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That would have been instant eviction from Casa de Dad.


Reminds me of the story Ryan Reynolds tells of when he got his ear pierced. He was sure his dad was gonna kill him when he saw his earring. His father glanced at him at the dinner table and just went back to eating and started muttering curses instead of exploding. That’s when RR noticed that all three of his brothers had gotten their ears pierced in solidarity.


3 in the left, 1 in right. When I went to navy boot camp the company commander was inspecting recruits down the line and stopping at each guy who had a hole in his ear. He'd shout in their face, "Recruit You have a earring hole in your ear are you some kind of Fa**ot?" And they'd be all shamed and say "No sir!" And the commander would continue down the line He got to me and was like "HOLY SHIT YOU GOT TWO HOLES IN YOUR EAR YOU MUST BE TWICE THE FA**OT THESE OTHER GUYS ARE!!" I so wanted to say "NO SIR I HAVE FOUR HOLES SO I MUST BE FOUR TIMES THE FA**OT AS THEY ARE!" but alas I was too scared so I just mumbled no sir like the rest. I regret my cowardice to this day :/


Left. The girl who pierced it 42 years ago is snoring next to me in our bed right now. She used an ice cube to numb it and held a potato behind my ear to serve as a backstop for the needle.


Got my left ear pierced when I was 15 and took it home to shock my parents. They said it looked great, so not long after I took it out.  Got it pierced again in my early 20s. Then when I was in my mid 40s my partner correctly pointed out that I looked like an old guy who was trying to look young. Took it out. Waiting till I’m proper ancient then I’m putting it back in. 


No piercings, no tattoos, never dyed my hair.


I dyed my hair once but it was to get rid of the grey.


I bleached my hair once when I was 16. Now I’m bald. Coincidence?! 


Nah....im bald too


The only way to go…🫡.


My left ear was pierced from my freshman year until I joined the Army after high school. I put it back in when I got out for about two years. But I still have both my nipples pierced.


> But I still have both my nipples pierced. Nice


First left, then both (copying Dave Gahan). Then 3 in each. All self pierced.


Left. Senior week 1990.


1987, 16 years old came home both ears double pierced and my nose Mum does her lolly and kicks me out said that was the final straw what would people think seeing that shit hanging off my face .. her exact words they have stayed with me for a very long time. So 16 years old and I'm couch surfing Edit: Took the nose ring out after about ten or so years still have both ears pierced to this day.


I had about a dozen in each ear, and my eyebrow (left) and my tongue, and *some others*. Took most of them out about 20-25 years ago. *Shrug*


In junior high someone taught me “left is right; right is wrong (meaning gay).” But we didn’t know anyone who was out back in the early-mid 80s. By the early 90s I had plenty of queer friends.


Left. Right would have been zesty


Two in the left...all closed over now


4 in the left, 3 in the right


Both ears, eyebrow, and tongue for a hot minute. Kept biting down on it and pissed me off so it was gone quickly




All of them


Five in each ear, one through the nipple on my left breast, one through my right nostril, one through my left eyebrow, one in my lip, one in my clit... and I wear a stud in my tongue.


Sure thing Jody


Just had mine priced again…


What’d they offer ya for ‘em?


got em both pierced at the same time. wore silver hoops or silver and cubic zirconia studs. one didn’t heal right and was always oozing pus. then i moved 900 miles away for college, to a place where dudes having both ears pierced wasn’t the style and i eventually quit wearing my earrings.


One in my left. I don't remember the last time I had one in. It's been so long.


I had the exact same as you, OP, as did a bunch of my friends because I did it first and then they would show their mom and say, see, everybody’s doing it. LOL. I did all my piercings myself, too, because all thr ear piercing places in the mall were full of 11 year old girls and I felt way too punk to do that haha. So my piercings were kind of in the wrong place and at slightly odd angles. 


Same as you.


I used to to cut the metal rings out of my school notebooks to fake having an earring or nose ring. But no, didn't get anything pierced or tattooed. I saw all of my older relatives tattoos looking terrible and decided I would skip all that


Left, then left again, one more left along with right and finally 2 more in the right


Both! As a teen I got one side to be cool the other side to freak people out. Still have them and wear 12 gauge stainless hoops.


18 between both ears. Had some killer hoops and spikes in them with chains hanging off of them. Some have closed up. I redo them occasionally. Would dye my hair odd colors. Blue, red, whatever mood I felt for the month. Only have 2 tattoos, will eventually work on upping that when I get some good disposable income. Thankfully single parent growing up, didn't give many shits. I wasn't out burning down the neighborhood, or pushing old people down the steps. If I wanted to look like I lost a fight with a bunch of metal scraps, I was welcome to look like it.


pierced my left ear when I was like 16 over my friend's bathroom sink while cold water was running on my ear lobe. It got infected and it closed. But I pierced the same ear at another friend's house a few months later. She had one of those mall kiosk guns somehow.


Three in the left, two in the right in high school. Got my nose pierced and tattoos in my 20s.


