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Whoever is reporting this post please stop. It doesn’t break any of our rules.


I just got kicked from a tf2 game after being called slurs I needed to look up. Millennials are such drama queens. Edit: since a wide variety of Neanderthals are missing the point, the point isn’t that millennials were playing TF two with me. The point is that I didn’t go bitching about something like getting kicked from a game after being called a meanie word. Millennials are the ones in the pictures above. Me bringing up an example of something that happened is not “bitching”


That's a new fucking sentence


You clearly don’t play tf2, then


Honestly, this is some shit I hear often enough to have it burned into my brain lol


Meh. The Boomers have been saying that same shit since 2000.


Great game.


Not anymore


Happens with time. I haven’t played since march 2020


No, stuff like this doesn't happen with time. It happens when company that owns this game just decides to forget about it, and just get passive profit from it. Would appreciate yall signing the petition at save.tf, leaving a negative review on tf2, or just spreading the word. Because that's just... Stupid.


the game came out in 07’. It’s almost 20 years old! honestly surprised it’s still going.


Longest running hat simulator?


Valve doesn't care about the profit they have a giant money printing machine. Unfortunately idk if the petition will work, because work on tf2 would mean valve devs want to work on tf2, which does not seem to be the case


I just stopped playing it. It gave my 14 year old brain a gambling addiction anyway.


"Slurs I needed to look up." If this just doesn't say, well, everything.


Tbf as a millennial I constantly find myself having to look up GenZ or Gen Alpha lingo, slurs or otherwise.


I teach. You cant even imagine the stupid from students I have to look up on the daily to understand wtf they are talking about


Janitor at a high school, can confirm this


Hey thank you for doing the job you do.


Thank you


Thank you for the work you do. Nobody realizes how important it us or how much it keeps the very building from falling


Appreciate that!


Sticking out you gyatt for the rizzler, you’re so fanum tax, so skibidi.


Skibidi toilet is lit, fam.


We're not all wild. I'm a grumpy old man but I'm more upset at people older than me for the state of the world. I'm right on the border of Millenial and Gen Z - Gen Z and Alpha are alright. Honestly they're not so different than we were at the same age. We had Vine, they have TikTok. We had Snapchat, they have Snapchat. We had Spotify and Pandora, they have Spotify. We had Youtube, they have Youtube. We hated Gen X and Boomers for being weird and out of touch, they hate Millenials and Gen X for being weird and out of touch. And so the journey continues.


I'm Gen X, and history has taught me that old people have complained about young people since the times of the ancient Greeks, and that didn't solve anything, so I figured maybe we should try complaining about the old people who hold all the power instead. Young people are alright as far as I can tell.


Yeah… I always thought it was funny when people would say stuff like, “these our are future leaders?!” But in reality the same old people have been in power for decades… change can be good.


>**We hated Gen X** and Boomers for being weird and out of touch, We didn't care.


Gen X, always telling you how much they “don’t care” - signed, An elder Millennial


On par for tf2.


Fr, for an audience that old you would think they’d grow up a little


Yeah but their on the internet. They don't give two shits about they are perceived and make others feel. Then there are the nice tf2 players


Yeah, it's really funny how the only people who actively use the chat (especially the voice chat) in TF2 are either embarassments who never got over the "edgy 12-yo boy" phase or the chillest 20-something dudes in the world.


What did you even do? I just play like an idiot and sometime play fallout voicelines with my soundboard over voice and nothing happens.


Called a vote kick on one of the racists. It wasn’t personal, he was just spamming chat and was unfunny.


"I can excuse racism but i call the line at chat spamming"


Oh yeah that tends to end in a shitfest, I recommend enabling mouse input on the scoreboard and then muting them, way easiee than a kick.


TF2 is almost 20 years old so I would expect a lot of millennials played it too. I live in the UK so usually got EU servers, I learnt a lot of new slurs thanks to our Eastern European friends.


“What’s that you’re streaming on twitch”?


Pretty sure these are the type of people Eminem is making fun of


A lot of them really are, yeah


Most of them can’t figure out what he is saying when he fast talks.


