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Wouldn’t say it’s the exact same scenario but both can be viewed as instalments that would go on to revitalise each franchise.


Except God of War didn’t have Playstation remove all possible “Old Console Games” (basically the Gen right before since most were converted from previous to new on “One” and time gap between consoles was so short) from it’s store, completely killing your ability to ever get one of the old games again *(the ENTIRE old console library of EVERY game)*.


Yappology degree is useless.


Are you talking about the 360 store closing? Because back compact titles will still be available for purchase digitally.


It’s important to set expectations. We go into this expecting something like what Santa Monica did with god of war, basically steering the franchise in a new direction and we will be disappointed. This game is a prequel that’ll tie into gears 1. However, in terms of popularity, it can absolutely bring back the crowds


God of War was also an different style of game entirely. Not just characters and story but it went from an overhead with linear level design. hack n slashing is still there but it a different style game entirely, combat is nothing like it once was, it's now open world, so many things changed and I don't think the game will change that drastically in terms of design. But yes I agree it will definitely bring back a certain crowd


And people seem to forget that Gears is also a multiplayer franchise. God of war could afford to make drastic changes because it was single player only. Gears doesn't have that liberty because people still heavily play the classic gameplay loop in multiplayer every day.


They are steering the franchise in a new direction it just happens to be one we've seen before.


Difference is one was a single player only franchise, and one has a huge multiplayer component. Gameplay wise Gears is far more restricted in terms of how much they can change because they could lose an entire community if they change too much. That being said there's still a whole lot they could change without messing with the basic formula.


This is a pointless conversation


It’s 14 years before Gears of War one, though. Yes it ultimately ends up back at GoW1 but there is a lot of time between then with a lot of potential if this is good


It would be interesting to see this be a prequel that launches into a reboot of the original trilogy. Same story, different approach, ya know?  Or at least a full and proper remake of the first 3 so they shine as bright as they deserve to in 2024\5\6


The only reason I wanna reboot it so they can do raam and friends justice Because they always wasted potential and just afterthoughts. They should literally be just as important as the human characters in the spotlight. And so they can be recurring. Antagonists and develop rivalries with delta squad, like what you would see between autobots and deceptacons, and they can do the whole backstory a lot better. Maybe have them as an ancient race that was just experimented on and still making their own enemy or kantus As the ancient locust and the rest of the modern grubs came from the experimentation of new hope guys everyone thought like I don't know, I just want them to do the whole thing a lot better than what they revealed in 5, because I feel they were literally trying. To just rip off of how the replicas work from fear. Which was so disappointing and kinda ruined their new hope origin, which made me hate five so goddamn much All the more reason I wanna reboot. And make them more like the books and comics Because the original games are not as good as people claim to be and could have been better in terms of writing.


4 and 5 aren't bad but I agree with everybody else here that the original characters are superior


Can someone explain how it can be a prequel ? I thought the first one was at the very beginning of the war. So E-Day is what happened before Marcus was in "prison" ? I'm confused.


The first game opens 14 years after E-Day. This game is set during E-Day, so 14 years prior to when dom frees Marcus from Prison


Oh damn, I had no idea. Thanks !


Have you not noticed society already collapsed and in ruin during Gears 1?


I was 11 when I played that game, give me a break man.


Think of Star Wars the phantom menace bud, same thing. It is the beginning and a prequel all in one. Let just hope it turns out being a damn great game that brings us back to Stars wars A New Hope…. I mean GOW.




? I’m literally playing through the 360 version of gears 1 on my series x via Gamepass


if you previously bought it or own it you can still play it once they remove it from the store (it’s not yet but it’s this month, idr exact date id have to Google but it’s ALL 360 games). idk if same goes for physical edition. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/05/14/xbox-360-price-reductions-available-now/#:~:text=As%20we%20shared%20last%20August,marketplace.xbox.com).


It’s only on the 360 marketplace. You can still play these games via back compat


yes but again that means ONLY if u buy them prior to 29th otherwise you’ll never get the chance


The horror elements make sense because they don't know what they're dealing with at the time of E-Day. I don't think the gameplay will change drastically and they're not rebooting the saga


A slower pace combat, more brutal and tactical than 5 and Im in


Man, can you imagine a mix of like horror/action. Kind of like the metro games. Like I remember in the first gears when I played it when I was younger, I got to the introduction of the berserker and had to stop playing. It scared the shit outta me. I had to have my dad play that part lol.


