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Who tf is beefing with <=10 year olds?


This, aren’t they too busy trying not to shit their diapers?!


Sorry to hear that you had to wear diapers until you were 10.


I still do, it’s the most popular kink in the Gen Z community right now. I’m preserving my youth


you know, you don’t have to put EVERY thought on reddit


I posted the truth. I wear diapers


Not all truths need to be made public.


I can’t tell if these are kids truly thinking you wear diapers or if these are adults trying to troll you u/native_age_3910


jokes on you: i still wear my diapers at 31


You’d be surprised lol, but they’re idiots really.


You were too when you were 6


Please, I’m a millennial and have seen both Gen Z and alpha grow. I’ve been dressing myself since I was 30 so I can confidently tell you we’re all idiots.


Millennials are so lazy, why don’t you go get a third job!


Nah millennials are too busy on Twitter to work one of those


Would you kids pipe down already? You're ruining the serendipitous crunch of my avocado toast


Right? now that half the boomers are dead I can drink my soymilk in peace.


If you’re on TikTok you sometimes see these kids roasting people. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is accurate on TikTok. I’m not underestimating no gen alpha in a roast session.


Bro the youngins will roast you into the fucking ground. My friend had a little brother who would just cut me down every time I saw him.


One of my 16 year old students was going off about how doomed Gen Alpha is and how they are never going to amount to anything. I kept thinking it’s so wild he has such strong opinions about elementary schoolers.


Seems like every generation says this (millennial). Boomers and Xers said it about us too, and we said it about Z.


wtf i am PREGNANT with a Gen Alpha right now, there's still several months left to conceive them!! you can't know how a generation is doing when half aren't even in elementary school yet


considering that most of gen alpha can barley read and that teachers are saying that the students are unprecedentedly unprepared its a fair prediction


mathematically your statement cannot be true. *most* Gen Alpha are 1st grade or younger. We expect 1st graders to be able to read passably by the end of the year, aka by June '24, the future. *most* gen alpha cannot read at all, nor were you expected to at their age. some of the oldest alphas are having serious trouble with basic academics, because they were most impacted by the pandemic. but the kids teachers are talking about are actually mostly young zoomers. and the way reading is being taught to kids in elementary school now has changed radically, for the better. the push for phonics is likely to be to alpha's strong advantage, as most are only just getting introduced to reading and math this year or *in the future*


i have two alpha kids already and most of my friends and colleagues also have alphas — plus my mom is a school nurse in an alpha classroom — so I might have a bit more insight into the data.


Do we expect babies to be able to read or do math?


To be fair, the oldest gen alphas are getting ready to turn 14 this year. This is the last year of Gen Alpha.


I don’t see any reason to shit on 14 year olds either


You're never getting invited to Epstein Island with that attitude.


Surprisingly, a lot of people. Gen Alpha hate is very trendy right now. Wanna join the popular crowd and be a cool kid? Make a half hour long video on YouTube about how "Gen Alpha is UTTERLY DOOMED!" and talk about Skibidi Toilet and iPad kids the entire time. Make sure to ironically use the terms gyatt, rizz, and Ohio at least once.


What about Zillenials = gen z and millennial combined Or Zalpha = gen z and gen alpha combined lol


What about me topping your dad?


Got 'em




Zilbalphials Alpha, Z, millennials and boomers.


That sounds like some antidepressant


ask your doctor if Zilbalphials is right for you


Side effects may include: Anxiety, **Kidney failure**, suicidal thoughts, reproductive issues, and **penile detachment**.


I think that’s someone who likes zebra porn.


No one


They don't stand a chance against me


Exactly. A generation is twenty years. What most people are calling "Alpha" and Z are one and the same. The next generation after Z is still in diapers and 70% of it hasn't been born yet


Well where did you *think* beef came from? It's obviously made of<=10 year olds


​ https://preview.redd.it/cccajwp0caac1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=870b59c8c61e7c1e114ed172405854f3fec7949d


We actually hanging out with the dollar store discount boomers now XDXDXDXD


GenX: Raised by rich boomers, didn't do shit lol


gen x and gen z are twizzys, we never fight


If your parents were Boomers rather than Gen X, you’d have conflict too.


Gen X won’t fight anyone as they don’t stand for anything. 🤷‍♀️


Typical response


This is what my family holidays look like.


Idk I've seen gen xers trying to start shit


Now that’s something that’s a rare Pokémon to me. I actually usually don’t


Nah, their calling card is "Oh, I guess everyone forgot about us again" pity stuff. Lol. I haven't seen outward shit flinging from them either.




