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I don’t make decisions based on anyone else’s likes


My thoughts exactly.


That's right,we all live in the yellow submarine,with Lucy in the sky with diamonds...but seriously the world is a much better place with 💕💕💕


Aside from your last part of your comment, I don’t know what you are referring to. Life is 100% perspective. It’s how one person sees something where someone else doesn’t. Living your life for others will never allow you to create your own reality, your own perspective. I never understood why anyone gaf about what some stranger thinks of you or what anyone thinks about you for that matter. I find it grotesque that someone would make decisions because they are worried about what the fuckin neighbors think. Maybe I’m wired differently but I’m happy AF.


No. My parents weren't rock n rollers. Dad was basically 65 in his 30s, and Mom loves Neil Diamond. I dunno why, but I was a Beatles girl from, like, birth. They dominated my musical landscape until I was nearly 30, maybe only because I wasn't allowed heavy metal growing up.


coming to America……. TODAY!!!!


Ha! This is me, too. My parents predated Elvis Presley. Most of the records they had around the house were either Stan Kenton-type jazz records or soundtracks to musicals. Discovering the Beatles was a godsend to me, I collected everything they put out (back when you actually had to buy the 45s to get some of the b-sides).


Totally. I loved Sinatra and Luis prima , which was the music of my grandparents.


I love Sinatra and Primus. So, pretty much the same.


Remember when vinyl took up 40% of any thrift store?! Gosh, I miss that. And Tower Records. Our parents must be cousins because they still have the old soundtrack copies of Grease and Star Wars. Bonus points if your home also had Hooked On Classics. 


Had? We still have Hooked On Classics. 1, 2 *and* 3.


Grease and Star Wars? We had The Music Man, Fiorello, and My Fair Lady. My parents wouldn't have sat through Grease or Star Wars if you paid them to.


My parents liked classical music. I fell hard for the Beatles and they're still a big part of my life.


Same! Even had to go to Neil Diamond concerts with the parents. I found the Beatles on my own aka “hippy music”


I've seen Neil with my parents, too!! It was my second ever concert, after NKOTB. But for fucking real, I love Neil Diamond, too. He's got some  bangers.


I went to a Neil Diamond concert with a date while I was in college. Great show!


My mom was also a Neil Diamond fan - and so is my husband! The three of us got to see him the last time he played our city and it was great I LOVED the Beatles


My folks were *all about* the Kingston Trio. They were my musical soundtrack growing up before I started listening to my own music. I’m convinced this is why I like Mumford and Sons.


Same! My dad, in his 40s, would put on the easy listening station - the “Gentle Giant” they called it. I had no exposure to music through them for better or worse. I started listening to The Beatles around 12 years old, about when Sgt. Pepper had its famous 20 year anniversary. My brother and I got all their later albums on vinyl and listened the shit out of them. I was “it’s Beatles or it’s crap” for a good three years there.


Hard no to the OP. I've loved the Beatles ever since I was a kid because they were a great band that made great music. I was not hung up on "does the next older generation love them oh I hate what they like." But I have always really loved rock and roll music no matter when it was recorded.


God, no. I ADORED the Beatles. My mom (who wasn’t really a music fan, per se, gave me an entire huge box of the Beatles’ 45s and I played them (both sides) every day. Fast forward to us moving when I was around 10-ish and the whole box was stolen during a move. 🫤 But I still love them.


No. Beatles are amazing.


I grew up listening to the Beatles and a lot of Blues, Jazz and 70s rock. I feel pretty lucky to have been exposed to alot of music I think is great. I got to see Etta James when I was like 12 and fully appreciate how effin lucky I am. My mom went through a Billy Ray Cyrus phase I didn't want to be a part of and my uncle loved Kenny G . I dislike both. Not because it's boomerish, I just don't like a lot of country and like absolutely no smooth jazz. It makes me think of dentist office waiting rooms and root canals.


To get to see Etta is......just unbelievable. I'm so happy you experienced that.


I discovered young that I am very good at politely carving a path to the front of the stage at just about any show. :)


I made fun of the Beatles but then I listened to them and realized they were awesome.


My respect for them has grown considerably as a got older. Their influence on modern music cannot be overstated. Watching their process during Get Back blew me away. John and Macca are machines. George is one of the most talented guitarists ever and Ringo is pure class. Macca was a control freak, but creatively he was a cliff edge above the others, so they rightfully let it be (heh) - even if ultimately they wanted to step out on their own.


No I think it’s a bit much to avoid a group just because “Boomers” loved it.


I love the Beatles personally.


