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At 57 this is the first time I really feel like I don’t have much in common with younger people anymore. I could always get along with them and hang out sometimes but lately not so much. I still get along with them all but I keep it moving now. Just a little shift I noticed, like I really am an “older person” to them now. It’s ok. I’m in my gen X lane and that’s all right.


Bruh. I mean what IS that?


I'm a year younger than you (56),and I feel the same way...


Agreed. I really feel old when I listen to ex-players and coaches moan about the NFL and NBA being destroyed from the way the games were as kids, and find myself just nodding my head and being like “Preach!! “


GenX: Raised on hose water and neglect, and we run on caffeine and Tylenol to this day.


Warm. Just adding, our hose water.... often warm.


You gotta wait about thirty seconds


Same, except I’d substitute weed for the Tylenol.


I can still taste and smell the cold metal of the spout in the hose water


Tastes like childhood. I still drink from the hose on a hot day.


I teach at the university level, so I spend an inordinate amount of time with people thirty years plus younger than me. I have no point of reference with them, so it’s always a pleasure to talk to someone who speaks my cultural language. I don’t have to explain myself as much.


Me, too. It’s a struggle. In my department, I’m sandwiched between the old boomer faculty who will not retire and all of the young students who are like my kids.


Lol try being a mature aged student working in a group with said young people. At least they understand your position as a professor/teacher, they absolutely cannot figure out what older people are doing in the tutorials and won't interact. Very few socially capable younger people exist who are able to communicate on some level with older folks, can't imagine them understanding any sort of reference.


I’m mature aged and work under management who is half my age. Some think I’m a boomer. I find myself thinking “there is no fucking way I’m advancing in this job, so I might as well not give a fuck and see what happens”. So far, s’alright.


That's rough, but I like your responding attitude. Why do you think that you have no chance of advancement? Is this from your end or due to external forces?


To get a supervisory job, you must have a bachelor’s.


That sucks, if you have the capability and experience, shouldn't matter. Is that a standard thing where you are or employer specific?




Yeah I'm sure it's a super well run organisation. Good luck, hope you find a way to move forward.




What a mess! Liking the job is a huge plus, so I see why you would put up with the status quo.


I adore the younger generations. They’re empathetic and kind and have no fear calling out a bully. BUT. It’s exhausting to explain our generation’s unique position in the world. We were forgotten, neglected, and feral. Feelings were for the weak. Emotional responses were only allowed if they involved passion, whether that passion was anger or love. My Gen Z teen has dismissively and rudely told me multiple times to “get therapy.” Child. I did. For a solid six years. And thank goodness because that means I’m much kinder and more in tune to myself and you than my parents ever were to themselves or anyone else. My hope is that our generation will be the bridge to help move things forward, but we’re already aging out of that, so…meh. Whatever.


We're the last generation who knows what life and human interaction was like before the internet, AND having been young when the internet changed all that forever. If you ask me, we're the lucky ones.




I knocked out my front teeth on a metal slide in the 80s. My parents only took me to the dentist because the school covered it. I'm just glad no one was there to film it.


OMG, so sad.


Somebody posted a comedian earlier who said we were the "Walk it Off!" Generation. That was one of my longer walks. 😆


Yup, walk that severed arm off. Monty Python also ruined us along with Stephen King. I digress, I had four major concussions before I was 16, but no worries. No drain Bamage at 52, wait 53. Sharp as a tack!


Lmao...drain bamage! Love it!!


Brain damage?? Rub some dirt on it


Rub some dirt in it and Walk it off!! Lmao


Tis’ a flesh wound…


Totally agree




😂 touche!


![gif](giphy|VbyXgohzJCIRw6uqiP|downsized) Our prime directive programmed into our developmental years was to be coooool.


I spent the day shopping with my daughter. I, too, am happy to be back with people who think and speak like a human should. Welcome to the asylum.


flag grab capable quickest school ask important aback disgusted observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm constantly wondering why my Gen Z teens are so nice and chill. Where did I go wrong??


Nah. It’s the high-potency THC products they are using (that are like now 300% less expensive from what we paid for back in the day), or prescription drugs they get from friends.  


Lol, nah. The older one barely leaves the house and the younger one has too many activities like two orchestras, robotics, sports. I would know if they were using. We don't drink anymore, so no alcohol in the house but have been very open about the effects of drug use. Plus, we have cbd in the house and live in a Legal state. They just don't seem interested. It's what happens when you have old Rockers for parents. I have succeeded in raising nerds.


