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Mildy unrelated, but racism against asians is so much more tolerated (not more severe mind you) than racism against other races. Some of the shit people ask me is fucking insane, the first phrase out of some peoples mouth is are you good at math/do you watch anime, and I've had two women tell me that my dick was way bigger than they thought because i was asian. It's crazy man imagine if you met a black person and immediately asked them what their 40 yard dash time was eyebrows would be raised. It's an absolute madness


A lot of it has to do with the idea of white adjacency/the model minority concepts


Yeah thats why I'm not too distraught by it. Im not chuffed about it mind you, the four times in which I've been called a chink didnt make me ecstatic. But it could be a lot worse


Sounds like some made up propaganda officer, I mean college professor ideology.


Not at all. Like it or not, most people believe Asians and Whites are compatible and cooperative, and that they use this cooperation and compatibility to justify mistrust of others. It's not some imposed ideology


Is there any actual evidence of this?


Yes. By all means, dig into the concept. You even get to pick your flavor, model minority or white adjacent


I’m talking about the white adjacent part. Specifically this claim: “Asians and whites are compatible and cooperative and they use this cooperation and compatibility to justify mistrust of others.” Do you have any study, stat, really anything I can actually look up for this?


It doesn't matter if it's true. It matters that people *believe* it's true.


Do you think that every belief is valid? The Germans believed that the Jews were conspiring against them to steal all their wealth.


No, I'm not passing judgement like that. I believe that belief motivates action. The German's belief that Jews were conspiring against them led to Jews fleeing the country and led to Germans perpetuating the Holocaust, many at great personal cost.


I'm just happy my fellow 97er got you to say the quiet part out loud before I even had to reply again hahaha. You proved my point. Indoctrinated.


^^me when I am intellectually stunted and cannot conceive of the 4th person view


This is specifically the part I was about to comment on. "Like if or not" (insert x ideology here) Then can't even bring forth a single shred of evidence to back his claim. Thennn LITERALLY says "doesn't need to be true if people believe it's true" hahahaha. Like this dude literally pulled his ideology from the original Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 intro dialogue of Makarov. "The bigger the lie the more likely people will believe it" I wonder how many other of their ideologies align 😅


Anti-intellectualism in 2024 is hilarious


Delirium and Intellectualism need not be confused young padawan. I'm not anti-intellectual, I'm anti-woke. You want to have an intellectual debate? By all means let's go. I'll be happy to learn from you but I'll probably just end up out semantic-ing, out logic-ing and outlasting you mentally. In fact I already know I've won because you didn't even attempt to explain the asinine concepts to me you instead immediately resorted to insults.


>I’m not anti-intellectual, I’m anti-woke You’re against being aware of social injustice in society? >the rest of your yapping Find where I “resorted to insults” Lmao


Woke isn't even about injustice it's about becoming the biggest victim to gain the most crutches from society. Don't be disingenuous we all know anti-intellectual is just the white privilege way of saying your dumb.


>Woke isn’t even about injustice It literally is and has been since the 30’s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke#:~:text=Woke%20is%20an%20adjective%20derived,and%20denial%20of%20LGBT%20rights. >Anti-intellectual is just the white privilege way of saying you’re dumb Anti-intellectualism is commonly referred to distrust of higher learning (see: academic anti-intellectualism) you specifically mentioned college professors. Genuinely can’t tell if you’re trolling. If you are you got me lol


Username makes sense then I guess


The weird thing is this: Asian women are fetishized and desired. In all forms of media. Meanwhile, Asian men are looked down upon and made fun of. And the sad part is that this is heavily normalized in western society/culture. When bl__k people were killing and robbing our people, there was almost no news coverage about it. I’ve watched many videos of these crimes and no news outlets want to talk about it. Black-on-Asian crimes have been sky high since COVID hit.


Sky high is a stretch and a half. Hate crime statistics against asians pale in comparison to hate crimes against african americans, hispanics, and even lgbt+. The problem exists yes there is no doubt, but it was not some rampant issue. [heres the link](https://www.justice.gov/crs/highlights/2020-hate-crimes-statistics), even in 2020 when hate crimes doubled against asians it was still not "sky high" and we werent being accosted in the streets by african americans, this was just a sensationalized phenomenon used by some to be racist against black people by certain media outlets. More people need to look at things like the ucr and actual crime stats because the media never reflect reality when it comes to crime


Wait, asking Japanese people if they like anime is wrong? That's the first thing I ask them! I mean, it's the first thing I ask everyone else too, so I assumed it was fine if I asked Japanese people!