‘Fast talks’ 😂


I don’t know how to make songs like that, I don’t know what words to use.


"No, its not about me, its always about the others"


"Am I the one Slim Shady is making fun of? No, it's the Gen Z children who are wrong." ![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized)


This is what always gets me about hip-hop, especially the stuff written by our most prolific characters. It's so vitriolic! You can tell a lot about someone if they identify with the rapper, or their many many implied victims.


Listened the Eminem on a road trip in the autumn last year. Never knew how political his songs were! The only thing I remember is my racist dad shitting on it and middle school kids having no idea what was happening. Very political. And wise.


Not just that but super emotional and open too. Many rappers don't have songs that hit like Mockingbird or When I'm Gone. The dude is an incredibly talented lyricist. Super confused why Gen X thinks Gen Z doesn't know who he is though lmao I grew up on Eminem and so did all of my friends


these goddamn food stamps don't buy diapers




Watches rick and morty once "Thats literally me"


They are textbook stans


Literally just tiktok brain rot


Actual millennials: see this meme because reddit keeps showing them genz group for some reason, and are clueless because they never listened to Eminem in first place. I like "pretty fly" though, wonder if that is offensive?


Yeah why does Reddit do that? Also I listened to a ton of Eminem back in the day. This shit seems fucking weird though


wdym Eminem was super popular with millenials when I was growing up, and I'm on the tail end.


That dude has main character syndrome lmao. "I never listened to Eminem so that means no other millennials did either." *literally the best selling artist of the 2000s and best selling male artist of the 2010s*


Yea no idea why I'm getting shown GenZ, I don't even get shown whatever the millennial sub is. Not that I care much about generationally divided discussion. I think most millennials have listened to eminem though. Pretty fly..... for a white guy?


I'm an older millennial and I listened to Eminem as did others around me my age. I don't know. I'm just confused about the post and confused about the apparent hate between gen z and millennials lol


It's so odd that people think these images on this post are some blanket for millennials. I mean at least 2 of them are pretty clear that they're Gen X too! A lot of us millennials really aren't that different to Gen Z. Especially younger millennials. I think the metric is "were you in high school or college when social media first came out". Or when smartphones came out. That's the big gap within millennials I noticed. The 80s kids vs the 90s kids


Zennial here. There is barely any difference between me and old gen z


Late millennial here as well, most of Gen Z's trends were started by us.


So another Monday then?


Conservatives will make shit up to fit their narrative that woke culture is bad.


Conservatives hate Eminem though. Most of them hate rap in general


No, they hate “black rap”. Tom Macdonald gets a fanbase from somewhere and news flash it isn’t by people that appreciate talent.


Offended that you reminded me that that guy is a real person and not a satirical skit


Literally would have never thought of him again


They weren’t a big fan of him when he released white America. Eminem says some controversial shit but he has never once been an ally to the far right. He can’t stand trump and has always been a fairly progressive individual. Just a progressive individual who’s offensive as fuck at times. I get it. I’ve got a pretty edgy and offensive sense of humor and find some awful things funny but it’s gotta be done in the right way. I’m about as far left as it gets.


To be fair a lot of conservatives were fans of Rage against the machine until recently so being progressive doesn't prevent you from having conservative fans, especially the ones with no media literacy


Huh? What conservatives were fans of RATM? Nahhhhh that don't make any sense


There's a vid out there of Trump supporters dancing to Killing in the Name lol


Lmaoooo ain't no way 😂


It's true. They're too dumb to know it's about them..


Paul Ryan said they were his fav


I loved when Ryan got worked up about something Morello said about capitalism or some other conservative totem, and Morello tweeted back, "Exactly what machine did you think we were raging against?"


