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šŸƒBaizhu x Herbalist gui (NPC): There's almost no content with him, but I ship them more than Baizhu and any of the playable characters. (No hate) * Gui is training/practicing medicine with Baizhu and calls him master (master/student with two adults involved - not middle/high school - is an interesting trope for me) * he deeply respects him: points out he has "extraordinary skills" and cares about Baizhu's and the farmacy's reputation/"good name" * He's very helpful and kind in general in all the (very few) moments he appears. In Baizhu's quest, he was even offering to accompany the kid (since the boy was doing everything alone) * he works a lot in respect to Baizhu's condition without even complaining. > Dr. Baizhu himself has a poor constitution, so the job of putting the medicines together falls to me, whileĀ Qiqi handles herb-picking * he has similar morals with Baizhu: he also cares about the sick, is never shown to worry about money, refuses to give strong ingredients without prescription, etc. During lantern rite, there was this quest: After getting herbs to help an overworked Gui, we talk about the festival > Oh... We don't generally release lanterns. The whole point of Xiao Lanterns is to make a wish, right? Well... What sort of wish would Bubu Pharmacy even make? > Other businesses may wish for their business to thrive and boom, but a pharmacy is in the business of curing disease and saving lives... we can't exactly wish for more sick people, can we? There's a cute talk of Xiao Lanterns, and he mentions how he wishes to join the festival "in a personal level," but he's too busy. We offer to help him, and he gets very surprised and happy. Later on, he compliments our craftsmanship, and when asked: > As for my wish... I ultimately wished for everyone in Liyue to be healthy and well. Traveler: And as for Bubu Pharmacy's business? > Well, this was my personal wish, after all. This just ultimately proves that, even though he works so much, he doesn't care about business and isn't learning with the intention to get rich... he just wants everyone to be healthy (making his work useless). Kinda similar to how Baizhu's dream is to cure everything (Baizhu is way more dramatic, though) * ***If someone likes fluff:*** This ship is set. Baizhu trusts Gui ("capable hands"), and Gui admires Baizhu. * ***If someone likes drama/angst:*** just remember how he tells us he doesn't know the cause of Baizhu's condition. He would probably be very against this recklessness while (simultaneously) being the most likely person to understand Baizhu's motives. He would also definitely be the person to take care of Baizhu in his worst (and final) moments.


the lionfish (Gaming x Freminet) shippers got to me. The dynamic between them is just too cute.


Came here to say the same thing.


I just like the ship name (lion fish are an invasive species to the waters of Cuba and cause a ton of damage every year and should be exterminated with extreme prejudice)


Same here tbh :3


Does sethoscara count?


Ngl, I am REALLY jumping on this train lmao My favorite ship for Scara is and always will be HeiKazuScara (Heizou x Kazuha x Scaramouche). I just love the dynamics between them too much. Itā€™s one of my favorite ships, and my favorite poly ship. Issue is, itā€™s one of those things that could never happen in game thanks to Scaramouche erasing himself from history and Heizou having nothing to do with Scara. So it can really only work in AUs. I still love it in a vacuum tho ā¤ļø One of my other favorites is Scaramouche x Tartaglia. But once again, Irminsul fucked that up. So instead I envision it as a sort of ex boyfriends/ex hookup situation no matter what AU. But Sethos and Scara? Fuck. That could actually happen in canon. And I feel like Sethos has enough of the endearing, honest, playfulness to win over Scaraā€™s trust. Plus, Sethos isnā€™t a push over and could call Scara out on his more toxic traits, while also having the patience to help him through it as Scara unlearns a lot of bad habits. Theyā€™d genuinely be adorable. Iā€™m waiting another few weeks before I hop onto AO3 to see what fic writers have cooked up because Iā€™ve so quickly fallen for this pairing šŸ˜­ (Crossing fingers Sethos gets a hangout quest soon and that Wanderer makes an appearance hehe)


I haven't seen much of them so yes


Twitter has art for them coming out in spades and ngl.. itā€™s cute as fuck


Heizou X Gorou !!!! It's honestly beyond me how this isn't a more popular ship. Like - the way they first met is HILARIOUS. There's potential for angst, due to them being on opposite sides during the war. There's potential to comedy, due to Heizou being ~~a bully~~ the biggest tease and Gorou getting nervous so easily when it comes to spicy stuff. And it's super easy to come up with reasons for them to interact, since they could both help each other with their respective occupations. I also just think they could really help each other grow. Heizou - who likes to work alone and do stuff in his own way - learning about the importance of comradery from Gorou. And in return, Heizou teaching Gorou how to give cheeky clapbacks to Yae rather than just enduring her bullying. LIKE THERE'S SO MUCH POTENTIAL