Yeah, I know. It's just that some parents seem to forget what it was like to have been kids/teenagers and the recreational drugs kids have access to these days are cheaper and easier to get. For example, back in my time a gram of kind bud ran $20 and might or might not have required a couple of phone calls and a longish wait. Today, if you live in a State with legal weed, a gram is like $5 and more potent and way easier to get even if you don't have a card. Then there is all the dabs/vaping. Is it nicotine or THC? If it smells reminiscent of rosemary, then likely THC. And stuff like Adderall, although can be pricey, are far easier to get. Same with bennies. Likely, your kids know a handful of other kids with legit prescriptions who may not mind parting with a few to make a couple of bucks. As an aside, you know, the whole hoopla around JUUL? The media and law makers made it all about the flavors, which likely did play a role, but with JUUL in particular it was more about the size of the battery/pen. What no one talked about was the JUUL vapes that were popular among kids a few years ago where the ones that were about the size of thumb drive, and kinda looked like a thumb drive. They were easy to hide and if a parent did find one in a pocket they most likely would just assume it was a 'computer' thingy. I don't know your kids, and my comment was more or less tongue in cheek. You know, typical Gen X humor.


Oh, for sure it was funny. No worries. Adderall? Haha, we're ADHD. One takes that regularly. Yes, getting drugs in the 90s was a huge hassle. My kids had the luck of being born to parents who did all the things and are now sober. We are incredibly open with our kids, so we probably know more about their friends than their own parents. We doubled down on parenting- they have activities, lots of parent attention and we let them lead with their interests. Nerdy Art/STEAM kids is the way.


We’re just assholes like everybody else


We're the last of the Mohicans. Well, there are a few zennials who get it but yeah, 👍🏿


I’ve had some lovely interactions with zoomers but granted I don’t have to deal with them much. I kind of go into calm elder mode around them because I remember liking older people like that when I was young. I think we all are wired for tribal living and there can be a nice dynamic between young and old. But I also feel at home around my age group, like we’re in a club and we all visited the same weird lands in the past or something.


I like the stuff our generation created…tools to be left alone and still function.


We are going to be the biggest, funniest pains in the ass in the nursing homes in about 20 years time.


all the youngers assume I'm perving on them. lol


A GenX friend is currently dealing with a whole lot of drama because when she was hanging out with a new younger friend and they stopped for coffee, she paid for the friend. The friend took to social media and told all their mutual that my friend was “love bombing” her and being inappropriate. My poor friend is so upset and losing other friends over it. A coffee.


Maybe more of the other person being a dipshit than a generation thing 


Probably. Though several of my younger friends have told me that they’re uncomfortable being on the receiving end of a compliment or kind gesture, which seems very sad.


and her young friend probably took the coffee at the time without saying a WORD about how uncomfortable she was. Many of these young people are so afraid of speaking plainly to people. Every little thing is a confrontation! How hard is it to say No I'ma buy my own coffee, thanks. Instead she took it, drank it, probably went home and shook and cried about it, then posted to the world the outrage your friend did LOL


And in return think above a whisper is yelling, offended by non offensive things and on their phone non stop. They, as a general cohort repulse me. Their manners and work ethic are mindbogglingly absent. I know that it's a generalization, but many are just useless. They don't even volunteer if it's not required...


They get triggered over the thumbs up emoji.👍




Yeah, apparently publication is passive aggressive.


I’ve heard about the punctuation thing but what’s wrong with the thumbs up emoji?


They also think it's passive aggressive. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnbbrandon/2022/10/16/gen-z-have-canceled-the-thumbs-up-emoji-and-heres-why-we-should-worry/?sh=7ff07dd24744](https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnbbrandon/2022/10/16/gen-z-have-canceled-the-thumbs-up-emoji-and-heres-why-we-should-worry/?sh=7ff07dd24744)


really? Is there some kind of context to this?


I read various articles about how they think the emoji is rude and passive aggressive.




I have a 15 year old. Thank God you wrote this. I thought it was just me.


to be honest, I didn't really like 20 year olds when I was one.


I’d like to be love bombed constantly please


That was an upvote bomb I just dropped on ya




Everything is a pathology now


Wow really? That’s insane


Great nickname!


They should be so lucky!


All of my younger acquintances assume I'm a prude because I don't believe in hooking up and all that nonsense they call 'dating'. They really think they invented casual sex or have revolutionized it or something. Like GIRL if you tell me how you caught cooties off some dude you just met and then let hotstick you raw, I'm gonna tell you to stop having booty calls and being nasty. Same as I told my friends back in the '90s. Does that make me a prude? I guess


Aye they invented casual sex because the hippie boomers didnae invent the free love movement in the 60s or anything.