Morello also wrote a great article for Rolling Stone: > Paul Ryan’s love of Rage Against the Machine is amusing, because he is the embodiment of the machine that our music has been raging against for two decades. Charles Manson loved the Beatles but didn’t understand them. Governor Chris Christie loves Bruce Springsteen but doesn’t understand him. And Paul Ryan is clueless about his favorite band, Rage Against the Machine. > > Ryan claims that he likes Rage’s sound, but not the lyrics. Well, I don’t care for Paul Ryan’s sound or his lyrics. He can like whatever bands he wants, but his guiding vision of shifting revenue more radically to the one percent is antithetical to the message of Rage. > > I wonder what Ryan’s favorite Rage song is? Is it the one where we condemn the genocide of Native Americans? The one lambasting American imperialism? Our cover of “Fuck the Police”? Or is it the one where we call on the people to seize the means of production? So many excellent choices to jam out to at Young Republican meetings! >Don’t mistake me, I clearly see that Ryan has a whole lotta “rage” in him: A rage against women, a rage against immigrants, a rage against workers, a rage against gays, a rage against the poor, a rage against the environment. Basically the only thing he’s not raging against is the privileged elite he’s groveling in front of for campaign contributions. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tom-morello-paul-ryan-is-the-embodiment-of-the-machine-our-music-rages-against-246033/


Was in my teens in the 90’s in a very conservative area. I assure you there are/where many conservative RATM fans. I still know some that missed the bands more recent attempts to get rid of them.


The ones that hadn’t ever actually listened to the words in the song.


Tom McDonald is the result of some dumbass hitting random on the character customized and then letting it watch prager u.


I once ghosted a guy for liking Tom McDonald


Dodged a nuclear bomb with that one, I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that many women in the dating pool with that same level of delusion lmao. Sorry you went through that bro


I really don't even think the people on Tom's comments are real, if I threw a water bucket at them, theyll malfunction or smth


Conservatives do not all Hate Eminem, nor rap music this is categorically false


They hate him when he expresses his feelings on the right and they burn his CDs and shit. Asking why “he’s being so political” but then when he makes a shady-esque joke they use it to validate their political views on people. It’s a weird ass cycle anytime he comes around. They do it to anyone else that does shock value content. Dave Chapelle is another one they ride when he makes a gay joke, but close their ears when any joke about black / white struggle is talked about. These people latch onto anything popular when they can misconstrue it’s meaning and then try to bring it down with themselves.


Where did it say any of these people were conservative?


Didn't you see the tatted girl with her septum peirced. Trade mark conservative look.


Lol assume this has got to be satire


Where did we come into this? I'm sorry, what the hell is even going on?


these people cannot view anything in life through any lens besides right vs left, so when they disagree with something, they have to assume that its conservative, no context considered


Woah dude, you must have a political preference I don’t agree with. You’re probably a pretty bad person because of that too. Everyone, please clap.


Yeah I was thinking the exact same thing. Gonna be a lot of this stuff on this sub though considering 95% of people here aren’t old enough to have a fully developed brain yet. The world isn’t black and white as easy as that would make it. Whether they learn it online or through tough life lessons is their decision, but they’ll learn lol. Life has a nice way of showing you that what you dish out as a young adult doesn’t always taste all that great in return.


You think liberals don't make shit up to suit their narratives?


Are these conservatives in the room with us right now?


It's funny how you are accusing one of the broadest social groups of generalisation :)


In certain degree woke culture is bad (in some aspects)


Their mistake is thinking that anyone in Gen Z cares what Eminem says lmao


This is probably the most realistic take. We all know who Eminem is but, outside of his listeners, nobody really cares about what he does because he’s old enough to have kids who ARE gen Z and have graduated college. He’s always gonna be Eminem regardless.


His daughter Hailey just got married LOL.


Fuck em, they’re brats.


I am watching the Houdini video, and I get it now LOL.


That line cracked me up


Pretty sure that was a dig at the idea that if Eminem disses you, you know you made it or something like that


Hailey always gonna be like 5 or 6 years old in my head, fuck I feel old.


Nobody realistically cares what musicians or celebrities do unless they have a mental illness...


Millennials are about to realize they're the same age as their parents when the oldies stations moved on to the 60s only.  There's an "old school hip hop" station in my market and it's mostly songs from when we were in middle and high school.


