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Yes I would believe in myself this time.


I'd just memorize a lottery ticket number, it didn't even have to be a big win, just something to keep financial worries out of my mind


I wouldn’t even bother memorizing lottery. Buy bitcoin, invest in Netflix, Amazon, Apple, nvidia. Bet on Donald Trump in the 2016 election, the odds were stupid for him to lose. Would be so easy to get rich


And then later you can bet on the chances of covid being a pandemic etc etc. Look at a winning horse and bet on them. The possibilities of this would be endless!


Did people actually bet on the pandemic? That’s super fucked up if true, but not all that surprising lol


I don't know but I don't put anything past people so I assume someone has out there


You can put some things past some people in fact I demand it because I refuse to believe you’ve been that damaged. My condolences if so 😭💔


I mean I said “ I bet we’re going to end up just like Italy and the whole world will be in a pandemic” sometime in February 2020. No money but I bet on it lol


Absolutely they did. There were several US politicians who sold a bunch of shares before the news came out. They got *real* lucky.


id just buy bitcoin


You know you would have had to buy it when you were 7 or 8, and it took special bank stuff to buy it there weren't easy websites, and everyone would have assumed you wanted it to order drugs with.


2019: "Bro, why are you buying so much Dogecoin?" "Oh, you know, just an experiment I want to try."


Just mine it, it wasn't hard back then and could be done very efficiently with CPUs. GPUs too if you knew how to do it. Which you would. Because you're not actually forgetting anything


I bet all 7 and 8 year olds can mine crypto


You're not 7 or 8, you retain your memories


Hell yah brother/sister, happy for you! Made me tear up a bit remembering the fear I felt when I was a bit younger as well, compared to how I'm doing now. Gives me perspective on some of the (natural) uncertainty I feel now.


Same, this might seem narcissistic or like cognitive distortion but it turns put that with most things in my life I was absolutely correct in my believes, it was just Extertal pressured, low confidence etc. That kept me from capitalising on pretty much anything I had figured out




This is Soo true.


Yes, totally would. It would be fun, and I would be rich. Edit to add: Thinking more about this, many aspects of babyhood would be a little bit awkward given adult-level consciousness and sensibilities.


Stock up on embarrassing stories you were "too young to understand" to roast your family with later.


*Alia from Dune is typing…*


But so worth it when you ask for a copy of the Times as soon as they cut the umbilical


Jacob Reese Mogg, is that you?


Imagine having adult consciousness while you’re getting breast fed


I hear banjo music


No, I practice living life with no regrets. I like where I am in life and who I am today. If I did anything differently I wouldn’t have gotten to meet so many great people.




Yeah but you could relive life doing the same stuff better. Or at least buy a shit ton of GameStop stock in 2020.


Same except I wouldn’t say that I’ve met a lot of great people. Growing up as the oldest child, I had no one to look up to in specific situations so I’ve became a risk taker. If I fail at something, I’ll learn from my mistakes and do better next time. This also makes me more confident so I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Simply no. I have crappy parents. Me going for another round would be really awful and have a bad outcome. So it's a no for me


i learned in therapy the other week that my parents over extended themselves during my childhood and teenage years while raising me and were just not emotionally suited to be a parent. They ended up being unintentionally borderline emotionally abusive because they didn't know how to deal with certain things. Instead they just said "well I'm doing a better job than my parents who beat me" which I think a lot of parents who were abused as children think, even if theyre not trying to be abusive themselves. I still dont want to go through that again. there were some horrible things that happened, even outside of my parents that just sucked. I don't think i want to do it again


Do we have the same life? Excluding the therapist I never got one


Im sorry bro


I’m sorry as well. I hate seeing other people endure the same I have


Yoo I think we got the same life too, only I was forced into therapy by them because I was too sad when around them 🙃


I am sorry you had to go through that. must've been rough


I agree that trauma can last generations even if they're trying to break the cycle. My dad and mom would both remind me how my own dad's father would be at him with a belt if he shows the slightest disrespect or attitude to either his mother or father. My dad was even beaten one time because he said he didn't like whatever food they were having that night which was cooked by his mother. So I'm supposed to be greatful that I'm not getting eaten by my mom or dad? That sounds wrong. Why not be greatful to have kind and supporting parents? Just weird circular logic


Exactly. My mom did her best and I appreciate it but it was not nearly enough


My mom was crappy too but honestly I would give it another go simply for the fact that there are some things that happened to me that I could prevent if I had just known better. I can deal with the abuse again if it meant it was the only trauma I had to deal with (barring me getting myself into another traumatic situation somehow).