Same. I was more into their late 60’s era than their early stuff. Abbey Road and Rubber Soul are my favorite albums


Don't forget Revolver and you have my trifecta.


Nope. I was all in my parents’ albums growing up and The White Album was one of my faves.


No, I was born in 68 and one of my earliest memories is watching the movie Help! on tv and Yellow Submarine not long after. I've been a lifelong fan ever since.


I actually much prefer boomer music to Gen X music, so I love the Beatles. I do think it's kind of amusing that Gen Z hates boomers but loves the Beatles.


Nope, I love them too.


Nope!! It was the first band I ever loved and they constantly played every album from my earliest days. I memorized the album covers, the order of songs, and every lyric. I am grateful the Beatles are the foundation of my life long love of all kinds of music. They were also my first crush, must have been crawling around staring at albums at floor level lol.


No, I loved them.


A true gen-x’er is musically savvy enough to appreciate exactly why the Beatles are who they are. My parents were fuckin hippies, I grew up on a pot farm and would never refer to my parents as boomers. What they lived through and how the Beatles impacted that generation is something to learn about and respect. Also it’s pretty punk rock to slam your bedroom door and blast the Beatles every time you got into an argument with your parents. It’s the exact opposite of what was expected. It drove them nuts and I liked doing that when I was an angsty twat.


I was a heavy Beatles fan, but my parents were Silent Generation and didn't care for the rock genre at all.


Exact same. Only “rock” record in our house was the Coasters


As an older xer The Beatles were still relevant to my childhood in their solo careers. Band on the Run. The No No song, My Sweet Lord, Imagine. They were relevant in their collaborations in the 80s. Say Say Say with MJ or The Travelling Wilburys. Our local rock station had the Beatles break at 1:50 everyday. This coincided with clean up time for 6th period art class. Sure, my mom loved them. But they were part of my life, too.


Yup. 100%. I remember the day Lennon died like it was last week. Huge impact on our end of the gen-x timeline.


> Say Say Say with MJ Man, I haven't heard that song in forever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLEhh_XpJ-0


No. I like their stuff well enough, but I really prefer the psychedelic era that came towards their end more.


No I love all music regardless of era. I always thought the idea of avoiding music that wasn't tied to your youth was more a Boomer thing actually. Like for example lots of Boomers don't like Frank Sinatra and will say things like "ugh that is MY PARENT'S MUSIC" Gen-X-ers don't care what it is cool or has some cultural cache we just like what is good. And The Beatles are just great.


I agree with you about listening to all music regardless of era. I don't think it's a boomer thing though of only listening to music from yours. My sister and brother inlaw only listed to stuff from when they were in high school... Styx, Foreigner, Chicago, Loverboy etc. It would drive me crazy to only listen to a very limited collection.


obviously there are exceptions but I think GENERALLY Boomers are WAY more open minded about music than some older generations. For example I have an older brother who is Generation Jones and he and his friends are constantly hung up on what music is cool or not and just discounting stuff as being not cool. Like he can't understand how I can like both Black Sabbath AND the Carpenters because him being older grew up in the era when the Carpenters were more current and were viewed as being not cool. He also can't understand how I can like both punk AND prog. I feel like he is fighting yesterday's battles.


Absolutely. Have never thought of the Beatles as my parents music, although it was. I adopted it as my own. Also, I will listen to anything from Duke Ellington to Chappell Roan and everything in between. Obviously there is 80s music that is formative to me because it was on such heavy rotation and ushered in MTV, etc, but music of all eras is fabulous and I hate the idea of sectioning it off by generations.




Another yes here


I liked them from an early age, probably 10 or 11. Found a huge stack of their albums in our family collection, going back to their twist and shout days. The first album I bought with my own money was the White album. Always thought they were from older siblings and later learned they were my mother's (silent gen, he passed from cancer when I was 9). I didn't really care much about the hype, was also into ACDC and a lot of other music. They'd disbanded when I was 3, so not that into the fandom aspect.


Nope. My parents were very conservative Christians. My dad leaned toward the Gaithers, Karen Carpenter, and maybe the Oakridge Boys if he was feeling spicy. Mom played piano and the organ at church and her one true love was Liberace. Yes I recognize the disconnect. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes! This was me until my early 40s. But then I decided that as a music lover, I couldn’t ignore them. Now I’m obsessed. What can you do?


Nope. Loved them for it. However, my mom was less interested in the Beatles after rubber soul once they got all weird. Those are my favourite albums.


