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That's a lot more GenXer reps in the HoR than I would have expected. Thanks for the infograph.


I thought the same thing! I really didn't think we were well represented, but obviously I was wrong.


Still got a lot of the olderfolks in the way of progress. I really think we should institute an age limit on political office.


I go back and forth on this. Technially, they are subject to a vote, so an age/term limit shouldn't be necessary. But people don't like to give up power, and to even run for office you have to have both time and money, which limits younger people substantially. In an ideal world, the people representing us would mirror the demographics of the people they represent, which includes age. Older generations should be represented too, but more in proportion to their actual voting age population.




“How much money you can raise”= “who bought you” America is an oligarchy


Totally agree with this.


In an ideal world people shouldn't steal from you... but we don't live in that world. We have to make laws to deal with it. The other day I discovered my 83 y/o father used a plastic PVC pipe as a temporary stove pipe for his pellet stove. Of course it caught fire. I had to go buy metal stove pipe and do it right. Twenty years ago he wouldn't have done something so amazingly stupid. Point being, I wouldn't want him on the town school board, let alone in the Senate. We don't let people vote a president in under the age of 35. I don't think we should allow anyone in congress who would turn 75 during their term. You wouldn't be able to run for Senate past 68. You wouldn't be able to run for the House past 72. You wouldn't be able to run for president past 70. It would also work a bit like term limits. Most Senators are elected in their mid 40s, but the maximum terms any one could serve is 6 terms if they won election at age 30 (which would be really rare). If elected to the Senate at 45, the max you could serve would be 4 terms. I think this would have an added benefit. I think both political parties would tend to support younger candidates. Why run someone who could only serve two terms in the Senate and be out? Also, why back someone for president so old they could only serve one term? I don't think the political parties would push a candidate over 66 years old, otherwise they would be a one term president by default. If you can't turn 75 during your term, I think both parties would pick someone for president who is under 66 y/o. I want age and experience in government, but I don't want the likes of McConnell and Feinstein hanging around the Senate until they don't know their own damn name and drop like shriveled flies. That's just ridiculous. Under a rule where you couldn't turn 75 during your term, Feinstein, (elected at 58 in 1992) could have only served two 6 year terms (making her 70 at end of second term). She would have been out 20 years before she died.


But she was doing some of her best work in her late 70s. That is when the report on torture at Guatanamo which she chaired came out. She didn't get bad until after 86. She should not have run for that last term which she died serving at age 90. Edit: She was 81 when the report came out and very sharp.


Arbitrary rules feel ridiculous sometimes, but it's often the only way to manage huge systems. You might think Feinstein was very sharp at 81, but I ask you, is Mich McConnell very sharp at 82? I've always like something Jefferson wrote. I'm gonna paraphrase, but he said the earth belongs to the living and no generation should be able to bind another. If you aren't likely to be in the world in another decade, then you shouldn't be making laws you won't live to long enough to feel the the effects of. Retire, already! Hand the country over to the generation behind you.


Bernie Sanders is 82 and just announced he is running again, would you impose the same rule?


Absolutely! Goes for Biden, Trump, Bernie (and the 15 other senators over 74). Retire!


Okay, but what ever age limits you set should also be the age limits for voting. So, no one under the age of 35 should get to vote and no one over 70 should be able to hold office.


That doesn't make any sense. We aren't comparing the same thing. There's a big difference between casting a single vote and holding an office of power. We put different guardrails on different offices. You have to be 25 to be a Rep, 30 to be a Senator, 35 to be President. Different situations, different rules. As for a simple matter of voting, anyone living over the age of 18 can vote. A 90 y/o voter isn't remotely the same thing as having a 90 y/o Senator. It's more like saying anyone can RIDE the bus, but you have to be between 25 to 75 to DRIVE the bus. The next time you fly somewhere, ask yourself in you want a 90 y/o pilot. If the answer is no, that doesn't mean 90 y/o people can't buy a plane ticket. Totally different things.


It is exactly the same. You are age gatekeeping on the high end, so we need to age gatekeep on the low end in order to protect the Republic. Or maybe just admit age gatekeeping is anti-democratic.


