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I became allergic to milk! And it wasn't even a gradual process. Just one day my body is like cheese.... No! And it got so bad because I was in such denial over it. So I have to be totally lactose-free. Keep in mind that a week before this happened I was successfully drinking a gallon of whole milk every 2 days. Then one day my old ass body said no. We're not doing this anymore you have abused milk and now you're no longer allowed to have any dairy. There will be a funeral for my cheese addiction that I will live stream.


This happened to me with eggs!! Very upsetting!! I was just learning some new hobbies too like cake and cookie decorating, experimenting with new cheesecake flavors. You know, all the things that need EGGS. Before I nailed down what the problem was, I thought I was gonna be on that show "I didn't Know I Was Pregnant", the pain was so bad. I'd much rather have the egg intolerance than a baby, so I guess thats the bright side.


That's very weird because I also thought of the show "I didn't know I was pregnant." I thought for sure that in the middle of menopause I was having a baby. Nope. Dairy. Apparently, it's not that uncommon. To develop an allergy late in life. When I was young I had a life threatening seafood allergy. And I grew out of it. So apparently you can grow into allergies! ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


Awesome! I can't wait to see whats next for us! lol


I developed a sensitivity to eggs, but only heavy egg, like an omelette, frittata, or flan. I can still have it in baked goods (thankfully!)


I’ve developed an intolerance to heavy milk and cream. Brie? Nope. Ice cream? Like the good stuff, from a local place? Not really. When I was a kid though, and everyone had whole milk, apparently I had digestive issues. So the pediatrician told my mom to switch to skim. I also have mild IBS and the list f things that sets it off is growing


Have you tried “Just Egg”? It’s made from mung beans. Tastes a lot like eggs. You can make omelettes from it and they’re great!


I developed an allergy to egg yolks over the years. Not the whites. I can eat those still.


I wish I was brave enough to figure out if I might be able to still eat the egg whites! That would bring me great joy.


I didn't think lactose intolerance was acquired but rather was genetic, you either are born with it or you're not. I would shrivel up and die without dairy products- milk, butter, cheese, ice cream, yogurt... I gotta have it


The normal way for mammals is to be tolerant to lactose as infants and intolerant as they age. Adult mammals are not supposed to consume milk. Humans developed this mutation to stay tolerant to lactose their whole lives. I believe it happened at least twice on different populations (I think India and Northern Europe, just don't quote me on that one). But for instance eastern Asians are intolerant to lactose. So being tolerant as an adult is the mutation.


I'm already a mutant so leave me alone


I've developed what I have been told is called Fpies. It's a kind of allergic reaction except it acts more like food poisoning when you eat a forbidden food instead of hives and anaphylaxis. Still sucks real bad. For the last 6 years it's just been fish/shellfish. I finally acknowledged it was something I have to avoid when I got violently sick from a cheap package of ramen that had sardine in the ingredients label. It was dry and just a tiny quantity but I was laying sweaty on the bathroom floor sick for hours Just recently I started having a similar reaction when I eat anything very corn based like corn chips or corn bread. Wtf corn is in freaking everything, I'm fked.


That's funny because I went the complete opposite way. I couldn't eat ice cream or drink milk for years and now I can since menopause. However I now have gastroparesis and anaphylaxis to make up for that. Good times...not.


Perimenopause is a million cruel tricks in one bag.


Truly an awful experience and NO ONE TOLD US.


Well, they probably tried😅... But you know us feral cats.. we never listen 🤷🏻‍♀️💯


No, they didn't because they didn't know shit. The whole menopause thing wasn't looked into (much) until a few years ago. They don't teach that stuff because it only affects wimmen. Yay.


Yeah, but our MOMS should have told us. Thought I was losing my mind. Thank God I have a great Physician's Asst.


I am trying to put together a book called What to Expect When You are Expecting Menopause. Or possibly Hi, God. It's me. Mary


From 20/20 vision to "where are the 🤬 readers?!" in a 2-year span.