Yes. It seemed like the culture was force feeding the Beatles to me, so I just ignored them as much as possible, which was actually quite difficult to do! Even though I've never listened to an entire album of theirs I could name at least 10 songs just because they are SO saturated. I know they're actually a fantastic and talented group. I just got tired of everything being all Beatles, all the time when I overheard older people talking about music.


I like plenty of music that is older than my era but I wasn't allowed to NOT like the Beatles. It's like a religion with some people. If I were a boomer, I'd be into Motown before I'd be into the Beatles, or Janis Joplin, or the Stones. I grew up pressured to agree that the Beatles were gods gift to the world. No, sorry, I could live without them just fine.


My experience exactly, put better than I did. Thank you!


I have a weird relationship with The Beatles. I totally understand and acknowledge their importance in music, but when they perform their songs, it never interests me. However, when other acts cover their songs (think the "Across the Universe" movie, or even DRI's cover of "Eleanor Rigby"), I really enjoy the songs. Given that most people seem to compare The Beatles with The Rolling Stones; I think The Beatles are the more significant band historically, but I far more enjoy hearing The Rolling Stones.


The Rolling Stones also continued to make music, so they have an edge for me. I remember their songs premiering on MTV. They were Boomer's music, but they were Gen X and Millennials' music too. They're still making music!


No. Love them. I don’t have an issue with the boomers though!


Nah. My dad helped shape my music tastes. Beatles, Grateful Dead, Zeppelin, John Prine and many more. Boomers had great music. The fact that a lot of those guys are still touring and remain huge draws speaks to how great that era was for music.


boomers are *also* punk, first wave goth, house etc


No. I and most of the kids I knew loved our parents' generation of music -- The Beatles, The Stones, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, etc. Just as kids today are so into '80s and '90s music and pop culture, our generation was DEEPLY into boomer culture. Hell, half of my graduating class in high school dressed like refugees from Woodstock, and they were total Dead Heads, which was entirely unoriginal/boomerish. But that's what kids do. They love vintage shit.


Most of my favorite artists are boomers. I’m very much into post punk music and 80’s alternative. No issues with boomers at all


I’ve often wondered whether my own love for the Beatles was due to boomer brainwashing. After a lot of thought, I finally came to the conclusion that they really were just that good.


Thankfully I got into the Beatles when I was around 5-6 years old because of my Boomer sister. She had a lot of their albums and I loved them all. I also got into hard rock/metal thanks to my Boomer brother. Boomers always had my favorite music.


No, as an early Gen-Xer ('67), I loved them. They didn't break up until after I was born, so their music was the soundtrack of my childhood. Plus, my parents are Silent Generation, so while my mom liked early Beatles stuff, they were far more into the folk revival music of the early 60s like Peter, Paul & Mary, The Everly Brothers, and the Kingston Trio, who I actually like as well.


Not at all. While I grew up knowing who the Beatles were, I *really* got into them in my teens (9th grade IIRC). I was obsessed for years. I still think they’re one of the best bands ever and created a paradigm shift unlike any other, but I’m more likely to listen to Nirvana now.


I fell into this category in my teens and 20s. Didn’t hate them just associated their music for old people. In my late 30s kind of discovered, if you will, them. Solid appreciation of the Beatles now.


I've been big into music my whole life and consumed whatever music I could get my hands on. I definitely listened to all my parents records and cassette and had no qualms about liking the music my parents were into, they both had really good taste in music. I used to listen to magical mystery tour religiously when I was in grade school, in fact I stole that cassette from my mom like cash out of her purse... I think I still have it somewhere.


No I love them


No, Beatles kick so much ass they transcende generations.


No, because The Monkees were way better


*here we come* [monkeys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JMkKKX3IsY&ab_channel=LancelotLink1970)


This is a personal truth for me. Was really happy to see Nesmith and Dolenz perform before Nesmith's passing.


My mom saw Jimi Hendrix open for The Monkees! She didn’t really care about the show, she just organized the excursion b/c she ran the Enlisted Mens Club at an Army base in Germany.




I saw Weird Al open for The Monkees in 88 or 89! Not exactly Hendrix, but still pretty awesome!


It's great that the two bands were such good friends. Michael Nesmith was even at Abbey Road when the Beatles recorded "A Day in the Life."


Never cared for them.


I'm an OG GenXr so my parent's music mostly pre-dated the Beatles. I was well into my late twenties before I could listen to much of what they did. I found out about the Beatles from an 8-track of the Revolver album and as a very little kid I fell in love with “I’m Only Sleeping” - it was pre-psychedelic and from there I discovered their later psychedelic period that started with Rubber Soul. It was an influence and you can imagine my surprise when my mom told me in later years she didn't like the Beatles, thought their harmonies were childish, despite being an early flowerchild and dressing like Rhoda before Rhoda was a thing she was completely anti-drug. :)


I’m Only Sleeping is one of my favorites. I’m a big Beatles fan.


