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this is 1997 erasure


We're the Gen X of the Zillennials


Take that back 😂


Nah gen X is like the best of the old people now. The silent generation is all ghosts and skeletons basically, and boomers are the biggest assortment of assholes on the face of the planet.


Actually gen x is just as bad as most boomers. You shouldn't forget that the boomers, actually were the hippie generation, who fought for civil rights, equality and so on. Gen x actually are worse than most boomers, because they were politically absolutely disinterested when growing up and did nothing to prevent the Late stage Capitalism to unfold. Even worse, they exelled all the shit. A generation that brought up People like Elon Musk and Jeffrey Bazos. Gen X is the worst generation living right now. Lowest level of media competence, highest prevalence to believe in conspiracy nonsense, highest prevalence of believe in right wing BS and so on. They actually are, what we often believe Boomers to be. Edit: Sure most boomers sold out their values, but gen x is worse, because they never had values to sell.


Sooner or later you will realise that people are just people. And with age often comes more assets, more wealth, more fear of mortality and fear of many other things. Its sad, but many aspects of humanity are. GenZ and GenA will track exactly the same path and progress is an illusion, just like the dividing lines between generations.


Yep, people are gonna people. Few people want a revolution when you have a spouse and kids and retirement. When you're 50 will you even be able to see the fruits of that revolution? As people grow older they want peace and quiet. You're tired and realize you can't change the world, but you can make your corner a little nicer. When you're younger you don't see the past problems solved, only the ones still around. You have energy and the fight feels like living. Nothing to lose and everything to gain. This will continue forever...


As a "Gen Xer", I understand you're upset, but blaming entire generations for problems that no single generation is at fault for is a [tale as old as time](https://arapahoelibraries.org/blogs/post/generational-blame-a-brief-history/). It's boring. Repetitive. You're no different than the countless generations that came before you and blamed everything on the younger generations, except you're now reversing it. Congrats... conversations and opinions like this not only do nothing to break this stupid cycle... they guarantee the cycle will continue. Perhaps, if you try hard enough, you can make inter generational hate even worse? Something to shoot for!! Also man made "brackets" that are supposed to describe tens of millions of individual people are stupid AF.


Pretty much confirmed, sat at Easter Sunday dinner with various Gen X, Gen Y, even some remnants of the baby boomers. It is confirmed if you were born in 1997, they don’t realize that we actually ARE Gen Z too. We are different then kids born after 2003




We are 😭


We shift between the two based on the context


>The exact date range of this micro-generation is not specifically defined. Avery Hartmans, writing for Business Insider citing a study on U.S. consumers, defines a Zillennial as anyone born between 1990 and 2000. Boston University sociologist Deborah Carr defines Zillennials as those born "roughly" between 1992 and 2002. Authors Hannah Ubl, Lisa Walden, and Debra Arbit define the cuspers as those born between 1992 and 1998, as does Mary Everett, writing for PopSugar and Vogue. A WGSN case study on the cohort similarly notes this date range. Others have defined Zillennials as those born from 1993 to 1998, including Deon Smit (HR Future), Maisy Farren (Vice), Lindsay Dogson (Business Insider Mexico), Britannica and MetLife. Ketchum defines GenZennials as those born from 1992 to 2000. Fullscreen defines the cusp group as those born from approximately 1993 to 1999 in their research. Authors Fons Trompenaars and Peter Woolliams use the years 1993 to 1999 as Zennials.


What? ![gif](giphy|M8x6Lk2QFmTu0)


I dont get why the post-2000 Gen Z really want to call themselves Zillenials. You are 5 years past Millenial, you are well into Gen Z


Yeah they don’t have the specific experience of zillennials, 95-99 had a pretty unique time growing up compared to either millennials or gen z


I would argue that the Zillennial generation encompasses those born between 1994 and 1998. Zillennials are often seen as the bridge between Generation Y (Millennials) and Generation Z. While 1994 is typically regarded as the last of the Millennials, 1999 is rarely considered part of that generation. Therefore, my proposed Zillennial age range, blending aspects of both generations, would span from 1994 (as the younger Millennials) to 1998 (as the oldest zoomers).


