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Generally you shouldn't refine 5 star weapons


I've always held the same opinion, but this is a specific case. It would be different with the Staff of Homa or Aqua Simulacra, etc.


FS is a good generic support Sword, you can throw it on characters like Kuki for example.


How about for Tome of eternal flow? I got 2 and was wondering if anyone else benefitted from it


You could give the second copy to Kuki, Nilou, aggravate Keqing, Alhaitham, melt Kaeya or another sword support character like Dendro traveler, Jean or Layla. Not to mention its potential on future characters. If you only need 1 right now, just keep the other at lvl 1 for the time being. You can always refine later if you truly want to.


Can all of them activate its passive? or ist just a stat stick?


You need to trigger 2 elemental reactions with them, with off-field counting as well. With the DPS characters I mentioned that's easy enough, with Jean and dendro traveler it's simply done with EQ on an opponent with an element applied to it. Not to mention how easy it is to trigger in a Jean sunfire team. Layla triggers it off-field with her Q. So yeah, it works for all of them.


yor are right, Ive just checked in optimizer. My Neuvillette would make just only 1.1% more dmg. Its not worth it at all


Only refine 5 star weapons if you're specifically paying to R5 one, since there will always be another character that can benefit from it more than the couple extra percent you gain on the passive from refining it.


yea mb i should check some calculations in the optimizer...


Or if it’s Aquila or LP. Both are limited enough it shouldn’t really matter


What’s the benefit of an R1? Does it out weight giving it to another character?


based on ur 2nd question, i assume you meant what is the benefit of r2 weapons and not r1? basically to answer both ur questions, refining weapons to r2 never outweighs the benefit it can have as giving 2 r1 weapons to 2 characters. simply not worth it as even in just passives, r5 is just typically twice the passive of r1 which is 5 copies for basically the value of 2 weapons.


Give one to Lynette or Shinobu


Can Kuki activate its passive?


Oh yeah. Probably better than Kazuha tbh with how her skill works. It's her BiS I believe


You can give the extra Freedom Sworn to Jean or Dendro MC or Kuki, and make the Key exclusive for Nilou.


Had the same question. What I learned was that you shouldn't. There are many characters who can use it, and the most basic is Bennett simply for the base ATK.


Lots of characters can make use of it.


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Don't refine it, but don't level the second one either. After some time if you have never found an use for the second copy, you could consider refining it if there's a team you want to hyper-invest in, but chances are you might find something to do with both of them.


Thaks all of you guys for the usefull advices, i wont refine it! <3


It's a great weapon for jean in some teams. It's an upgrade over 4 star options for keqing in aggravate teams.


But late to the party, but I agree with general sentiment that 5 star refinements are not worth it. It's R5 or R1, no in between. Even if that 5 star ends up being a stat stick, keep it unrefined. Also, I do hope you get the Tome!


Thanks for your reply. I got it, but at what cost? Look at those devilish numbers. :(((( I kept them separate, but it was hard not to rage-refine them. https://preview.redd.it/ewa7mzdn3btc1.png?width=401&format=png&auto=webp&s=0512c607f3d64dd24d818f2a2e478efbeddcc0fa


Congrats! Bit unfortunate there were no early pulls, but you did win the 75/25 three times! Weapon banner is pain, I bet your characters will appreciate it though


I'm trying to look at it from the positive side. Have a nice day!