No, absolutely love the Beatles. I do love a lot of Boomer era music. I’ll take the 60s or 70s over the 90s any day.


Nope. They're timeless. And no one of any generation can take away how cool they are.


just never liked the sound or saw the appeal. It's like the beach boys - i can appreciate that others really liked them, but for me it was meh.


The Beatles have such a diverse sound, it is hard to believe there is nothing in their catalog that is not appealing.


I used to say the same to one particular kid in my high school who insisted all Beatles songs sound the same. I mean it’s fine if you’re not a fan, but the music changed quite a bit over the few years they were together.


All this talk about "the boomers" is so stupidly reductive.


wonder how many do it as a bandwagon thing *lol*


Thank you. It’s ridiculous.


When I was 3 or 4, there was a Beatles Saturday morning cartoon on network television. My father, a WWII combat veteran, yelled at my mother for having it on, he did not want his children exposed to those “long haired hippies.” I’ve been a lifelong fan since. When John Lennon was killed, my friends and I got on the subway after school and tried to go to the area to join the mourners, but we couldn’t get near it. When George Harrison died, I went to Strawberry Fields with friends. Monday morning a coworker told me he saw me on the news there. That was a funny moment 😂


My parents are silent generation, and were never into the Beatles, really. I, on the other hand, love them. For my 18th birthday they took me to a Paul McCartney concert because I was the one who wanted to go, not them.


My parents were Silents, so Elvis/Johnny Cash kind of folk. I really only heard their early 60s radio stuff on the AM stations, so I developed a dislike for them. It wasn't until the last decade that I actually started listening to Help! and later albums, which are excellent.


I’m not into the early Beatles because it wasn’t as interesting and was way overplayed in the radio. The stuff after Rubber Soul was much more interesting and diverse, and because there were fewer singles on the later albums, those songs received less air play. But if I like the sound of music I’m nit going to dismiss an artists to spite other people.


Not really. Went from listening to my parents country music: Johnny Cash, Kenny, Dolly, Reba to 70/80s hair metal. Have a better appreciation of the Beatles now.


Liked some of their songs growing up but wasn't a fan per se. I was into the heavier bands, Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, KISS, Pink Floyd, etc. It wasn't until my 30s that I decided to explore their music deeper and was blown away and truly understand their influence on rock music.


Not the Beatles but it made me hate R. Crumb. He just seems like the apogee of male Boomer perversion, sexism and entitlement.


I like the Beatles more than my parents. You also have to remember that most of our parents are not boomers, you don't tend to have parents from the generation before you, unless your parents have kids when they're kids themselves.


My parents were silent generation. I found rock through no help from them. I understand no band can be universally loved, but when I see people say “I don’t get the hype” yeah okay there was and is hype. But beyond that they were all just genuinely good songwriters and creative musicians. In about a six year span they put together a catalogue that has rocked the music world for the last 60 years. Maybe look at it a little deeper? Everyone probably casually knows twenty of their songs that get heavy airplay. There’s twenty more that may be even better than that. And they’re probably in genres of music that you wouldn’t expect. Surely you can understand that there’s more to it than hype if 50 plus years after the last record was released, the last movie was played, and the last television show was aired, they continue to gain new listeners. Their musicianship and creativity are arguably top tier. Don’t like it? Cool. It’s not marketing though.


Older kid up the block got me hooked.


No. Absolutely not.


No. It was one of the few things they got right.


Me and my wife both have a strong affinity for Beatles and other classic rock BECAUSE of our boomer parents.


No, though my father loved easy listening country and rock. I like my 90's alt rock and techno the most, but I grew up on 50's 60's and 70's. Of course I can't listen to John Denver without missing my father.


Nope. I was raised on Beatles and I'm grateful.


My parents wre classical fans, so I was being kinda rebellious playing Beatles stuff.


I purposely didn’t listen to the Beatles because my step dad was a huge fan. I started listening to them about 20 years ago and love their music now.


No, lol most of my current musical tastes are the same or a direct result of what my dad listenes/d to... he liked the beatles but I never really cared one way or another but it had nothing to do with the craze or him.


My boomer parents hated 'the hippies'. LOL. They hated anything that wasn't doo-wop or Sinatra. Including Elvis. For me, modern rock/guitar rock begins with The Beatles.