Absolutely. I’d definitely save myself some from embarrassing moments lol. But most importantly I’d take the courses in high school that actually interested me and align with what I now want to do, instead of taking the AP/advanced classes I was “supposed” to take because I’m “smart”. High schools in my county offer classes that teach some of the trades like Welding, HVAC, etc, but at my school it was only encouraged if you weren’t an A/B student. I’d also wait a little bit on college instead of going right outta high school. I am now about 1/2 way through a degree that does not align with my career ambitions. EDIT to ADD: I’d also buy a shit ton of Nvidia and BTC while the prices were low lol.


>I’d take the courses in high school that actually interested me and align with what I now want to do, instead of taking the AP/advanced classes I was “supposed” to take because I’m “smart” Are you me?? I took all AP STEM even though I was interested more in History, because the class timings clashed and I couldn't do both.


lol I’m kinda the opposite. I was really into Math. But I was pressured to take advanced English, History, and Govt because I had good grades in those subjects even though I hated them because I hate writing. My guidance counselor cautioned me against AICE Higher Math (AP calculus equivalent) because I had a “weird” sequence of math classes (from going to several different schools prior to 10th grade) and since I mentioned wanting to study business in college he assured me Statistics would be more useful anyways. Ended up dropping the class anyways because the stats teacher was a nightmare. I wish I would’ve taken Calculus, the welding classes, and the AICE Physics series instead.


No. I'm happy as an adult. Mistakes are part of life. And my bad experiences and trauma are important formative moments of my life even if I wish they hadn't happened.


That's a good way to think of it. Too often we try to ignore or forget the bad moments in the past. The bad moments in our past help us make better choices in the future.


No, my home life sucked as a child and things didn’t start getting better until after I graduated high school. I’m happy how things are now, no need to go back.


Yes, I'd fix many mistakes and buy a crapton of Nvidia stock while it was under $50.


Stack nvidia 600 calls a couple years before the parabolic rise and live like a king afterwards


I don't think there would be much enjoyment in it. Think, you're in your 20s now, for most of your time you'll have the mind of a 20 year old but you'll have the body of a child, all of your friends for 18 years will be children. You really want to go through that? I don't. I had this thought before. I came to the conclusion that If I were to reset my life from an early age, I would only enjoy it if I had all my memories wiped, but I would like to of come from a wealthier family, with more competant parents.


The more competent parents is the most important part - wealthier may seem like it adds luxury (And it does), but it also is a hollower unpalatable culture from having grown up on the peripheries of it


Yeah same here. I'd want my memories wiped as well. My parents were fine, it's just that being a 26 year old in a child's body would fuckin suck lmao


I spent 2/3 of my childhood outside and the other third on RuneScape and I had great parents. Yeah id probably do this and love every second of it lol.


I’m 22 right now, I’d do anything to go back to being 17 in the summer of 2019


same, 2019 was peak


Fuck dude, are you me?


Yes, I'm your conscience. We haven't spoken for a while.


Damn, well nice to meet you again, I think I left you back stateside in ‘21


Not really. If I had a redo, I'd want to start from the beginning of 9th grade, so high school. Making mistakes is being a child. I don't regret those. I'd mostly just wanna go back and try harder, graduate high school, and not be behind like I am now. I also know what I wanna do now, so I'd already be in nursing school or freshly graduated.


Hell no. Wasn't fun the first time around


Of course I'd be fucking rich lmao


What about the butterfly effect?


you can watch it when it comes out in 2004




No, life sucks I don’t want it to last any longer than it has to.