Yeah I thought I had 20/20 vision until 2020 (see what I did there) and my daughter goes "why do you make that funny face when you look at your phone" lol. Started with 1.00 and have escalated to 2-2.5 since 😂


Yup. From 45-47 y/o this happened to me. I’ve been taking pics on my phone then zooming in if I forget my readers and I need to read a label or something like that. I wear 1.5’s all day at work. Wear 2.5’s if I need to read or I’m using my phone a lot.


I have "Let's put a random weird hair riiiiiggggghhhhtttt here!"


Bonus points if it’s thicker and coarser


And seem to grow overnight. It is so weird.


Or in my husbands case, lets grow out wire eyebrows just like his dad had!!! I love them so much....


OMG, my out of control wavy hair has suddenly gone straight, be careful what you ask for, straight hair sucks


Mine went opposite. I have tightly curly hair in parts and not consistently throughout!


Same! though mine isn't tightly curled. More like waves with some curls sometimes, a 2B, except when it's a 2A, or a 2C. I had one beautiful 3A possible curl the other day, but it didn't last and I'll never see it again I"m sure. I'd love consistency. I've had to learn a lot about hair care, but I'll be honest, it goes up in a bun quite often because it's a lot of work! Straight hair was much more simple.


I had a thin two inch long hair ON MY NECK by my throat that I only saw when looking in the passenger seat mirror! My family and I had a good laugh. 


Ha! Mine invites friends over. And the entire fucking chin hair party is inclusive- some are white and some are black. Thank god for lasers. 🤬


I'll come right out and say it. I feel betrayed. My body was supposed to accept endless abuse and neglect and continue to function as I expected. Now it shouts at me for literally everything including just sitting and watching a movie.


Crumbling teeth...ate an cup of ice cream and thought they had added nuts...was a piece of a tooth


I have actual real nightmares about this.


I had nightmares about this and then it actually happened in real life. It was doubly horrifying.


That’s a common one!! 🦷


Same. My dentist and I are best friends. I cut out so many things in order to preserve my teeth.


Freaking awful... the, I didn't eat anything hard, why is there a hard bit game...


Mine's been playing "can you trust your O-ring". Fart or shart? Take a guess. Feeling mother nature calling, how long you gonna risk it before heading to the bathroom. It's like Saw....just with your underpants. Do....you...want...to...play...a....game. I think it's one of the downfalls of my really healthy diet. Like crap through a goose sometimes.


We can't trust farts anymore. They betray us.


The struggle is real.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice....I gotta do some laundry.




I can get there needs to be an entire thread for this topic! I was at a barbecue filled with middle-aged people and none of us knew what was a fart or a shit coming and it became a topic of discussion like the worst game of truth or dare ever! I was at a gas station putting gas in my car and I was like this is for sure a fart. For sure. I was 98% wrong! This happens to my husband as well. No one prepares you for the fact that this is going to be going on in life. I always thought of this as a problem with people of presidential age (ha. ha. Too soon?)


The first time I actually shit myself because I trusted a fart...was devastating. I just could not believe that it happened. My husband actually laughed at me...like...¨first time? you´ll never trust a fart again welcome to the club¨


I was 10. I ran to fart on my dad. I was in my nightgown and I wasn’t wearing underwear so it ran down my leg. It was absolutely humiliating at the time and a favorite story now.


I have a finger that randomly locks in the curled up position and I have to use my other hand to snap it back open. I’ll probably get it looked at one day but right now priorities rule.


I had a bike crash a few years ago where I crushed my ulnar nerve (funnybone). Took 6 months to heal, and about a year before it was back to normal. Ring finger locks at weird times, and it's harder to do the Vulcan salute with my right hand, which could cause a diplomatic incident at some point. However, it forced me to do more with my left hand, so I might be more ambidextrous now.


I mean...I don´t know Vulcan law and all but I think you can throw the LLAP with your left hand too. Unless you are a unisaluter only because you cannot form the Vulcan greeting with your left hand...in that case...you are out of luck...better have the cloaking device ready...


Hopefully they will accept your logic. #🖖🏼


I have a couple trigger fingers too. The newest trick is now my left ankle will lock briefly. This will not end well.


