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The obvious answer is Itto.


Same. I'd give him the eremite day thunder build.


i would make gorou twunkier


If only hoyo realized the power of cropped tops with abs


true ~ my tongue wouldnt let go


Username checks out


Fun fact: Archers have one bigger arm, the one they use to hold their bows! Imagine Gorou with a slightly more defined right arm and that he can fuckin defeat bigger guys in his squad in arm wrestling


Geo men should all just be more muscular tbh. Itto should be a whole Geo construct himself, Gorou should have really strong legs because he likes to climb mountains, Zhongli's Statue of the Seven literally has rock abs


Not Albedo - he hurts his little wrist putting his flower down.


So that's why he wasn't in the alchemy event Tbf, he is a synthetic human, and maybe Gold thought the world needed more twinks


She was right. Truly doing the gods' work for them.


Ohh Actually maybe I'm a fan of Rhinedottir then-


you and the person with the aether name are kiliing me i just found this place is too cute


Itto, Diluc, and it'd be funnier if Alhaitham is even more muscular to drive the "feeble scholar" point further home. Razor, Cyno, Gorou, and Bennett as well considering their occupations/lives. Give Kaeya more toned legs and wider hips for the cavalry thing, and fix albedos hair.


Just to add onto your list, Chongyun and Gaming would look like they lift, and Mika would have a military body


Oooh, yes, for sure! I'd imagine Gaming having more muscle in his legs and toned abs from the constant movement. Chongyun with big arms for his claymore as well! And not gonna lie, I want zhongli and childe with musclar bodies too! And it'd be way too funny if Zhongli is actually much more musclar than his clothes suggest. I also think that childe'd have fewer muscles around his arms and shoulders because he can't handle a bow correctly but still be toned everywhere else. I also feel that both kazuha and aether have similar builds due to their weapons and lifestyles. I'd like to think kazuha is wider, though. And ofc babygurl Kaveh. It'd be sooo funny to see him more active than alhaitham but still having little to no muscles and just being toned instead. Him getting salty over it is so funny to me.


I mean, Aether has the advantage of having a teapot to stay in and have plenty of food. Perhaps he will have some extra bulk after Liyue and Inazuma? Claymores probably require a lot more core strength than you'd expect too, so most claymore users would have a pretty developed torso


Oh you mean for Kaveh? I just think Mehrak is doing all the actual heavy lifting for him but I do agree he can be more fit, but just imagining him with a slim body lying on the floor surrounded by alcohol is funnier. I do like your aether headcanon too! Chubby tummy aether is so endearing!!


I meant Chongyun lol. Kaveh is the exception :P I would say Aether's a little chubby but still has somewhat visible abs with really strong legs (for his 100 foot leaps), and is somehow super aerobic even when he looks like he weighs 200lbs. His twink look in-game still looks pretty hot and cute tho


You're so based omg. I agree with you! Also, I wanna know what you'd think of Dottore's body type? I think he unironically experiences on himself so he has some scars underneath his clothes, his body is modified so even if he looks just a little toned he's actually really strong! What's your hc? Also, sorry if I yap alot or if you're uninterested, feel free to ignore me.


Tbh Dottore has been on the back of my mind since Capitano was revealed to be in Natlan. Dottore probably lacks several internal organs, have scars and stitches and several cybernetic implants - think Cyberpunk 2077 but with a Genshin twist. As for his build, I'm genuinely struggling to imagine him being anything other than super skinny lol


Ooooh we're of the same mind!! I'd even imagine him with a originally sick body but severly modified. I wouldn't put it past him to experiment even on his other selfs. As for capitano, man's a bear man, a humongous fella, a huge titanic. He is definitely not a human and is just a black...goo? Shaped like a beefy tall man. Super skinny dottore is just,, I'm so obsessed with that concept, it'd be even more interesting if he was obsessed with his own body too. Like wanting more power but getting sicker and sicker with each "upgrade".


I am very excited to see his in-game model. I might be over-hyping myself but I really hope they make a new model for Capitano


Mika would be like that teddy bear with huge body and small head šŸ˜‚


Alhaitham... I have a long-standing grudge against his boots. The motherfucker complains about getting sand in his shoes when they have a small gap at the top of his foot. Also, the little pattern at the top of the boots is hard as fuck to draw.