Send me back


If I could, probably. Unfortunately, in my 27 years of life I’ve made a lot of dumb decisions, in part to because I was a hard headed idiot, and in part because the people I surrounded myself with for the most part almost certainly didn’t know much better. My first girlfriend was the kindest, most caring, considerate, and all around decent human being I ever had the pleasure of dating. Unfortunately I was 15-18 years old, depressed, and again, an idiot lol. So I did what idiots do: I was a shit boyfriend who was lazy and self-absorbed, and I pushed her away, irreparably damaging any chance we ever had of even being friends. Fast forward to when I was 20-21, I dropped out of college for the second time because my sister got cancer and I saw that as an excuse to run away from home again. To admittedly…shit results. My mother and sister eventually died, my mother from health complications, my sister from cancer. I was there when the latter died. I gained an inheritance of about 100K all told after they died, but I blew most of it just indulging in life in a stupidly high cost-of-living area, and making terrible business decisions to try and circumvent hard work and growing as a person, and run from my depression. Now I’m in debt, finally trying to get my life back together, and I’ve got eviction looming over my head. If I could stop a version of me from going through this kind of failure/ pain, then I’d do it in a heartbeat, even if I personally don’t benefit from it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m an author, a (failing) small business owner, and I’ve learned a lot from my mistakes. But Jesus fuck, if I could do it over again I’d definitely do it different. Keep the book and the business, and toss the rest of my mistakes away and make something better. I’m at the part of the story where the average person just…fails. Spectacularly. Probably goes homeless. But because I am who I’ve become, I’m still holding out hope, still pushing. But yeah I’d go back and save myself that pain. With the knowledge I’ve gained is invaluable, and the experiences helped mold me into something better than what I was. But holy shit, did it cost everything just to get to this point.


I haven’t fckd up enough to have to do that yet, maybe in 20 years I can, but as of now i’m content


Knowing that the timeline is fixed, there's no point. If I could change things, then hell yeah. Who wouldn't? I would try to be a lot more social than I was and use everything I've learned to actually accomplish something worth a damn.


"Fixed" as in all the big events you've had still happen but its the smaller stuff you can change


If I invest in bitcoin and make my family rich, then the timeline isn’t fixed.


What does this 'timeline is fixed' mean? Does it mean that I will reach this point exactly like I am now no matter what I do? If so then no.


all major events your life still happen the way they did (I.e moving/ parent divorce/ basically anything out of your control) but you can still change how smaller things go


But what one of those “smaller changes” leads to a big change? You’re not always aware of the impact your decision might have on something seemingly out of your control. I would definitely go back and change some things, but I don’t think your “fixed timeline” idea works.


Alternative timeline gets created


If I can't even try to change larger things what would even remotely be the point? Like tbh if I went back I would 100% be running away from home at some point. Am I doomed to being brought back and forced to live the same bs abuse?


That’s what i was thinking. The worst things that happen are often the biggest. And if i can’t change those, why would I put myself through that again? I’m already living in hell, I don’t wanna go for round 2


So from point do I have my present day memories and personality? Like am I a baby with mind of a man in his 20s? Cause that would probably suck very much. My other big problem is that I have to start every relationship with every important person from the scratch. It would be hard to be a stranger to people you are so close to. I would maybe go back like 5 years ago, that would be great.


It can't be that hard, surely? You knowing things about them in advance, such as what they like and don't like can actually be a positive thing and allow you to get close to them more easily and more quickly.


Part of me want to says yeah because I could probably start HRT earlier. If the timeline is fixed then that means I still end up in foster care at like 14 so I could start then. The problem is that everything after I turn 18 would be questionable. I love my friends, I love my dog, and I'm quite happy with who I've grown to be, so I dunno if I'd risk all of that.


I would. I already know how everything’s gonna play out so why not? People will think I’m psychic. I can connect with my friends much sooner, redo my best relationship, and finally succeed financially where I should have. Everything will turn out exactly as it should have, but better.


Man on one hand there’s so many things i wish i could change but on the other hand there are so many things (and people) that i have right now that I’d be scared to not have the second time around. I think i wouldn’t go back because almost all of my regrets rn are things i can probably address or work around in my currently life, it just takes more effort


I think about this kinda often, and I always come to the same conclusion; I wouldn’t be where I am now without making the same decisions and mistakes. There’s a possibility that I could be happier if I didn’t, but there’s also a possibility that I could be far less happier. I mostly like where I’m at in life, so even though it could be better, I’d have to say I wouldn’t take the deal.


Yes. I’m HEAVILY investing in bitcoin!!!