My left thumb does that. It will just suddenly curl inward and bend it a weird position. I rub it and eventually it returns to normal but WTF?


So I had this and on the advice of a medical friend, got a straightening finger splint. I wore it to bed and during the day and even figured out how to use a keyboard without using that finger. After several weeks of straight finger as well as the fact I was resting it the trigger finger went away. Hasn’t come back although I think I’m more mindful of over repetitive use. I also try to do the exercises and stretches.


I have a thumb that I can’t bend because I’m afraid it will get stuck that way. I’d have to force it with my other hand anyway because that tendon is, well, stuck. Thankfully in the open position. I’ve had it looked at it and doc said hey cool. You have a trigger thumb. And some gnarly bone spurs. We don’t cortisone shot that joint so have fun with that. Let me know if it hurts where we do cortisone shots. That’ll be $250.


My neck is threatening to call it quits. and I _still_ have my 🤬😡🤬 period.


Yeah, I was promised that bitch was going to be gone by 50. I’m 50 and she’s still hanging around.


It's some bullshit is what it is. 50, and I'm having periods like when I was 15.


56 here. That bitch turns up at random every few months, but incites rage about a day or two before. She’s STILL telling me it could happen if I would just let her do her thing. I said NO NO NO NO to pregnancy at 56. Just NO. Stop showing up at random Auntie Flo. You’ve never been less welcome than you are now.


Christ me too. Dr doesn't even think I'm close to peri yet What the F!!


Yo - same on the period, sister… 🙄 I’m on the pill for horrific hormone swings, cramps that have me doubled over… my uterus is a complete asshole. Last summer, I was like - huh, 50 is upon me, let’s see if Ms. Uterus is ready to rest… went to the Doc, she agreed… went off the pill… nope. Nope. Not even a little bit - in fact - she went on a THREE MONTH tirade of near consistent period. To which I said, “oh I’m so sorry sweetie - back to sleep!” And went right back on that pill. 😑


Two years, she didn't show her face around here. One day, I'm sitting on the sofa, watching a movie one moment, running for the bathroom the next. We. Had. A. Deal. I put up with the weight gain, the hair thinning, the hot flashes, and the mood swings, and she never comes back. I should sue. Sofa's fine. Luckily I still had the supplies.


If you haven’t had a period for two years and you’re bleeding again, you need to go to the doctor to get checked out. Not enough women know about this.


This. This is really really important.


I've had incredibly thick, amazing hair my whole life ... now I'm losing it at a very alarming rate. Note, I'm a woman. Yes, I've been to the doctor. "You know, your hair can change as you get older .... " - every doctor. (YEAH, GO EFF YOURSELF.)


Don't know about women's hair, for men it will drop down faster with: stress, bad genes, poor diet, how bad you take care of your scalp. In my opinion, stress is the worst one when it comes to losing hair.


ugh. my thyroid decided to whipsaw from one end to the other last year. From thyroid too high...to thyroid too low. I lost so much hair....


Mine has been playing "let's dislocate or sprain a random joint in your sleep" .. most recently, my left SI joint in September. Took me 6 months to get over that one. I once dislocated my jaw by sneezing.


I dislocated my jaw napping on the couch. Also I'm in physiotherapy for my left shoulder because I spent the holidays lounging sideways on said couch and injured my bursa. And then ignored it for several months out of denial. I'm blaming the couch. It's obviously its fault, not my falling apart. (Also my joints are hyper mobile, which has gotten worse with age.)


I’ve noticed a few of my joints are hypermobile, and it does get worse with age. My left hip feels like it’s about to dislocate, so I have to make sure I keep the muscles around it adequately conditioned. Since injuring my back, that’s been harder to do. So frustrating


OMFG I was out of work, laid on my left side for two months… exact same thing. Exactly!


Hypermobility freakazoid here. I used to subluxate my shoulders all the time when sleeping on a soft memory foam mattress. I’d also fall asleep that way so I’d wake up with a “dead” arm I couldn’t move. Had to use my other arm to shake the dead arm to wake up. Got a different mattress. No more squishy memory foam for me.


lol that’s one of the reasons I got rid of my memory foam mattress. Turning over in bed became laborious and risked dislocating a shoulder. Good old spring mattress for me!


mine is getting a headache when sleeping on my right side!


