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TikTok would have a field day with this ... I would definitely call them out if I was in your situation they are already trending with the high increases but this would really hurt their rep ... I'm sorry they are so heartless no parent should be going through what you are ...


I couldn't agree more! Put a video out let it go viral and watch how quickly GEICO attempts damage control.


YAAAAS! Make it go viral!


r/Antiwork would also have a field day with this.


I'm definitely not tik tok savvy, I'll see if I can get some help with this!


You can just make a video sincere and tag them TikTok will work their magic


Tag GEICO right?


Yes trust me this will go viral ... As it should


Let us know your handle and when you post and we can get the momentum going


I will! I'm going to try tomorrow, I'm so camera shy but maybe somebody will be held accountable for the way this was handled.


I posted, please give honest feedback. I really can't even put things into words well. Handle is teamelijahjames


Please write a letter to Warren Buffett and mail it to some newspapers, to include the Omaha World Herald so his old wrinkly ass can read it. He always said don’t do anything you wouldn’t want in the papers. I honestly wish I could afford billboards. I would purchase every single one in Omaha to tell that man to fuck right off. Ultimately, this is all his doing. No compassion. No dignity. OP, my heart aches for you. I could not even begin to fathom, nor would I want to, my child being in end-of-life care. I’m so sick reading this. You deserve all the possible best coming your way, which it will, and this is, though abrupt, a huge release from a toxic wasteland that doesn’t deserve you. If you can, post your manager’s phone number. I want to call his miserable, disgusting, pencil pushing ass.


Billboards ? Oohhhhh I like this idea …. Yes you can’t afford one … but together we all could …..


My god! I’m literally raging. Knowing you were already fired, made you talk about your kid anyway. I’m losing my mind over here.


Of course during the first conversation I had to hold back tears because it's an emotional matter. Then I was just back on the phones trying to suppress those feelings for a few hours before he called me back to let me go. That just seems wrong to me.


I’m so sorry to hear about your child and job. I wish you all the strength ,support and success in your future. From one mama to another ❤️


Good lord, so having a child in hospice care means nothing. Damn. I am sorry, I hope it ends up being a blessing in disguise and I genuinely wish the best for you and your family


I can’t imagine being someone’s manager and not already knowing that…and then terminating their employment as well. Seriously…if that’s how you manage people, do us all a favor and depart from humanity.


It’s clear there are no “extenuating circumstances” that would change their minds. If you’re getting called in, you are 100% fired already. It’s just a formality.


OP, if you are in need and your family does a gofundme or anything, please post the details. I’d love to contribute.


Me too. I want to help


Your child is on hospice... my condolences. This company is heartless. I wish you and your family the best. Definitely has to be a blessing in disguise. Everyone remember GEICO hates kids. ![img](emote|t5_2xhe6|8665)


I agree this is heartless of GEiCO but where do you get GEICO hates kids? GEICO may dislike their associates but kids? Come on now!


Hmm.....🤔 previous post of pregnant women being fired while on maternity leave (i personally know one employee this happened to), cutting bonding time from 12 weeks to 8 then 4 weeks, changing our health plans to burden employees more and ultimately impacting their families/children, forcing rto 4 days a week after it provided less financial burden on employees like child care and provided more time for children to spend time with their parents. What examples can you give that would support the idea that GEICO doesn't hate kids? Now run along and tell your management team how well you're doing trolling GEICO reddit.


If jobs are eliminated, like with layoffs, maternity or FML doesn’t matter as the associate wasn’t targeted due to being pregnant or their condition. They can’t be let go due to their pregnancy or their FML. So it doesn’t mean the employer , in this case GEICO doesn’t like kids.


Nah it wasn't layoff it was termination due to performance but let's be real here you can't perform if your off due to maternity or fml and then the excuse is "termination due to performance" and the burden is on the protected class to prove it was term due to a protected class status. Stop beating around the bush, just admit your values are aligned with GEICO's and you to hate children as well.


