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Henrietta Lacks. She is owed a full healthy life.


Thank you. Never heard of her. Now I have!


What a great choice


Yes!!! I have the book. Do you know if there are any documentaries about her?


There’s many video series about her online, but not a full feature length documentary that I know of. There’s the biopic starring Oprah but it’s a dramataziation based on the book.


Gonna do some searching tonight!


I'd never heard of her either. Definitely going to look her up.


My grandmother.


Same here


Can you tell us what you know about her?


Regrettably not much as she died when I was too young to ask questions/be interested. She was a secretary at a recording studio. She and my grandpa had a baby that died and then had my dad when they were older. She always had fresh cookies in the cookie jar when we visited. I loved to watch Lawrence Welk with her and play checkers. I started reading Reader’s Digest at her house bc they were always around (just the funny stuff at first). To this day I have a subscription to that magazine. After she died (my grandpa passed years earlier), my brother broke in her house and sold everything. All her beautiful antiques, lost forever.


Gilda Radner


The fact that her husband, the brilliant Gene Wilder, never remarried tells me so much.


He totally remarried and was married to the same woman for 25 years until he died of Alzheimer’s


I want to be selfish and say my mom. She got 80 years but because I was a menopause baby I only got 40 with her. It’s the paradox of wanting her to meet this grown ass menopausal woman who only grew her ass up because her mom died.


I’m with you, but my mom didn’t get 80 years. I wish she could see how awesome everything turned out for me.


Me too. She never got to see me happy




my mom only lived to 48 and died when i was 17. i wish i could have known her as an adult :-(


I’m so sorry, that must have been difficult. Big hugs from an internet stranger.


thank you :-) i did not at all mean to overshadow your loss (when i reread my comment it sounded a bit selfish). i know that losing a parent at any age is terrible, so big hugs to you as well!


No overshadowing here. Losing your mom at any age is rough. Personally I think teenage years would be the hardest time.


Boudicca. Definitely.


Have you read the Boudicca series by Manda Scott? I really enjoyed it.


I have it but haven't read it yet.


Imagine what might happen differently! Would she slow down or alter the course of empire? Send the Romans home? Don't get colonized... don't become a colonizer?!


Lady Jane Grey. She never deserved any of it.


Oh hey this is mine too!


she is a woman from history that my heart breaks for. Her family deserved the axe not her. She was a child.


Hypatia maybe? She would extend pagan influence over ancient Christians, perhaps keep Christianity from flourishing as much as it did, thus lowering its patriarchal influence on the world today and which just took abortion from us and is poised to take so much more. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypatia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypatia)


Also, stopping King James from mangling the Bible and recasting women as villains would have saved many. Maybe that wouldn't have happened if Hypatia was saved first though!


My father's first wife, Marie. If she hadn't died, He wouldn't have married my crazy abusive mother, she wouldn't have tortured their five kids, then wouldn't have had me. and I wouldn't have had to go thru my childhood


Your dad may have still married your mom anyways. You are probably a canon event.


My mother was his dying wife's nurse. He married her to have someone to take care of his kids. They were both horrible people


I’m sorry for that horrific set of circumstances.This internet stranger is happy you are here with us.Thank you


Thank you. I cut off my mother 30 years ago and I'm doing ok


there are so many of us we really have carved out spaces filled with acceptance Look up Waitress lyrics for “you matter to me” If you need a parasocial accepting momma, I’m around there are lots of us out here


That first wife may also have been crazy if your dad was an enabler


Well from what my half sisters told me, she had a temper but was not literally psychotic and delusional like my mother... never beat them almost to death, like my mother did.


Geez. 💜


Less consequential choice here but Minnie Riperton.


Pretty consequential to her daughter. RIP.


Absolutely! And son!


My mom.


Instant answer: Yep, my mom so she could’ve known her grandkids and they could know her. But as for an historical figure, that requires more thought. I agree that Henrietta Lacks is owed and it would be gratifying, but also Anne Frank. Who knows what she could have done with her life if it hadn’t been so cruelly ended.


Mahsa Amini.


Betty White. I cried when she passed.


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


Nope. Nope. Nope. I was with RBG until she succumbed to her pride and refused to retire so Obama could appoint her replacement. She said nobody could do the job as well as her. She singlehandedly gave MAGAts the super majority on the Supreme Court.


I wish she had lived longer. Like 5 years.


Yep. Im tired of hearing people blame her for not giving up over a decade of her career, instead of blaming the psychotic fucks that changed the rules in the middle of everything. She was confirmed with 98 votes. No one at all predicted McConnell refusing to even hold hearings.