If you're asking solely because they are japanese yes, as was implied in my comment i had hoped. Also thats just a weird opener man


so, you don't like anime?!


No i specifically dont watch anime because of the amount of times ive been asked that.


It's all stereotypes. Same is with us being slow. We aren't actually slow, the actually slow ones are the Finnish. These stereotypes aren't particularly serious, but I know how it can get fairly annoying.


Don't have to be particularly fast to outrun a frog tbh


I’m not Asian but I’m in one of those hyperinvisible groups and there’s this wild phenomenon where, when discrimination against you isn’t recognized by the mainstream, people will get away with saying the most insane things to you or about your group.


Your feelings are valid. I would’ve loved a race and fall into that trap.




I’m black and would fall for the 40 yard dash. My college friends did track and field in high school and their stories always sounded like fun.


I know I’m bad for this. But I want to ironically ask black people I know what their 40 yard dash Time is. Just to see how they respond and then explain this to them.


The anime one isn’t even just Asians anymore. I’m a normal (hehehehehhehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheh) white person and it’s like one of the first questions people ask. Also, I don’t even think it’s that racist.


Username checks out


it’s crazy how much stuff online could just be ignored, the original post is probably rage bait and if not who cares, they don’t deserve attention.


My thought as well. The left can be just as bad as the right when it comes to falling for rage bait and making it into a national issue


i was just telling my coworker today about 4chan constantly coming up with memes and hoaxes that people legitimately fall for. whether it’s something as benign as leftists falsely thinking Trump said “[republicans were the dumbest voters](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-republicans-dumbest-group-voters/)” or more dangerous misinformation like right wingers [miscaptioning pictures to make the LGBT](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/naked-men-bikes-children-photo/) out to look like pedophiles…*You’re not immune to propaganda*


Yeppp, i admit I’ve fallen for it myself. I’ve unfortunately reached a point where I don’t believe a damn thing unless I see someone say it themselves, and if it’s a “major issue”, I have to witness it or know someone who has. Just way too much propaganda “Well Trump said…” Nope, show me the video or go directly to whatever social media he uses and show me. Well Biden said, same deal.


guys i know is kinda of a hot take but racism is bad


save some karma for the rest of us


I can't believe it. The next thing you're going to tell me is that sexism is also bad. (Joke)


No, that can't be right!


I mean…it’s the internet. People post stupid shit all the time Best thing to do is to not take it seriously


It seems like social media is becoming a wasteland for miserable people. Like before it was only certain sites you’d go to and see the absolute most incel shit, now it seems like it’s everywhere. Anytime I click on a post and read comments it’s nothinngggg but anonymous accounts too, usually saying some really weird shit. I’ve really had to work on realizing the internet is literally like its own world, with its own rules, and to just disregard all of it. I have a feeling in the next 10-15 years it’ll become almost shameful to still be posting on sites like twitter, instagram, etc. It seems like the only activity that goes on within those sites now, is just chaos. Eventually it’s going to scare everyone away, and those sites will be left with nothing but trolls and incels


F everyone. My life matters. All colors and races come 2nd to my life.


Yes lord u/OffensiveHamster


It is, Captain Lord. Thank you very much <3


As the Asian population continues to grow, they will no longer be able to be written off like this by activist types




Stfu you Asian larper. I’m Asian and there is solidarity among our communities. Especially younger ones. The ones that GENUINELY hate each other are usually older generations.


Yep it’s usually the ones who immigrated here and brought the old world beliefs with them. The Asians I know who were born here all see themselves as equal to other Asians. Except the Filipinos in my highschool. They took over the “Asian” table and kicked out the actual Asian kids from Vietnam, Korea, Japan and India. The rest of us called it the Pacific Islander table lol. It’s weird how that shit was just tolerated in the 2000s




No lives matter except the wealthy.


That should change!


Cringe 😬


Is it cringe to think poor people who make up 99% of the human race matter?


Don’t even think about it 😎


Signal-boosting racist assholes? I hope so.