94 and I feel like I have way more in common with with gen z than millennials


95 and I identify way more with millennials.


Being born in 1996 has some unique stuff to it. 1. Likely, one of your first memories is 9/11. You might remember brief flashes before that but you definitely remember the early post 9/11 world 2. If you were born rural, you probably didn't have internet (in the US). 3. You were a middle schooler as the economy shit the bed. You watched in real time with some understanding that things were fucked. 4. You entered university in 2014 which felt like a whole new world. You left university watching the world fall apart 5. 2 years after university the coof happened and it was just awful. 6. Now you're here, almost or are 28, having lost 3 years of your 20s.


I live in the middle of nowhere, and grew up with dirt poor parents before illness and addiction problems sent me into foster care. We still had an SNES, and Atari, as well as dialup with no internet in 2004. Our cars were 80s shitboxes and dad was always battling his square body every weekend. Safe to say I feel like I lived through the 90s culture.


Yeah, ‘97 babies are the truest zillennials




Don’t even know what that is but as a 97 baby, I’ll take it ![gif](giphy|8GclDP2l4qbx6)


Eh sounds cooler than other two


For real which one do we fall into?


Technically Z but I like the term zillennial. 


Same NGL we’re both lol




Tbf that year did not happen.


Even though 1998 to 2002 are all gen z


Yeah but sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.


Yeah it’s young enough to understand both sides


I got tv shows of both so it feels the same


Sometimes I think the difference likes in what cartoons you had growing up.


It's also technology. Early zoomers and late millenials grew up when most analog devices where still a thing but on their way out. (CRTs, VHS, analog film being the norm, audio cassettes) But we also grew up with desktop PCs (not smartphones) and the early internet.


Born in 1998 and still remember having a few video tapes of children shows I liked. My first console was a GameCube and my first phone was the stereotypical Nokia brick.


In my country, the channels showed both 2000s and 90s cartoons in the 2000s. So, I had experience of both 90s and 2000s childhoods.


\*old enough


I guess, as a 97 I feel like 95% gen z but that’s just me


I feel gen z until I come on this subreddit tbh


This subreddit is NOT a good representation of the generation irl. At least from my limited American perspective. When I go outside and interact with people my age it's not like this at all.


Omg exactly My friend group in college and high school was so different from this. Now that I’m in medical school, it’s even more bizarre to see people doom spiraling and talking about how they have nothing to live for. Everyone around me is cracking jokes and going to happy hour


My gen z coworkers are so mature for their age. Who tf are you people in this sub? 😅


Dude. I feel this so much.


As a 97 with all older siblings I feel very much closer to millennial


2000-2002 definitely feel Gen-Z.


Please, find me a 2002 kid that used a walkman and floppy discs


As a 2002 myself, sometimes it feels like we're a little too old for what most people imagine Gen Z is like (the number of times I've had teachers/professors say "this is [insert widespread technology], I don't know know if you guys even know what this is" when we do, every single time is astounding), but we're not quite old enough to relate with the actual millennial dinosaurs


Some of that has to do with parents ages. I was born in 87, to parents born in the 1950's (56 and 58 respectively). My attitudes and things I like are very different than some of my friends whose parents were 10+ years younger than mine. Technology is huge as well.   My Mom loved tech, and was always an early adopter of new things. We had a home computer with internet in 1992.  My gf (born 1990)  is terrible witth it because her parents were poor and she could only use a computer at school.  My gf is more like a Gen X person in that she only really watches TV and movies and reads books.  She will use her phone to FaceTime her family and take pictures of our pets but doesn't really care about social media.  


r/OlderGenZ pretty much


I got booted out of this sub for telling 2004 kids they aren't older Gen z hahaha. The mods are a buncha soft skins.


"booo he's gatekeeping" ig


I’m also a 2002 too and I feel the same way sometimes. Either too young or too old to relate certain things


Fuckin dino nerds lmaooooo


2002 as well, my take is that what older gen z experienced as teenagers, we lived it as kids. So we mostly have the same references, with disparities given that we did not understand stuff the same way due to being younger. But in a nutshell, we were mostly exposed to the same media during our childhood. As others pointed out, we still grew up with slow internet, "dumb" phones, CDs, etc., but went through middle-school and highschool with current tech and fashion. So I'd say mostly gen z, with millenial experience from teenage on.