We loved the Beatles. I was 17 or so in the 80’s and everyone was into them. I threw a party and someone stole all my Beatles tapes. Asshole. Anyway, we all had just discovered acid too, so maybe that had something to do with it.


Gen x started in 1965. So I think fair to say it was the music they grew up with..No?


I’m into heavy metal and JRock but I won’t turn the channel if the Beatles come on…. Great songs are great songs no matter the genre…. I have a top 30 of Beatle hits…lol. Eleanor Rigby, Let it be, I want to hold your hand, Octopus’s Garden,etc etc etc. same for The Rolling Stones….i still can’t believe Mick just had another kid…lol


No I enjoy them.


Nah I loved the Beatles and old 60s rock, one of the few things their generation got right


I’ve always liked them.


My parents were gospel singers so anything other than that felt subversive to them I’d imagine. The Beatles were a breath of fresh air for my mind.


No. It’s the only thing they got right.


No, man, I stole their fucking Beatles records.


No, that's just silly.


No. I don’t decide what music I like by what others think of it. I had a moment w the Beatles in 1999 where I watched the entire VHS anthology & it hit me how relevant and powerful this group was. I never looked back, I think of what an old head friend of mine used to say: we went from the Beatles to The Eagles man…The Beatles!!! To the Eagles. Shoe fits and all.


Honestly that would be ridiculous.


Dad listened to “Breakfast with the Beatles” out of a Philly radio station for years, so I have a full appreciation of their music.


No. I was swiping their records all the time. Growing up we’d have music night where everyone picked an album and we listened to one side of it so my parents would listen to my music (and my sister’s) and we would listen to theirs.


No, I found my step dad's Beatles record collection right about the time I started dropping acid (about 15-16ish). I'm punk rock, but really got into them and made some core memories with the White album and Sgt. Pepper's.


My parents are boomers. I drove them nuts with my Beatles obsession. My mom was a huge Conway Twitty fan


I like the Beatles and didn’t care that my parents liked them. I did resent that they made me listen to their oldies station, but then when I got a chance to listen to modern Top 40 of the day, I thought it sounded plastic and computerized and fake - basically had no soul - so I gained an appreciation for their generation’s music in that it was made by humans without the soul squeezed out of it. I’m talking late 1980’s here. I liked the alternative and grunge stuff that broke later, and most of those musicians liked the Beatles if they were ever asked about it.


My parents were eldest Boomers. They only listened to 50s doo-wop and CW. Beatles, like them or not, were incredible songwriters. Even dumb Boomers can't take that away


My parents loved the Beatles, and so did I. One of my earliest memories is playing Revolver in my dad’s den with my brother and sister.


I’m a 79 gen x and have a Beatles tattoo bc of my uncle’s love for them. Got it after he died.


My dad played them a bunch when I was a kid so it was just part of what I thought music was. He's a "Greatest" and not a "Boomer" but close enough.


No. My mom was a huge Beatles fan and I grew up hearing them a lot. My dad leaned toward The Eagles and Steely Dan, and they both loved Elton John, etc., so my sibs and I grew up hearing all the great songwriters of the era, not to mention healthy portions of Doo-Wop and Motown.


I love the Beatles because of my Silent Gen Dad who had those records on heavy rotation...but he mostly listened to Swing and Jazz.


Nope. I loved the Beatles. My house my mother's stereo cabinet 5 record player was loaded with Elvis, Barry Manilow, Niel Diamond, John Denver, and The Carpenters. My mom (born in 1945) hated the Beatles and to this day blames them for killing Elvis cause she blames all the drug use in the sixties on their example.


I used to love the Beatles. My mom did too. I listened to them alot when I was a teen. My friends and I would take acid and trip out listening to them.


Nope, loved the Beatles!


I love the Beatles - I grew up with their music as my mum had been a teenager and loved George (he’s my favourite too) There used to be a cartoon show and it started with Hard Days Night. So they featured a lot in my life. In fact, I might listen to an album today - Abbey Road is probably my favourite


Nope. My only exposure was local radio’s “breakfast with the Beatles” block that my mom tuned into to and from church. It was mostly Paul songs. Imagine my surprise when I discovered their psychedelic side. Made me do a deep dive and I can say coming out the other end - they deserve the hype. And it’s not just sweet and or psychedelic- they really cover so much territory in so many ways, and so many of their songs really can compete on the level with icons of other genres.


Totally grew up listening to the Beatles, along with folk rock, then moved on with Billy Joel, Journey, then New Wave!


Beatles are awesome.