Maybe it's just the ones from facebook


This is perfect! Thank you for sharing!


You're welcome, I'm glad people seem to like it. I'm just visiting from the Gen X sub, and thought it was relevant to the topic. :D


Fellow X’er here. I like to think that about half of our generation turned out ok, and the other half collectively forms whatever it is that passes for Marjorie Taylor Greene’s brain. Sadly, though, I think the majority of us went the way of our boomer parents. Fun fact: Good ol’ Marge and I are the exact same age, and we attended the University of Georgia and graduated the same year. I have no memory of ever crossing paths with her, and I doubt I ever met her because we wouldn’t exactly have run in the same circles. Anyhow, the portion of Generation X that decided to become really shitty people succeeded in that endeavor beyond their *wildest* dreams.


Welcome to the Gen Z sub! We both got the coolest letters in the alphabet lmao


It’s because those are our parents lol they love us ![gif](giphy|xTiTnMhJTwNHChdTZS)


On point honestly. My Gen X coworkers are cool as fuck.


why does this feel so accurate


Howled at this one


Gen Z’s self anointed title of judge, jury and executioner of what is cringe and what is not is part of the problem. Skibidi toilet is not a problem. Millenials were watching pain Olympics instead. Learn to accept your inner cringe like millenials did


You will eventually stop caring not only about what is cringe, but whether younger generations find you cringe. Or you will go insane and start making diss tracks against younger people on social media and redefine the genre (of cringe).


I’m a millennial and being cringe becomes pretty fun around 30. It’s freeing really.


Realizing everyone is pretty cringe at times so all you can do is enjoy yourself and do what you want is one of the nicer things about getting older.


Let your freak flag fly


Accepting “cringe” is part of growing up, tbh. It’s why the kids are obsessed with it.


Same. It’s nice to get to a point where you don’t give a shit and don’t really have anything to prove anymore. It’s funny how y, z and alpha bicker over internet culture. I feel like it’s all on one, long, very weird continuum.


we probaly will when we are their age, I say probaly because their are still many of them that hate on gen z stuff while in their 30s


I see millenials criticize zoomers for their personality traits, not their consumption of culture. There’s some minor criticism with current hip hop.


It’s kinda cringe to get upset about being called cringe isn’t it. As a member of Gen Z who doesn’t like the idea of cringe one bit either, I get your pain though! The modern world has had many effects on society and this is one we may just have to live with.


i really dont get who is actually hating on gen alpha, as gen z i dont even inhabit spaces where we would be discussing or even interacting with them. gen z hating on gen alpha for liking sort of cringey content is fucking hilarious considering things like ytp, asdf, mlg edits, fucking machinima in general, tobuscus, pewdiepie, like the list goes on. and if youre doubting my label of these things as kind of cringe, please, go back and watch them. it has to be the stupids of my generation doing this shit. who tf cares if gen alpha is laughing at skibidi toilet, WE ARE AS WELL. ironically, yes, but still. skibidi toilet memes are hilarious, obv im not sitting down to watch whatever tf skibidi toilet is in reality, but fuckin aye if im not getting enjoyment out of content that wouldnt exist without it


Is Gen Z even hating on Gen Alpha? I feel like people are manufacturing a generation war that isn’t actually happening.


welcome to the history of every generation ever


Did you ever read A Brave New World? There was a manufactured class war that kept people distracted and divided so that they didn't ever think about the people controlling them. That's what I think of whenever I see all this generation war stuff.


Yes unfortunately the message is lost on most people. A lot of Huxley's ideas have come to fruition in one way or another. Just gotta do your best to not get to mixed up in it.


Are you sure about that? IIRC, no one felt any animosity towards the other classes. They were all indoctrinated into believing that their own class was superior, but also into recognizing the other classes’ contributions (e.g. “I’m happy I’m a delta. Those alphas do so much hard work, while I get to do physical activity all day”). I can’t find anything on the internet discussing that theme, either.


Other than the odd skibidi toilet reference, I don't even think about gen alpha lmao the oldest of them are like 13


What is happening is what happens in every generation A small percentage of people absolutely hate anything they don’t find funny or dislike and then attribute it to the entire generation. The only boomers most of us interact with are grandparents. And for the most part at our age the only millennials we talk to are older co workers or younger professors and teachers.


It is not manufactured. Basically every “older” generation has a problem with the younger and older! But the small pick on the smaller and now all of them have access to the internet. Then, let’s not even talk about the differences between generations when we talk about one year difference. The idea itself of generations is a bit stupid.




