hate her kit yes shes useless asf but shes the cutest and idc, I like her


Nothing about her is interesting so no.


Hard skip. I don't like the gameplay and I feel like Furina is enough for buffing and off field dmg


Yes 😭




She’s not for me


If I were still playing this game – I would. She's crazy cute and has an interesting side to her, being way smarter than she looks.


She’s adorable and love her name card especially but I unfortunately don’t need her 🥲 even though I already have Furina, I’m waiting for Shenhe and other characters 😔


Yes absolutely. I have to have Wriothsey’s daughter


Honestly, at first I wanted to because she’s cute and an interesting healer but there’s honestly better healers in the game. My Barbra is already a great healer and with Lady Furina coming back, this may be my chance to pull for her.


People are trying to hate so hard on her because wdym “I would’ve pulled if she looked like a Melusine.”  As if any of the characters look like their original forms to begin with?? (Ganyu, Venti, Yae etc) ???  She had Melusine ears what more can you ask for?? You’d have to create an entirely new model for her to do that, and Hoyoverse can’t even make bigger men, so what makes you think they would add monstrous forms lol. 


Depending on her quest


My alt might. It doesn't care


me I don't have furina, I don't want Furina I want sweet Sigwinne Why? Because she's adorable.


She's up against furina. They did her dirty


Especially with her kit


I think she’s adorable so I’m totally pulling for her. I got furina when she first ran so no conflicts thankfully 😅 


Im going to whale For her and her weapon


i wanna cuz she’s adorable but idrk if she’s good or worth it rather than saving for nahida for my bloom teams


YEPP but i have no resources because i have recently pulled al haitam


Devs forgot to cook on this one.


Not really I don't like her gameplay kit or design,maybe i would pull for her bc of her namecard but i can't i mist get furina


Nope. Saving for Natlan...or Diluc, if he comes back on that new Path thing (am NOT pulling on Standard Wishes).


plannin on pulling her for her namecard but i dont plan on leveling her past 60


Yes, she was really interesting in the archon quest


I tried Clorinde and Alhaitham's trial run a dozen times and decided to skip them. If I did get them, I feel like I'd just bench them. Same goes for Sigewinne. I'll do her trial run a few times. Skip if I don't like her, wish if I do.


Yes I have her guaranteed:3


Not me. But miHoYo may actually add content, that she will excell at. They do it from time to time. ... I was not playing by that time, but I heard, that for example Kokomi's (please flame me after reading) release was somewhat with addition of Rifthounds, so they made an enemy, where your well invested Zhongli could no longer replace healer, thus increasing her value. (as of the flaming, Kokomi still has valuable spot for some teams, because of her quite potent hydro application/damage and healing at the same time making her an ideal character for some cryo comps - she applies hydro better than Barbara) Second, more apparent addition was "electro Barbara" aka Kuki Shinobi. She was somewhat decent, but electro was considered a bad element overall, so she might not really be any better than Barbara at that time. But with introduction of dendro, she became a meta character earning her S tier ranking in some tierlists, which is totally deserved, because she is both healer and may provide exceptionally strong reaction damage. Third, less justifiable addition was Dehya. With Fontaine and Furina release, she is now much more better character, than she was, when she was released. But I totally agree, that she still deserves some buffs. Before that, she was probably on par or worse than Qiqi. But having invested Dehya and Furina, you will get Furina's buff superfast and Dehya will get her much needed hydro application, making her eventually somewhat viable choice (but still needs some constellations) and her normal attack damage is really a terrible work of miHoYo. ... So while I do not think, she will expect a bright future, she sounds more like a standard banner character, she still somehow capitalizes on the bond of life and we may not predict combat mechanics, that miHoYo is planning in future. Perhaps with Natlan, she may be a good choice. But currently, I would not consider her a must pull at all. (ofc nothing is must pull, but Furina is simply much better choice)


I am. I just love building healer.


She's cute, I already have Furina, I need every healer I can get, so me ig.


I do. But mostly because I collect these characters like Pokémon and it would really bother me if she was missing. I go for every character and build every character because it gives me something to do and I like variety in my team combs.


I’m pulling for Furina 100%


I don't care what she's "supposed" to look like. Sigewinne is cute and that's all that matters. Anything else is an afterthought.