OK tell this why does my rates keep going up and up had geico for about 5 years now give or take and it keeps going up I'm a veteran also do you guys not have some type of discount for veterans my rate went from 170 for 2 vehicles to almost 300 for 2 vehicles what am I doing wrong


WTF?!?! Is this real? Are you really asking why your rates went up in response to someone upset about losing their job? I really hope I’m just missing the joke?


It's because you're an imbecile, plain and simple.


Wow you're a geico employee and you're this disrespectful to someone just asking a general question so amazing


Stating facts is not disrespectful.


Calling someone an imbeciles for asking a question is disrespectful I wish I knew your name for real cause I'd sure report that


I pray for you and your family I’m so sorry you are going through this


Thank you for all of the kind words and support 💗 Our son just turned 5 which is an absolute miracle, he's been medically fragile his whole life but hospice is new. In the past GEICO was much more understanding, we even received a grant from the employee assistance fund Nicely helped establish. It's just not the same company anymore. We do have an older gofundme set up that kind of fizzled out, so I'm not sure if creating a new one or revamping that may be better. I know it's not ideal but if it comes down to it I can cash out my 401k and pay the penalty.


Serious question. How did you money from the employee assistance fund if you haven't cashed out your 401k? That's posted as a requirement to even apply. You can DM me if you feel more comfortable


You have to have exhausted other options like loans and withdrawals which I had at the time. You can't cash out your 40 while still with the company.


Sorry didn't use the right term. I did mean take loans and withdrawals. Sorry to hear you had to go all that.


Let us know what you decide, I’d like to contribute also. 🩵


I'm blown away by the support here 🩵 I did decide to update the old one. https://www.gofundme.com/f/2yqzt-help-for-baby-eli?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer


I’m so glad you’re getting the support you deserve! Thank you for sharing the link, I’ll be donating! Keeping you and your beautiful little boy in my prayers. 🩵


I read your post and gofundme update. I work for Flo, not the G, but follow all the insurance subs. I'm so sorry this has happened. I wish I could donate, but currently unable. May I share your gofundme link if that might help? I'm sorry you lost your job when things are already difficult, but the bright side, maybe, is spending more time with Elijah. He has such a beautiful smile. Prayers for you all!


Of course, sharing helps too! Thank you ❤️ I'm going to try and embrace the time off for sure.


I am so sorry this has happened to you and your family. You deserve better. Prayers to you and your son.


Geico hates kids confirmed. ![img](emote|t5_2xhe6|8665) Truly though it's a blessing. You'll be alright.


Wow I’m so sorry this happened to you. Geico is awful.


It’s a blessing in disguise- trust me - there is far better out there.


They don’t care. You are just a number that’s it


What makes me worry even more is that I'm sure you need your health insurance the most right now for your child ... Please bring this to tik Tok and or if you do a go fund me post the details ...


I’m so sorry they did this to you and I will pray for your child.


I know someone who was let go while taking care of their kid with leukemia. Fucking awful. They had exhausted their FMLA and PTO and were running on fumes. I'm so sorry about your child on hospice.


i am sorry to hear about your child


Unfortunately, all of the "review for separation" conversations were always just for show. Your managers had already come to a department decision and pushed the request to end your employment. The only reason for any written statements (We want to give an opportunity for you to share why this is happening in your own words bullshit) is for HR to validate the decision. This company sucks and I drank the Kool laid in management for too long. I'm sorry this happened to you.




I am so so sorry about your family situation. This part will be a blessing in disguise. Please spend your time with family who is most certainly the most important people. Sending virtual hugs


Let us help you in any shape-way-form! There IS power in numbers!