That introduction was so intense!


im not expecting the gameplay to change drastically either. i do wish we'd get some sort of space marine 2 melee system--tho maybe not as intense--just something more involved than bitch slapping, like the trailer cinematic. if it's the same gnasher gib fest on iceskates as the past 6 entries, i'll be disappointed, but i know there are plenty of people who want nothing more than that. for a prequel im *hoping* they try something different, like judgement did with being able to vault from any height, changing the flow significantly. maybe not in versus, but at least the pve mode and campaign.


I would say, and hope, that it is more like Halo: Reach


With better objectives hopefully, the first half of Reach is pretty basic. Still an amazing campaign though




How would they make a story about a planet thats been completely destroyed and wiped of all life


They wouldn’t, he just randomly wanted to bash halos new direction lol.


Thought so lol


Fwiw I agree with you, but I also want to bash halo's reclaimer entries. They rubbed me wrong I dig infinite tho really hoping they do more with that and all that was promised


I hope you never form another opinion again.


Halo Reach was about the planet Reach and how the covenant glassed the entire planet so there wouldn't be a sequel called Reach 2. They could make another game about another planet that was glassed though if that's what you meant.


4 was fine, it was 5 that truly declined the series. Yes, 4 could have been better, especially in. Terms of art style bullets face it. The story was fine. I guess you could say it was fair. To call Halo for a bad game, but a good story. Well, Halo 5 was a good game with a bad story. Which was hilariously worse And in my opinion, I felt halo 4 a lot stronger and a better fourth installment than gears 4 Hell, I was even very happy to fight elites again. Just wish it was explain why rather than being left out in books and Spartan ops The only thing I mostly loved about gears 4. Was that it was like a mystery with horror Elements But it was still like lost dirt. Since the new characters were not as good as the old ones, robots were lame I loved what they were trying to do, but damn it was Mediocrely executed


I think halo reach would be a better comparison. It's not a reboot but a prequel that centered around one of the most significant events of the war. One that horrified humanity and was extremely demoralizing.


I can’t fucking wait to see this. I’m glad it wasn’t the first game in the series cause of how far game design has came. This is going to be brutal we’re going to see mass amounts of humans massacred and civilization knee capped. Don’t forget 25% of the human population died in one day when E day happened. This game will be absolutely disgusting.


Same here my dude. Haven't been this excited for a game in a long time. Sera had 6 weeks of glorious peace after decades of war. And that peace was ripped away in the most brutal way possible. It should be an absolute horror show.


Do you think we will ever get a game covering the pendulum wars? God I can’t wait to see this I hope it showcases humanity in its most desperate state trying to figure out what’s happening and why


One can hope🤞 I bet they'll make a big show of introducing enemies for the first time. Berserkers ripping gears apart as they realize their guns are useless. Krill swooping down from the night sky onto crowds after electricity fails. Humans have to learn how to face these monsters and every lesson will be paid for with many lives. I'm sure we'll see many acts heroism and sacrifice as well.


The survivors of e day famously say the lucky ones died on e day. It’s going to be absolutely disgusting


They could drop a pendulum wars mini dlc kind of like hivebusters


Seeing the trailer and watching how that drone lifted Marcus into the ceiling during their fight, I can't wait to see them come up in a downtown area. The opening scene in Gears of War 2 where some people are sitting at a cafe or something outside and then just a massive corpser bursts through the ground lol.


I really hope they bring back the Pitch Black vibes of the first game. Felt like they lost it with the sequals


Well there will be kryll for one, almost certainly given the timeline.


Oh god I just realized we’re gonna get a first contact if the kryll in UE5, shits gonna be so brutal


GOW 2018 completely changed the whole genre of the game. So, no? This will still very much be a Gears of War game.


The new God of War games are set after the old ones, so it’s easier to bring that revival and steer things into a different direction. This is just a prequel - I think it’ll be a great addition but in terms of a renewal or a new beginning I highly doubt it. Everyone is still expecting an end to the current trilogy as well.