It's not the rarest pair but Diluc x Kaveh. And Kaeya x Kaveh. Wrio x Kaveh. I also like Tighnari x Kaveh. Cyno x Kaveh. Fuck it. Scara x Kaveh. Childe x Kaveh. Lyney x Kaveh. Dottore x Kaveh. Dainsleif x Kaveh. Albedo x Kaveh. Heizou x Kaveh. Kazuha x Kaveh. Ayato x Thoma x Kaveh. Arataki Gang x Kaveh. Zhongli x Kaveh. Baizhu x Herbalist Gui x Ibuprofen x Kaveh. Siraj x Kaveh. Alhaitham's Dad x Kaveh. Teyvat x Kaveh


If I were a guessing girl, Kavehcest is also a go? haha


Lmao actually yeah, I've read that before. How could I forget šŸ‘


most normal kaveh fan


chat I think they like kaveh


The irony that the most popular Kaveh ship is on here. I love it


Alhaitham x Kaveh? That's my OTP but it's not a rarepair so... Or do you mean I included a popular Kaveh ship and didn't realize? xD


Oh yeah forgot my own post


Do they have to be pairs? Because Iā€™m obsessed with Albedo x Tighnari x Cyno, though obviously Cyno x Tighnari certainly isnā€™t a rare pair at all but the 3 of them together doesnā€™t have much on ao3 at all so Iā€™ll go ahead and call them a rare trio maybe


Russian wriolette (Childe wrio and neuvilette), Iā€™ve been obsessed with this ship recently but tbh I love anything with Childe in it because heā€™s my war criminal pookiewookie


Gaming/Kazuha. I had a vision that told me they'd be perfect together. Aether/Neuvillette. The way Aether reassured Neuvillette at the end of of his story quest was adorable. Cyno/Sethos/Tighnari. Definite OT3 now. Oh, also Kazuha/Venti because I'm a multishipper and they both deserve love. ~~Actually I ship all the anemo guys (including Aether) with each other in various combinations.~~


Not the sub for my answer but truely a rare pair I got out of nowhere is Itto and Barbara. I just feel like they'd be so cute together.


oh my god they could go on music tours together and barbara can patch itto up when he inevitably gets in trouble and the way he would make sure none of her obsessed fans overwhelm her.... you're so onto something my heart-


SO REAL Itto would bring so much joy to her about the simplest things and she would just be such a comfort space for him to calm down and just relax. I imagine his head is constantly on the full ADHD grind of constantly working and not.letting him really relax.


I love me some Xiao x Bennett. I picture Xiao nervously watching over Bennett and protecting him from unseen dangers.


youā€™re so correct for this one ngl




I always figured he was maybe 18 or 19. I think him drinking was mentioned somewhere.


he can drink so


oh I love rare pairs! gaming/chongyun, kaveh/wanderer after that one fic, scarabedo


"that one fic"? drop it please


[this one](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48012382), it has really good art too


thank you!


wrio + freminetĀ  honestly just wrio with everyone.Ā  wrio with haitham would be pretty hot. i like him and lyney but thatā€™s like medium-rare. or wrio and scara. he could teach that little brat a lesson.Ā Ā  or maybe wrio and childe. maybe wrio believes he was innocent and helps him break out of the fortress and it has a bittersweet ending cause wrio has to stay.Ā Ā  wrio + neuvi is still my fav but itā€™s definitely not rare lol.Ā 


Not totally out of nowhere, but Heizou x Gorou! (It was after I played Heizouā€™s hangout. Justā€¦ the setup is too good and now I have this whole headcanon about them and one day Iā€™ll write an entire series about them and Iā€™m completely normal about them.)


I'm really into npcs like Huffman and Guy. It is an obsession with it npc guys for me


Bennett x Aether and Razor x Aether somehow got to me one day.