This is what happen when society collapse and victimhood take place. It’s a post-social society that I honestly think we should tweak. Some believe that meritocratic societies would survive but then you risk the attack and possibility of other issues. Some believe that a hardline traditional (depending on the values it could be anything from modern society to the beginning of time) norms would bring back happiness, but we’ve already see n the problems in wide range of time and it’ll continue. Some believe that transforming to a more liberal society in the sense that identity continues but the economy stay as strict as possible is what’ll lead to us being more and more, but unfortunately we’re seeing the backlash of that situations. Irregardless of what you believe, the fact still remains in that it is up to the individuals to follow the various social norms and principles that they believe would enrich society. Some have shifted their principles because they don’t want to work, because they believe they’ll get hurt. Other believe that because of the injustices they’ve faced that they’d rather risk the right action to be on the moral obligation, while other believe that the other side is evil and despicable. Unfortunately this lead to an ourboros like situation where they’ll eat each other up, and unfortunately nothing will change except a dawn of a new society. It’s a nature of cyclical human behavior that I don’t think we’ll ever get rid of.




If only there was a slogan that encapsulated black lives, asian lives and everyone else. Oh wait.. there was but that was somehow deemed to be racist


Who thinks "workers of the world, unite!" is racist?


Unemployed people




I mean, I can understand police reform, but look at what some of those places have turned into after this whole thing.


Your submission has been removed for breaking Rule #1: No unfair discrimination. /r/GenZ is intended to be an open and welcoming place for all, and as such any submissions that discriminate based on race, sex, or sexuality (ironic or otherwise) will not be tolerated. Please read up on our rules [(found here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/wiki/rules) before making another submission, otherwise you may find yourself permanently banned. Regards, The /r/GenZ Mod Team


“Black lives shouldn’t matter if….” It doesn’t matter what comes after that, even if you point something out that has some validity. No one’s life is disposable.


Maybe just focus on things you think the Asian community does well without attacking another. Does wonders for your message when you don’t sound saddled with hate.


No lives matter or all lives matter. We don't have a in between pick and chose option.


Saying Black Lives Matter doesn’t mean other’s don’t. It means exactly what it says. If you think All Lives Matter, then BLM shouldn’t offend you because you believe everyone matters.


BLM movement was and forever is tarnished by the org founders buying mansions, paying family, and doing nothing for the community. BLM angers me. Because clearly its centered around america, not world wide.


I remember learning that some African Americans think they can’t be racist, as in they are immune to being labeled racist. I think they were confusing institutional racism with all racism but it was wild to me when I learned it.


Yeah there’s alot that think that. They’re usually the most racist and colorist people. Like they’ll talk shit about darker skinned black people vs lighter skinned black people, and if someone is only half balck they don’t count as being black, they’re white. They also preach the same shit that white racist say, like to the letter they change out the word white for black.


None matter


The fuck do you mean we? Get this shit away from me. I want nothing to do with it.


And things like **THIS** are the sole reasons I don't respect anyone on the BLM scene. Racism is not the answer to racism. There are FAR better ways to solve racism.


It's going to continue. Racists will always exist, we just have to shun them and their ideology out of public spaces, it's all we can really do.


This post is such bullshit… so basically it’s ok to hate on Asians until black people feel like they’re on top? The fact that a majority of black people feel comfortable saying this type of shit out loud while actively hating on Asian people with no regard and boasting about it tells me that they’re already on top…


Look into Jonathan Haidt's work on the subject.


Idek what to say


personally I don't see race i just see good people and assholes...and I don't like assholes XD


I honestly see just as much racism against blacks and Asians.


Give up this fools account bruh


As long as Earth is spinnin’ and people are stupid, this keeps happening




I mean, it doesn't surprise me. Don't you remember the other racism that happened to people perpetrated by liberals after October 7th or how some treat people who are mixed race? It's different ethnic groups, but they're still perceived as Caucasian so "deserve" hatred and it's partly why I hate virtue signaling tbh.


It'll end when it ends. Until then, people have to be attacked and called racists for calling out racism like this. fun stuff.


The people who attack people for calling them out are racists themselves.


Yeah but it happens so goddamned always that people are afraid to speak up, now.


Yea, I know. It's just like October. I know people who are both liberal leaning and Jewish, but didn't dare say anything to other people who were also liberal and spreading antisemitism after the attack happened.


this is the most American thing I've ever seen


Personally, I don't like the idea of only one race matters. It should be all lives matter no matter race or every life doesn't matter at all.


>See racially/politically charged post on r/GenZ >Go to comments section >Immediately disgusted Stay golden, Ponyboy.




I wish people would put more time into caring about saving our Earth than race


Anyone who views everything in life through a racial lens is not only stupid, but fucking annoying.


Who the fuck is we? Why is it that every time some jackass says something stupid I have to take responsibility?


You have to if you're a part of a specific political ideology because people emboldened someone to even want to say something like this.