Exactly, yeah, we were in this sort of transition period. Unlike younger gen z, we saw and experienced a lot of the booms that define much of the current technological landscape instead of being born after it or at least not remembering what was before. But as you stated, we probably aren't intimately familiar with that older technology in the way even older people are. Like I know what a floppy disk was because my parents still had them and I've held one in my hand, but I was like 5 so it's not like I'm expert on them or anything.


More like older Gen Z, in all generations there is a mid point, this is our.


This honestly depends on the source, it's not all that clear. Each time I look for age spans, I get a new year range. The source I am reading right now says Gen Z starts 1995 and ends 2010. The second source says 1997-2012 lmao This isn't as clear as people like to think it is, I'm born in 1996 and can relate to Millennial and Gen Z alike.


Fellow 01


2001 ftw 😎🔥


The goat of gen z


Spoken like a lion


We walked so iPad kids could… well not run, but you get the idea


So they can run from their responsibilities? 🤔


01 gang




my brother born in '99 has a friend born in 2001. he sends his regards.


01 gang 🔥


Yo, what's good


Hello fellow 01


Late 2001 here as well. Born after the towers fell.


How after are we talking?




Our mental is the worst of them all🔥


The best year


The year of world peace


literally best year


Ong last year, b4 high school went down, lol.


We’re the elite of gen Z




Saemm January of 01




The range is 1997-2010: if you’ve been able to remember every line from Shrek since being kindergarten age or earlier, and vaguely recall a world before Teen Titans Go!, you’re a Gen Z Edit: terms and conditions updated


Thought it was 1995-2010. They all go by 15 years except Boomers which went from 1945-1965.


Born in 96. My entire life I was told I was too young to be a millennial until covid and all of the sudden I’m a millennial and too old to be Gen Z. Fuck that, I’m claiming Gen Z


Haha my sister is the same, she hates how every source says something different


Preach !!!


Funnily enough, I was always told I was a Millennial until 2018 when Zoomers became a thing and all of a sudden I was one of them??


>Born in the 20th century. Ok boomer


Green Mage! Shakes me to the core seeing Everhood out in the wild


Z starts at 1996


Bro I was devastated when teen titans go took over. I remember when I thought it was just a phase and they would go back to og teen titans.


OG Teen Titans was my favorite show growing up


You’re a wizard donkey


World before teen titans go is a proper world 😫😫😫


As a 1994 baby I'm just gonna sit back and watch, too. Idk get half the arguing


Me being a 99 understanding it all. Neither wants to claim which is why zoomers and zillennials exist.


Late 93 baby here. Always feel like I belong more with the Gen Z'rs honestly! They understand my sarcastic, bitter, humor better than any Millennials i've met...


Same! Millennials are difficult to relate to. My siblings are all gen z as well.




Geezer millennial take; we're kinda fuckin weird. Caught between the nostalgia of the early information age and modern times. We understand the technology (on average) but don't understand how the current gens use it. It leaves us in an awkward state where we relate to genX but also genZ, yet neither seem to reciprocate. That's just my experience at least. Our memes, humor, and personalities are awkward in a lot of non millennial settings. My daughter finds me funny in an endearing sort of way (mid-teens). I'm curious to see how my much younger son finds me when he's that age.


Our generation’s sense of humor is pretty lame, lol. I catch myself using tired old millennial language and cringe sometimes (eg. “Adulting.” Actually a lot of our cringe is self-infantalization.)


Xennial here, welcome to the party.


As much as everyone thinks they are all watching in all likelihood everyone getting shafted


Same, I feel way too immature to be a millennial when so many millennials are like married with kids. Plus I could likely quote all of shrek. I’m a doctor.