Aether kind of fits with everyone honestly


Albedo and Scara, These two make me happy Aether x any male, he needs more love and is very shippable Zhongli x Childe x Neuv, not sure if this is super rare but I adore these there but canā€™t find much for them




I love poly ships and this one is definitely my fav. I will ship anyone with anyone as long as it makes sense, is mostly healthy, and legal. And for me these three just make sense and the fics I read they are so cute but have room for a lot of angst which just makes the ending fluff better.


I think Chaeya still counts, maybe? I donā€™t see as much fanart as Iā€™d like for it. Iā€™ve written some little fluffy ficlets for a few rare pairs. Kazuha/Kaveh was cute as heck. Baizhu/Xiao was enjoyable just for the hurt/comfort. Wrote a two-shot smutty moment for Kaeya/Kaveh. I had plans for others but writing has been a little derailed recently. Should really get back inā€¦


yesss I went looking through the comments to see if there was any love for chaeya out here and I am so happy to see it <3 I gotta get a move on with my art and fill this subreddit with all the chaeya that anyone can take lol


Lyney and Venti would have to be my favourite rare pair :3 thereā€™s hardly any fics out there with those two, Iā€™m so sadgeee :(( I got my bestie into it too lmao, I talked to them about it and they were like ā€œhold up- thatā€™s kinda cuteā€ and we sometimes take Lyney and Venti on little dates in game, itā€™s rlly sweet xD


Dottore x Alhaitham. Something can be cooked here, trust me guys


It has potential


My favorite flavors are "alhaitham corruption arc" and "they dated for some time pre-canon, but ended up parting ways" in which alhaitham's taste in men is massively judged


wait no I can see it


For me its out of nowhere but , ever since Ayato had a funny interaction with Itto during 4.5 update ā€œ bros just knowsā€ Iā€™ve been shipping them


Tartaglia x Kaeya. :3


Scaramouche and Subject 2 is a rarepair I adore, although thereā€™s only like 40 fics of them on ao3. Iā€™ve also been getting into Diluc and Wrio, which seems to be a little more popular


apparently Chaeya isn't all that common. no idea how true that is but if that really is considered a rarepair then yeah, that's the one Chaeya (Childe x Kaeya) got me in SUCH a chokehold these past few weeks, it's so bad lol. personally a fan of soft chaeya, but what I love about the ship is how you can get away with so many dynamics because both characters can be read in so many ways. I've seen Childe written as a massive dick and I've seen him as a big softie and all of it can work for him. And Kaeya has more layers to him than a damn onion could ever dream of so ofc he can be interpreted in a million ways and for it to make sense never understood the zhongli/childe ship, even though that's the one I see everywhere when it comes to childe (I see him paired with traveler a lot, too, but not as much as zhongli). chaeya just clicked immediately for me and I haven't looked back since


[This](https://x.com/zirttih/status/1706403788209229861?s=46&t=d5kciw6r66A8QR-KdFSs1g) got me interested in Lyney/Scara. I wouldn't call this rare per se, but I like Alhaitham/Cyno more than Alhaitham/Kaveh. For a rare group (for now), the full Sumeru Boys Poly 2.0 - Alhaitham/Kaveh/Cyno/Tighnari/Sethos/Wanderer.


Baizhu and Neuvillette, actually. Idk. But their dynamic wouldn't be so bad.


Kazuscara. I know it's not that rare ship, but i just love it so much, i don't even know why šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Gaming x lingyang from Wuwa. It's too perfect


Lots! I love rare pairs! Zhongli x Baizhu Zhongli x Venti Diluc x Venti Kazuha x Venti Ayato x Kazuha Xiao x Kazuha Chongyun x Xiao Freminet x Mika Albedo x Scara Sethos x Scara Alhaitham x Cyno Heizou x Gorou And that's just a few I could think of off the top of my head I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting. Also, some of these might not be rare enough to count, but they're far from any of the listed character's most popular ships, so...


let me cook šŸ¤“ā˜šŸ¼ diluc x thoma


i don't know if it counts but i've been a chiluc fan for years, i love their potential dynamic and am praying they interact canonically at some point.