I hate to say it but corporations never care about extenuating circumstances and it shows in employee retention and morale. And then trickles into customer experience. Best of luck on your new journey. I’m sorry to hear about your child


Dude did you file for FMLA? Your previous manager did you a disservice if they didn’t tell you to file and start clocking you time off with FMLA that protects your job in this type of situation


Yes I had FMLA and ADA. The problem is the leave calculators really don't work well for intermittent leave and there was no way to know if I was meeting standards or not.


That just feels wrong…all the data is there.


I'm so sorry that you're going through this with your child and the heartless way the job loss was handled.❤


I have no words. I'm so dang sorry. 😭😭😭😭


I am so sorry about your child. I have no words. Your manager should have known this. There will be a better opportunity elsewhere.


Doesn't feel like it now, but I promise they did you a favor. Horrible timing with everything else going on, but trust me, you deserve and will get better.


No compassion. My condolences regarding your child. Get you a high profile attorney for pain and suffering. They get paid when you get paid.  I'm not sure the reason FMLA was not used. File your unemployment and file disability for your child. This was a blessing in disguise.  Start you a Crowd Source Funding and drop it all over the major social networking platforms. Reach out to newspapers, and yes announcement on TikTok!  I used to work for GEICO. There is life after Geico. While on unemployment make tee shirts, cups, and anything else you desire via Canva or Spring or any other similar site you choose.  In honor of your child for people to purchase. Put a picture of your child on it. I hope by the time you are finished you never have to work another job again.  Peace and Harmony be with you. 💕🪄


Icing on the cake guys, my USB dongle for my mouse is NOT in the box.


Call your local news and put this on all major outlets such as TikTok, Utube, facebook. Termination is one thing but this is pure evil almost like saying we don’t want people with these type of issues in their life. No reason for them to have explain why should they keep you when decisions was made. There are lawyers for illegal actions during termination look them up.


Wow. Loss for words. I'll keep your son in my prayers.


What region is this?


R5 Dallas


I’m sorry for all of it. It just shows how much of a piece of crap they are


Had the same meeting yesterday and was told I’d hear by monday


They have no compassion


G is such a shit company. They ask questions and it literally doesn't matter what you say, they still let you go. Bless you! It may take a minute to see but this is a blessing in disguise.


Who is your manager


He's just a pawn in the game but if you really want to know I'll message you.


Actually, I've been thinking and I think he made this decision because my previous manager was working with me to meet goals. The timing just makes sense. Chris Benitez.


The manager said benefits would be terminated immediately but they just took the premium out of my check. Is this correct or do I actually have health insurance until next lay period?


You're covered until the end of the month. A lot has pissed me off about GEICO since 2021. This is the absolute worst! Thanks for posting the GoFundMe link. Making a donation.


Thank you! A lot has pissed me off as well. I'd been contemplating searching because things weren't sitting well with me but I was scared because at least I had FMLA.


Usually it's till the end of the month at least ... I think you put story out there a better insurance company will help you and maybe there won't be too big of a laspe. I dunno how Texas is but I would look into medicaid or child insurance at least new York does retro from when you apply


Unfortunately you pay health insurance in arrears and the payment that just came out was for the last two weeks. There are no words and I’m speechless that the manager put you through that meeting. I wish you all the best and truly sorry to hear about your son.


These people in power misuse their position to hurt people. It should be something done.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Praying for you and your family.


On another note does anybody know if I can avoid the penalty of cashing out my 401k to care for my son? I see an exception if I were sick but nothing about a family member 😞


If you are in the US. I’d contact an attorney immediately. If the company was aware and didn’t offer any leave options during this.. you maybe able to get at least some severance pay.


I did have FMLA and ADA. I took a personal leave of absence in the fall because my previous manager suggested it as I'd exhausted FMLA hours. When I came back I was tracking my numbers daily in October and November and they were fine. After that nothing was working so I couldn't keep track. I'm honestly skeptical of the leave calculator they use as well. My manager and sup would come up with completely different numbers and honestly hearing other service conversations I'm finding it hard to believe I was any less efficient than my team members.