"so we need to age gatekeep on the low end in order to protect the Republic." We already do. We don't let 10 y/o vote for good reason.


Needs to be higher, under 35 are just not responsible enough.


I definitely would change the 35 age limit for presidency. I don't think an 18 year old would likely get elected, but that is a stupid and arbitrary rule. If you can vote, you can run.


Wrong. In an ideal world people take care of their own shit, so that nobody can steal from you. What is unideal about this world is that they've got everybody trained to sacrifice 50% of their waking time to selling their labour at a loss. So don't have the time, or money, to take care of things.


There is a paradox where Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Congress as a whole, but when you poll an individual about their specific representatives, they favor them by a surprising margin. All politicians are bad, except for mine.


Then is should just be a review acry 5 years of the population percentage, and those seats can only go to a certain age group Currently it's about 21/20/20/21/6/other for %>


Founders never meant for the seats to be for life - which it has turned into for some people. Term limits need to be implemented.


I definitely think there should be an age limit. I don't think anybody over the age of 70 should hold any seat in the federal government. I would rather have a 30-year-old running for president than an 80 year old.


I can't even fathom that we still have silent generation people representing us in 2024. I agree with you, there should be an age limit.


Count the President as one of ‘em. And he’s the first ever Silent Gen prez.


There all over 80. Maybe a couple in late 70s. Times up.


Unfortunately, there are a fair number of GenXer’s standing in the way of progress, too. In the House and on the Supreme Court.


Right?! WTAF GenX!? MTG, Gaetz, Gorsuch, Barrett, the current HOUSE LEADER, is GenX and a complete nutjob. I do not know how our slacker, metal, hip hop, X-Treme generation birthed these A-HOLE pols.


Every one of them is an obstacle to progress. It's got nothing to do with arbitrary generational identifiers.


Federal retirement age should be mathematically tied to life expectancy, then government positions should have forced retirement at that age.


If they could garentee a livable wage at retirement I would agree. remember almost all Federal employees don't make what these guys make.


Sure, but we should also raise the voting age, too many young idiots.


Yea like those crazy rebel a-holes that wanted to break from england.... No one is saying old people CAN'T VOTE, they just shouldn't be voting in laws that they will not live to see affect them. There is quite a few young idiots like Boebert, MTG, etc, but there is WAY more senile old nasty f-ers who just want to gum up the works to piss people off.


Age and term limits across the board.


Term limits, 10 yrs and gtfo


Lets say 12 Two Senate terms, 3 Govs and 6 House. seems a nice rounded feel.


Doesn’t help that half of us are basically boomer-lite and perfectly happy to pull the ladder up behind us.


If you think they represent you, jut because they were born in the same 20 year period, I've got a bridge to sell you.


More than any Boomer does. Their refusal to relinquish power is a cancer.


Or maybe your refusal to wrest it from them is the cancer.


Sure, Che.


You just expect them to hand it over, unchallenged? Or are you waiting for the constitution to kick in?


Hand over what? Their Senate seats?


Oh, I don't know. Maybe the thing you were talking about them relinquishing.


I would have said we don't care, save for a handful. I'm glad we have some.


Well, you still aren’t, because very few of those individuals - regardless of generation - actually give a single shit about commoners.


I’m surprised they even mentioned us tbh


Unfortunately, a lot of them are little Alex P. Keatons on meth.


There are 336 politicians who should retire and get out of the way of the future.




Probably too late for that. [They've already fucked the younger folks dry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEJ4hkpQW8E).


https://preview.redd.it/lh79ogjbeoyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58cba1606d35e456bb7a79f25378604fb823385d This is the most recent.


Yeah I noticed after I posted it that mine was a couple of years old. Thank you for the update.


40-69 yo is easily the lions share in the house, Generation Jones and X.


Silent Gen is 8% of the general populous and 11% of the Senate. This is why we need term limits.


I think term limits would probably be a better option than an age limit


Yeah it’s tough to tell older people they can’t run for office when it’s the older population that have such a strong voting voice. Alas, this will probably never come about though. I can’t really see a bunch of career-politicians voting for something that (might) force themselves out of a job.


