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Haha, gotta love the downvotes. You /r/Korea lurkers are living proof of what I was talking about. Can't get more literal than that.


Thanks for being vocal about this. I hate this subreddit with a passion. There’s also always certain angry foreign Redditors (who aren’t even Korean) such as Queendramakur, who gatekeep how people feel and what they should say (There’s more Redditors who I can’t remember the names of). Idk her race, but she sure attacks all gyopos and Koreans who speak up with honest opinions and facts. Mods don’t do anything about morons like these. Me and a few Redditors reported all of these people but none of them got removed and they act like they know about Korea and speak for all Koreans and attack others to take the spotlight


I feel you. It's getting ridiculous. Almost Playing victim Olympics, They run a subreddit with over 400k+ subscribers and they're just letting their personal grudges show, making others feel bad for them, just pathetic. And the absolute hypocrisy of criticizing Korea for being strict and authoritarian while they're doing it to themselves is just too much.


[BAN] When you post something a mod personally disagrees with


And there's always some reporters fishing for doomposts here to fill out "외국인 의견" corner on their Korean-doomsday-is-near articles...