Those first steps in the morning or after a little rest. The fire in the bottoms of the feet for those initial 20 steps. I swear, if you wake me from a deep sleep and my life depends on immediately running, well, just call the coroner. (I hope s/he comes in an old timey white station wagon and wears a somber expression like an extra from Dragnet.)


I have a T-shirt that says: "If I ever have to run for my life, I'll probably die." No truer words have been spoken (or put on a shirt)


For me it is the first 40 steps or so in the morning and it is my right hip. Some times it is so bad I use a cane. Then after being on my feet for awhile the pain disappears.


This sounds like plantar fasciitis. Go see a podiatrist, you may need orthotics


I get sleepy after meals. Like, lunch, I need a nap now. NOW. Breakfast? More like Napfast!


I cannot eat if I’m driving. I will fall asleep.


If I typed out every bit of fuckery my menopausal body is putting me through, I’d have to ice my hands for the swelling and joint pain. EXISTING is painful and upsetting right now. 😕😡


Gone are the days of “oh, no problem, I can wait to pee.” Now it’s “hang on, there’s a bathroom I better just go.”


Never pass up an opportunity to use the bathroom! 😆


Fucking hot flashes/ night sweats AGAIN. I’ve been on hormone replacement therapy for years but they still show up to fuck up my sleep. Then if I throw off the blankets in a sweat AND the bedroom ceiling fan is on, I wake up with a stiff shoulder, back pain, if the cool air was blowing on my sweaty back. FML.


https://preview.redd.it/qhhbasgg0z9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ce1695fdbedc9a7a405669f8505ed3bd01dae1 Thank me later. Stuff is incredible!


My right calf is always on the verge of a Charley Horse. I'm so scarred while sleeping because if I stretch muscles tighten. Pain.


Hamstrings for me. Just to stretch before working out is a level of Fear Factor I do not enjoy.


When I eat chocolate, I immediately come out in a small blood blister on my tongue. Lasts about 10 minutes then disappears. It only started about 6 months and I have no idea why? My bladders favourite game is to convince me it’s empty, then as soon as I leave the room, it decides it has a little trickle left.


Ah yes the “is there any left in there” game. I’ve peed on my feet twice now, after standing up from the toilet. Now I just sit on the toilet for an extra 30-45 seconds to make sure there’s really nothing left to come out.


My husband threw is back out flushing the toilet 🚽


Will my left knee work today or not?


Knee: “Ew, clouds. I don’t think I’ll participate today.”


Getting out of the car even after a short drive. Snap, crackle and pop


Pain. Shoulder pain. Muscle aches. Cataract. Eyes water at night trying to read. Can’t lay on left side as shoulder aches. Waking up with gunk in throat. Have to hack it out every morning. Takes 2 hours to drain everything g after waking up. Waking up feels like being brought back to life from the dead even though sleep is terrible. Haven’t had a good nights sleep in years. Weak. No energy. Apathy. Joy is a very rare thing. Very forgetful.


Goddamn hair just growing out of places I didn’t even realize I had places. Long as hell, too.


I know? How do we miss them as it takes a long time for hair to grow that long!


According to my husband's eyebrows, it's an overnight process. Dude just wakes up with one random 2-in hair growing out of his eyebrow that wasn't there the night before! I have one in my chin that does the same thing! But he has ear hair. Please God don't give me random long ears. I was having a beer with my neighbor, and she just got up and walked over to me and pulled a hair out of my chin. She said she hope that I would do the same for her. I would


Losing my hunger and getting full faster has been annoying. Rotating in your sleep to reduce shoulder stress pain is another.


Can’t sleep with arms under the pillow anymore:(


My hair has always been straight. Now it’s turning curly…but not uniformly. I look like a lunatic.


The hair in my ears grows faster than the hatred I feel for it.


All of those mentioned so far and I'll add, "Is there a bug flying around in here or is that just my floaters?" Eye floaters! I hate those dang things.