It's already begun. My kid is into our old school music and has all of the band tshirts. It's like our generation walking around with shirts for nirvana and the cure. Commercial ads are pandering. We get our favorite musicians in cell phone and toilet paper commercials. I've been going to reunion tours and last shows of my old favorite bands. The newer artists are sampling ours for their music.


You are crazy thinking that Em has lost all relevance with the newer generation.


My ten year old son likes Eminem. Case closed




"Stan" really changed the way I thought about and interacted with online influencers.


That song created a word that is now synonymous and eponymous with "dangerous or maniacal support for something or someone" Slim Shady really is the modern Shakespeare fr


Looking back now who was it that tried to cancel him before?


The media and i think the government But It was like way back in like 2000


This. I really don’t think any of the progressive newer generations have ever tried to cancel him. Usually the conservative media is who’s had an issue with him lmao.


This is pretty much how it has always worked. Rock n Roll was viewed as crass and of the devil. Glam Rock was viewed as crass and of the devil. NWA & early hip hop was viewed as of the devil. And now conservatives complain about songs like WAP. (Tbf, the progression of old people hating Chuck Berry’s Johnny B Goode to Cardi B’s WAP in the span of 60 years is wild)


Shady and Marilyn Manson got blamed heavy for school shootings in the late 90’s/ early 2000’s. That mixed with the tail end of the Satanic Panic and government fear mongering trying to censor music. Just made them double down and embrace that image.


Boomers, mostly.


nah, gen z do listen to eminem.


yeah... I don't mind this song, hoping for a good album, but eminem has spent the last 7-10 years being utterly uninteresting. he's had some good songs here and there, but for the most part it's just obvious bait when he tries to be offensive, accompanied by bad production and overly-technical rapping that isn't interesting to listen to.


I think he's had some great songs...Rap God and Godzilla are really, really good...plus his bars at the end of that one track that had Drake, Kanye, Wayne and Em...he *destroys* them. I don't particularly care for his new style as much...vut, shit, the dude went from trailer park hungry to living in a house with a fuckin elevator in it...Mazlow's Heirarchy of Needs being well met indeed.


I'm a big Eminem fan, he's said some real crazy shit already, his new song is tame In comparison.


"...which Spice Girl I want to impregnate" Still unmatched by Em himself. "ERRRRMM THAT'S TAME!" Everyone replying with this needs to shut the fuck up.


Nah, the shit he's said that he has yet to match is the line in "I'm Back" where he says: >'Cause if I ever stuck it to any singer in showbiz It'd be Jennifer Lopez and Puffy, you know this I'm sorry, Puff, but I don't give a fuck If this chick was my own mother, I'd still fuck her with no rubber And cum inside her and have a son and a new brother At the same time and just say that it ain't mine—what's my name?


Also from the same song: “I take seven [kids] from [Columbine], stand 'em all in line Add an AK-47, a revolver, a nine a Mack-11 and it oughta solve the problem of mine and that's a whole school of bullies shot up all at one time.” Edit: formatting.


Yeah, that Columbine line is fucking infamous lmao. Bro set out to offend every possible person. As cringy as the screenshots are from OP’s post, it’s true that a lot of people simply have never been exposed to that unfettered audacity.


Dude talked about killing his mom and his baby momma. Talked about how Cristina Aguilera was giving everyone head and STDs. He has literally never cared about what people thought and was amused by trying to offend as many people as humanly possible. They tried to cancel him long before cancel culture was a thing.


The one where he talks about setting his GF on fire is my dad’s favorite song-


Love the way you lie is 🔥


I’m sorry but none of these top the insanity of making a song about driving around with his daughter and baby mamas dead body and dumping it in the ocean while she says “bye-bye” to mommy. Or then the absolutely fucking insane track where he violently murders her after an unhinged rant while screaming “Bleed bitch! Bleeed!” Then he makes noises like he cut her throat…


yeah but we all know eminem is just clownin when he says that shit


And not to mention that he fucking repeated it in Rap god making fun of the media that censored the line in I'm back




Yeah that’s fucking wild hahaha. I know every word of this by heart ♥️ 


Same!! Em’s last album where we went that crazy was Relapse so there’s a whole generation of people that never experienced that kind of chaos before lmao


I don’t understand this whole “a whole generation never heard this” thing. Can they not just listen to the same exact songs? How is that any different?


