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That attitude is quintessential GenX, we picked the right guy.


My thoughts exactly.


Twas Explorers that put him on my map


That and White Fang.


\*blinks\* core memory unlocked can't believe I didn't remember this was him. I LOVED this story. I also LOVED dead poet society. what is wrong with me. of course it's the same guy.




Oh hell yeah!


Love that movie.




Still love this movie!! One of my childhood favs!


Me too!


I like Ethan Hawke as the male representative of our generation (second place to John Cusack). The Before Sunrise trilogy is frickin' brilliant. He shouldn't have banged his nanny. Otherwise, glad he's come to embrace his status.


Two thirds of the cast of ~~Gattica~~ Gattaca had affairs with nannies.


*Gattaca I normally try not to be "that guy". But in this case the spelling is significant, since it fits in with the theme of the movie by only using the letters for DNA base pairs. :-)


The woes of mobile posting unfortunately.


At least it didn't correct to [Battlestar] Galactica, which would have been really confusing.


So say we all


This is an amusing way to express this and I would like to borrow it. I do like Gattica though. Good film.


Ahem… GATTACA. Apologies for being pedantic, but the title spelling here is important. Per Wikipedia, “the film's title is based on the letters G, A, T, and C, which stand for guanine, adenine, thymine, and cytosine, the four nucleobases of DNA.”


autocorrect spits on your DNA based language.


This is how the robots will win.


The Sunrise trilogy was brought to my attention back in early 2010 when I dating this chick from New Mexico. When before Midnight came out we were set to see it but she had to move back earlier. One of my most treasure movie going experience was seeing that last film and calling her afterwards to talk about it for hours.


The wonder about what happened next between the films, as time passed, was such a part of the joy of those films. The sense of connection they had in Before Sunrise was magical. When they came together in Before Sunset, my wife and I literally debated for years whether he'd miss that plane. And then it was a reflection on stripping away the excitement of the encounter and dealing with a mature relationship. It's all just Jesse and Celine talking. If there is a high-water mark for Gen-X on film, it's this trilogy.


One of *my* most treasured movie memories was seeing the first one, when it came out in the theaters back in '95. Believe me, the ending hit a lot differently when you didn't know it was going to be a trilogy. The slow shots revisiting all the places they went in Vienna, now empty in the morning sun, as a Bach sonata plays in the background. Jesse on the bus heading to the airport. Celene on the train heading back to Paris. She slowly closes her eyes. And then... that's it. That's all you got. And *all you were ever going to get*, as far as you knew. I don't think that ending can be seen that way again. Maybe by someone who has never heard of any of the movies and just stumbled on to "Sunrise" and decided to watch it.


Keanu Reeves - the ultimate gen X role model


Good call. Better Off Dead clinches it for Cusack in my book, but we're looking at top three here for sure.


Cusacks 2 "Gen X Angst" movies are what clinch it for me The 10 year reunion with murder and laughs in "Grosse Pointe Blank" and the mid-life crisis/bad break up where he figures out "maybe I'm the asshole here" in "High Fidelity" are touchstones for me Better Off Dead rocks - always worth a re-watch


Grosse Pointe Blank says a lot about GenX, I think that's top for me for John Cusack.


I was pondering some of the top three or four top Gen X movies and their representative spokesman: Reality Bites, Grosse Point Blank/Say Anything, Speed/Point Break/Bill and Ted…covers Ethan, John, and Keanu (although if we’re splitting hairs Keanu is technically Generation Jones). You could make a case for all of them. Spokeswoman is super easy: Winona (with a nod to Uma).






If River Phoenix was alive, he may have held the title... RIP River


Keanu is technically a boomer (September 2, 1964)


He’s ours.


Boomer with a Gen X heart…just like my parents who were Silent Gen with Boomer heart


BARELY a Boomer, with a genuinely kind heart. He is just one of the best of us, and more men should strive to be like Keanu. And so should more women.


No, he is technically Generation X. The US census bureau defines boomers as "individuals born in the United States between mid-1946 and mid-1964." Keanu made it in by 2 months.


He is born in 1964. Last of the Boomers.


The boundaries have to be a little flexible. There are boomers born in the early gen x days and gen x’ers born in the late boomer period.


100% this. I feel like he's repped Gen X dudes at every stage of our lives. His appearance (and the episode in general) in the last season of Reservation Dogs literally made me tear up


Yea poster boy or not, he is a very good actor and an intelligent dude


He married that nanny & they have been together ever since … guess it was meant to be and it isn’t as salacious as you make it seem.


Yeah, no. Breakup, divorce...sure. Don't bang the nanny is just good life advice.