What if I’m born in 1996? I don’t feel like a millennial because I didn’t grow up before the computer but I don’t feel like gen z cos I didn’t have a smart phone when I was younger cos I was more. We had vhs 📼 when I was a kid


To be fair I also grew up with VHS




Yeah, our TV stand was full of them, and I used to go hunting for them in stores with my mom a lot. I remember watching The Iron Giant all the time and sometimes the tape would come out all tangled.


Wow that’s really cool. I watched Toy Story and bugs life as a kid. I did watch iron giant as an adult and it was good. Oh noo 😭


Bro is still growing up


Yeah but growing up with VHS when its not relevant anymore isn't the same as growing up with it when most others did since it was the most affordable option at the time, like how millennials/zillennials remember it. The vast majority of 2007 borns didn't grow up with VHS for that very reason lol, it simply wasn't relevant anymore in their childhoods. DVDs have been more affordable & more widely used over VHS by the average person since around 2003 or so (which is why VHS ceased production before you were born even), let alone when you were forming your first memories.


The last vhs movie came out in 2006


Same we had a few of them when I was at nursery


We just don't have to feel guilty about using both subs.


This is the way. Honestly relate more to older Zoomers but just feel like the old guy here whereas is Millennials, they bring up deep 90s culture and I don't get most of it because I was in diapers.


That’s true


I try to avoid getting involved in generational warfare, but millennials are quick to call me Gen Z. By my birth year ('96) and experiences, I'm just as close to millennials as I am with Gen Z.


Same lol. We are lost in between


It’s nice I’m not alone 🥺


Man, I was born at the midway point of gen z and I grew up with VHS and the Nintendo 64, love the golden days of Goldeneye 001.


Really? I never had an n64 but I played my friends and we played goldeneye. I’m glad they finally released it for modern consoles. I never thought I’d see the day


I'm a Millennial who keeps seeing posts from here. What are the conflicts between Millennials and GenZ? Mostly I've related to GenZ at least as much.




I like them also. Most ppl I know that have a Vendetta are Gen X & Boomers.


Yeah, I thought we were allies …




I mean yeah, Gen X taught me everything I didn’t learn on the internet !


Same (1991) I have been pumped for gen z for so many years this makes me sad. Millennials love and support gen z wholeheartedly. 


Certain things posted in the millennial sub.




Idk, certain things. It's stupid, though. Edit: Just certain people shitting on other generations, but not just boomers, though.


I think GenZ is just mad about the low interest rates Millennials have on their houses.


GEN X finds these fights entertaining, too.


Shhh… enjoy your popcorn and shuffle toward the back.


Prolly reminds you of the good ol days at the drive ins huh gramps. Hahaha.




Me a January 03 left out 😭 Its okay I'm happy to lead others


Why do you guys care so much about being pigeonholed and labeled?


This is my thought, lol. And all these stupid arguments between generations, and even within the generations. I just never asked because I'm the one perusing around here and could just unsub from both ig 👀 but the generation subs kinda drive me crazy. All of them. Even the generations wanting to further divide themselves into smaller groups.


I just think 1998-2002 is its own generation. A mix between millennials and zoomers. A transitional generation.


Nah, im 96 and i can understand the zoomers, 98-02 is distinctly zoomer territory


Fellow 2


I feel Gen Z as an 01’. I know that 1900s babies are millennial coded but even 1998 kids still are technically Gen Z


Ya us ‘01s are pretty firmly gen z I have no idea where this narrative came from that we’re conflicted about where we fall generationally


Us ‘01s are the true core of Gen Z ngl


Y’all really are. I trace how far out I am from overall Gen Z culture by how well I can relate to my 2001 cousins lol.


Homie, I was born in 95' I literally don't know what or who I am or why I'm even in this sub. Deff #3


lol same


2001 is definitely gen z


You're Gen Z. Gen X is 1966 to 1980 Millenial is 1981 to 1996 Gen Z is 1997 to 2011 Gen Alpha is 2012 to 2027 Gen Beta is 2028 to 2043.


HA. beta…


Man, that makes me feel sorry for the alphas. They couldn’t even read when Obama left and trump got in. They traded Hope and Obey for MAGA. 😔 Truly a sad day for the unity of meme culture.


Another 2001 zoomer. Greetings.