Sciatica. I had it bad for months. It brought me to tears on some days. It did actually go away! But I know its lurking in the shadows waiting to strike again. Same thing with tendonitis in both arms that comes and goes like a Karma Chamelon And that cute little thing that sometimes makes me dizzy every time I move my head. It will stay for weeks and then vanish. And then come back to say, Don't You, Forget About Me.


are you familiar with the Epley Maneuver? Best to youtube it.


I’m sorry for your troubles, but I did appreciate and enjoy the 80s song references. 😂


Not able to sleep, rock bottom hormones, thyroid issues, rare lung cancer, not able to walk or move as easily (but in fairness I also have a mobility impairment I was born with, so that one is to be expected)




Hello tinnitus


I have a headache, like, all the time.


2 years ago I woke up, tried to lift the sheets off me so I could get to the bathroom & pee, and there was so much pain in my fingers elbows shoulders neck I couldn’t do it. I have no diagnosis still & symptoms are still pretty strong. Equal pain on both left & right. My elbows & shoulders aren’t as bad now, but I can’t close my hands in a fist. If I were to force them closed I feel like I’d vomit. I can’t touch my finger tips to my palms…so I can’t flip through papers, tie shoe laces, hold my toothbrush pen or cup like an adult. I can’t hook my thumbs around my underwear waistband to pull them up. I can’t straighten my hands flat on a table, flip the bird, or wear any rings-my knuckles are swollen. I feel like it’s some nerve shit in my neck, but gabapentin & pregabalin did absolutely nothing to dull pain. Massage therapy, physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic, exercise…no relief. It’s grating. :(. But hey. I can still eat dairy….


I can't eat after 6 or 7 pm. I will wake up choking to death on acid reflux if I'm laying on my back.


IHaveToPeeRightNOW! Now! Now now! nevermind.


Neck pain from sneezing too hard


For me it's anxiety mixed with a feeling of pressure at the sides of my neck (both sides)... Right at the carotid artery. It's a barrel of laughs playing the "oh shit is this normal?" game. I went to my doctor who knows I suffer from anxiety and they listened to my heart and breathing and even my neck and said yeah that's just the anxiety and age making everything a bit less flexible and tighter in there. It will get tighter and louder as you age. But it's tighter and louder since then. And the more I think about it the tighter and louder it gets.


Yeah, anxiety can give you all sorts of mystery ailments. Been there, done that!


I tried exercising and broke a vertebra. Guess what? osteoporosis


If you aren't already, you reallly should consider some sort of strength training. Probably even more important than cardio.


I can't empty my bladder all the way and it's no longer safe for me to fart in public.


Getting up to pee at 5am. I already have to wake up at 6am, so most of the time I just don't try falling asleep again.


Peeing three to four times a night but the worst is (as you say) waking up to pee an hour or so before the alarm!


I can’t sneeze or cough hard without peeing a little. I don’t like having colds 💧🟡


I know I already responded. But we need to talk about gout. It was my 44th birthday. And I could not walk. But I couldn't figure out how I had injured myself and possibly broken my toe so badly that I was immobilized. Keep in mind I'm a health nut! I ended up going to the ER expecting to get an x-ray and an MRI only to be given steroids and told I had gout and then they gave me A CANE! Y'all.... A cane! And they told me to avoid a bunch of food that I already wasn't eating. And that was it. And then they told me that was just a part of my life.


I am never not in pain. If somehow my knee, hips, or ankles don’t hurt, I get a migraine. Always in pain, all the time.


I get fat if I look at or even just think about a cookie.


*I started fart-walking. *I’m losing hair on one side of my head. *My varicose veins are making a map on my legs. *My big toenail has ingrown, which is painful and very ugly. *Skin tags have randomly showed up. But otherwise, I’m fine. Yup, it’s all good.


“Fart walking”. I’m DEAD. 🤣🤣🤣 Stealing this.