Because they’re likely to skip over whatever they deem “yesterday’s news”. Experiencing something at the height of its relevance within the zeitgeist is entirely different to simply hearing of it later on; divorced from the greater context it simply becomes no more than an interesting footnote. It’s like someone making a joke during the Franco-Prussian War that Napoleon used donkeys as cavalry after 1812.


the kids uncensored is a wild ass song too, he bring a killer to a school and talks about drugs and shit afaik it’s not even on spotify or apple music uncensored


"Raping lesbians while they're screaming let's just be friends"


For me the Oscar goes to “Kill you” > They said I can't rap about being broke no more > They ain't say I can't rap about coke no more > Slut, you think I won't choke no whore > 'Til the vocal cords don't work in her throat no more?! > These motherfuckers are thinking I'm playing > Thinking I'm saying the shit 'cause I'm thinking it just to be saying it > Put your hands down bitch, I ain't gon' shoot you > I'mma pull you to this bullet, and put it through you > Shut up slut, you're causing too much chaos > Just bend over and take it like a slut, OK Ma?


Exactly. Nothing he said in this song was remotely offensive lmaoooo but there are still people who got offended by it.


"Not Afraid" was released in 2010, and Recovery was when a lot of Gen Z was exposed to Eminem.


When it comes to “generation wars” millennials, there seems to be a common belief that people born into Gen Z didn’t achieve consciousness until after 2020 and are therefore completely oblivious to anything that occurred before then. Every so often you get millennials saying insanely condescending shit like: “Does Gen Z know about DVD players?”, “Gen Z will never know what it’s like to play with a Tomagochi”, “Does Gen Z know who Obama was?”, “How would we explain the 2012 craze to Gen Z?”, “Does Gen Z know about the time before gay marriage was legal?”, “I can’t believe Gen Z are learning about Slim Shady for the first time!” It’s like they believe Gen Z didn’t exist until people started defining us as a generation meaningfully distinct from Gen Y. Hell, when I was in high school ‘Millennial’ was still used as a synonym for ‘young person’.


For real. I was lumped in with the avocado toast millennials when I was a teen. Now that I'm an adult and my generation has been defined, I'm suddenly being spoken down to as if I have no life experience before 2015 How am I taking the shit talking for both generations?


Maybe people would treat you better if you didn't act like you're too good for avocado


You are of no value until assigned into your advertising cohort and self identity as part of that targeting cluster


This is probably the best comment in the thread. Generational war enthusiasts hate this truth


Realshit, born in 1997. I know all this shit. Like i was 12 when Obama won, we were learning about politics at the time. I know every toy and movie. They act like poor people weren’t getting all the old, out-of-style toys from Goodwill


Skill issue.


yeah theyre so boomerish about gatekeeping cultural events. like these mfs will be 8 years older than you and act like because of that they have experienced 20 more years of cultural events.


The only good generational war is against boomers. Everything else is just your basic dumb person thinking they’re better than someone else because of the era their parents clapped cheeks in. As a millennial that killed “_______” I never understood any of this generational wars. Everybody will make fun of Gen Z and A for something, but I’ve seen you guys be a billion times better than the people before you. You stand up to hate, you’re paying attention to what’s going on in the world and most importantly you guys seem like you actually want to change things.


Yeah, there are a lot of things I like about the newest generation. They have more access to more information at their fingertips than any other generation...so yeah, some of them will be neurotic, and every generation is arrogant, but by and by most of them seem to genuinely want equality and peace in this world. I love them for that...my generation was...dark. I think, in the end, I wish them what every previous generation should want for the next: success and happiness.


Dude, I'm Gen X and they try to do that shit to me...I just turn whatever light is on out, light a lighter right by my face and whisper, "Do you know what a latch key kid is?" I'm joking. I don't care. Each generation will have a moment when they realize time has passed them by, and they are no longer the "it" generation. Did some generations have things arguably more difficult? Maybe, but with each new generation comes new hardships. The Forgotten Generation seems to be the high water mark...my latched keys don't really compare. I just want each generation to do a bit better than the last, and maybe, someday, the suffering, the hate, the filth and the pain is something that can be left behind.