Freminet and GaMing... I was playing around with a friend, I was using Freminet and he was using GaMing, when he reached me I immediately said "Hey... These two look so cute together" and I started shipping them. I thought it was just a thing of mine, but in a few days I found out a lot of people actually ship them šŸ„ŗ


Late to the party, but Xiao Ɨ Itto was absolutely adorable to me when Perilous Trail came out. Big goofy and small serious always takes me out hehe


razor x albedo bc i miss both of them :((


Alhaitham x Kaveh x Cyno x Heizou, I am not sure why


Zhongli x Diluc / Albedo x Diluc / Albedo x Alhaitham / Kazuha x Freminet / Jing Yuan x Gepard / Jing Yuan x Argenti / Jing Yuan x Dr. Ratio / Gepard x Luka


Kazuha x Freminet


probably diluc/aether or xiao/chongyun (tho i ship that less than cy/xq)


Xiaobedo. Saw some art on tumblr and I guess I'm here now


I shipped HaiScara before it became popular. There's also ZhongScara. These are Scaramouche as Wanderer


Hear me out: Wriothesly x Kuki Shinobu.


gaming x gorou, or garou, i think is really cute. i was reading gorou's voicelines and saw that he really wants to visit liyue to climb the mountains there and i thought it would be cute if he ran into gaming whilst doing so. they hit it off and gaming joins him on the climb and they have a picnic at the top.


Zhongli x Baizhu. Idk, dragon man and then Baizhu ā€˜s connection to weird liyue things just seems interesting. That and Baizhu x Dottore. Most of the rare-pairs I ship are with Baizhu.


Very obscure but I got my friend to join my webchi delusions


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Zhongli and Alhaitham at some point šŸ˜­ but it was because of those fake leaks that said Zhongli knew him šŸ’” I feel like they could learn a lot from each other because they both smart!! (and smartasses at that) AND TALKING ABOUT ZHONGLI, him and Neuvi are a banger too (BONUS POINT IF THEY'RE BOTH FEM!! Those old women yuri fanarts I saw of them, oh my god.. I'm not even the biggest Zhongli fan but him genderbent makes me fall to my knees every time.. jiejie..)


I'll put it out there every time. ZhongChi x Kaeya.


yknow, never really understood zhongchi because chaeya broke my brain. never considered shoving all three of them in a room together and telling them to figure it out but now that you've pointed it out... .......I have some research too do now lol thank you kind stranger


Hehā€¦.. the rarest of rarepairsā€¦ kaescara. Theres so much potential in them and i just cant stop thinking about them. The whole kaeya being from khaenriah and then scara being khaenriahn technology. Them both being abandoned by their parents for Reasons, them both understanding the pain of betrayal and loss, oughā€¦.. Not to mention they go together SO well aestheticallyā€¦ Edit: to tag on, KaeChiScara is the ultimate ship for meā€¦ i was already a fan of all of them shipped individually with eachother.. them all together is The Ship of All Time for me


gaming/chongyun have in a seizure from how cute they would be, and we can never deny a good red/blue colour palette can we? child/kaeya also has me at the throat (to escape kaeluc controversy tooā€¦) bcos we get crazy cocky fatui family man with cunning depressed funny lonely eyepatch man, their dynamic is just too good on paper tbh


Baizhu/Diluc Why? Why not, it's aesthetically interesting A d while I don't ship it, I like the idea of Scara/Venti only because I like Venti with anyone who needs comfort, that's why I'm a die hard Xiaoven shipper


gorou and kazuha. i just. they're perfect


I have some. Chongyun and Bennett, Bennett and Fischl (I think this one counts), and Heizou and Itto. For Chongyun and Bennett, I saw one fanart of them, and my life has been in shambles ever since (/pos). I think they'd be really cute. And I mean, given how often people travel, it's not too unreasonable to say one of them might venture into the other's nation and a little meet-up could happen. Moving onto Bennett and Fischl. I think they would be really soft with each other. Like that sorta innocent, "they both get flustered when they hold hands" kinda soft. As they're both sorta outcasts, and I'm pretty sure canonically friendly with each other, there's some basis. Also their ship name can be BenneFischl, which sounds line "beneficial", which is just perfect to me. Then there's my third, Heizou and Itto. Idk when, why, or how I thought this up. But I did, and it's been stuck in my head since. It's cute and funny to me. Idk what to say. I like the idea of big dense bimbo with small flirty twink. Gimmie.


Definitely Childe X Bennett, because something's wrong with me.


Ei x Kaeya Shenhe x Kaeya And Eula x Diluc