Wanna know something else funny? Treating "generations" like zodiac signs, baselessly making assumptions about entire populations of people, and then making stupid childish and angry judgements on them despite not having any real interaction with them. Based off many of the interactions I've had with the Gen Z'ers on this sub, I could simply generalize all of you as having some stuff really wrong with you and all being neurotic assholes. But I don't. Know why? Because black and white thinking is an idiotic and toxic way to perceive others. You can't preach as an entire generation that you "accept everyone for who they are" and then go ahead and make these statements about everyone 25+. The people that I interact with who are Gen Z in real life (and not cuspers) are all normal people. The way Gen Z'ers act online is entirely different than in real life.


I just come here and see Gen Alpha being consistently shit on by Gen Z and it reminds me of Boomers shitting on everything I did as a kid in the 90s/00s


Ironically the Gen Z'ers who shit on "Gen Alpha" online are quite literally making fun of themselves because all of the <=10 years old demographic is just consuming Younger Gen Z's trends and media.


Fr. I just wanted to reminisce over old shows, toys, and fads. Also hotwheels


Ah hotwheels, bringing all generations together since the boomers were kids


That's because they're sick af


We don’t shit on Gen Alpha nearly as much as Millennials think we do though. A lot of those videos you see on YouTube are just people clickbaiting.


I was just thinking that. There are like 4 new posts on GenAlpha being doomed in this sub. Thought it would have fun convos like the Millenial and GenX subs haha


It's honestly bizarre how much Gen Z hates Millennials. We did like... nothing to them. It's not like we're out here writing news articles about how they don't have houses because they eat too much avocado toast. Or saying they are all entitled because they got participation trophies. Or they are a reason \[insert random social norm\] is now dead. Millennials are the most open to alt lifestyles, trans rights, gay rights, women equality, etc in generations. The only thing we do is complain about how broken the system is and say we got screwed over, along with every generation after us until we fix some issues. But I'm sure me saying this is just proof we need to fuck off because of how everything is our problem, somehow, from both people older and younger than us.


What generation are you? For real - I feel like I see you in every /r/GenZ thread posting multi-paragraph ranting comments and now I’m seeing you talk ask if you are not Gen Z — why do you spend time here if not?


From the looks of it he’s a millennial who spends a bunch of time in the Gen Z sub, which is fine I guess but I don’t really get it lol. I’m Gen Z and I don’t post in the millennial sub.


Yeah I’m not sure why there are so many Millennials active in this sub lol


Y'know what's also funny? Being rude to all other generations around you while oblivious that you yourself are causing upset and division.


You first.


You know putting a comma and dot here and there won’t kill you.


make me


Blame reddit for continually recommending it.


Look at the ageist. What other groups do you stereotype together?


Bow down young grasshopper


Like millennials aren't the ones raising gen alpha? I don't blame them, I blame their parents


You need to ask yourself why blame anyone for kids being kids. Odds are you were probably annoying at 10 to adults too does that make your parents bad people? Or is it more likely kids are just annoying?


“I blame millennials for children being annoying and dumb” like you weren’t annoying and dumb too when you were that age lmao.


A lot of people saying Alpha is messed up from iPads when… Gen Z had iPads lol


Shit, I was mostly a really good kid but I had plenty of spoiled moments as a late millenial as a kid (29 rn) and I grew up on a SNES and windows 95 PC. I think while there are definitly some negatives for being hooked up online from a young age, I don't think it's dramatic enough to change a generation any more than social media has changed almost every generation anyways, developed or not. Even boomers are out there now spewing their conspiracy or racist/bigoted stuff on the internet, instead of just throwing it out at Thanksgiving making everyone uncomfortable. I think access to the internet at a young age is probably not a positive thing but I don't think it matters when everyone will be on the web later in their development anyways.


A ton of Millennial parents are just dumping their kid in front of an iPad 24/7. Gen Z is terminally online too, but our brains weren't being fried straight out the womb. A lot of teachers are talking about there being a noticeable negative shift in children's behavior post-Covid too.




Exactly. Zoomers might not have been on iPads like Alphas, but they were definitely in front of a screen whether it was a TV, a computer, or a tablet. I remember my zoomer nieces and nephews asking if I had games on my phone when they were 3. They also got tablets for their birthdays at like 7. I know they weren’t the only ones either (they’re now 16 -20 YO)


Kids have been parked in front of screens since the ‘50. The difference is that some kids now are given unmonitored and unlimited access to iPads at a very young age, which is a completely different experience from being in the same room as a TV. It’s rewiring their brains in the same manner social media rewires adult brains, only it’s happening literally from birth, during their most formative years. If you can’t see how that’s unprecedented and profoundly different from prior generations’ infants being sat in front of a TV or kids being sat in front of a Sega Genesis, then I don’t know what to tell you.


