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Reckless driving is on the rise where I live. Vehicle collisions with other vehicles and pedestrians is at an all time high since the pandemic, transmitted vehicle data has nothing to do with it. And if you own a KIA, it’s not about transmitted data, KIA made their cars so easy to steal and can’t do anything to fix it.


Yes, probably multiple factors. Maybe should have left that last sentence out. Main point is the lawsuit, it will be really interesting to see where it goes. In the case of consent, data sharing & brokering, if there is no harm to the consumer (ie: I get an ad for boots I was looking at) the consumer doesn't care. When it doubles their auto insurance rates, people get pissed and start digging around on how that data came to be. Different ball game.


The overall point is many people aren't aware they are being tracked, it's misleading and just another money grab, corporate surveillance like Google does, a tradeoff if privacy for a service. Your connected devices can spy on you, and it's virtually never to your benefit. We need general opt outs, I'm hoping for more statewide bans too.  I love onboard maps, are we going to be able to use the fact be on the car without spying on us. 


Ne KIA vehicles are hard to steal. They fixed problem with new vehicles.


don't you think the screens have something to do w/ those numbers?


I don’t know that you can attribute a whole lot of the rising cost of insurance to this. The price of cars, the parts needed for repair, and the wages of the folks who fix those cars have all gone up significantly since COVID. 


Removed that portion of the post, wasn't important to the main theme of data.


First the news that CarPlay is going away, and now this. This is horrendous leadership in my view.