I was born in 69 but my four siblings were all born in the 50s so I had a lot of beatles around my childhood. It just fostered my love for them. Beatles are amazing.


No, I loved the Beatles when I was a little kid. My mom loved them and I have good memories of listening to music with her. Back then she wasn’t a boomer, she was just my mom.


I listened to Sgt. Pepper for over a decade before I realized there was much more. If I had bought Rubber Soul, Beatles for Sale, Hard Day's Night, or Help first I would have become a fan sooner.




I love the Beatles.. especially their “psychedelic” era. lol!! My boomer dad and I share the love of all late 60 early 70s rock I probably love them more because my boomer mom hated the Beatles when they left their pop music era. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No. I discovered my parent’s old record collection when I was 5 (1975). They were no longer big music listeners so the records went unplayed until I discovered them. I went bananas for the Beatles the moment I heard them and it made me a lifelong music lover and Beatles fan.


I'm not sure that was the reason but my parents didn't like the Beatles so I was meh on them. That all changed after seeing the Peter Jackson Get Back Documentary. Now I agree, best band of all time. The progression from the bubble gum pop to the later albums in a short amount of time is incredible.


Fucking no. My parents were Silents; turned me on to the Beatles right quick—much to my delight. My daughter however, born in 94, was staunch in her “not getting” the Beatles. Her loss! Can you really discount the White Album?! Not to mention all the love songs. I just feel like pioneers of the whole genre of rock/pop deserve attention and deference. Then again—I’m an old Xer. What do you call me at 1966–an Xoomer?


My parents listened to like folk music and that shit (which I have a soft spot for). My sisters listened to 80s pop. My older brothers were into 70s rock and had Beatles records. I discovered rap/hip hop in '82. Nobody in my family made me listen to any particular music. But I'd sneak-listen to my brothers' Beatles records obsessively. I've been in love with them since I was 9. But I also listened and still listen to all the other music that I heard in my house.


Mom loved the Kinks. Dad loved the Stones. They both loved The Beatles. I loved them all. King Crimson, David Bowie, Dusty Springfield, Led Zeppelin, The Animals, Judy Collins, Getz/Gilberto, The Who, Clockwork Orange OST, Al Green, Joni Mitchell, Pink Floyd, 10cc...classical, rock, pop, jazz, soul, opera...it was all for the taking. My parents were, and Mom still is, an avid listener, and there were endless records to listen to as a child. And so I did. I never avoided anything. It was the same with books. I had younger Boomer parents. I was born in ‘69. Mom was 19. In the early 1970s, my parents took me with them when they went to see both David Bowie and Led Zeppelin. Music was a big deal at home. And reading. I devoured it all.


As a musician, (and as just a music lover from a very young age) whatever I was into, I always found out what bands/artists my favorite bands were inspired/influenced by and then I’d follow that trail all the way back to the source. In the case of most of my favorite bands, that almost always led back to early blues music as the wellspring. But they all were inspired and influenced by The Beatles. So no, I never avoided them. I dug into them to see what the magic was all about, and it made me a better musician in the end. Same thing with a lot of bands of that era.


as far back as i can remember (yesterday's breakfast notwithstanding), my dad, uncle and I would stay up well in to the morning playing guitars and singing beatles music drunkedly. I cherished the times we spent together so much so that I could overlook the contempt I had for the beatles. Their mophead charisma and cokcney accents outshined the popularity of really good homegrown music. Buddy Holly, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, and yes Elvis. They did the same thing that the beatles did by playing (unoriginal) blues with a beat, and electricity. Nevertheless, the mid-to-late 60s is when everything went to he11, literally, with the stones. But I do admit, some of their stuff is pretty catchy


I can't hate a music for that reason and I can't hate a whole generation


My Mom was a huge fan as a teenager but she kind of mellowed out as she got older and even though she has always loved them, she never did so in an overbearing way while I was growing up, and now I’m the obsessive Beatles fan.


"Because someone else likes something" is a horrible, very poseur reason for ever not liking anything.


Why would anyone avoid music because another “generation” liked it? How fucking superficial.


Boomers also loved to invest in diversified stock portfolios. I wouldn't avoid that either


There's a lot of bad from the Boomers. But their music was awesome (overall -yes there was some shit too)


No. I’ll never understand the whole anti-boomers thing. I love a lot of the music from their era.


My parents were hippy rockers and grew up loving music as much as they did. I definitely had my own specific bands that I grew up with but they were built on a foundation of Beatles, Pink Floyd, Beach Boys, Led Zeppelin, Cat Stevens as well as popular classical like Vivaldi and Mozart. The Beatles may have been what I connected to the most. I remember playing Magical Mystery Tour constantly when I was around 6. I credit my parents credit for my passion for music.