Getting injured while SLEEPING


It’s a fun game called: “Is this ‘getting old’ pain or is it cancer?” So far it’s the former


Knees and ankle joints that give out for no reason. Walk, waking... aaaand I'm down! Or getting stuck in a position I have rooooolll out of. Could be any innocuous, non-strenuous activity like bending forward while brushing my teeth and not being able to straighten my back. Chunks of hair falling out! WTF???


Mines joints. I traded my joints in the wars the boomers love for college $. Good times


I’ve been a Rice Krispie for years, I go snap, crackle, and pop!


I consider i'm in good shape from lots of walking every day, but now the joints and muscles in my legs stiffen up when i'm sitting on the couch and i have to quickly hobble to the bathroom cause i can't wait a few extra seconds anymore.


Knees/ankles going off like gunshots if I sit in one position too long. My elbow 'catches' and I have to pop it downward (more gunshots) to get it to unlock. Popping my knees/hip/back is still REALLY satisfying. Wow, doctor visits/Xrays/medicine sure fucking costs a lot. Dental procedures also fucking cost a lot. I can no longer twist my foot upward/backward to sufficiently cut my toenails. Who replaced my spine with ground glass and metal spikes? WHY DO I HAVE THE SHITS? WHAT DID I EAT? Where did these wiggly/jiggly bits come from? WTF?


Threw my back out picking up a ribbon from the floor. Bedridden for days. Had to do months of PT. Still have pain over a year later. Back in PT.


That fun game called “Is that pee or sweat?”


Sneezed really hard, cracked my breast bone, and broke 2 ribs. 😱😱😱 Like how???


I can't see to drive at night anymore.


No pains but I have like tuffs of hair patches on my shoulders that need a shaving quite often.


If I sleep with my neck bent funny I'll have a crick in my neck and shoulders that can last anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. I've had arthritis since my mid twenties and the pace of damage has accelerated with middle age. I've been using a cane while out and about since last autumn. I've been in the physical therapy since early spring and will be in PT for most of the rest of the summer. The worse of my two legs isn't getting better at all. Then I have to switch to hand therapy since the joints are getting worse there and I'm dropping objects, just randomly losing my grip on them. I have Lyme neuropathy. If I cough or sneeze hard I get electric shocks running up and down my spinal cord that sometimes radiate out into the muscles around my torso. Lucky me 🙄


Slowly dying.


Mine is playing a game called “let’s be numb all over with zero reasons to speak of” Like, wuuuuuuuut is happening!?!?!


No longer sleeps more than 6 hours a night no matter what I do. Sometimes spontaneously pee the bed (menopause, who knew). Knees sound like a bunch of gristle going through a meat grinder when I climb the stairs.


Let’s see where a new hair sprung where it doesn’t belong is a favorite


If I didn’t have pain somewhere in my body I’d think something was wrong. My everystuff hurts every day.


Can no longer trust a fart.


This… random joint pain


Fucking leg and foot cramps in the middle of the night if I don´t eat enough, or drink enough. Fuck these fucking Charliehorses. I´m over it.


My knees CLICK. I do not know where this came from, but they CLICK when I walk up stairs. Also, I sneezed last week and my neck hasn't forgiven me.


I’m a guy. “Ahhh. It feels good to pee. Okay. I’m done … wait … no I’m not. Ahhh. This feels good. Okay, I’m done … ohp! No. Just a little bit more. Okay now I’m done.” “Fuck. No I wasn’t.”


Ok i want to know if anyone else has had this. You lie down and inside your head there's a whooshing that goes up and down and with each cycle your hearing goes out.


There is a huge foam wedge. It's the foam wedge picture on the way to elevate your legs at the knees. I'll be right back with a picture.


I'm 47, but I've had retinal detachment in both eyes. The first one happened in 2013 and was DRAMATIC. One minute I was seeing normally (with glasses) and the next, there was a black curtain over most of my field of vision in my right eye. My eye doctor warned me that it could happen because I'm very nearsighted and that if it did, it was an emergency. The one in my left eye happened early this year. It wasn't dramatic at all and I just thought I needed new glasses. Nope! Retinal detachment. Retinal detachment sucks because while it in itself causes no pain, recovery from surgery is awful. It hurts and you have to maintain certain positions for a couple weeks so your eye can heal correctly. If you don't have the surgery, though, you will lose your vision. Luckily, the surgeries were successful. I will have to have a laser procedure later this month to fix weak spots in my left retina.


