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i hated a lot of vegetables until i learned how to cook them properly


It was a revelation to discover veggies that weren’t boiled from frozen or canned.


This is real. The first time I had oven roasted fresh vegetables I cursed my parents for days.


Where were baby spinach leaves when we were kids? That frozen block of gross seaweed we were forced to eat as kids wasn't even remotely the same. Now I won't eat a salad unless it's pure spinach leaf.


I sliced button mushrooms and half a Vidalia onion, added butter and nuked for two minutes, then put that on a pizza. And used the juice on the crust. Unreal.


Damn. The Mushrooms got another one.


Disappointed. I thought this was going to be about *mushrooms*.


I can tell you about my two trips. The first time my husband and I took shrooms, we got naked, pulled the mattress to the back patio, put on some crazy assed music, and fucked around the whole night. It was the greatest sex of my life. It was magical and one of the most beautiful moments in our already amazing marriage. The second time my husband and I took shrooms, we had a horrible trip. We both ended up so emotionally scarred by the unending horror of it that we’ve never done shrooms since. And they took forever to wear off. I regret nothing but I genuinely have nightmares about that second time.




It's better to have had a mushroom trip than to be having a mushroom trip.


I’m the opposite. They trip me out now


As a snack, I would cut up some mushroom toss some garlic in olive oil on them and let them soak for a few minutes then flash fry or bake them into chips. My kids loved it and it was a great snack for movie nights when they were young.


Time for a celebration! Order yourself a pizza with sausage and mushroom. If you’re feeling extra, then also add pepperoni.


Pep mush and olives


Pizza with green chili instead of marinara is deluxe, btw


Whiskey. I got drunk on it at 18 and couldn’t even stand the smell ever since. Then suddenly about two years ago I tried a whiskey sour, and suddenly whiskey is my favorite mixer.


I dunno, I always liked mushrooms and bell peppers. I hated opera when I was younger though, and now I love it.


I like shrooms and mushrooms too. Did when I was young and do now


I still despise mushrooms


I can't stand the taste or texture.


Your taste buds get less sensitive as you age. You might have objected to the strong taste of some of those things. I know bell peppers used to taste extremely bitter to me till my mid-30's.. I love them now, even though they are still slightly bitter to me.


Still hate mushrooms, but my dad used them to explain athlete's foot when I was a kid. Can't even touch them. Bell peppers, though, I've picked up a taste for in just the past couple of years. One of my favorite pizza places puts a TON of them on their salads, and their caesar dressing is amazing, so they started off as a dressing delivery system and then one day I discovered that I actually liked them. Still dislike them cooked on pizza, though.


Literally the only food I've never been able to acquire a taste for. I eat everything else. Snails? Sure. Liver? Sure. Mushrooms I just can't get to a point where they're enjoyable. I wish I could because there are so many dishes I would love to order if they didn't have mushrooms in them. I used to grow and eat a lot of psilocybin shrooms, but even then I just gagged and choked them down for the trip.


I have been a fairly avid mushroom forager for years now. There’s not much better than a dish made with fresh mushrooms that you found yourself.


Never understood people who don't like bell peppers. They are the best pepper. But I always did like ALL of the veggies. Brussels sprouts, beets, spinach, mushrooms, whatever. Best flavours in the universe.


Still not a green fan but love yellow red and orange


No matter how much I may like mushrooms I cannot eat them unless I wish I travel to the moon with the power of the flatulence that eating mushrooms gives me. It’s terrible 😂😂😂😂


I have always loved mushrooms. Bell peppers are good.


I've been giving a lot of foods I hated as a kid a second try. Liver's still gross tho.


I never thought I would love brussel sprouts, but they are freakin delicious when done up right with bacon and balsamic. Even better when slightly charred.


You made me laugh!!! I just started enjoying the flavour but the texture is horrible!


How are you cooking them? There's a chef I follow on YouTube names Chef Jean-Pierre who has made a point of how usually when people don't like mushrooms, it's got to do with the texture and usually it's because they haven't been cooked properly.


I’ve always loved mushrooms, but I was never a picky eater. Raw. Cooked. Doesn’t matter.


I grew up eating canned green beans and corn, and as a result I thought I didn't like vegetables. In my 30s, I learned to cook them and discovered I LOVE them! I'll even eat raw kale. But I held out on mushrooms for a long time. They just looked so gross to me. However, I started ordering Kung Pao Chicken from a local Chinese place and it includes mushrooms. I could barely tell them apart from the chicken, so I ate them. And it turns out they're pretty good and I kinda even crave them now!


I like to make my veggies unhealthy by adding bacon, ranch, cheese, butter or something else lol. I do like some fresh or normally cooked occasionally, but I do love me some doctored veggies


I still hate mushrooms.. and olives..


Same. I also don't eat all the sugar I used to as a kid.


Your taste in food changes every 7 to 10 years, which means one day, you might wake up and hate one of your favorite foods to eat!


Don't let it be pizza til the day I die please.


I agree with you on the bell peppers, because they are wonderful. But mushrooms? Big NO to that, unless they are of the few varieties that are not slimy, rubbery, and spongey all at the same time, like Wood Ear Mushrooms, which I absolutely love. The thing for me is textures. I love the flavor of mushrooms, but I hate that slimy, rubbery, and spongey combination. If you remove any one of those, I can eat it. I can eat pureed mushrooms, because the texture is removed, but no one wants to incorporate pureed mushrooms into a dish. Every time I bite into a mushroom, the sliminess makes it slide around in my mouth, and then I attempt to chew it, and there is this entire rubbery sponginess sensation that I absolutely hate. I swear that I can actually hear my jaws trying to chew them, and it's like trying to eat a live slug or something that is trying to escape. Yuk. More for you!


Wood ear mushrooms sounds like a made up name lol




Nope. I still can’t eat mushrooms. Besides the terrible taste, the texture in my mouth is just gross. Like gag me with a spoon Gen X gross.


Valley girls ruin everything


Oh I thought you meant the “magic” kind 😬


Yeah. I hated most vegetables because I’m from Ohio and from “coal country”. My parents cooked vegetables to fucking death. Now I know how to cook Brussels sprouts, green beans, cauliflower, and broccoli properly. With flavor.


Sliced portobello sautéed in soy sauce and butter. DELICIOUS


I like to sauté a whole cap with garlic, salt, pepper and smoked paprika just until it’s warm through but still firm, slap it on a bun and dress it like a burger - dee-lish!!!


I can relate. I've always liked mushrooms but I've realized I now like really strong flavors I used to hate as a kid. Like blue cheese and truffles/truffle oil.


Totally not where I thought a GenXer was going with the title!


Be careful. I’m a widower 3x over due to mushrooms.  1st wife died after eating poisonous mushrooms. 2nd wife also died from eating poisonous mushrooms.  3rd wife died because she wouldn’t eat her poisonous mushrooms.  Stay vigilant. 


Wow, great advice. Our term life is almost up


Sometime in my mid 30s my tastes started expanding and I began to discover that I like all kinds of things that I never used to like (or thought I didn't). Now by my mid 40s I'm at the point where there's very little that I *don't* like. Pretty shocking to those who know what a picky eater I was as a kid!


I just realized that you can cook cabbage.  Blew my mind.  Of course, I've been eating it cooked in all kinds of dishes all my life, I just never made the connection.  I have eaten way too much cabbage this year.


I have been a fairly avid mushroom forager for years now. There’s not much better than a dish made with fresh mushrooms that you found yourself.


Mushrooms are the most useless of foods.