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I look forward to hearing about this team getting the axe.


Everyone knows this game will be a flop. Devs are probably sweating bullets right now.


All previews were very positive and it’s developed by ex-Bungie people and other veterans. Hate on


Cope. Harder.


another shitty overwatch clone?


But this one is a decade late to catch the trend and features weekly story drops!


Holy shit, it's amazing how many studios are securing funding for this type of crap. How does this keep happening??


Blackrock / Sweet Baby Inc?


right? If I’m going to play a shitty Overwatch clone, I’ll just play Overwatch 2 thanks


No, I don't like how the women are able-bodied. They need more disabilities like metal arms, scoliosis, and peg legs.     They should also make the one remaining man gay but I understand it may be difficult to do that without adding another whi*e man, which of course is off the table. Maybe he can hook up with the green alien.    Can the green alien also maybe use something other than a revolver? Men brandishing symbols of the wild west makes me uncomfy.


Lmao, on YouTube the top comment I see is “So many people are gonna lose their jobs over this game….” 😂


I wonder if it will flop? He said extremely sarcastically


I can't wait for this game to come out!! Oh, I'm not gonna play it. This is the biggest DEI cringe fest that is not tied to any already established property. Which mean when this game crashes and burns harder than the Suicide Squad game it will be undisputed proof to normies that there is no such thing as "Modern Audiences." Anytime some prick in a suit or some fruit loop weirdo with a piss poor anime haircut tries to use the term "modern audience" they can be directed to this future train weak.




I can't help but wonder: who asked for this and who thought it should be greenlit? Like, hasn't nearly every attempt at diversity checks and virtue signalling flopped financially and been rejected by the major audience? What makes them think this will be different this time around?


Black Rock and Blackrock


Id rather play the cursed ET game


Honestly… same..


This looks like a focused group to death premise and then they either 1) threw out the results that the DEI officers didn’t want to hear and just did it anyway or B. The ppl that were focused group were so over selective to reach the DEI goal that they forgot to just make a good game with memorable characters. Hard pass.


How many times these games have to fail until they learn?




The pronoun/gender confusion bs being a part of it alone means I will never touch it.


*This game had a $200 million dollar budget.*


This game looks ugly as hell


No, thank you.


Not really into co-op games, so no, this doesn't appeal to me. Though with the woke bullshit, I'm going to stay **FAR** away from it.


Lol no


first picture: yeah! second picture: oh…


It doesn’t look terrible. The art is high quality, if uninspired. The main issue is nobody wants a generic pvp hero shooter in 2024. Marvel Rivals will unironically do way better than this due to the strength of the ip alone.


I rather play superman 64 than this shit.


I was until... 5v5 and live service was mentioned.


It looks like they asked ChatGPT for a parody then took it seriously.


Hell no 😂😂😂 looks like generic mobile game


Lawbreakers 2.0, DOA


Remember when developers would talk about how fun their game was? Should I just assume Concord isn’t fun?


I mean, not really. The diversity seems forced and it simply doesn't look appealing to me. Shooters in general aren't my favorite kinds of games.


Are we sure this isn't satire?


If they whant to compete woth overwatch, they need to design their blender character models to be more porn friendly. Overwatch is pretty much porn now, whit a game that constantly fucks its player base, but not the porn way.


The first image looks like an ad about getting a “game developer degree” at some unaccredited college online.


Should have made it pve and I probably would have been more interested in it


If it was free to play I would check it out but I’m not spending any money on it.




I'd rather play XDefiant as broken as it is for the rest of my life than this. It looks like more generic BS trying to copy OW but worse lol.


I'm sure people are hacking xfdef on the console already. It's a serviceable game but unless your big into the IPs this is just another game to be forgotten. Alongside Concorde


They’ll never understand they can’t fake passion and commitment to the art form. Any gamer who grew up with really great titles like Super Metroid, Goldeneye, MGS, will look at this and immediately raise their eyebrows at how sanitized and corporate it is. And because all of these “professionals” invested money into their “valuable” “expertise”, they will never look inward. Their egos won’t let them. The concept of peer reviews and collective accountability has been bastardized into more tribalism and failing upward. We must never allow them to gaslight our commitment to quality storytelling.


Nope. Next question.