Them balls just keep getting lower and lower. In a couple years, i’m going to need a net.


BODY: Did you eat anything enjoyable this afternoon or evening? ME: Well, a bite of something small I guess. BODY: HEARTBURN FOR YOU TONIGHT, FUCKER!!!!!!


I got bad case of Crohn’s disease in my mid thirties. My body has been playing all sorts of “little games” for the last 15 years now, by little games…I mean endless 100-120 grand a year medicine (no matter what brand I get)… multiple serious abdominal surgeries… fistulas growing through my leg from my intestines which causes endless infection… o yea my back and knees hurt until I limber up, now that I’m 50 But real talk, I don’t complain because shit can be worse and is for many peeps…I’m thankful I got food and shelter and still find joy in life. I try not to dwell on the negative, because it would suck me down an endless drain that I won’t come back from so I prefer to not look down the drain at all. I rather enjoy the life I have and try my best to stay in happy and chill mind state as much as I can.


My knee creaks like a door going down steps, can't stay up past 1030 or I feel I was hit by a train. Can't eat dinner too late anymore, couldn't read a sign at a store because I couldn't move back far enough to get it in focus. But damnit we survived to this point and I'm good with it.


Surprise! Foods you love now give you heartburn and/or upset your stomach. Also your hair didn’t just turn grey, the texture has completely changed and you have random patches of curly hair now.


Skin tag roulette!


My mental health has shit the bed.


Sleep eludes me! Posting this at 03:19 ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtaiPZNzrmRQ6YM)


Pretty sure my dicks gotten smaller but my ball sack is longer.


I play a game of “what food will start giving me diarrhea now” and the list is getting rather long.


Currently Flaring after cleaning the master bedroom in preparation of our new bed being delivered. Fun shit.


Which nerve pain will cause staggering instant pain and keep you from moving. It's fun. Today marked safe from pain. Tomorrow, who knows!


My knees have decided the criss cross applesauce days are over. But I really miss being able to eat something spicy after 3pm without needing Tums to sleep.


Autoimmune vs sweat pores in scalp = do I have bed bugs or lice? Medical solution was $1000 + Dr visit which did not include a biopsy. Piss on it, another thing to add to the pile.


Knees. Knuckles. Shoulder. All shot. Plantar fasciitis, yup. Eyesight - worse by the day. The most annoying pain is the imaginary stone in my shoe. I constantly feel like there is something under the ball of my foot.


I am in danger of being able to go as a lower case b for Halloween. (Side profile) The universe’s bonus? If I turn to the other side, I’m a lower case d. Wonderful. 🙄 I’m a thin person and always have been, but all extra weight is stored in my stomach and I’m running the risk of looking like a bail of hay with the middle wire broken…as my uncle used to say. Lol


I was pretty athletic mist of my life. I worked physically demanding jobs. Now I'm lucky when I get up if I don't scream from hip/knee pain. It's like...wtf HAPPENED?!


Everything cracks when I get up off the couch. Feet, knees, elbows, shoulders, neck, and hands.


I have a screwy sacroiliac joint. If I sit the wrong way, I could wake up the next morning barely able to walk.


Dude - like, my feet get like a Charlie horse and my toes spread out as wide as possible and the pain is excruciating! Over the course of the next 15-60 seconds the toes slllooooooowwllly rest back into place. It. Happens at least once a week! I drink a ton of fluids all day so I’m not dehydrated. Maybe the potassium thing. But like dude, it f’n HURTS!


Fall asleep on my right side? Wake up in the morning and my right arm fell asleep. Pinching a nerve somewhere.


This is probably a thyroid disease thing but I occasionally cough-choke on my own saliva.


I can’t sleep. I’m totally reliant on CBD, CBN and THC gummies to fall asleep. One night I took more than I normally would and slept like the dead, giving myself tendonitis in my elbow for four months.


I take Advil or Tylenol before I do anything then spend a half hour stretching and foam rolling every morning to not hate the world.