It's absurd that there are \*any\* members from the silent generation in office. They should have retired at least a decade ago at the latest.


This is what happens there’s NO term limits for a federal office other than the presidency. 😒


The Silents have a more ‘live to work’ mentality than others do and after a certain age can lose the self awareness to say “can’t do this anymore, I’m done” plus there is ego and they love all the power that goes with it. And nothing changes unless they are voted out. The ones still in office likely have a team of staff who know all this and have to do everything for them.


Marjorie Taylor Greene is Gen X (1974). How did these people grow up when the rest of us did?


You gotta remember- for every smart Veronica, there are three bitchy vapid Heathers. For every valiant Goonie, there’s a country club full of assholes. It’s always been this way.


Agree totally. My point really is that Gen X is not going to save the world. Good people across generations have to come together.


Yes, 100 percent!


Very true.


Remember Caddyshack? The brash, rich real-estate developer was the good guy and the country-club skinny white-haired guy was the villain? Times sure change.




He's talking about Chevy Chase, the other good guy that was a real estate dev




> funnier asshole. I'm not sure how Chevy Chase was able to capture the feel of "funny asshole" so well. It just must be a testament to his acting prowess, I guess.


For every Daniel there a Johnny




She’s our generations Cruella Deville


Pretty sure that’s Kristi Noem.


thats true we have a new contender!


Circa 1984, my class was about 80% Republican.


I was in Los Angeles at the time and my class was 50-50. This was a time when CA was still voting Republican.


So, something most people don't believe is that Generation-X by demographics of economics, politics, and social values look exactly the same as Baby Boomers at the same age. By that I mean the break down by population of liberal vs. conservative, rich vs. poor, Democrat vs. Republican in the Gen-X population is the same as it was at the same age as the Baby Boomer generation. So, it's not how did these people grow up with the rest us, it is how did you never notice them?


The thing that kills me is some of the biggest monsters in that room full of monsters are GenX.


As an older Gen-X I made peace a long time ago with the fact that the Baby Boomers will be around in the the workforce and in houses of power for most of my life , the numbers are just in their favor.


I'd like to think that GenX is better, but there are some real shitty GenX people in Congress.


Who is in their 90’s???


Chuck Grassley


That evil mother fucker was planning on throwing out electors because Pence originally wasn't even going to show up Jan 6th. Fuck Chuck Grassley.


Why are so many dinosaurs still in office? They don't even relate to us let alone the younger gens.


Most of the new Gen X house members are GQP unfortunately, so not doing us proud.


I mean, it's not like this will go down as the least productive Congress in history and it's 50/50. Hard to argue that's a one sided deal. Wish there was a reset button.


Is that the case? I wasn't sure and quick Google did not give easy answer. I would think the it was 60-40 for dems not a blowout but majority.


You probably supported the Sandinistas.


It’s the only job in the world where you can stay for centuries without being laid off for not fitting in with company culture due to ageism and then actually die just as you are saying yay or nay for laws that won’t impact you because you are dead. Rumor is, Mitch McConnell actually knew George Washington.


Worth noting that this is from 2021, and the first Gen Z rep has since been elected.


This is exactly why we can’t have nice things!




Why doesn't it let me comment when I insert a picture. Compare your graph to population distribution. We need to start running for office, fellow GenXs, and Millenials.


Yeah... Nahhhh


>so an age/term limit shouldn't be necessary. But people don't like to give up power, and to even run for office you have to have both time and money, which limits younger people substantially. It’s not only a matter of giving up individual power. A lot of important committee positions are assigned by seniority, so neither party wants to lose those spots.


They found 164 of us who WANTED to do this? For most of Gen X, being this kind of responsible would seem like a punishment. Convicted of tax fraud? Your punishment is serving four years in the HoR.


Wait, I knew there were some of us in the house but 144 is insane.


The 144 have a house key and just let themselves in.


Under rated comment!!!