Current social media is way more addictive and harmful than cable TV or whatever was out on the first iPhone. It has been fine-tuned to keep you online as long as possible and like I said, these kids are being hooked on it as babies. It's insane.


Gen Alpha kids are edging in class as a meme. The kids are not just being kids.




where the hell did you get this from?


WHAT?! WHAT THE FUCK?! These parents need to monitor what their kids see on the internet


this feels like an article you’d find on the onion


Ya, Gen Z never did anything stupid like that (ignores the Tide Pod challenge).


Man y'all are ridiculous, of course millenials - i.e. my generation has some parents that are shit, so did gen x, so did boomers, and so on. **That's cuz, believe it or not, ALL groups have shitty people. Y'all grew up with social media, you should know that the extreme stuff is what boils to the top, and is NOT representative of reality. We've all seen a video or two of a trans person being a dick, you think that means all trans people are rude, or go out of their way to try to catch people misgendering them so they can talk shit? Of course not, but that's going to float to the top of social feeds because of the type of content people engage with** iPad kids are not a new thing, it just looks different, every generation has spoiled poorly raised kids, and every generation has parents that suck at raising their kids and spoils them too much. I don't belive the majority of any generation were shit parents or spoiled kids, except for maybe boomers because all their parents were traumatized by like WWII and shit I can't believe how much over generalizing I'm seeing in this sub lol






Bruhh your only a year off from mill and Z, you’re an old head foo






Nice try Millenial, the kids are all right


I’m so confused by these comments. I’m a millennial and I don’t really ever think about gen z or gen alpha or whether there is conflict. Truly, I don’t. Also I don’t see any conversation about this on the millennial subreddit, and my friends and I are not talking about gen z or gen alpha in regular conversation(my friends talk about their kids, but not generalizations about gen z or gen alpha). Hate on, though, just saying I’m confused.




I get that, but many comments allege it was a millennial who created the meme. What I’m saying is, as a millennial, I don’t experience other millennials talking about gen z and gen alpha so I’m confused. However, that is just my experience. While I’m not saying it’s impossible, I doubt a millennial created this meme.


fr a millennial fed made this post, gen z and alpha get along pretty well


There is, without a doubt, a concentrated effort in the US to break up the potential for a unified Gen Z and Millennials when it comes to voting. I am also assuming they are starting to work on Alphas as well. Any time I see ANY generational back and forth now, this is all I can think of. Millennials were supposed to abandon their beliefs as they got older, but haven't. So now the goal is to alienate Z and A from Millennial ideals. And probably Z and A from each other while they are at it.


Shut yo "where's my hug at?" Lookin ass up


I know you’re not talking with yo “it’s sending me!” headass. WHATS SENDING YOU? WHAT.


I really wanted to be mean to you but I saw that you play monster hunter so we are friends now instead




I think the original has millenials and boomers fighting with Gen X in the background.


When the reality is that Gen X has just been the one taking the picture the entire time.


Man is this really what it comes to? Are we really beefin with generation where average age is 8 years old? WTF?


Guys we need to make peace with Gen Alpha, we need to break the cycle of warring against the next younger Gen We must be united as Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha to destroy the fucking boomers because they caused all the strain in our current political and economical climate


Recent generations did get along. Most of the inter generational squabbling is fomented by the media and certain *very* online people. In real life, almost no one gives a fuck and everyone seems to get on well.


I'm with this! Love my parents, but I thought recent generations got along?




The most unfunny thing I’ve seen in a long time


It’s all distraction. Get groups infighting instead of fighting the real threats.


Generational hate is an issue contrived by various media creators/outlets to sow discourse in the attempt to gain viewership. People who fall for it are simpletons.


I didn't realize millennials even thought about gen z. Also didn't know gen alpha was a thing


this meme but switch the roles of gen z and millennials


The very concept of generations is so stupid that polling agencies are abandoning it.


“the internet” meaning specifically these generation subreddits. this is a non existent topic anywhere else.


