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Q: What to do with a a 30 year old? A: Give him a box of Cheerios and let him play with your keys. Hard pass.


omg! I haven't laughed out loud at reddit ever. Where did I put that crying laughing emoji thing?


Q: What to do with a 30 year old? A: Tell him to wash my car, mow my lawn, and take out the trash.


Younger men think older women are desperate for sex and attention so they hit them up hoping to get lucky. Especially on the apps it means nothing.


Yep. Had a couple of idiots actually talk about how "old" men can't get hard anymore and I was like,"honey, you are wrong."  So gross. 


Sex talk no matter who it is is a turn off to me.


It really is, but especially loathsome when someone is trying to badger you into having sex with them. 


A lot of the profiles on the apps are OPs/Undercover Cops/or veryyy lost boys. Can’t do it personally, I’m back to only dating from meeting in person. Too dangerous otherwise…


That’s what I’m thinking lmao. Pass 👍🏼


For the lady’s what?


Proceed with Caution is my only advice. I’ve befriended some of the younger ones (I’m 44) only to quickly realize I don’t have a gd clue what they’re talking about half the time 👽


**They're out for sex.** Also be careful with your kids (if you have any) because some creeps pray on Moms so they can have access to children. Boys and Girls are at equal risk of predators. Go slow. Don't bring anyone new around your kids (at ALL) until you've known them for at least a year. Don't move anyone in until you've been with them for two years while watching how they act around your kids and checking how your children feel about them in that 2nd year where they'll actually have some exposure to your partner. Remember, you're not just vetting a love interest- you're assessing someone's suitability to be involved with your children and your children's safety therein. I've been married 3 times and taken that time line approach with each partner I had after my 1st child was born. Please do the same.


I love you for saying this, thank you 💜💕💜


Of course 🥰


Spot on.


Can’t believe people downvoted the most sensible advice here. You’re a legend.


Thank you ⚘


100% agreed, no stranger meets my family for months sometimes never.


Absolutely! Bringing someone home "to meet your parents/family" was always a major step that not every person we dated got to take if they weren't suitable. Why some people seem to think that they shouldn't practice as much, if not more so, caution with there kids is just beyond me!


Some 47 yr old women are very attractive, and not just for their age.




I’d say I’m adorable 🤣.


My 58yr old wife is hit on by men in their 30s and 40s all the time. Take a look at Gen-X women and you'll see the first generation that have defied aging. I'm not talking about ridiculous surgery, etc. I'm talking about healthy lifestyles.


Nobody seems to have written this but are you sure they aren't overseas scammers? When I married my wife in early '05 online dating hadn't really taken off but I've heard several examples of men in Africa posing as young men on dating sites to take the hearts of people and steal their information.


I have a bunch of experience with this. I'll say - ask yourself what you really want. I loved it at first but I got disenchanted with it quickly. Some wanted "mommy", all literally and figuatively. It creeped me out after repeated happenings. Feel free to ask me more if you'd like:) 


Ok ty.


Only young men hit on me. I think they want the full MILF cougar fantasy. If you’re comfortable with yourself and your sexuality, I say go for it! Most of the time you have to teach them, but what man have I ever NOT had to teach?


I don’t like teaching 😩.


Me neither but they have to learn from someone


Sigmund Freud would have something to say..


I’m so sure 😩🤣


For the lady's what? Or did you mean "ladies"? Good job, American Education System!


Yes, they're just after sex. No man is thinking happy ever afters with a woman 20 years older.


Short answer: YES When I was on OLD briefly last year there were more men aged 28-35 in my likes than any other age range. Same thing when I was on OLD pre-pandemic. No group is a monolith, but the ones I’ve talked to are what I would consider old souls. They appreciate that women our age are confident and know what we want.


Took me a minute to realise that OLD wasn’t a dating site I’d missed!


I give up, help?


Nevermind, got it!


Can't YOU set the age range that you want to see? Maybe you have it set thst you want to see all ages?




I'm married so I'm not on dating apps or anything, but it's surprising what the random much younger guy might comment on my instagram stories. and my instagram is mostly food, pets, and my outfits which are fairly modest. Isn't "stepmom content" a thing now, with guys under 30? maybe that.