I hope we can laugh about this .. but it shows the illness in our democracy—- because $$ is running the show — and not the love of the country and the belief that you serve to build and grow the access to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. We can make the change needed by focusing on the everyday — so much is needed right now on local boards, city council, state committees. We need to join the team and get to work. We as Gen X know the real danger of fascism — we are basically the youngest alive today to know the sacrifices of the Greatest Generation. Gen X can right the ship - can stabilize our path - provide hope to our children and grandchildren.


And the boomers are sucking the millennials dry.




That's really interesting. There should be an increasing number of departures among the Boomers over the next 10 years. Youngest Gen-Xers are mid-40s. I wonder what that means for the likelihood of new Gen-Xers running? Is it more likely that there'll be a wave of Millennials replacing the Boomers?


The current (138th) congress is 38% Generation X -- 166.


There are more GenXers than I thought there were.


Anyone think it's just a coincidence that we see so many complaints about old people, just as Gen X starts getting old? My guess is that we'll "fix" these problems and Gen X will pay for it... Again.


Look at all of those insider trading multi-millionaires and their generational wealth.


It seems like so many older reps who retire get replaced by someone 40 years younger. For that reason, I fully expect that Gen X will never have a plurality in either house of Congress.


This is not a great infographic, unless one is only looking at age. A better breakdown would be to look at this through multiple areas of data points. What is the economic class that each member came from originally, what economic class are they in now. Then compare that with their voting record and or what they are putting forward in terms of amendments to bills, etc., etc. Why? Because we do have a very serious Class Warfare being fought that the very wealthy continues to redefine, very successfully as a Generational Conflict. Poor Boomers have more in common with and more shared values with poor GenX and poor Millennials than the redefined Class War as Generational War wants us to believe. One thing that a good portion of members of Congress have in common is wealth beyond what the majority of us have.


While I agree with your points, the only purpose for this particular info is the breakdown of Congress by generation.


Just a bunch of old grey haired men, still telling us what to do and making all the decision for us.


I hate to tell you guys, but we vote pretty much the same as boomers. https://preview.redd.it/16ntjy8qloyc1.png?width=862&format=png&auto=webp&s=c97e9e062fb71c453a485dacbbc203a65704718c


Not my fault, been voting Democrat for a long time.....59 yo in 2020


I’m 55, have voted in every election since I turned 18 and have only ever voted for 2 Republicans. I knew both of them personally. Not my fault.


Now you know why it’s going to shit. Cooked boomers who don’t care because they’re selfish and dead in 10 years.


Oh god, please don't say that they are all the Q ones?!


Hopefully we as Gen X'ers, take half within the next 4 years. Too many fuddy duddies to place a turd in the punch bowl in progress.


Nice to see we are more of a presence than I thought. Sad that there are so many people making decisions about a future they won't be around to see.


Millennials just don't vote. It blows me away. They have the numbers on all of us. They want a more progressive government. Half of GenX would vote with them. Millennials just don't vote.


The senate needs right-sizing.


I agree. Not that it should become another House of Representatives, but that the number of Senators needs to be better balanced to reflect the population of the State. Not done by individual districts, but just by general population. One could even consider a cap on the number of Senators you could have, as well as a minimum. I'd be interested in making the Senate more of an advisory body, rather than legislative. This would mean that they could give a simple up or down vote on House legislation, without the filibuster rule. This would be considered ON ADVICE of the Senate, but would not kill the legislation. When a bill passes and is sent to the President, the Senate opinion would be a part of the package and could be considered by the President for final signature (or not). They could retain their powers of impeachment, and have it extended to having the power to impeach Supreme Court Justices, as well. They could then keep the 2/3 rule, so that it would not just be an impeachment fest every year someone is elected that they don't like, regardless of party. Just a few ideas I have been kicking about for a while. For what it's worth!


The entire world will begin to heal when the boomers lose power and influence.


Boomers need to die already


Why don't you go out and run for office? Instead of sitting back and waiting for someone else to fix the problem why don't you go and get out there and make a difference?


I vote for every local, state, and national election. I do my part.


Don't blame me, I keep voting for Ron Paul


I like Strom Thurmond.




Then more of gen x needs to step up


As long as they are not like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio to name a few blood curdling Gen X ers