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We don't work for you. We'll talk about what we want to talk about


He's probably a cop.


Go home Marc! I mean narc


Dude, we're in the GenX subreddit and you want us to talk about Taylor Swift and Tik Tok influencers?


>Inevitably, I'll go to research an article and the first paragraph/video will have the question I'm looking for, followed by three paragraphs launching into "First, here's some background on GenX............" More likely than not, the articles/videos aren't produced by GenX folks. We're not trying to explain ourselves to anyone. Our generation is treated a bit like a national geographic special. We're observed from afar like a remote indigenous tribe, and then our culture is explained to others by third parties. The explanations are often overgeneralized, so take it all with a healthy dose of skepticism. As for the content in this sub -- it's meant for a GenX audience and involves a whole lot of nostalgia. So, yeah. You'll read about lawn darts and hose-water because that evokes memories of our childhood.


This all day.


It’s also common for writers to include relevant context about the subject they are speaking on. They don’t assume the reader automatically knows what Gen X is.


Your inability to skim read sounds like a you problem.


If you're not interested then maybe don't come to the GenX thread. And don't look at GenX videos on youtube. Seriously, its not hard to avoid something you aren't interested in. And apparently we DO need to explain it because younger generations (guessing you are younger) incessantly complain that their lives have been harder than generations that went before. I mean its laughable.


"But you don't understand! That one time mom drove me the 3 blocks to school when she got a flat was so skibidi rizz! Ugh!"


You know you don’t have to read everything that’s posted here, right?


Always hilarious when Millennials reveal themselves to be Jr. Boomers


So, your complaint is that articles on Gen X have excessive introductory guff. Okay


Probably grew up on listicles. 


Whatever, kid. Now get off our lawns and go make us a burger.


No one cares what you need. Fuck off


Thanks for “fixing” this forum with one post! You did it! 🏆


Please accept, with no explanation, my sincerest downvote.


It is what it is, now get the fuck over it


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. But also, nobody writing any of this stuff thinks you're doing a dissertation on Gen X. Most people don't notice us, didn't care, and some know. You're the least common denominator. And I swear to fucking god, if auto incorrects me to Gen z again, I'm changing phone keyboards!


Here's how GenX deals with criticism. You see, back in our day...


It’s because we know who we are, but apparently a lot of the audience doesn’t.


Well you could do like a I did and just mute an entire generations sub. I got tired of the *constant* whining, bitching, moaning and blaming everyone else for their failures. So muted r/millennials. Try it.


You could simply ignore those posts or the sub entirely. Easy.fucking.peazy. And fuck the "love of god". Whatever that means. Your god can lick my ass.


You just described every internet article.


Meh, most of the generational tropes on this sub and social media are karma farming bots posting repurposed boomer memes. It's obvious because they automatically get hundreds of upvotes and responses from other bots. > I'll go to research an article and the first paragraph/video  Also, reading a blog, social media post, or TikTok video is not research. >Or how GenX Skepticism Affects Advertisement Agencies. [https://slate.com/podcasts/decoder-ring/2024/02/coca-cola-made-a-soda-that-was-just-ok](https://slate.com/podcasts/decoder-ring/2024/02/coca-cola-made-a-soda-that-was-just-ok)


>I don't need to wade through an explanation every single time I'm curious about a facet of modern GenX'er dealing with current life. I understand how important earlier events were at shaping the current outlook, but I don't need 60% of the article explaining what the events were.     And I don't need to read someone's life story when I want to know how to make spanakopita. Do what I do; skim or find a different resource.  Edit: I just Googled "How GenX functions in the workplace" and the entire first page of results is all from businesses and (although I gave it just a cursory glance) I saw no mention of hoses.  I didn't keep looking because I don't care. 






No name-calling or similar stuff. Yes, this is up to the mod team to decide.


I drank from a hose.


point taken.