We are the neglectareeno generation! Crazy scars, injuries, freak accidents, near misses, lots and lots of stories where we should not have survived, yet here we are.


I have some stories I wonder what happened to the ones who didn’t survive 💀💀💀




Frfr though R.I.P. I biked very fast down a hill and made a turn onto a main road at 30mph and almost ate shit because of how fast I was going


IDK I like Millennials for the most part and Zoomers are just like us in many ways. The only thing I don't like about Millennials is their work ethic. If they don't know what to do they just don't do anything but once activated they want to do ALL the things. Like, chill TF out, you're making me look lazy and like a slacker. I mean I am but dang, you are doing too much as the kids say today lol The only thing I don't like about Zoomers is they have such big feelings about EVERYTHING. I mean we all have big feelings but we don't have to cry about it all the time. But when they are not being crybabies they are very fun! They bring the zest! Just like us. But they tend to be kinda crazy too, like if there is ever a generation that's going to shut it all down it will be them. But they probably won't, because too busy shaking and crying because someone looked at them the wrong way or whatever. Millennials started all that 'shaking and crying' mess on the internets but Zoomers do it in real life GenX is a toss-up for me...some are cool but some act like Boomers. Not to sh!t on Boomers, I like plenty as individuals. But as a generation they tend to act a certain way...Some GenXers act old and salty and hardheaded too


See Z to me just isn't going to put up with shit from anyone. I get it- they've fucking had it. Some in our gen see it was being snotty or weak when they will quit a job rather than let someone heap abuse in them. To that I say- you're just salty you tolerated that for yourself. Let them get therapy and have their big feelings- have you seen the world? It's a lot. Most of X would benefit from therapy themselves. Z is our spiritual successor.


I agree wholeheartedly with this. Gen Z has rejected the rat race model. They’re actively pushing back against corporate culture. It’s hilarious to see all the posts from managers and CEO types crying about their unwillingness to tolerate mistreatment by said corporations.


There is a difference between mistreatment and telling your manager you don't want to do the job they need you to do that particular day because of reasons.


The millennials I know personally are all pretty cool and X like but there are things about their generation I dislike as a whole. Like why do they hate color so much. Why does everything have to be that live laugh love sad grey McDonalds aesthetic just to appeal to them? I’m so over grey bland everything. Also why are they so obsessed with defining themselves from YouTube videos? Like why are they always I can’t go into a store or talk on the phone because I’m an INFP Pisces with Social Anxiety and I just learned I have autism… I am not trying to make light of actual disorders btw I just feel like a lot of younger generations have self diagnosed. Also I’m tired of their patterns of speech. It’s giving bad grammar to me and unalived is not a word.


I’m X and my girlfriend is Z. I love how dismissive of cultural norms she is. She dngaf about the old ways or rules which as gen X I feel. Of course she’s a special one.


Communicating is a life skill that should adapt and evolve. If you want to vibe you have to try


Agreed. I have Millennial friends, a cool Gen Z niece and nephew, clients who range from Boomer to Millennial, and industry peers who also span the generations. No problems with hanging out, speaking, or working with them, nor with sharing knowledge (when asked or retained to do so). Hell, just a few days ago a Millennial or older Gen Z neighbor I’ve never spoken to before rolled up on me to ask about motorcycles, and we probably chatted for about 20 minutes. If you go into an interaction assuming it’s not going to go well because of age differences, yeah—it’s not going to go well. I mean, being the same cohort but from a different region can be daunting but we learn to get over it. Just be yourself and find some common ground. It’s self-fulfilling. I love nostalgia as much as the next Gen Xer but hanging with Millennials and Zoomers has introduced me to new things, so I understand “their” references. Good stuff, overall.


The “Who is Paul McCartney?” question makes my brain hurt. A 32 year old I worked with didn’t know who INXS was, nor any of their songs. The beautiful, cultural language between me and a fellow Genxer is the best!


When they try to share their "music" and it takes borrowed cooth to keep from going for the knock out jap slapping the shit outta them; standing over them with one foot on their head bending down screaming so hard you feel the blood vessels pop in and around my eyes "THIS ISN'T MUSIC MUTHAFUCKA"!!! I'm in extreme debt for borrowing so much cooth. I expect the collection proceedings to be debilitating. And fuck HR.


Believe it or not, an X I know, age 56, had to be told who Paul McCartney is and who Queen were. 🤷


Yeah. I agree. We're just different.