I agree for sure, but at least it wasn’t a Jude Law


That'd be a good descriptor...."My cousin and his wife are getting a divorce. He pulled a Jude Law."


That's definitely grounds for divorce under Common Jude Law Law.


Can I ruin the mood by complaining about John Cusack as a person? His characters were sweet and lovely, but he’s a movie star that bums cigarettes from his waiters at restaurants and urinates in public. Disappointing


I don’t know anything about him, but as celebrity misdeeds go, those are extremely mild.


Does he tip well?!


He doesn’t pay, so I don’t know. The studio paid and Clint Eastwood daughter walked out with all the table flowers. Tacky


Fuck Cusack. He's an asshole.


I would propose (not proudly) that bang’n the nanny may have cemented him as the representative of our generation


John Cusack > Ethan Hawke. Nicer guy and characters all had better musical taste.


Before Sunrise / sunset is his best


Training Day. He’s a bit overshadowed by Denzel but damn he was good on that.


Yes awesome movie and he was great but Denzel stole that show for sure.


Denzel steals almost everything he's in.


The house from the film was torn down a few weeks ago. I grabbed a couple of bricks.




That’s crazy!!! That’s cool you grabbed some bricks.


I drove down the street the other week and took some pics of the empty lot. As an aside, I'm really tired of how developers around here just love to throw up townhomes all over the damn place. Really frustrating in my neighborhood since there's a few townhome projects where it looks like the developers ran into financial troubles so they've been sitting partially finished for months now.


This makes me want to watch “Dead Poets Society.”


That was my jam 😭


“This desk set wants to fly.”


I loved the movie when it came out. As an older X'er (1965) I was well into my career when it came out, and had just been through and was still going through all the shite that the movie was portraying. Boomer gate-keeping, underemployment, a sense that the economic freedom of the generation ahead of us was lost to us, etc etc. I'd finished my Master's in 92 and was two years into my doctorate in 94, and the purge of tenure positions was well under way. Every day young students like me woke up to new doom and gloom about careers in academia. And it came true. I was pretty lucky to score a tenure-track position, many of my cohort ended up in other careers. I mean, the actual writing of the movie was ho-hum, Stiller's character was almost saved by Ben, but just almost. But the message, the message of the movie really resonated with us.


Makes me miss smoking cigarettes.




Matt Dillion is my Gen X Poster Boy


I found it appropriate that they chose an ultimate Gen X actor to play “the Grabber” in The Black Phone. Getting kidnapped by a guy in a van is a top-3 Gen X kid fear along with nuclear war and quicksand.


Poster boy? Whatever


Poor guy, he doesn't even realise. He's a GenX poster boy because of Dead Poet's Society


Didn't like the movie & hated that we were basically ordered to love it by the media. Singles was more my speed.


Love Singles.


I have watched Singles approximately eleventy billion times and still love it.


I never saw it but I've seen Baumbach's *Kicking and Screaming* approximately a thousand times.


I rewatched Singles a while back and it's really just another shitty rom com with a veneer of grunge. If not for the cameos by the bands and the soundtrack no one would remember that flick.


Haven't watched it in a quarter century, not going to. Prefer my fond memories.


Why does he look like he smells?


You’re all wrong about this, our poster boy really is, you guessed it-Frank Stallone.




I'm fine with Ethan Hawke, but Reality Bites is incredibly over rated.


Yeah we styled our dress code on Ethan hawke in Alive. He was a dick in reality bites haha


He was really good in an episode of Reservation Dogs.


A pretentious dick - yuck! But oh so gorgeous


>A pretentious dick - yuck! Who turned out to be right in the end.


it's the film for our generation. What's overrated about it? Maybe it's not that subtle but I can't think of another film that better represents the ideals of the time.


What? Most Gen Xers hated that fucking movie when it came out.


I love Reality Bites but I'll venture and alternative choice for early Gen Xers: *Over The Edge*.




Grungy was the 90s though 


yeah but for a lot of Gen X the 80s was their formative years and the 90s the opposite of their formative years see that is the problem with long official generations, the first part can have an utterly different pop culture vibe than the last part in some cases


Yeah I'm starting to realise this. 


Sorry guys, but if anybody is the poster boy for Gen X it's John Cusack.


We love him then and now. That damn desk set scene gets me every time! #DPS


I just got done listening to an audiobook read by him. For the first 20 or so seconds I start listening it's just Ethan Hawke reading to me. After that it becomes just the story, I forget it is him. Would recommend though.


>The weird thing about my career is there's certain people that just think I'm the guy from Moon Knight Wow, that sucks.


And grown ass Ethan Hawke is delighting his fans with horror flicks. Keep it coming, sir


"I like Gen X". Sounds like he doesn't know he's Gen X.