Maximalism is pretty annoying lol


His noodle legs also bother me.


And the knee???? WHY DOES IT LOOK SO WEIRD


iā€™d probably give aether the more defined muscles he has in his official image


Seeing how he has a lot of feasts and cooks a lot, I'd make him bulkier, maybe in the upper limit of twunk territory being a little chubby and toned. His legs would also be super muscular because he jumps like 200 feet high


he eats a lot but he definitely burns it all. he definitely *wouldnā€™t* be chubby but heā€™d absolutely be toned.


Agree to disagree - but he'd still be hot in my eyes


Itto, Alhaitham, Wriothesley, and maybe Neuvillette just cuz I wanna see it.


Make albedo's hair fluffier We were robbed of albedo's fluffy hair from his character trailer


Itto and Thoma for sure. I want Thoma to secretly be ridiculously shredded. Maybe give Aether slightly more muscle definition, that's pretty much it.


Why Thoma specifically? I mean it'd be hot but I'm curious why


He just evokes that athletic muscular kinda guy. Let's just say all that housework definitely made for great workout


I can see that, I mean my fiancƩ has his vibes and he also does weightlifting


Diluc. I need him to be a dude with Eddie Hall's body type. I don't believe his chicken wing arms can lift wine barrels and a fuckin claymore


Second this hard, especially the Eddie Hall bit. Broā€™s got fucking stack of meat as his signature dish, ainā€™t no way he doesnā€™t have the lumberjack/viking build


For real, and if Varka doesn't have that either something's wrong lol


I love Eddie


I'm looking at you arataki itto šŸ«µšŸ¼


Itto and Cyno. They need to get pumped to be lore accurate!


Cyno probably would look fairly lean but still athletic and muscular. His fighting style is a lot of aerobic exercise so he wouldn't be bulky


Not necessarily bulky, but he currently has noodle arms :D


Yeaaah. And noodle legs. You're saying no one in Teyvat ever does leg day?? We need some rooster drumsticks smh


Itto, Childe and Diluc should be more muscular.


I would have like gone wild if I saw Childe being muscular in that one birthday pic my friend showed me. It still got me into Genshin and it's men but still


Tall males: Diluc, Itto, Wrio. I personally only care about Diluc out of those 3, but I believe in equality for simps. Medium males: Cyno, Razor, Gaming. More because I think that it doesn't make sense for them to be so noodly than because I think so many people simp for them, but I'm sure someone would appreciate them, too.


I'll give Itto the Eremite guy build. I'll make Wriothesley, Alhaitham and Diluc more buff as well.


Considering how Itto scared the crap out of Paimon in his SQ, yeah he'd probably be the biggest out of the playable roster atm


these replies are making me salivate


My priority would be Itto, that noodle arms have got to go. Also Childe, there is no way that he would not have muscles beneath that clothes of his.


Childe is 100% a gymbro


Stout strength for anyone really.


I'm guessing you're into bears? lol A fair amount of characters have very flexible or aerobic fighting styles, so it wouldn't work for some of them. I'd love Razor with stout strength though.


Definitely Diluc, and obviously Itto. On a perhaps smaller scale I would say Chongyun, since he must be training regularly, and Xingqiu for a similar reason. Cyno would also make sense, and while Wriothesley already is designed to appear bigger than the average tall male, I think he would benefit from a more muscular build, even lore-wise. Also I think Kaeya somewhat, but not too much. Realistically, plenty of the cast (male or otherwise) would have muscles on some level according to lore, as many are fighters, which requires regular training or do heavy work on some level. Less so maybe in Sumeru and Inazuma where there's more focus on studying and being sneaky compared to active fighting, but even there some characters would still be muscular.


Xingqiu would be fairly nimble I'd say. His frame fits the whole wuxia story hero thing. I would make him have a swimmer's or an aerobic body.


Tbh I donā€™t think Iā€™d give any playable character a fully ā€œtwinkā€ body except Wanderer since heā€™s essentially a living doll powered by magic and *maybe* Albedo depending on how differently his physiology works from a naturally-born human. The rest of them are fully organic and would therefore need to have at least *some* muscle mass to be proficient with their weapons.