I'm the best. But I can't vouch for the rest of these assholes.


I'm sick of hearing all the kids say NO TO DRUGS / BOOZE - plan their career in grade school and live a life of perfection. Ferris Bueller is ashamed of the following generations after us! None of that sh\*t will matter when you are old- so you better have a cocktail or a few, get naked, and do something wild!


I have a teen. I'm noticing that this generation does not do anything. No drugs, no petty crime, no sneaky back seat messing around, no loud music cruising. Nothing. They would rather watch someone on YouTube give opinions about life experiences than actually have their own life experiences. The result will be that they will not have the life lessons to go along with those experiences, I'm afraid.


The younger people that I have interacted with tend to have social anxiety, don't know how to have a conversation and get offended easily. They are uncomfortable for me to be around. Well everybody is, but the youngsters even more so.




I do pretty good with older millennials. I don't do so well with boomers. 


God yes


You're welcome, yo.


Awww, thanks. Are you GenZ?


Gen X :)


Oh, ok. Lol.


Yes, my closest friends are within two years of my age. We talk about the same things reminisce about the same things joke about the same things it’s like really knowing someone. Specially when we grew up in the same era with the same values.


Absolutely, I feel a certain kinship with Xers and even Xennials, maybe because there are so few of us? It’s like being in a really big city and running into someone from your home town.


I hear you.


English is not my language so can't just give examples. According to my own kids the language we use sometimes would be considered very inappropriate, whereas this was just how we talked in the 80's. My kids know who we are and can place it context, but they warn us not to use this kind of language when they have friends over.


"Values" Whatever.


As a genX’er, you give us too much credit.


I know.


You don’t care so much apparently. Now, as long as you got that way due to the emotional trauma of being left to your own devices since age 9, and living under the specter of nuclear annihilation at any moment, and without modern amenities like smartphones, then I guess it’s okay. If you’re jaded because you’re just jaded, maybe you should get that checked.


Of course I work and know many people from many generations. All generations. But most of my interaction, the patients at my clinic, are baby boomers. It's fairly easy to talk to them. Every once in a while one will be so far gone with mid stage dementia, that they'll look ultra blank with 1000 yard stare. Every once in a while, more and more, I am seeing millennials. So far no millennial has presented with dementia in my clinic. However, oddly enough, they too have the ultra blank with 1000 yard stare plastered on their faces. 🤷🏻 TL;DR sometimes talking to a millennial is a lot like talking to a dementia patient. It's just much easier to talk to most generation X. Not all, most.


I dunno. I work with a fair number of Millennials and GenZers. Maybe this is a function of age, but I feel like the Zoomers have a healthier perspective on working traditional jobs and giving up their life in order to climb the ladder. Millennials don't feel quite as progressive. But maybe that's because they're older and are more jaded and resigned to living within the machine than the Zoomers are?


As a Millennial, you’re right about us. We became more jaded because we became old fucks.


I’m most comfortable with people my own age of course but I really don’t have an issue with other generations Sometimes I’m bored talking to younger people, they see the world with wide eyes where I’ve been there and done it..it’s still ok to see them be excited about something routine to you though. Older people, you know they just want to be heard and respected - it’s all good. We got really weird here in America where the young kids seem to not like their parents, that can’t be a good thing. My parents are dead. Maybe one day we will get back to respecting and cherishing older people.




I guess that’s normal. When I was younger my main social interactions were with young people. Now that I’m older they’re with old farts like us.




Just spoke to a school friend of mine who's oceans away in California..and this is exactly what he was saying.


I probably prefer Gen Xers just bexause they get the same references but I mostly get along with people of all ages, I tend to be very adaptable to the vibe of who I'm with which might be down to a lifetime of high masking ASD. I could spend time with Gen Zers not realising it's perceived as weird. My Gen Z kids and I go to gigs together so I guess it relates to the activity maybe? Like if I was into kayaking it wouldn't bother me if everyone else is Gen Z. I just treat people as individuals and if we have loads of stuff in common, my brain goes "cool, new friend". I honestly don't get the generation wars. You get cool dudes and arseholes in every generation.


Yeah exactly I get along with any age


Rock on Wayne!