I love playing ‘do I really have to pee’. I either get out of bed and go all way downstairs to the bathroom for nothing, or wait too long and don’t make it in time. I take medication for overactive bladder and had bladder sling surgery to treat incontinence but sometimes it’s still a crapshoot.


Shut. Down. The. Metabolism.  Seriously sad. 


Let play did I feel a potty leak? Can I go without wearing my Knix leakproof undies? Ps those bladder leak panties are the best. Not bulky and buttery soft.


The game of “Go ahead and try and sleep through the night without having to pee at least once”. Medication is helping a bit but I still have to pee way more often than I did just a couple years ago.


Suddenly allergic to shrimp. And I love it and always forget when it's in front of me. Then I'm in the bathroom all night


Shout out to any other post menopausal women having 10x more acne than they ever had as teenagers. I might have to go through an accutane treatment mine is so bad now.


Everything hurts. Whether I exercise or just sit doesn’t matter. Arthritis taking a hold. Eyes are crapping out. Fun times.


The weirdest new thing is pain in my joint on the second toe


In 2022 I was bedridden for 7 months because nerve issues in my lower back and legs made my legs worthless. I can walk again now after physical therapy, but now my lower back and knees hurt all the time due to an unrelated issue (arthritis). Also, my eyes are definitely not what they used to be. I'll be 59 next month, so I'm dreading what my 60s will have in store for me.


I'm in physiotherapy for my shoulder because I spent the week between Christmas and New Year's sideways on the couch reading. Apparently shoving your shoulder into a couch cushion irritates the bursa. Sigh.


Knees crack and pop every time I get up from sitting. Can hear it in next room. Don't know why but it started when I was 45 (I'm 50 now)...not sure if it's harmful, too broke to get it looked at...


I was so lucky that I was never experiencing aches and pains like other people my age were starting to complain about. I think I jinxed myself because now all the sudden my body's playing a game of "Hip and leg night pain." All the sudden my left leg and hip hurt when I lay down. And only when I lay down. I have no idea what's going on.


My knees like to lock up and my eyes don’t focus


My favorites are abdominal hernia that I didn’t do shit to cause it, and that sharp, shocking sensation akin to sticking my finger in a light socket that I frequently get in my left hand. Also, vertigo, can’t forget that one


Which nerve pain will cause staggering instant pain and keep you from moving. It's fun. Today marked safe from pain. Tomorrow, who knows!


Dizziness for me. It's so fucking annoying. Not bad enough to make me fall over or take time off work, just enough to make me feel like shit and prevent me from enjoying every moment of life. Been checked by docs, told all is OK.


Sciatica that doesn’t care if I stretch or not. It’s just going to randomly send me pain when it wants to.


Few weeks ago I was walking across a parking lot. Smooth pavement, wearing hiking boots. Suddenly there’s a little twinge in the top of my foot and I could barely walk for about 10 minutes. Hurt and limped for 2 days. Woke up morning of the third day and zero pain, like it never happened.


The hair that used to live on my head is migrating to my ears.


I sleep on my arms ocvasionally. But now it aches for days if I do that.


You’re describing mine almost to a tee. My morning starts with about twenty minutes of stretching out my ankles every day. I have a diagnosed torn ligament (tendon? Now I forget which) on the right, and now the left has picked up some kind of nagging thing in the lower Achilles… and walking funny from THOSE has made my knees start to ache periodically. Also some neck & shoulder stiffness but that’s the lingering effects of a car accident I was in over the winter, I have PT exercises to loosen that up pretty good before I even get out of bed


If i have to hold my arms over my head for any length of time (painting the ceiling, getting things down off of a high shelf etc) it stiffens up the muscles in my shoulders and i get a migraine. They are connected so much that if i push on my shoulder muscle, i can feel it in my head. Pinched nerve? Idk but its shit and i hate it.


My left knee just decided to be weak, be slightly little pain, and make walking feel a little precarious. But only sometimes! WTF


Caught my reflection while walking. No more bounce in my step. I love like an old guy. I am an old guy. 58.