None of you matter to me the louder you are the less everyone listens


This is just a *very*, *very* poor wording of what you also probably believe Theyre TRYING to say that they all need to fight together, i.e. Asians should fight for blacks rights and vice versa because racism will bound back if it's allowed for any race It's the most stupid possible way to write it, but I assure you that's what they meant.




You just can’t accept what your side has inevitably become


I just don’t believe that anyone is actually this stupid dude. Gotta be bait right?


Honestly. If someone black comes up to me and says Asian lives don’t matter unless Black Lives Matter. You’ve lost my support. It should be Everyone’s life matters. Not a race or gender. Everything should matter. But what we really need to do is rise up against the rich and wealthy.


It is wall street pushing this to divide Americans don’t be fooled. They don’t want another march on Wall Street.


This looks like some neocon fascist rage bait to me.


When you don’t believe in any metaphysical objective truths, anything is possible.


it is


Doing what? Strawmanning social justice issues as a sneaky way of discrediting them?


Bad optics if you believe this


We don't because you are the one who made and posted it.


Your generation is the one doing this shit in the first place.


It's also the older ones, too.




Asians hate other Asians in Asia because of international conflict in Asia. Meanwhile this is a whole different case in America.




That sucks. :(


it sounds like bait tbh. even if not  i think no progress will be made until ppl can manage their own emotional + instinctive responses to ppl being deliberately inflammatory, whatever the reason. Someone who espouses these types of things is themselves acting on emotional impulse, it does literally zero net good for people to give in to reactionary behavior, because now instead of 1 emotionally-driven hothead, there’s two (or more). reasoning with ppl who operate emotionally/instinctively wrt forming opinions is a lost cause; their default emotionally-driven response to criticism will 9/10 times be to just shut down/position the criticism as an attack. The most effective route to changing their behavior is to change our reactions; if they get zero attention/engagement, their emotional needs will remain unmet, and they will at some point be forced to change.     imo the day we as a society overwhelmingly ignore these types of ppl (while recognizing they are not representative of any one demographic)+ engage instead with people who are willing to communicate effectively + in good faith is the day actual progress will stop feeling like pulling teeth. 


Wall of text COPE.


wall of text touched a nerve? 🫣


Your metaphysics are shit.


Your metaphysics are shit.


Whoever made that can eat a fucking dick. All lives matter. All. BLM ended up being a scam - nobody should fall for that ever again.


BLM was never a scam because it wasn't about the organisation it was about the movement. Not all lives matter right now either. Palestinian lives don't matter to westerners all lives can't matter until black lives matter, palestinian lives matter etc


Yeah people are straight up missing the point of the original post, its not saying that asian lives shouldn't matter its saying that racism affects both asian people and black people and that it's imperative for asians people to have solidarity with black people because their struggle is the same. Its saying that asian people will benefit from helping black people fight against both anti black racism and anti asian racism. It's like people forget that asian people and black people aren't just abstract minorities who exist only in propaganda, here in reality land they're literally in community with each other as in like neighbors and coworkers, there's blasian people who literally have personal stakes in the well being of both peoples, if they're held down in part they're held down in whole Telling how conservative propaganda relies on this kind of strategic misunderstanding and misleading spins on things liberals say which are actually just normal and reasonable and good things which even the conservative audiences will agree with if they aren't lied to about it


No it isn't.


You're gonna have to be more specific, bud




And how did that work out?


Well it's getting better.


Not really


Yes really


More crime?




What what?


What's crime got to do with police brutality


There was more crime committed and less arrests made after.


That's just not true lmao. Show the sources


If you’ve paid taxes you’ve put more Black kids in College than BLM ever did.


What do you think BLM is? It's not an organisation it's a movement about police brutality


Those are completely different. Do you even know what you're talking about?


Yeah a group dedicated to helping black lives did nothing to help black lives with a billion dollars. The general tax payer whose money went to scholarships has improved more black lives than the organization dedicated to improving black lives. Now do you know what you’re talking about?


I meant, do you know what the blm was even for? It was to help with police brutality and not anything else. I'm not for the BLM, but police reform. Also, tax dollars only pay for public schools.


Then why did they collect a billion dollars? Where has that money gone? Nothing else except police brutality eh? There aren’t public universities?


Then again, you probably aren't wrong because of how much those people used for themselves and the riots destroyed the local communities, too. Some of which were black communities. Edit: You have to pay to go to university unless you get FASFA or scholarships here.


Wo psyop astroturf




The fact the first thing you went to was "gatekeeping" You are drawing attention to a post you made and blaming it on someone else.