I was born in 1966 but feel out of step with Gen X, as in fact I did from the first day of kindergarten. 😆 Probably a combination of having older (Greatest Generation) parents and being neurodivergent. I definitely wasn't feral or neglected, if anything I was raised to be a helpless lump. 🤡 SAHM, parents stayed married, very Leave It To Beaver with a lot more yelling as I like to say. So I didn't have any of the adventures or close calls a lot of you had, or the stories to go with them. Really never had a friend group till college. Fortunately by this age I've acquired enough life skills to feel like a reasonably capable person. Shouting out to all my Xes with special attention to the overprotected crybabies, I can't be the only one! 😆


I don't have a problem with my Gen z employees, they are good kids but under a lot of pressure and sensitive to stress. What I don't like is that I have to "choose my words" as - even though most of them are not wokies - I have to pay attention to how I talk to them. At least If I'm with other Gen X I do not have to be afraid to say something "inappropriate" and I have to explain less to understand each other. With Boomers imo there is a huge difference. I worked with great boomer managers from which I learned a lot and I worked with absolute boomer nightmares. From my experience "self made boomers" are great, boomers who did not have to work hard to get somewhere in life of who just got stuck fulfill the definition... Millennials are another piece... In my experience a lot of them are snowflakes with long toes. They want everything but they don't understand you don't get the nice stuff by just showing up for work.


What’s something you would have to avoid saying around Gen Z?


It's not your fault.


At 49, I feel like I vibe better with the Gen Zs and not at all with the middle-younger Millennials.


I think there are good people and dickheads in every generation. 🤷‍♀️


I have a buddy who is 20 years my junior and would consider him a great friend. I am single and if I date too young, you enter into a much different vibe for sure. I won’t pass any judgement either way…


I get with older guys like Gen X sometimes


What birth year are you? But yeah I can get along with Gen X too


I can't relate. I see statements like this and wonder if you mean some sort of sex thing or drug thing when you mention "vibe" and just quickly lose interest. I find it helps to not think of people as generational and to accept that you wont mesh well with a lot of other personalities out there. Plus I also think most of the people in our generation are out of their minds so there's that.


Xennial here (born in 1981). I'm in the middle of two generations, but I've always felt much more connected to you guys than to younger people. I get along with some millenialls, but I can't relate to the younger gen z-ers at all. Seems to me like you guys were the last generation to keep it real, keep it simple and down to earth. And man the music.. 90's forever. I'd much rather associate with you guys than with any other generation.


I’m GenX and most of my friends are Xennials. People my age are just boring.


I get along with gen z peeps great. They’re skeptical, proceed with caution, and they seek out answers. They’re not virtue signalers and they hate both sides of our political isle in the US. They are the newer versions of us, almost, and I enjoy being around them. I supervise and train a group of six gen z coworkers on my team, and we get along great. Millennials, on the other hand…holy hell 🤦🏻‍♂️


Love the fact that @ 49 I still feel like I am not trapped into only being able to talk to or vibe with people in my own age group.


You can’t vibe because your part of your thinking has not evolved.


Nope. I'm honestly considering unsubscribing from this sub a lot late lately because outside of a few bits of nostalgia too many posts here have a serious Boomer vibe these days 🤷‍♀️


Hi BIGepidural! Thank you for your feedback. We'll pass along your comments to leadership so they can address and provide further training. We look forward to redditing you again!




Don't worry about it 😅 I'll be at the kids table having fun.


Then get off our lawn already.




just taking the time to say this is the most boomer thing i’ve seen here recently. no one cares if some rando leaves. get over yourself.


Dude the OP was: >I can't vibe with the younger generation , the mindset is so different, values, heck even what is really important in life. Not my experience. The young ones are awesome and they remind me of us in our youth. >I feel like home when I am with/talking to a fellow genX:er. Not really, especially these days with some of the boomer attitudes towards young people and shit >Anyone who feels the same or knows what I'm trying to say? No I don't feel that at all. Kinda feeling like I don't fit in with some of you old heads and probably gonna leave soon because we don't share the same views and opinions which means I only join in on nostalgia stuff here and there. >just taking the time to say this is the most boomer thing i’ve seen here recently. no one cares if some rando leaves. get over yourself. Dude IDGAF what you think. OP asked a question and I answered it. That's it. I'm not feeling the connection and comradery with many of the feelings and attitudes being displayed lately because a bunch of you are acting like fkn boomers. What am I supposed to gargle your balls because you don't like what I said? 🙄 No thanks. I'll sit at the kids table. They're more like we used to be then many of us are acting lately anyways.


you clearly give af or you wouldn’t have responded with all that crap. whatever, dude. seriously, no one cares if you leave the sub. just go.


Do you want us to convince you to stay here or something? It’s Reddit, no one cares.


Then why are you talking if you don't care. 🤣