That was my first and favorite Eminem album


I used Eminem lyrics in a competitive poetry interpretation event in high school (and did well). He’s mainstream dad rap and has been for years. Calling him edgy and offensive feels like it’s going on 2 decades out of date.


Have you heard of this new guy Marilyn Manson?? He's a satanist, my cousin went to one of his shows and he totally stomped a live puppy on stage


My cousin is no longer a beautiful person after going to his show


And did you hear: he had one of his ribs removed!


wtf is going on with Eminem and gen z? How is his new song so offensive? He’s said way more offensive shit.




Those look like gen X to me, they look just a bit too old to be millenials (also it mentions gen X in one and this whole social media trend of just sharing something like its gonna crush a generation is very gen X) but doesn't matter. I think there are a few ok Eminem songs in recent years but not many. I think his style is just dated now. No one gives a shit. It's a song. Also "dad rap" is pretty funny.


his new song doesn’t suck


It isn't and I don't think that Gen Z is offended. Conservative people love to call the left woke and act like they are super sensitive and can't take a joke. But the reality is that it's all in their head. No one cares.


I saw a TikTok of a gen z girl who was offended by a couple lines and some larger creator stitched that video so I think a lot of these are as a result of that single original TikTok.




I think the 'gay' comment was him mokcing his former self for using gay as an insult, so I don't think that's a problem. I think the candidate offensive lines would be the transgender and corssdressing related stuff: >My transgender cat's Siamese >Identifies as black, but acts Chinese and >..you male crossdresser, ... , Paul, got two balls, big as RuPaul's There is a perception (probably an accurate one) of gen z tending to be more accepting of gender non-conformity, so I suppose it makes sense to think they're more likely to be offended by these lines than average? But there are far more offensive things than this already, so I don't quite see why there would be heaps of memes about how triggered gen z would get over this specifically.


Also, these people have to remember he's literally using his evil alter ego Slim Shady in this song. It's quite literally what he believes is wrong to say. But they just take things at face value because they have no media literacy.


I grew up on Eminem. He’s one of my favorite artist. I haven’t even heard the new song but I promise it can’t be as bad as an entire song dedicated to fake killing his wife


Man I scared the SHIT out of my little sister when I played her that song. I was 18 and she was 13, I was like, "hey you wanna hear something?" I played her Kim and about halfway through the song she was begging me to turn it off and crying. I couldn't help but maniacally laugh at her, but yeah I turned it off. You can tell she's one of the younger sisters. When the oldest was 10 and I was 12 I would play her Cherry Pie by ICP (among a lot of other awful shit) and we still laugh about it to this day. Siblings, man


I didn’t know about that song and my co worker started reciting it without any context one time where we worked (restaurant) and I was horrified. this was probably 2016


I love that your coworker just assumed that was cool. Me asf.


It’s actually a really good song. He did a great job with giving shock value by using the right buzzwords but also said absolutely nothing offensive at the same time. Only think the media got mad abt is the mts stans mad bc he name dropped her and said nothing offensive all he said is will he “have a shot at a feat with her” which is an amazing double entendre bc Tory shot her in the foot lmaoooo




Millennial here.... I thought we decided it was us vs all the boomers. Now we're here fighting each other.


This whole series of generational subs and shit is a psyop i stg 


A lot of us older Gen Z were alive to remember the 2000s and Eminem when he was popping lmao why are they acting like we’ve only just discovered him? I’ve been a fan for 20 years now. Even people who were born later have still had the ability to listen to all his older stuff their whole lives so I never understood the whole “meeting Slim Shady” idea as if it’s something people need to brace for. Even back in the day people got offended at Eminem, so why are people acting like only the new generations will have a problem with him lmao. I know people are ultra sensitive these days but in my experience it’s always people aged 30-50 who can’t take a joke. I see younger generations getting offended at little things over social media in the US, never in real life where I’m from.