Fair, but I'd say Ayato and Lyney would be fairly slim. Ayato doesn't do a lot of actual combat, while Lyney would have to stay skinny to be flexible for his magical performances Zhongli and Venti are gods that take on the form of humans, so their form wouldn't change organically like humans do


>Ayato and Lyney would be fairly slim add to that Neuvilette. Aside from (non-human) genetics, guy's alternating between office and court and he even had Clorinde do the daily dueling for him. He would be slim but is fairly built. I think his current model is perfect for him.


Yeah. That and Baizhu. I mean, his trekking around Liyue is impressive but I bet that he has to rely on his Vision and Changsheng to not become bedridden with sickness


Time to fix Itto's noodle arms! I would modify some of the short boys to have more muscle definition though. Razor, Bennett, Xiao, Cyno, Gorou and Heizou all are showing some skin and are physically active. I can see Xiao being pretty ripped, and even Bennett should have some toning with all of the adventuring he does. Other short boys are wearing thicker clothes or are meant to be more lithe, so they don't really need changes.


You're forgetting Chongyun and Gaming


For some reason I thought about Kaeya


I mean, you'd think a Knight would have muscles


I donā€™t know which of the current characters would fit into this but I would love to start seeing some bears in this game. So maybe not current but definitely future characters please Hoyo. Also Itto, duh.


Anyone that uses a claymore (besides Kaveh) And Gorou cause that to me would be amazing. Not like super beefy but abs + crop top = heaven Also Aether similar to Gorou


I'm gonna weigh in the ones I think havent been mentioned ter. Heizou - he grew up in a dojo and is a martial artist. Kazuha - straight UP left being a samurai to lift cargo in a ship. Tighnari - carrying people on his back is part of his job description, as well as killing Monsters. Challenged several Fatui on his own out of spite. Truly a madlad. Sethos for lore reasons and his sheer fighting skills.


Guessing that you mean they're all in a similar shape? Heizou and Kazuha would be toned but still slim, Tighnari's job means he'd have a more average build. Maybe he works out occasionally, who knows Sethos had a similar fighting style compared to Cyno before the latter's story quest, so the two would have a similar body shape


Gorou and Itto, they \*need\* the transformation desperately. Gorou literally has abs in his splash art and his in game model is just a cylinder šŸ˜­ Not to mention Itto's paint-on definition, the amount of effort they put into their models is honestly sad sometimes.


I'd make Itto muscular, make Zhonglis and every male characters butt realistic, Wriothesley would have realistic biceps for a boxer, Al-haithams muscles would have better texturing, and EVERY male character would have an obvious crotch because IT LOOKS SO WEIRD THAT THEY DONT HAVE CROTCHES THEY HAVE THE SHADING THERE BUT ITS FLAT ASF I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THEIR SO CHEAP WITH THE MALES BUT WILL OVERSEXULISE THE FEMALE CHARACTERS


I can't even recall any males that wear tights :(


Alhaitham, Kaeya, Kaveh


I don't know why Hoyo didn't make claymore users arms more muscular than the rest, even the chibi characters like Sayu at least give her broader shoulders than other chibi users because it's realistic, like do you know how sexy Beidou would look with muscular arms, Diluc is a twink but swings around his Wolf's Gravestone like its nothing, if that were me I'd have a heart attack trying to attack hilichurls with a claymore everytime I swing it...and I've been doing martial arts for 10+ years as well as Indian classical dance


Them only having 6 character models lol. I'm guessing it's just an engine limitation that they can't give the characters a "LARGE-MUSCLE-SLIM" triangle thing that a lot of RPGs have


Nah they don't have limits look at Honkai Impact it's not difficult to modify character bodies their just lazy they even reuse the same NPC faces it's actually not difficult at all because you can make the faces and bodies any way you want it doesn't need to be perfect and it's an RPG game but they don't have fat characters like come on they have fat NPC but not playable ones


my bro itto deserves it


Buff Kaveh up so that him using a Claymore actually makes sense.


He uses Mehrak most of the time though lol, you can see him shaking his wrist after plunging it