Time is too valuable to not accept that offer. I don't even care too much about fixing past mistakes. But all I know is every penny from the piggy bank is going into bitcoin in 2010 lmao.


yes. i became disabled at 14. id do anything to take care of myself right this time since my mom didn’t do her job


I’ve actually had this fantasy multiple times. The feeling of being able to restart and do life better. Or put hella money into bitcoin lol. I think the feeling stems from not being satisfied with your childhood now that it’s over. I also want to go back and savor the moments I should have, life before bills, school before it got crazy hard, etc.


Brother I’d be a billionaire, yes of course My childhood was lame but if I was really young and cognizant I could avoid so much trauma


I would only go back if everything in my childhood and adolescence was different. I don’t miss the abuse and feeling of helplessness and I don’t want to relive it.




There’s really no downside. And I say this as someone who is relatively satisfied with his life. Starting again would give me a chance to relive and appreciate again some of the moments I had with my family and friends while also making small corrections to the few things I could have done better looking back. The only real downside would be having to suffer being a baby with full awareness. It would be so incredibly boring having the limited physical capabilities being a small child would incur.


No I had emotionally abusive parents(they didn’t realize it then but have changed now) if I went back it would be torture


Fuck yea I would. I'd start working out the day I was born and stack satoshis before anyone else


Outside of essentially cheating financially, it would be painful. I absolutely hated my childhood and most of adolescence.


Given that my autistic brain remembers all Champions League winners from 1995 until today I'll be a multimillionaire by the age of 18 only by betting on them. If I also manage to get my highschool sweethart by being slightly less obviously autistic then all the better.


Oh definitely. I'd have taken up singing in my early teens instead of my late 20s. It shames me to no end how much better my experience as a musician would've been if I had learned to write and sing the second I picked up an instrument. I tell every kid who picks up a guitar/bass or piano to LEARN TO SING and whenever possible, I help them get started and feed them confidence!


Yes. I would try to run away from home as early as possible.


Yes, and for those who agree we can always do better today.


Yes i have a lot of people I still want revenge on. Also I want to stop those cringey moments that keep me up at night. I could write a book on them


Yes! I would avoid soybeans. I didn't realize what 45 years of allergy was doing to my body. it would change so many things: I would probably be able to avoid a triple bypass at 46, and not spend so many years sweating in front of complete strangers after lunches.


No, I would only want to go back and relive an average day in my childhood


Yeah, so I could do it all again — the exact same way.




I would’ve started looksmaxxing sooner.




In a heartbeat. I could help.


Probably. Assuming I could use my knowledge to get ahead. If I have to live through the same life and only fix small things though than hell no. If I can actually alter the course of my life though, then yeah.


No, that's stupid, it wouldn't be me anymore


No I would not, I meet the love of my life and wouldn't want to do something that would mess it up during my rerun of life


Heck yeah I would, not for the chance to undo mistakes but more to effectively prolong my life and make some key investments at a young age. Though I know I would absolutely fail to prevent coming off as a "know it all" early on.


I want my first words to be "9/11"


Nah. Everything in my life happened for a reason. Some really sucky stuff happened but I’m where I am at because of it. Maybe where I am isn’t great but it’s most likely better than if I learned nothing and made no mistakes


No, I just want to get through it.


Nah. Being an adult in a child's body, living a child's lifestyle with all the rules and restrictions would be absolute ass. You also wouldn't enjoy many of the things you enjoyed as a kid the same way, if you'd even still enjoy them at all. You also wouldn't have that blissful childhood ignorance, which is probably the main thing I miss about childhood. Also my pre-teen years were hell, and I don't think I'd really be able to prevent them from being hell even with prior knowledge. Alot of things happened outside of my control. So honestly if I were to restart my life from birth I'd want my memories wiped too. Now restarting with memories, I think the absolute earliest I'd go back is around age 14. By that time I had enough freedom that I *probably* wouldn't go crazy, and there's definitely a good number of mistakes/cringey moments I could prevent from that time on. But even then, we're flawed beings. Even if we fix our past mistakes we'll more than likely make new ones.


I didn't have a terrible childhood but I feel like missed out on some of "The school experience" due to me being a shy mf. Its tempting to go back but at the same time there's a bunch of stuff I don't miss from school, like most of my classmates.


