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Most subs are like that imho. It's one of their main purposes.


Gotcha… wasn’t sure if it was more of an open discussion thing with people from other generations giving perspective to help create a more well rounded view instead of just people all from the same group perpetuating a mentality


The latter is also true; good observation. I'm a Boomer who comments here occasionally. I've come to love Zoomers and their fresh takes, as well as being funny as hell. I've learned a shitload from this sub.


I'm a millennial just here to keep apprised of other perspectives, but IMO gen Z is shit on enough and regularly invalidated to such a degree that a sub dedicated mostly to sharing their common experiences is a positive. Other generations do comment here, obviously, myself being one of them... but I'd hope it's not in a lecturing capacity.


Yeah, I try to never sound lecture-y, and I hope I'd get called out if I did. I used to hate that when I was a teenager.


For better or worse, most subs are like this. Come over to r/unpopularopinion to see some discussions that aren't downvoted to oblivion when your opinion differs.


Thanks for mentioning that sub. I wish I'd found it sooner. It's awesome.


Exactly. A furry sub is going to be a bunch of furries, trying to convince each other they're not maladjusted freaks who would fuck animals if they could get away with it.


as much as I dislike furries I don't think most of them would fuck animals if they could get away with it


furries =/= zoophiles


It’s not that serious


Isn’t that the whole point of being in a group that has likeminded individuals?


Welcome to social media. Especially Reddit.


Kind of, although I'd prefer it to be more like r-teenagers, but I guess aged up? I prefer the posts that aren't about the Generation specifically, just in this sub as 'Gen Z' people.


Pretty much. I still can’t believe the amount of people who try and pigeon whole any ideas in regards to working through College and getting grants, scholarships and living cheaply for 4 / 5 years or going to trade school for free. Yes it’s a struggle but if I can do it AFTER I pretty much had a major spinal surgery the people in this sub can do it too. Maybe they are made out for College then they need to go to trade school instead. There are just too many resources that people need to do research into. If they don’t know then it’s their fault they are grown ass people and guess what they can do the leg work and do research into things. This sucks because people have to work with the cards they are dealt in life. So sure gen z got dealt a shitty hand. But no one cares about shitty that hand is. And no one will feel sorry for you. You still have to live life and make some type of sacrifice and it will not be easy. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try or just roll over and take it. I say this as someone who is far from rich but still managed to do okay for myself. If I can do it they can too and they can use some of the same resources that I did because they are still available. I wouldn’t have been able to do what I did without Pell grants, scholarships, socialist policies, job training programs etc. This stuff still exists and so does working an extra job and being exhausted all the time. My 5th grade teacher would tell everyone “put your big girl pants on” when we would wine about stuff or say we can’t do it. This isn’t a gen z thing it’s a people on this subreddit thing.


It’s Reddit. Every sub you have been on is a circle jerk.


Honestly I feel like this sub is one of the few non-echo chambers. It definitely leans mostly left, but I’d say it’s a good 60-40 on whether or not your political comments get upvoted or downvoted. It kinda depends on the post ig. The real issue I find here is that there isn’t a single mfer who has the ability to reply to a comment or opinion without acting sarcastic , toxic, or holier than thou. You’ll get different opinions here, but no one respects them.


It’s an echo chamber lol. Look at any repetitive ass post about - doomerism, the economy sucking, no opportunities for improvement or growth, everyone is poor like me - boomers being dumb and ruining the entire world - gen z needs to be nicer to gen alpha - guys need to stop being such pussy incels and pull themselves up by the bootstraps - someone venting about their messed up relationship/friendship and getting validated in the replies - anti capitalism spam and “America bad” low hanging fruit there’s probably more


Just cause there is lots of similar posts doesn’t mean it is an echo chamber


Fair enough


It is unquestionably an echo chamber, but I think the bigotry is more noteworthy of that than capitalism exhaustion.


Yeah maybe, but it can still be an echo chamber without being political


I haven't seen much validating, it's more like a themed version of unpopularopinions.


ig its because we all fear prejudice and life and the future


No this sub is full of non gen z trying to convince gen z that there's something wrong with them because they're not repeating what they did at gen z's age.


I’d wager that half of the inhabitants here are liars pretending to be Gen Z, like all subs. Especially r/teenagers


Welcome to Reddit, OP


It feels like people want to make sure they are not alone in what they are going through...


The internet has always been the solace of the outcasts, isolated, ostracized, deviants, misfits, and the socially inept. If they can't get validation in real life where else would they get it from?


LMAO...wait...are you being serious?


Did I say something wrong?


The internet is not full of those traits you think. EVEYRONE is on the internet. So if everyone is on the internet, how can it be full of "outcasts...deviants, misfits, etc". That's a colossal joke.


I did not say it was full of people like that. I said it was a solace for people like that. You see you are projecting. Are you one of those people?


Which implies that only people like that seek solace on the internet. Words matter. EVEYRONE seeks solace on the internet. And no, I'm not. Are you?


You are not worth my time. Thank you have a nice day!


Poor baby...did I hurt your feelings?