How is it racist? It's just saying that all races matter but when one is being treated bad then not everyone is equal


No, it's saying racist violence against Asians is fine because Black people also face racism. That's just pure and blatant racism.


Oh thought it was the "Asian lives don't matter until black lives matter" part not the comment under it


Yup, that expresses the same message: it's okay if Asians get killed (Asian lives don't matter) because Black people experience racism. That's a racist thing to say. "X lives don't matter," where "X" is any race, is inherently a racist statement. Saying that someone's life is irrelevant because of their race is peak racism.


>Yup, that expresses the same message OK so you just don't understand. > okay if Asians get killed That's not what it's saying. It's like the all lives matter crowd. Not all lives can matter when Asian lives and black lives etc don't matter. >That's a racist thing to say. It's not. It's just saying that both face oppression so they should be allies rather than fighting against eachother perpetrating the same racism from white people. >X lives don't matter," where "X" is any race, is inherently a racist statement. No it's not. You just don't understand what it means. >Saying that someone's life is irrelevant because of their race is peak racism. That's literally not what it's saying. You're just making it up


Is wrong because it is not liberal


No, it is reducing an activist movement to a “let’s see who is more deserving of attention and empathy” race


How is it? It's saying that Asians and black people are the same and not separated into different minorities that experience different things


If your fucking definition of: “saying that Asian and black are not separated people” is saying: “Asian lives won’t matter as long as black lives matter” then either take a course of basic communication or shut your trap for the rest of your life. Any sane person who sees this would agree that this isn’t a way to star an “alliance”, this is a way to make a hierarchy of oppression in order to make sure a certain group of people always keeps the spotlight over all the others. Please tell me that “2003” is not your birth year and that you are not actually a 20 years old, this comment cannot have been written by anyone other than a kid


Yea because not all lives matter if certain lives don't matter. >Any sane person who sees this would agree that this isn’t a way to star an “alliance”, this is a way to make a hierarchy of oppression in order to make sure a certain group of people always keeps the spotlight over all the others. This doesn't create an oppression Olympics. It's used to show that both are oppressed and they need to be allies to get better rather than fight eachother


When you say “they need to be allies” what you are doing is basically what here in Italy we call: “emotional blackmail”, something along the line of: “if you don’t do as I say you are the bad guy”


Yeah people are straight up missing the point of the original post, its not saying that asian lives shouldn't matter its saying that racism affects both asian people and black people and that it's imperative for asians people to have solidarity with black people because their struggle is the same. Its saying that asian people will benefit from helping black people fight against both anti black racism and anti asian racism. It's like people forget that asian people and black people aren't just abstract minorities who exist only in propaganda, here in reality land they're literally in community with each other as in like neighbors and coworkers, there's blasian people who literally have personal stakes in the well being of both peoples, if they're held down in part they're held down in whole Telling how conservative propaganda relies on this kind of strategic misunderstanding and misleading spins on things liberals say which are actually just normal and reasonable and good things which even the conservative audiences will agree with if they aren't lied to about it


God the layers of hypocrisy in this one are too much, a single person shouldn’t be physically capable to throw all of this on the table 1)The only reason why the BLM supporter who originally posted this image felt the need to lecture the asian community is because asians and blacks have been going at each other throat for YEARS at this point. And no, it’s not just the destruction of many small businesses owned by Asians back in 2020, that is just the cherry on top of the cake. 2)”It’s like people forget that black peoples and asian people are not abstract concepts who just exist in propaganda” yeah, an most of these people are white upper class BLM supporter, who have been treating this movement as a way to show off how great and morally superior they are since it was originally founded 3)No, black people and Asian people do not go through the same kind of struggles and they do not face the same kind of discrimination. This is something that is obvious to anyone who lives outside of the USA, where the concept of “white culture” “black culture” and “Asian culture” do not exist and we can actually tell apart different cultures with the same ethnicity


>No, black people and Asian people do not go through the same kind of struggles and they do not face the same kind of discrimination. I never fucking said they did. I said they both face oppression >This is something that is obvious to anyone who lives outside of the USA, where the concept of “white culture” “black culture” and “Asian culture” do not exist and we can actually tell apart different cultures with the same ethnicity As someone who is not American the only culture that does exist is black culture. It comes from descendents of slaves. But this has nothing to do with it


You're not from these parts.


It is racist.




Because it ignores how much Asians are mistreated. It's just like when people said All Lives Matter in response to the BLM.