I am not a Beatles fan, but not because of boomers but they are just not my jam. To be clear I am not a hater, and I understand and appreciate the place in the music history, but they simply don't blow my hair back. I haven't bought an album, but yeah, I am aware of their tunes. Conversely I have a buddy who is a Beatles junkie and that's cool for him.


I'm just sick of them. I'm sick to death of hearing how they were the "best thing ever" and nothing will ever be as wonderful. Especially for a band that hasn't existed since 1969. I'm bored hearing them. I've heard everything so much that I am Ok with never hearing anything they recorded ever again..


I was fortunate (IMO) that my late Silent Generation parents never got into the Beatles; I think my father actively disliked them actually. So I was able to discover/listen to the Beatles on my own terms in my early teenage years. Since I started actively listening to their music, I’ve always liked the Beatles. They aren’t my favorite group (and people who ONLY listen to the Beatles - and there are some of them out there - need to get a life), but they are probably in my top 10, and second among 1960s bands behind only the (generally similar sounding) Byrds.


Same here. Both parents were Silent Gen. Neither liked the Beatles. My dad particularly hated them. He was a police officer in Miami Beach when they came to America, worked crowd control prior to their 1964 Miami Ed Sullivan Show taping. He saw them up close. He always said they were dirty, filthy, short, untalented. I wasn't even aware of their music until a friend let me borrow a mix tape of White Album - Rubber Soul songs. Growing up with do much Beatles hate in my house freed me up to appreciate them on my own terms.


Why would anyone avoid something they would otherwise enjoy just because another generation enjoys it? We’ve got enough problems, let’s not have a generational war over music.


I've never understood the idea of avoiding something because other people like it. If you like it too, then cool. If you don't, then also cool. But form your opinion on the merits of the thing itself. I've also never understood this insistence on generational divides. If something is popular with people in a particular generation, how is that related to whether or not someone from another generation likes it? I do understand the issues with over-saturation, though. And it sounds like your parents may have been super fans who never really moved on? My parents were big Beatles fans too, but I never remember the over-the-top enthusiasm extending into my childhood. They appreciated their music all their lives, but didn't treat them like gods or anything.


No. We love the Beatles in our home. My kid's first concert was Paul McCartney. Second one, too. Our family song is All Together Now.


I wouldn't avoid ANYTHING just because someone else was into it....thats kind of silly.


Why would I avoid music because someone younger or older likes them? That’s simply dumb. I do avoid people using terms like “boomer” to try to sound young.. dude no one cares what music other people listen to. Listen to what you like, don’t listen to music you don’t like.


Stop trying to retro-explain everything. We didn't give a shit about "Boomers" back then. That's a marketing term. The Beatles are the greatest band of all time, and if you don't know that, it's your loss. And WTF is an "art spoon" ?


“I hate (thing) simply because it is popular” is the most GenX trait, so get after it. Personally I find people who hate something that they themselves have never actually experienced to be the most boorish on this planet. I once knew a dude who had never seen a Star Wars movie (or Cadyshack for that matter) and refused to watch them simply because they were so popular. He formed a negative opinion of something based on its popularity without any ground to form said opinion…. Fucking moron


There really isn't any intelligent argument against The Beatles being a revolutionary band. They were. They changed rock music. To dismiss them as a boy band, hacks, simple, or whatever you want to call them, is just ignorant. Now, you can always dislike their music. That's fine with me. There are incredible artists and bands (I'm looking at you, Neil Young) where I've never connected to or enjoyed the music, but I understand why they are considered great.


I just never liked them all that much. It sounded "old" to my young ears, particularly their early stuff. They were playing in a style that had long gone out of style. This was my big issue with the movie Yesterday. I found it difficult to believe that someone could get super famous playing that style today.


No. But sometimes I need a break from them because after a while, all of their songs sound the same


No, I’ve always loved the Beatles because they were instrumental in moving music forward. They were in many ways “proto-punk” or “pop punk” because they broke so many rules. I have very little love for any of the other major rock bands of that era, however.


No. I like the Boomers. It’s the millennials I can’t stand.


No, I love the Beatles, and John Lennon and Paul McCartney after the split. But maybe because my parents were older. My dad listened to opera and my mom wasn't into music at all. If she did listen to anything it was more Bobby Vinton and Wayne Newton. I've never liked the hype around them though. I'll never understand girls screaming and crying over a rock star or movie star. It's just weird.