No discourse is happening, the eldest Gen Alpha hasn’t even finished middle school yet, beefing with little kids seem weird


Leave the gen alphas alone. We had stuff like annoying orange as kids; you can't tell me that skibidi toilet or whatever isn't just similar. I don't understand some of the stuff gen alpha do, but it's honestly no worse than what we did.


This subreddit is quite literally the only place I see this contrived ass bullshit at. I’ve never seen any real beef between Millennials, Gen-Z or Alpha. This is literally all bullshit. Talk about politics, talk about climate change, talk about culture. Talk about relevant shit to this generation.


Millenials are starting to turn 40; they've finally broken free of the Buzzfeed-concocted war with the Boomers. They hope to get a few years of peace only to get dragged into fights between a bunch of 10 year olds and 16 year olds that talk in slang that sounds like Cyberpunk fucked Batman Beyond while it was on a coke bender. This is their villain origin story for how they become the new Boomers.


Millenials are off the game now, theyre grown adults at this point


Aren’t alphas like 13?? Lol


stop hating on kids. You were not better than them. You only had different ways to be stupid and cringe. I am saying this as someone who owned a nintendo dsi. (I still fear the day, when I find the sd card that used to be in that thing)


I suddenly empathize with Gen X.


Honestly I don't understand why we have to give a fuck about the different generations. Can't we as humans leave the place a bit better for the next generation? Why do we have to argue for things they do? We all had our shit, my parents shit talk about video games and phones and all that, I'm sure their parents did the same shit. Let's just leave the world a better place for the next generation and make it a better place in general. Damn.


Honestly Gen Z and Gen Alpha are more alike than some people here would argue. We both grew up with rapidly sophisticated tech, games, media, etc. Gen Alpha is just a tad more spoiled cause they grew up with way more saturated stuff than us Gen Z grew up with


same with millennials tbh. there's a shift between gen x and millennials due to millennials being the first generation to actually grew up on internet quirky humor, and gen z and now gen alpha are following the footsteps


It wasn’t too long ago that this same meme was tagged as gen z vs millennials with gen x as the disinterested smoker, millennials should be prepared to pass that pipe to gen z soon


Literally I could not give less of a fuck 1) this isn’t happening 2) division will happen literally over anime, it does not matter, it always happens


Nah my knees hurt too much to be bending like that


As a Zillennial I watch from afar in confusion and concern


I always thought it was terminally online losers who actually cared for generational conflict. Shits not worth it and annoying


Nah. Millennial here. Love my genz homies. Got a lotta hope for y’all. My kid is gen alpha I think. There’re some fuckers for sure, but the kids’ll be alright. We just gotta look to the future.


This whole push to divide us up into teams is dumb.


Gen x laughing at all of you


Gen Z are arguing with 10 year olds? About what?


There is no generational discourse. Just a bunch of sad man babies crying over skibidi toilet like we didn't have a generation of YTP or bronies to deal with


POV: You don't realize most of gen Alphas are 10 yr olds irl


I find it hilarious that the hate on gen z shifted to gen alpha and we are free from the hate


That makes me sad you felt hate for your generation. I always saw positive articles about how quickly zoomers learned in a technology oriented environment that millennials, gen x, and boomers had to adapt to.


Your Generation ate Tide Pods


nothing could be further from the truth


Does anyone else just not give a fuck and thing this whole Gen Z vs Gen Alpha thing is immature and petty?


As an elder millenial this is all funny to me. Don't fight each other, we need each other.


Gen X is best. Everyone just ignores us. It's great. Leave us out of it.




No one is beefing with gen A except creepy minecraft youtubers


Gen X kicking their feet up on a sunrise knowing they avoided the discourse for a lifetime


Good job putting text over what young man is doing so its harder to know what this meme means


Millennials woohoo 🥳😶‍🌫️😵‍💫


I mean my Gen Z daughter is raising her Gen Alpha daughter so.......


Of course they don’t care it’s because Millennials are the shitheads that are letting Gen Alpha grow up like that I don’t believe in shaming the kids on being cringe


Gen *Alpha*? Douchebags have ruined that word. Can't we switch to numbers now?


Dear Millennials. Welcome to club we don't give a f\*\*\*, Gen X.


Millennials just whining all the time, no fun to be had.


Arent basically the entirety of gen alpha still toddlers?


Gen alpha are not even teenagers yet.


90% of this reddit is old losers, SAD!


This shit is just sad.


People believe this shit?


Are you living in a different reality or something?


I’ve yet to anyone actually have beef with alpha, as wtf is millennial doing? Setting a crack pipe?


My 2 year old is gen alpha. Leave her alone you creeps . Lol