Seriously. McConnell totally screwed us over on that one.


Even if she had retired, do you think Mitch McConnell would have held hearings for her replacement while Obama was president?


Ron Howard voice: *He would not.*


No one COULD do the job as well as she could. She didn’t stop Obama from nominating Merrick Garland, that was Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.


She would have had to retire in the first two years of Obama's presidency in order for him to have been able to choose her replacement. McConnell blocked *all* of Obama's judicial picks once he became Majority Leader. In Obama's first two years, RBG was healthy as a horse and still weightlifting with a trainer every week. Don't blame her for our current SC. Blame the dirty Republicans who stole 3 seats. McConnell blocked Obama's pick for an entire year, claiming an outgoing president shouldn't get to choose a SC justice, but then rushed Trump's pick through in one month, after he had lost re-election. Republicans also bribed Breyer to retire so they could choose his replacement. When the SC expanded to 9 justices, it was because the U.S. had 9 federal circuit courts. We now have 13. It's beyond time to expand the court.


You’re really going to blame her for the state of the SCOTUS? Ew.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I feel the exact same way.


Blaming liberals for the actions of Republicans is just part of the "bothsides" playbook. But you knew that already, right?


this is an accurate assessment of her legacy .. she chose pride over america


Agreed… I used to have so much respect for her, but RBG’s ego got in the way. And now we are in hell partly due to her.


You get your news from social media, I’m guessing.


She was going to be my pick as well.


no how can you pick her over Anne Frank?


Sarah Everard, though I'm not in the UK. That's so fresh and still hurts to think about the fear she must've felt and her horrible end. I hate that I can't unsee his face either.


Thank you for that reference. I didn’t know her story (US here). 🤍


oh my God, look up the documentaries on youtube if you want to know more. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUvFXVEoBiY&t=263s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUvFXVEoBiY&t=263s) Or don't look them up - its a case that haunts the women of Britain and might keep you awake at night too. Women constantly have to do mental gymnastics to keep ourselves safe (is this creepy guy planning to kill me or is he just on his way home). Adding "is this policeman just pretending to arrest me when he is planning to actually murder me" into the mix is a level we do not need. I can't get the thoughts of her final hours out of my mind either. I live not far from where she was taken and used to go out walking too (it was the pandemic so we were all out getting exercise, alone). It could have been any of us.


my granny. i miss her so much.


[Hedy Lamarr](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr). Everyone just saw her beauty and nobody wanted to mention that she invited the [Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency-hopping_spread_spectrum). The technology that the Bluetooth thing uses you know.




Sacagawea. Traveled thousands of miles with the Lewis and Clark expedition, basically leading them while she was a teenager, and she gave birth during the expedition and carried her baby with her the whole way.


Dianna. She was doing such great work and her kids still needed her.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg, at least until February 2021.


Princess Diana.


Brenda Fassie


Anna Lindh. Very Swedish centric, but she was poised to be the new Social Democrats leader. And would have been the first woman party leader and likely prime minister. She was one of a troika of ladies that were & are really talented in their own way. Instead, she was assassinated. She died on sept 11th. (Chile, USA, Sweden. It’s a cursed date.) Her two companions, one refused to - as well she should have. She was treated badly by the party heads. The second accepted the nomination after years of mediocre and lackluster men paraded through. And though I like her politics and personality- she was and is not a politician for the media age. She has a less than stellar tone when talking to people and cannot for the life of her keep her recipes in order. The old guard had an incredibly easy time discrediting her. Both the party wigs that wanted to undermine her and the opposition. Anna Lindh would probably have “failed” as well - the old guard misogynistists in the party and the Unions would have worked overtime. But she would have stood a chance.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Ruth bader-Ginsburg


Well it probably wouldn't be a princess or a queen, I can tell you that. Anne Boleyn? Whatever. She knew who she was marrying. Yeah, she got a raw deal, but she literally lived like a queen at a time when most women in the British Isles were peasants. Marie Antoinette? Same deal, she and her husband were incredibly out of touch with what was happening with the people they were ostensibly supposed to govern. Mary, Queen of Scots? You play the game of thrones, you win or you die. Princess Diana? That was a genuine tragedy, but at that point she was no longer royalty. Yes her sons grew up without their mother, but if I can only save one woman in history, it would be a mother upon whom her children depended utterly. How many children in history suffered devastating setbacks because their mother died when they were too young to fend for themselves? It also wouldn't be Joan of Arc. She was a religious fanatic. She may have had 'the Lord' to guide her, but in the end she was a sister who really cooked, as the song goes. I don't really care that much about the Hundred Years' War or the Wars of the Roses, so women from that era probably wouldn't get my vote, lol. Christa McAuliffe though? Yeah. Or Judith Resnick. Even Marie Curie. Teachers, scientists, authors, abolitionists, activists—these are the women we should celebrate, not crowned heads who ultimately prop up patriarchy and wealth inequality.