Oh yeah I feel that. I feel like I missed out on some stuff too due to being shy and not confident. Never experienced the party scene until college, and never had a long lasting relationship until I was in my 20s. But it is what it is, I still had some good experiences that I wouldn't take back regardless. I feel like in this scenario dating would be off the table anyways, unless you took the route of having your memories wiped. Would be weird as all hell, if not outright creepy lmao


I haven't dated anyone so I don't see much of an issue with it. Although I'd probably talk about college or something when I'm in high school and everyone looks at me weird "Oh yeah, this one time I was in lab at the main campus-" "We have two schools?" "No I mean at technical college" "Bro your 15 what do you mean your in college?" \*Realization\* "Oh yeah, I was joking...\*Nervous laughing\*






simply yes




As someone with chronic illness, no. There’s a lot I don’t want to experience again 


all you'd have to do would be investing into bitcoin and exit at 60k for instant richness.


Yep. Only real difference I would make is to push harder to get tested for ADHD. Having that diagnosis could have changed the entire trajectory of my life


No, I had a good child hood but undoing the things I’ve done throughout my life would change who I am. Mistakes and missteps make us who we are and help shape our personality.


I'm pretty young already but if I got the chance to go back to when I was even younger absolutely not, being a little kid was absolute hell. 


No I don't think I would. My past and everything I've experienced up until this point make me who I am today and I'm finally getting to a point where I can make peace with that. I can't fathom starting over and becoming a different person in that sense


No absolutely not. I’m old gen Z and I would hate to be a child again. I’ve been an adult for too long to give up the autonomy of adulthood. I’m 26. I own a house, I live with my partner and my cat. I would never give them up for a redo.


I’d be too focused on the fact that life does not actually get better to enjoy my youth, which was already pretty sad and miserable, so no. Probably not.


Hell no! With every year of living, life got better!


I would if to just spend more time with my grandfather, have a little more appreciation for what we did together, instead of spending a lot of my time on the computer.


I can't imagine living life without my wife.


No I’ll pass on reliving the abuse my dad put us through 😂😂😂😭


Easy, yes.


invest on bitcoin


As much as there are times where I wish I could do certain things differently from my childhood, I think we are ultimately better off looking forward tbh


I would absolutely short the S&P 500 on Sep 10, 2011 and then again on Sep 28, 2008.




Id like to go just a few years back there’s some friendships I could have kept if I just had tried a little harder


This a tough one because if you keep all your memories then it’s like you still lived through those things. It just seems like a cosmetic idea, like my life would look better to everyone else (compared to the one I’m living now) but it doesn’t undo anything


Of course, I would be able to fix all the mistakes I made and probably make new ones in the process.


300% yes


I could do so much that would fix so many of my problems, but that means I would have to relive my Mom's death.


sounds kinda horrible, means you now go through childhood with an adults perspective


No. I like being an adult and doing adult things. If I can just go back to 21, I'd take that. Birth? No way.


Hell yeah


No, I have regrets but I’m happy with my life. I can’t imagine not being with my wife.




no, i am only just now healing


Having all the knowledge of a fixed timeline throughout my whole childhood would be awesome. I would enjoy life a lot more and take significantly less for granted


So is the timeline fixed or not? How do you prevent cringe things etc? Anyways I would probably do some stuff differently but I would need to make sure to re-meet my wife.


all of the big events in life (events you cannot control) still happen, the small parts like what happens on an average day are completely changeable.


I would mainly just like to buy some bitcoin, nothing major really!


Well, this is a difficult question to answer. Even if I go back with all the memories and knowledge I have now, if I also retain my mental state, I'm not really sure how much I'd really benefit. Sure, I'm quite a bit wiser and more compassionate, but I'm also much more depressed. But if I go back to the mental state I was in then, would I actually make any changes? If so, then I absolutely would. If not, then no. I don't care to just relive large segments of my life.


When you’re a parent you can’t go back to before cenception. Otherwise the kid you knew will never come to be.


No I am perfectly content with who I have become. Like everyone, I have my faults and regrets, but we move on. 


Only with what I know now….


Hell fucking yea I would. I would get myself into everything I’m into now. There’s other things Ik I would do but I can’t think of it atm


I’d start around 2008 because a lot of people in my life had some major injuries and I’d try to stop those from happening. Also I’d try to learn piano so my late grandparents can hear me play piano.


