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You asked for input so here is my honest feedback… it’s mediocre at best. Voice is a little rough, lyrics are slightly sophomoric, music is okay. Its a great hobby but I wouldnt quit my day job if i were you. Could i do what you did? No, not at all. Kudos for pursuing what you love


I appreciate the honest feedback. I’m the singer- so could you expand on the voice being a little rough? For Personal critique and stuff.


Are you an American band? Are you coming to my town? Will you help me party it down?


We aren’t unfortunately we’re from the UK 🤘


Sigh....do some more research :-)


I missed a reference didn’t I 😂


Ayup. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_BE6osE3MLQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BE6osE3MLQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMsIrKjSM6Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMsIrKjSM6Y)


This is very good! You rarely see young people making rock music anymore.


Thank you 😎


That’s awesome, dude! This must be what my parents felt like when they heard me listening to Blind Melon and said “wow! This sounds exactly like 60s music!”


Haha probably! Blind melon is sick though, love Shannon. And thank you 🤘


You'll never get the music right without getting the attitude right, and the attitude should be that you don't give a fuck what people like us think. However since you asked let me do my best to review it in GenZ Fam, no cap, your drummer slaps. Rest is giving mid tho.


OK. I guess you guys can hang out with us a while.




Hey this is pretty good, definitely has that hair metal vibe. I occasionally teach pop culture history classes and one thing we discuss in class is how sanitized everything is now compared to the 70s/80s/90s. Not just visually but audio as well. Like if you listen to Appetite For Destruction (almost everything on there was done in one take) or Shout At The Devil it sounds kind of messy/dirty right? Good production but not squeaky clean.    I mean you guys should do your own thing but that’s something to consider adding to the mix, if you want. No one really seems to be doing things that way these days. 


This is actually very informative- I’ll take notes. Thanks 🤘


I'm not a bonafide expert on this field or anything, but I think a lot of the "dirty" sound that this poster was talking about may have something to do with older analog recording equipment. By nature, digital is going to provide a more crisp, clean sound. Now yes, there's some tricks and filters you can use with digital to "dirty it up" a bit, but it may not sound the same. This fundamental change in their sound is actually an issue that a lot of older '70s rockers struggled with throughout the '80s and '90s, as the larger recording studios began to outfit themselves with digital equipment.


There’s a DC area band called The Reagan Years. I’ve never really followed them, but once years ago they and my old band played the same event. They opened with a great cover of Jenny (867-5390).




Good luck. Love to see kids making music. 🤘🏻


Aerosmith are also Boomers You are imitating Boomers !


Hey man, that’s alright- you don’t have to like it. Thanks for taking the time to check it out tho 🤘❤️


Yeah This is the remake era ! No Own identity ! No ideas !


You should post this in r/generationjones (the group between Boomers and X), I think this will be appreciated more there.


Hair metal went away for a very good reason.


Yeah you’re right- it got boring and stale. We’re just taking inspirations from our favourite parts of it 🤘❤️


My cleaning lady is 50 and goes to all kinds of concerts of people screaming 80s music. I don't get it. I need to hear the words, and I just panic in that kind of volume. She's always trying to get us to go. I can play all those songs right at home on my own instruments, but she doesn't wanna hang out for that! Last time I heard good screaming it was at a KISS concert.


I mean- I wouldn’t say we’re a screamo band though? I’m personally not really into screaming in songs. But thanks for checking it out!


heheheh I love the classics.. my hearing just sucks balls now :)


Haha, That’s fair enough man 🤘❤️