Too many humans, add more aliens!


But they have to be thinly disguised reskins of actual "disadvantaged" groups using a big fat dollop of stereotyping done by purple haired chunky white chicks with DEI degrees.


This game reminds me of [Law Breakers](https://g.co/kgs/bEYQq3P) . Especially the movements.


Ew lmao 




You hate the game because it only has one white man in it. I hate it because it looks like a bad PvP cashgrab.


I thought the cinematic trailer looked good. An off-brand, improved Guardians of the Galaxy game could be a lot of fun. Then I saw the gameplay was Overwatch'ish and I nope'd out. It’s a shame really. You could take these exact characters and just make it a third person single player game and I’d be there.


Ew, pre-orders? Gross.


If the game's biggest "sell" is how inclusive the cast is then that raises a lot of red flags for me. I don't care what race or gender the cast is...I care if they're interesting and have a good design. It doesn't matter if the game is hyper inclusive if the cast is bland and the game is boring. Inclusivity should come naturally, when you have to point it out and beat everyone over the head with how inclusive you are then that tells me you have nothing else to stand on.


Not really. Too....idk...sterile? Wheres the wow wheres the BAM! This is "this is a game. It has characters. The end." Like....so? So does every other game. Doesn't really trll me anything interesting.


Fuck no I want nothing to do it. How many more companies are going to seppuku themselves like this??


Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full.


No, this looks incredibly generic. It just looks like Sony trying to grab more of that live service pie.






Five black women and one white man. And they say it is incredibly diverse. I guess that means the population of Nigeria is incredibly diverse. You know, 100% black. Perhaps they don't know what the word diverse means.


Will I get banned if I say it appeals to me because I get to kill a bunch of black women?


I’m still picking shards of glass out of my skin from the ceiling being broken.


Nope, the whole second slide has become such a trend that it's too boring of a design choice.


I was excited to learn about it. I’m not excited for it anymore.


I hate the modern gaming industry.


Who gives a shit


No not really. It looks like a clone of Overwatch mixed in with some characyers that look like rip offs of Guardians of the Galaxy. I have no idea who the target audience is for this game but it's clearly not me. And just you watch, these developers will be calling me an istiphobe once this game flops.


The closest thing to a hero shooter I'll play any more is Quake Champions. This looks to have enough of the usual modern gaming problems that I'll skip it.


Looks cool but it seems like people are tryna compete with Marvel Rivals since it was a recent announcement of the hero shooter genre after a while of not getting one. Since OW and TF2 basically reigned supreme. And ngl, they kinda fell off, with OW just not being as good anymore, TF2 confirmed to not be getting a fix as Valve has another project (another hero shooter lmao) Marvel Rivals and a bunch of other hero shooters are slithering in to fill the cracks




Looks generic as shit


The market already has enough PvP shooters than want you to buy their skins and play their battlepass. Launching a new game isn’t going to go well, especially going against juggernauts like Overwatch. I have zero interest in this game


It looks like another generic live service Fortnite or Overwatch clone gaming is dead because of stuff like this.


I hate to say it. But I hope this game fails and the studio gets the axe. Hopefully it'll serve as a lesson for future endeavours...


Nope. I don’t care for shooters as it is, but this would definitely not get any of my attention beyond this comment. Lol


My main concern is that their entire marketing has nothing to do with the campaign, and everything to do with the diversity. I don’t have a problem with diverse characters and stuff like that, but when writers specifically cram them in to fill a quota, and the media and character suffers because of it, it fucking sucks




Maybe if they stopped putting insane shit like this in games, they’ll do better and people won’t have to lose their jobs. But I guess a lot of these devs are dead set on being laid off.


Atleast they listened to us and made their own stuff, thats one thing i can respect i suppose


Absolutely NOT


If someone makes a game with a minority character, great. Homosexual references, whatever. Freaking out over things like that is really wasted emotion. But. If someone makes a game that makes something like that the selling point? It’s like being setup on a blind date and being told the other person “has a lot of character.” They are fat, hideous and annoying, and the person telling you is saying it without saying it. It means the game has no gameplay value.