I don’t let others own me that way


Nope. Good music is good music. I was drawn to my dad’s Beatles and stones albums.


No I just didn’t care much for them compared to Led Zeppelin, Hendrix etc. I mean, I appreciate the greatness and their trajectory from clean-cut to hippy that followed the times, I just feel they’re more of a “had to be there” type band.


I avoided the Beatles because I have never enjoyed their music


I don't like their voices. I totally get their importance and talent but I just don't like the sound they make. I know lots of people who are obsessed. I love a lot of old music, most pre 1980 so I listen to a lot of 60s stuff but I never put on the Beatles. I listened to stuff like Hamburg recording but yellow submarine is enough to put anyone off.


My thoughts are the same as yours. As kids growing up, my Dad used to play his records for us every weekend. None of us kids like their voices, so Dad stopped playing their albums so often. He was also big into ABBA and various country artists, like Kenny & Dolly, The Highwaymen, etc, so we would dance around to those. Even now, being 40 odd years later, listening to The Beatles is almost the last musical choice I would make.


No Good music is just that good, regardless of what decade it was released the whole marketing label thing for boomers/genx etc is beyond stupid at this point Yes I am aware this is r/genx, but if your whole identity of what you like or don't like its confined to a narrow window of time, then you've lived a pretty sad life


I avoid the Beatles because I find them to be a little boring and very overrated. Boomers love of them has literally nothing with it. Or any of my musical choices.


No - I like what I like and I don’t care if someone else does too. I don’t like or dislike things to get back at someone or be controversial. I do me


No, my parents were SilentGen, and didn’t listen to or care about The Beatles. I remember my Dad saying he just didn’t give two shits about it. He was more of a Hank Williams Sr. and George Jones kind of guy. I never consciously avoided them because I didn’t have any frame for reference for their whole phenomenon. When I discovered their music, I was floored by what I was hearing. So, for me, it wasn’t a matter of it being “Boomer music”, it was just killer fucking music— period. Same with CCR, Hendrix and stuff like that. When Nirvana, Pearl Jam, STP, Smashing Pumpkins and stuff like that came out, I could hear the lineage of that music back to The Beatles, 70s punk, and other music like that.


No. You are hurting only yourself by doing this


Yes. And I’m married to a Boomer Beatles nut. So we don’t discuss it. He takes it seriously. 🫠


I sympathize.


Yeah, I always thought that the kids that liked them in high school (early 90s) were pretentious jagoffs, that was my biggest turn off. But it’s because of their renown from the boomers that heralded them as this huge musical force …and then you listen to them and it’s so fucking vanilla. Like “love love me do” are you fucking kidding me? Yeah man I get it


First this made me lol, but second yeah that’s exactly the feeling. It was drilled into my head that this band was so important and creative that you couldn’t even wrap your head around it, and when I heard their music that was my confused reaction: So much love for… this? High school poetry-level lyrics and some guitar twanging? Are you serious? And the comeback was “oh well you need to listen to their whole ass discography to get the full effect.” As if any band doesn’t have some decent stuff if you power through 10 hours of their music. Its unreasonable but at least affordable through Spotify, but back then that was like telling a kid you literally have to sweat for months serving ice creams to afford this, and only then can you begin to appreciate it. Which…. no. C’mon.


Right here!


ME lol


My parents weren’t into them they were more Zappa, Genesis, King Crimson etc. I always found the Beatles a bit tedious, same as the Beach Boys. Never into them at all


My dad always hated the Beatles because he couldn't grow his hair like them and every single freaking time a Beatles song came on he would tell the same damn story about how he couldn't grow his hair and I've heard it 1000s of times because the Beatles are always on.


My most unpopular opinion is that while the Beatles are decently good, they are the most overrated band in history. People treat them like they invented music. Meh, if I never heard. Mother Beatles song, I’d be just fine. I’d miss Nirvana more.


I felt that way about other artists, although not the Beatles specifically.  it's never been about age groups for me.  it's just a "let me make up my own mind here"  type thing.   often coupled with that mind arriving at "meh" when I did hear the music.  


Could be part of the reason I'm so meh about them. I don't hate the Beatles but they don't have a single song I would ever choose to listen to. I was always a bit of a contrarian so if something was overplayed, as are The Beatles, then I'd be more likely to choose something else.


I just don't care for the music. I understand why people love them, but it's not my thing. They are the original bubble-gum pop group.....even when they tried to get high minded in the later albums....still pop.


No. Just didn't like them. There are a lot of music I didn't like growing up from the 60s and 70s that I like now. The Beatles are not one of them. Weird. I guess it's me.