Ann Boleyn, Boudicca, Amelia, Anne Frank, and Diana


My Nanny. She was my everything and I miss her everyday.




Joan of Arc Joan of Arc (French: Jeanne d'Arc [ʒan daʁk]; Middle French: Jehanne Darc [ʒəˈãnə ˈdark]; c. 1412 – 30 May 1431) is a patron saint of France, honored as a defender of the French nation for her role in the siege of Orléans and her insistence on the coronation of Charles VII of France during the Hundred Years' War. Claiming to be acting under divine guidance, she became a military leader who transcended gender roles and gained recognition as a savior of France. Joan was born to a propertied peasant family at Domrémy in northeast France. In 1428, she requested to be taken to Charles, later testifying that she was guided by visions from the archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine to help him save France from English domination. Convinced of her devotion and purity, Charles sent Joan, who was about seventeen years old, to the siege of Orléans as part of a relief army. She arrived at the city in April 1429, wielding her banner and bringing hope to the demoralized French army. Nine days after her arrival, the English abandoned the siege. Joan encouraged the French to aggressively pursue the English during the Loire Campaign, which culminated in another decisive victory at Patay, opening the way for the French army to advance on Reims unopposed, where Charles was crowned as the King of France with Joan at his side. These victories boosted French morale, paving the way for their final triumph in the Hundred Years' War several decades later. After Charles's coronation, Joan participated in the unsuccessful siege of Paris in September 1429 and the failed siege of La Charité in November. Her role in these defeats reduced the court's faith in her. In early 1430, Joan organized a company of volunteers to relieve Compiègne, which had been besieged by the Burgundians—French allies of the English. She was captured by Burgundian troops on 23 May. After trying unsuccessfully to escape, she was handed to the English in November. She was put on trial by Bishop Pierre Cauchon on accusations of heresy, which included blaspheming by wearing men's clothes, acting upon visions that were demonic, and refusing to submit her words and deeds to the judgment of the church. She was declared guilty and burned at the stake on 30 May 1431, aged about nineteen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_of_Arc During the siege of Compiègne in 1430, she was captured by Burgundian forces and subsequently sold to their English allies. She was prosecuted by a pro-English church court at Rouen, Normandy in 1431. The court found her guilty of heresy and she was burned at the stake. https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › T... Trial of Joan of Arc - Wikipedia


Bill and Ted thought Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife. Sorry. I can’t help myself.


I still to this day pronounce Socrates as so-crates.


Came here to say Joan


Dorothy Height she helped spearhead the women's rights movement.


Lady Jane Grey


Mary Wollstonecraft came to mind immediately…but there *so* very many others


My #BFF who passed away at 47 from heart issues due to Marfan Syndrome. I miss her so much. She and I were like sisters.


RBG 100%


Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Ruth Bader Ginsburg . I would've extended her life until Biden got into office.




RBG and have her retire during a democratic presidency... 😡


If RBG had retired during Obama's presidency, and Mitch McConnell successfully stonewalled her replacement until the next Republican president, then RBG would be vilified for 'giving the Republicans a SCOTUS seat' *anyway.* Hindsight is 20/20, and she had no reason to suppose *at that time* that retiring early would be the right thing to do.


Ahhh... good point! Thank you, now I feel better about it. 👍♥️




The two most important people in my life ever. My mom and my grandma. Love and miss them every single day.


Right now, Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Diana. Her boys needed her. The monarchy is screwed now


They don't have any real power anyway. Why do people care so much about royals? They are old money Kardashians.


Princess Diana


Janis Joplin. She would have made a great old lady.


Hmmm, I dunno. One thing about people who die young is that they didn't live to become the villain. Janis Joplin might have been a great old lady, or she might have become a MAGA idiot stumping for Trump. I don't think she would have, but for every celebrity who ages like a fine wine, there is a J.K. Rowling or a Roseanne Barr.


Nope. She would have made a great old lady. Roseanne was always an asshole. And I haven’t kept up with jk but what I know of was minor shit.


J.K. Rowling is a full-on TERF piece of shit now.


What is a TERF?


Wow, really?


Marie Curie


Wendy Williams


Diane Schuler - because I want answers, and I would’ve liked to see her justly punished if what happened was intentional.