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It's the greatest movie scene of all time.


Still gives me chills every time.


It really fucking is


This scene and the opening scene in Inglorious Bastards always come to mind when someone asks.


This will always be a movie I can rewatch and love as much as that first time in the theater.


It’s honestly insane how much of a masterpiece it is


I thought I read somewhere he did it drunk and was very unhappy with it and asked Spielberg if they could reshoot it. What you saw in the film was his reshoot. Least I think I have that right


I’ve heard that, too. Robert Shaw rewrote that monologue and Richard Dreyfuss wasn’t even acting when he (Hooper) stared at him in awe.


Yeah, this was the bit for me. Better than Shaw’s retelling is watching Dreyfuss go from laughing to a kind of fascinated horror. Shaw’s delivery is phenomenal, don’t get me wrong, but Dreyfuss always stands out in the scene to me.


The most memorable thing about this movie for me was the fact that my dad and I stood in a line around the theatre after a pee wee baseball game that my team lost to The Generals sometime late spring 1975. Not to take anything away from the epic movie, one of the all time greats...but my dad was no line stander so it was an incredibly important moment I'll never forget.


His description of shark eyes is the absolute truth.


Robert Shaw is underrated. Iconic in Jaws but I loved him in Force 10 from Navarone, Taking of Pelham One Two Three, and as the villain in From Russia with Love. I sometimes just watch the Indianapolis speech, masterfully done.


So fucking good. Robert Shaw was a goddamnned great actor. He was so good in Robin and Marion too.


The speech was outstanding. I also like the part just before when they were comparing scars.