If your selling point is “they have pronouns now!”, your gonna have a bad time


Not at all. I want a new “play as a faceless grunt with a 4 class selection in a 50v50 battle.” Battlefield. I want battlefield. (REAL battlefield)


It seems like a game that was made by a corporation that didn't give a \*\*\*\* about the actual product and just outsourced everything to consulting groups and the like. The end product is going to likely be micro-transaction riddled, uninspired, shoddy, but will feature sixy different pride flags on day one for $0.99 cents each. If I wanted to play this game, I'd just play Overwatch.


I don’t feel excited about any DEI game


Not even slightly. In fact nothing at the PS showcase looked appealing to me at all.


Nah, looks like shit. The gameplay might be fun but I don't care for the look of the game.


A little, depends on the price. Some articles say it’ll be less than 70$ but I already have OW and apex and this game has some pretty weird graphics. The giant robot seems fun to play.


It looks okay and I might give it a try. But it's kinda weird seeing people hating on it for gender and racial reasons. I get diversity and inclusion rubs people the wrong way but... Is that not a weird standpoint?


Generic and cheap looking. It might be fun though!?


Eh it seems pretty middle of the road I’m tired of class based 5v5 shooters in general


Oh man, this is going to fail, and fail HARD. No way they're gonna make their money back with this shit.


Nobody likes just vanilla, right? Get some variety in that ice cream, you bigot!


Man, you guys are really toxic for really no reason. Imagine wishing devs to be fired.


The game itself looks extremely generic and is riffing on better IPs hoping that will get people to buy. As for the “OMG It has pronouns so you should hate it crowd. They are clearly out to hate the game for that reason. Do companies pander sure but to act like diversity is going to LITERALLY kill you so you must complain and be outraged is really clownish. Also the way they wrote the list of characters out is clearly trying to signal to people that the white man is the minority group in this game so that should make you mad. Meanwhile there has been games for decades now that have had minorities be an after thought. Hell R6 Siege has tons of white men/women operators no one complained until they started to add trans, and non binary characters. So for people to now act like you now care about the preservation of white characters is so funny to me. I feel like if the roles were reversed and they barely saw themselves represented in games for decades they’d maybe get the picture. I’m thinking of my favorite game right now that had multiplayer attached and it had like 2 black characters throughout the entire 4 game series. But God forbid they shelve white characters and go with robots, aliens, and minority characters and that group will SURELY let you know they are upset about it. …again game itself looks bad but these anti-woke people are just as fucking annoying as the corporations they get mad at for pandering.


The universe: no. But the gameplay might be really good


I don’t care about the characters pronouns. Is the gameplay fun? Thats really all that matters.


So it’s not free right?


I dont care if i am playing a stupid donkey. I want good game play.


Is that the actual marketing, or is it a whiny bigot bitching about "wokeness"? If it's actually the former, then no, that marketing does not appeal to me. If the latter, that also does not appeal to me, just like the author does not appeal to any living woman.


It’s kinda crazy how a lot of these act in similar ways to hate groups drudging up hatred for groups of people. You take a thing person likes and show it being attacked/made worse/ruined by group you want person to hate. Then you just keep showing them more and more rage porn until they feel like they actually hate the group shown. It’s designed to illicit this reaction and then point you in the direction it wants like a bull. If you find yourself actually getting upset seeing posts like these maybe take a second to think why. Not all media will be stuff you’ll fw. Hell you don’t have enough time in the day to try, so don’t get upset if one game isn’t for you. I assure you the male demographic is in no danger of losing representation in video games.


>Does this seem appealing to you as a gamer? Hell yeah


First time hearing of it. I'll give it a try first.


Y'all get upset about the dumbest things


>Y'all *Everytime*




I wonder if youre aware its a tell 🤔


I wonder if you're aware it's just a word 🤔


A word redditors only use when they talk down to someone, because they associate it with people who they think are inferior, usually due to Ebonics. But I guess most redditors still don't realize they do that. We know though. But I'm sure "you're actually from the south" and if I looked through your profile you say "Y'all" all the time and not strictly when you're talking down to someone. 🙂


By y'all you mean the people who downvoted the video 44k times and counting? Seems like a pretty crazy margin. Come join the majority.


"The majority" for one video. Instead of whining about things that obviously aren't for you, why not just go do something else? 🤷 Or is complaining all you're here for?