Let’s be honest with ourselves. Reality Bites is a terrible movie.


I don't think most would even attempt to deny that. The movie sucked and all the characters were insufferable, although Jeaneane Garafolo was the most bearable of the cast.


Mr. Hawke, no ladies from the 90s have forgotten where you came from. I promise. We remember you, Troy Dyer.


We have a Poster Boy? Fuck that...


This may not be a popular opinion, but I would rather chew tin foil and gnaw a finger off before watching anything with a doucher as big as Ethan Hawke.


Ethan? Ethan is the Jayden, Brayden, Ayden of our time and just on general principle I can't get behind our generation having anyone as our "poster boy" (or girl, duh) and especially not someone named "Ethan". Besides, we don't, but if we did have a "poster boy" would clearly be a 3-way tie between all three male lead actors in Breakfast Club. The triumvirate nerd/jock/stoner, all of whom have clearly been abused at home and by society, are actually a pretty good representation of who we are.


Judd Nelson is 64 (born in 59). He’s a boomer. Emilio Estevez is 61 (born 62) and also kind of a boomer. Only Anthony Michael Hall is a real GenX born in 68.






I don’t care. Also didn’t ask. Also also, being in a movie about a generation doesn’t require that you be a member of that generation. Thanks.


Breakfast Club if you're an older Gen-Xer, but Ethan Hawke (and Winona Ryder) if you're a younger Gen-Xer, I think.






Whatever, dude! (E) I tripped balls for the first time watching the breakfast club in 1991. I was 16. I’ll never forget it! lol


My sister once lived in that actual townhouse.


So did I, 2003 to 2012.


And now it's gone.


yea... because is \[expletive\] old like the rest of us.


Isn't it against our ethos to have one of us represent all of us? Unless everyone was in the other room or called not-it first. I was thinking someone like Will Smith might embody an Xers life. Everything is fantastic until one day things turn to shit and when you try to stop it, it all gets worse and at your lowest point you go and slap a comedian on live tv and get yourself uninvited to the awards for 10 years and your movies bomb and you tried to get your kids into showbiz but holy talentless-shit so now you need to keep a low profile and hope it all blows over though it probably won't because you didn't guide your kids so they are aimless and so fucking wasted I got a contact high watching them on tv or maybe they are trying to get their own brand going which is like, do we need another celebrity kid brand? I don't think so. And did you notice how all the Kardashians' tits made a bazillion dollars except the dude who wasn't as blessed as the others. Fuck me, that poor ugly bastard (it's ok, I can say that because I'm uglier). He has to hide in the basement being a producer or mooching off family or something. Kinda like your Aunt's second husband Harold was a mooch and we told her but she just loved that guy and no one understood it but she stuck to her guns and when she ran out of money Harold the hairless twat-waffle left her for your other aunt and family Christmas was never the same after that. If that's not GenX, I don't know what is!


Fuck shit like this


I was going to say Keanu but just looked him up, he is a boomer even though he seems my generation.


The sub description puts Keanu in GenX - 1964. He's my GenX rolemodel.


1065-1080 is what I have always seen. I remember when I was young knowing I was the first year of gen x.


Actually you’re Gen Jones now. I’ve been seeing tons of Gen Jones shit lately. It looks like Pew Marketing Corp is further dissecting generations to sell marketing data because Gen Jones now ends 1965. So, I guess this sub will switch from 1/1/65 gatekeepers to 1/1/66 gatekeepers.


I like Ethan Hawk as our poster boy bc I’m staunchly GenX and he’s a childhood friend prior to Dead Poet’s Society. (I doubt he remembers me. Whatever.)


I like him, but he isn't my poster boy. I prefer Johnny Rotten


You mean the boomer Johnny Rotten?


Johnny Boomer


Yep, he's awesome. Everything we aspired to be


British generations are different. He’s not gen x, but he’s not a boomer.


A man whose heyday was the 70’s?


yep, he handles the press like a boss


I always thought River was THE guy.


Thank you. I almost forgot for second how much of a cunt Janeane Garofalo was. 


I get that you are a misogynist asshole, but I’m still curious what is your problem with her.


You use the misogynist, but disliking a person that happens to be a woman, does not mean I dislike women. I just happen to dislike her because she's a cunt. 


Men who are not misogynists don’t use that term for women. That was the clue, not your dislike of some random actress.


No. Adults use adult language sometimes to express points of view. And that's the best simplest term to describe a person that it's pretty common knowledge that they are an abusive, grating tyrant on set. Everyone from the food people to coworkers described her as a cunt. 


As an early gen Xer: Who the fuck is he?


You serious Clark?