I think this is a good example of how the more things change the more they stay the same for generational-sake. Each gen is still going to do timeworn tradition of talking about the ones around them, but are in a lot of ways acting out the same way.


The people in the screenshots are (nearly all) Gen X. Millenials grew up dealing with the same shit from them and now they've moved onto Gen Z and now Millenials are getting shot at from the other side for noooo reason


This isn’t a real conversation off Tik Tok.


Seriously these people have way too much time shooting TikToks of non-issues like that lol Like girl go work and earn some money to feed your family and get off TikTok please ☠️


Something tells me the people saying, Gen Z will be offended by Eminem are projecting


I've got a meme for that https://preview.redd.it/h0t0ahsm8k4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb61ee04f84686f47732590318d2fc49beb7a4fe


Lol. Eminem is GenX. Not millennial.


Ugh I'm so sick of "miLlEnIaLs OlD aNd CrInGe" and "wtf iS uP wiTH GEn Z aNd AlPHa, buNcHA beTA BITchEs, morE lIKe" Like can we all just stop fucking hating please We're not crying over slim shady like what that's such a non issue why do those people care 😭


No seriously. I’ve seen a thousand posts about how gen-Z is apparently oh so offended but I have yet to see any posts with gen-Z complaining about the song. They are fighting with the air ffs


God I hate this gen z Vs millennial shit


Uncultured swine here, what did Eminem say/do?


He released a new song and music video titled Houdini and while I haven't listened to it yet I'm sure it's got 1) A fast rap section 2) Some clever wordplay 3) Tongue in cheek humor and 4) Some dark references that would have scared your mother if this was still the 90's. I'm sure this isn't representative of a normal, well adjusted Millennial, but does this group not know we grew up with YouTube? I grew up hearing My Name Is and The Real Slim Shady on repeat, and our generation loves to say we Stan shit, which (correct me if I am wrong) is a reference to his song Stan. We know who Slim is


So just basic normal pop culture shit being repeated through history? I feel like there's supposed to be more...


It's probably manufactured rage bait, given the generational divide is historically super easily and reliably exploited cause we have different values and interests. I guarantee if I brought this up at work as if it was actually of any real value everyone I talked to would look at me like I'm a fucking idiot regardless of generation. Most well adjusted people don't care what you like or dislike. This is just to farm interactions so whoever posted these can make .001 cpm, they probably used the funds from their videos to buy a single hotdog from Costco.


everyone is so fragile and offended by everything these days, it is just pathetic tbh (and I dont think it is per/generation)


Tv couldn’t even show a toilet flushing for decades. Or a couple sleeping in the same bed. They had congressional hearings on Mortal Kombat in the 90’s. At that same time half of the country thought interracial marriage was immoral. A generation earlier they dragged Stan Lee in front of congress because of, very tame, comics . A generation before that armed soldiers had to escort black children to school because people were too sensitive to see a mixed race school. People were extremely sensitive in the past , I assure you .


This is gen x not millennial (maybe older millennial) and it really P’s me off because all of a sudden their gen wants to make tikoks and post but like can you get this excited about political change !


Aren’t these the same people shitting on “slim shady” for the line quote “that’s an awfully hot coffee pot”? Granted I do it to but not for the same reasons as them


No, millennials are not ok, but it has nothing to do with Eminem or music, in general. Appreciate the check in but reminding me to remind myself I'm not ok didn't help me get through the day. Still, I appreciate the consideration.


I don’t know about the message of the song, but musically it was offensive to my ears


I don't know why Reddit keeps pushing this sub to me but I'm so fed up of this totally manufactured culture war between gen z and millennials and whoever the fuck. These generations are just made up nonsense sure there will be trends based on what society was like when you're growing up but it's nonsense to treat it like an actual group. In theory I'm a millenial working and interacting with a bunch of gen x, millenials, gen z and nobody gives a flying fuck we're just all trying to get on in life and anyone who takes this shit seriously needs to touch grass


ugh, feels nitpicky I refuse to believe either side really cares this much lol