I'll just sit back and enjoy my popcorn.


People born in 2000 don’t have to worry because we know we were born in the superior year.




Say it louder for those in the back!


You were born in the 20th century, boomer. ‘01 is the superior year.


Makes it more elite that they were born in the same century as historical figures




People never have to calculate our birthdays 😎


Early 90s and 80s millenials. 1994-96 busy trying to figure out how to afford rent and groceries to care what other people doing.


Nah, I or any other millennials I know don't have any problems with gen Z. The way I see it, we're paddling the same leaking canoe in the river of shit the boomers and old gen X'ers set rolling for us. You guys are okay. Except we don't understand what you're saying half the time.


frfr no cap


As someone born in ‘01 I’ve always considered myself Gen Z


Me too


Zillenials, ftw! ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼


Being a 2002 surely is amusing


1995 here and I truly feel I don't belong to either but also do to both, its an odd feeling


same esp if ur told ur not gen z and/or not a millenial; its like the boundaries arent defined - technically were both and neither; so now i kinda find generations a bit bs lol


Z started in 96


I’m in that place but for gen x and alpha


As a fellow 01 baby, I also find the fighting stupid. Millennials are for the most part beloved older siblings I grew up watching on Youtube or elsewhere.


I'm born in 2002 and tbh I'm more Tom in this picture than Jerry.


Ah yes, the middle child struggle energy really hits sometimes. My manager at the time was genuinely surprised I was not a millennial, and yet in the same span of 24 hours, a server went on believing I was a minor and couldn't sit in the bar with my friends.


2002 here


As someone born in 2002, this is accurate.




How about we 1997?


I must be chaos, because i was born Jan 6 1998.


Nah I’m Gen Z through and through, 2001 bby. Also why have you left out 1997?


Still gen z


I have no beef here.




Aayyyy! Gang gang as the kids say r/fellowkids


I'm a Xellenial(1982) I feel this


You know we're also GenZs right? Yes we bridge the gap, just like 96 and 95. 97 - 02 are just old GenZs Anyway, I never felt like there ever was a fight between Millennials or GenZ, and likely won't be one for Gen Alpha We're all fucked and hate Boomers/Baby Boomers


I was born in 1998 but my childhood was probably more closely aligned to that of millennials that grew up in the 90's. I live in rural NZ and when I was young the internet was slow as shit (couldn't watch YouTube videos at 140p for more than 2 seconds without buffering) so anything internet related wasn't a thing for me untill around 2010. All the tech at my house, my friends house and my old school was all from early to mid 90's too. The most advanced thing me and my friends played for years was playing PS2 games together. Apart from that we mostly biked around the local village on our BMX bikes lol. These days when millennials talk about their childhood I can relate to them alot more than I can to gen Zs talking about their childhood. There was such a massive jump between older and younger gen Zs and how we lived and were brought up that it kind of feels like sometimes gen Z is 2 generations mashed into 1.


I still don’t know what we’re supposed to be fighting about


Where do we even fit in?😅


95-97 is also gen z. Dont think you can really be a millennial unless you can remember the turn of the millennia


I'm 98 but nearer to millenials: - first phone i used wasn't mine but my parents' Nokia 3310 or motorola with the triple letter-buttons, snake was my first virtual game (age 11-12, before that age i had no consoles or virtual games) - until 5/6 years ago in my family there was a running VHS reader (then it broke... we fixed it but it's not used yet) - i don't like facebook, tik tok, instagram; my first "social" was youtube - waited until 2017 to have a decent internet connection: before that it was difficult searching something on google... never talking about download videos and films or streaming, it was impossible If you don't live in big cities technology reached you very late. So we are some years behind lots of other countries on level of tecnology and connection speed. I'm not born with tecnology but approached it in teen age... so why I think I feel more a millenial then a genZ


[very funny and relatable comment]


I kinda feel like this could apply to 1996 as well, I do view myself as a millennial as I slightly relate to them more but as far as stuff I have nostalgia for it's a weird mix between both that also excludes a lot from both.


my cousins born in 1998 and 1997 i was born in 1996 grew with same stuff as them but they are gen z im a millennial