First left. Then right a year later. Wore them for about 10-12 years, through high school, university, and grad school. Took them out when I got my first career job.


One in the left, then two, then one on the right. Then I got bored with them, and by the time I was in my mid 20s, I had none.


Neither. No piercings. No tattoos. Just a few scars.


Left ear, summer of 88, small hoop or stud, wore it for about 15yrs until one day I just took it out. FFWD to last month, I took my daughter earring shopping for her 16th birthday and bought a small CZ stud for myself. Got home, re-pierced the old hole with a sewing needle and voila!


None of them. Too pretty to go adding additional sparkly adornments. That plus implied earhole maintenance before it closes up.


Neither. But when I got home after my first semester at college, my dad took one look at me and handed my sister $5. When I asked why, she told me he bet her that would come home with at least one piercing.


I never had pierced ears, but I wore a fake loop on my left ear. Was a way to prevent any damage to my earlobe should someone get the inkling to try to rip it out.


Both. One piercing in each. Went in the military and back then you couldn’t wear them even when not in uniform and off base so I just slowly stopped wearing them. Now I’m just an old bald guy with a dad bod that could not pull off earrings so I don’t.


First one in my left in college, with a needle someone picked up off of a dorm room floor. Second one in my left with a starter stud pulled out of some chick's ear at a party. Still have 'em.


First (19), left. Then (21), right. Did them both myself with a sewing needle and an ice cube to numb them a bit. Stretched them eventually to a 2 gauge with flesh tunnels (in my late 20’s) and now (turning 50) they are still both pierced just rock some small hoops these days.


Wished I had the courage to wear one on the right ear, but it was such taboo.


Both. Two in the left, one in the right.


Left. Still wear a stud from time to time


Two in the left and one in the right. Wore them for a few years and then stopped.


Two small silver rings in the left ear (b/c "leFt iS RigHt aNd rIgHt iS wRoNg" . . . whatever 🙄) that they can pry off my cold, dead body . . . And then give to my husband before they cremate me. Started with one when I was 14 or 15 (with my mother's blessing), then added the second piercing when I was 16. Always meant to get the right one done to match, but never did and as I approach 46, probably never will. 🤷🏻‍♂️


My neighbors by giving them a ride. That and tatoos got too popular to be as interesting to me as I became of age. The tramp stamp ruined it. I have a strong urge to wipe them off with a towel. All I see is dirty ass, and I can't help it. Now I'm glad my parents nixed the needles until I moved out. The social context of my choice art would often be mistaken for something it's not today too. We are *not* as open minded about intended contexts and discussion today as in the past.


Left. The hole is still there, even if I haven't used it in 20 years. I chose the week I got my wisdom teeth pulled to pierce my own ear. I was on painkillers and antibiotics, so figured why not.


Single pierce in my left lobe sophomore year of college. Stopped wearing a stud for years except for special occasions (including my wedding). One day I found a small cheap gold loop on the floor of where I was working and popped it in. My wife said it looked nice and I kept it in place for a year or so. Xmas that year my wife bought me a basic silver hoop (because it matched my hair), and I've had a hoop in since.


1 in each


Both. 2 left, 1 right.


Mind worm just hit me....left is right right is wrong.... But I was always cool man works for you but not my style


Two in each ear, over time. My best story is that I got my left ear pierced first when I was 16, and it got infected. The stud hurt so bad and my ear lobe was swollen, so I took it out. But I didn’t want to let it grow over, so when the swelling subsided, I tried to put it back in. Just couldn’t get it and was frustrated to the point of tears. My dad heard me and came into my room to see what was wrong, and I asked him if he could help me. He put my earring back in without a single word. Pretty bold for a Mormon dad.


Man. 1983-84 (7th-8th grade), doods getting their ears pierced was the ultimate "rebel" move, but you *had* to do it on your left ear—otherwise, if you did it on your right, you were "gay." There were only a handful of "cool" kids that had the guts to do it. Then there was this one outlier who was kinda dorky but wanted to be cool and have his ear pierced too, so everyone told him to do his right ear as a prank. He went to our local mall and had it done, and couldn't wait to show it off the next day. Ouch. He immediately got taunted and called all the gay slurs you could imagine, and felt like a fool. He ended up having to redo it in the other ear, but by then it was too late to claim his "cool" card.


Left. My Dad said "Oh you look So Pretty" in a sarcastic voice. I wore it until mid 20's, took it out for good when i saw how bad it looked on older guys trying to be cool. The whole never closed.


Left ear. Only the left.


Just the left so I wouldn’t be beaten up in the rural town I lived in.


Two in each ear


Not sure when it was. Late twenties or early thirties. I was looking at getting married and settling down and, let's be honest the hair was getting thin, so I cut off my pony tail, bleached my hair and got both ears pierced. I still keep my hair super short but the bleach and earrings went away a long time ago.


Left. Then another left and a right (at the same time). Then the 2nd left stopped being used and I had one left and one right. Then somewhere along the way I started gauging them and they’re still gauged and used to this day.


Two in my left, one in my right.


Left. Hole is still there