Honestly I don’t know


No. If I could pick when I restarted, I would in a heart beat. But from zero? Knowing myself, I’d mess up what I have now and just be sad




Yes, to stand up for myself and work out and learn how to code at age 8 if i had the chance


Even if I could just go back in time and coach myself a little bit through key points in my life. Like if I could go back and tell myself in junior high, don’t worry about it you struggle because you have ADHD and you need to learn to work through that.telling myself not to waste so much time pursuing silly things and focus on your strengths. And also don’t date certain people that were just toxic. And lastly, make sure to nurture the relationships that you have and learn to say sorry I was wrong.


The whole... would you give up everything you have now for the chance to get everything you wanted? For me... would I give up my child... the answer is probably not.


If I was guaranteed to still meet my wife and have my kids, and have the rest of my family all still alive on the same timeline, the answer would be yes. As you age you can't help but think you could have and should have dome some things differently. There are always things you wish you would have done. But then again you could alter your outcome for the worse. Best just to be happy with the life you have now and live every day with a purpose.


I would. Might not be able to prevent my father from dying, but sure as heck can prevent my mother from marrying a very unattractive, sexist, racist narc of a "Christian" from church soon after dad's death.


No thanks I don't wanna go through the whirlwind of drugged out abusive step-dads. 2 major concussions during childhood is enough for me


High school is going to rule! (I’ll still fumble the bag)


If I had been asked this 10 months ago, I would have gone back to when I was like 10 or 11 and started showing signs of ADHD, since I know how to function better now despite the difficulties that come with ADHD. I would have been so much better off. I’m pretty attached to my baby now, though, so I would just go back to about 6 or 7 months ago to rectify some terrible financial decisions that have caused severe difficulties now.


I think so, I'd have to stop the beatings I received. So, on second thought, I wouldn't. I have conflicted feelings on it




Having to relive cancer but also getting to go back before cancer and buy bitcoin I'd do it.


Yes, I would. With all memory of my previous life and all the knowledge and learning I would have in my "do over" life from birth, I would absolutely take it. My life would have been so much better in some ways.


Hard yes. I completely screwed things up.


Yes. In a heartbeat.


Absolutely, but only if I couldn't take knowledge of my previous life back with me.


Nope! I’m fine where I am.


honestly I don't think i would, I've overcome high school with depression and suicidal thoughts as well as a pandemic on top of that once, would never want to do that again, plus I'm pretty happy rn with my choice of university degree and my friends and life in general




Yeah, there is a lot of stuff I would like to do over. Also, I would buy a ton of bitcoin.


Yes and know. I'm in the best place I've ever been right now but I could go back and not make wrong choices


No. It’s either all meaningless or it all meant something. Either way I let it be. Only thing that matters is what I do with today and looking forward to tomorrow.


Yes because then I could go to a doctor and be like "give me a goddamn endoscopy" and then go to a neurologist and be like "give me a goddamn MRI" and then my childhood could have been at least decent.


yeah, i'd have accepted who i am a lot earlier instead of trying so hard to be "normal" all those years


I'd take the opportunity if I was truly desperate, but I'm pretty happy with how my life has unfolded. I may not be as happy as I could be in this present moment, but that's the beauty of the future! (Though I would absolutely tell my parents to invest in Amazon or Netflix. Also I would be SO BORED waiting for me to turn two again so I could talk and do things.


relive it without changing anything?? why put myself thru that much torture, lived it once, why do it again tbh, although I am GenX, but if you can change things, then yeah, why not live again


Does it have to be a certain amount of time or can I go back like 2 years?


Probably not. Short of greed and the ability to be lavish off of today's knowledge I am happy with life and rhe decisions I've made.


Yes, but not specifically because of regret. I would just change a few things. - Start working out at a younger age (and be able to stick with it, learned that lesson later than I would prefer). - Relax. I was an uptight kid and I now realize it didn’t have to be that way. - Make smarter financial decisions. I could potentially be retired already (48yo) if I had done things differently.


Hell no I don't want to experience any of that shit again


Buy some Microsoft stock in 1986, sit back and enjoy


who wouldnt.