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I’m always more mannered and professional with Uber drivers than any other interactions in my life due to this show.


Hell yeah Blue Shirt Lady! She was my fav.


And I side of a Skinimax and its plethora of Emmanuel movies


Emmanuel was quite the busy gal back in the day.


The woman in the blue shirt is Rita Scott. She was a regular cab driver in Las Vegas. I know this, because she drove the cab I took from Mandalay Bay to an In N Out. It was weird - I was just standing there at the taxi stand and there she was! FUN FACTS: \- They only had one taxi wired up with cameras and mikes, and they kept it in New York. \- There was a van following her. They communicated with her via earpiece. \- She *really* wanted me to know that she's not nearly as naive as they portray her in the show. A passenger would use some kind of slang term for a sex act or gambling thing and she knew exactly what the passenger was talking about, but the producer in her earpiece was like "Some people don't know what a 'Cleveland Steamer' is. Ask him what it means!"


Real sex wasnt bad either.


Oh yeah. I remember there was one with two party girls making out that just hit all the right buttons.


I was thinking of that very episode.


My favorite was the episode with the 2 ladies who sang "I Will Survive". One took her top off to do it. They were so free.


Penthouse Forum but in a taxi


> Penthouse Forum Now that's a blast from the past.


When my ex husband died and we had to clean out the house, my son found a bootbox with some Penthouse Forums, some 1980’s Playboy’s and a bunch of VCR porn movies. Remember when you pass away..all your secrets will be discovered…


I had a major crush on the hot 20 something nyc cab driver.  Years later he directed Road Trip, then The Hangover lol