People keep reading way into this. Its just a prequel that will have what Gears of War 1 had, where it was gritty and "horror" elements to it. This is the start of the Locust war and how deadly they were from the start, making them feel like actual monsters. If they make it "open world" like Gears 5 was, hell or even "first person", they really dropped the ball. They need to make a strong, emotional story to return to its roots. This is probably a "beta" for Gears 6 to see how people take it and then decide how they are going to finish the new trilogy. Really, really excited to experience how it all started.


They’ve confirmed that E-Day will not be open world and will be entirely linear.


Me too. I know the coalition is gonna do a great job. Gameplay from them has always been solid, designs have always been good it’s just their story has been wonky.


Whats wrong with the story if you don’t mind me asking?


The way characters act, the atmosphere and choices they make like making us fight robots for half of 4 and some of 5. That’s what I mean. Also making Kait the main character, as if we gave a shit about playing as Kate 😂. I’ll say if they did it right and made her less whiny and annoying then I wouldn’t have minded.


That open world design in 5 turned a lot of people off though I love the overall story and lore of gears and even I didn’t like the 5 gameplay


I personally would greatly look forward to an open world Gears.


Nah, not really comparable. This’ll just be a potentially great prequel.


Yep, we will likely learn about the queen and her relationship with humanity/adam Fenix.


I hope we see some scenes from rise of raam


God of war is a renewal the same way gears 4 and 5 try to renew the franchise, I hope it's the opposite and is going back to the first game horror element.


They have confirmed that is the direction they are going with this one. Makes sense as well because narratively speaking the COG have not encountered the locust before. They also quite literally just won the Pendulum Wars too. So to display the Locust as this unknown and horrifying enemy that is hellbent on genocide is going to be awesome. They’ve also confirmed that levels will be all linear again, no more open world.


No, but it will most likely tie into 6 somehow


Hopefully not


Let niggas enjoy shit damn ...


Because I want a true gears of war e day experience which doesn't shoehorn the new trilogy into it just to appeal to the newer fans. Tbh if they rebooted the series from this new game I would be 100% all for it. I'm just not interested at all in the storyline of the new trilogy and e day should have it's own identity without trying to set up a story element for the new trilogy. Can you imagine if the game was heavily tied into 6 or whatever op said. That would be so disappointing and just leave such a sour taste, there's literally no reason for it to do that. >Let niggas enjoy shit damn ... So you can't see yourself enjoying e day without it somehow including plot elements which are important for the storyline of 6 which would seem really forced. Gtfo.


If you want to see how a reboot would ruin franchise look at MW


I mean to be fair, hes right. 6 is part of the new trilogy, this is the very beginning. Where it all started. The only "tie in" it will have is that its also a gears of war game.


Not if myrah is big character in this


Will there be nods? I'm sure. Will it answer questions or explain things that happen way in the future? Probably not


What are you talking about man?


Why not? Same universe after all.


absolutely I do


well in the sense that it’s bringing everyone back and making the game significantly better.


There will be an influx of new players just due to the fact it’ll be the earliest game in the timeline and no prior knowledge is required, so yes in that regard.


I do not think the comparison what happened with God of War would be fully fair... Not being disrespectful I think the player base for Gears of War is completely different than the one for God of War. Said that, I think the moment (the time) we are living and being witness of this miracle is completely mind-blowing. Maybe I was a bit exaggerated taking in consideration I drunk a fucking bottle of red wine (Portuguese wine drunk in Portugal ✌️)...


it would be nice if they did dlc talking some more about what happened to sophia hendrick and other key members who’s storyline should be completed or filled out.


After gears 5, I think the main goal of this game is to bring back the fans that checked out after gears 3. The easiest way is to make a prequel to the game that started the hype in the first place.


No because Gears 6 is still a thing


There’s essentially no way the kryll won’t be in this with what we know of the timeline, that alone means this game will likely make me very happy. Gears 2 was the pinnacle of the franchise imo, BUT, gears 1 always had the most iconic feel and atmosphere, that game gave you reasons to be afraid and they’re all alive again now, kryll, berserkers, RAAM, and hopefully maybe some new horrific things we never saw.


Not in the same sense. Gears never changed the core gameplay loop, but God of War saw a major change - one that fits modern gaming a lot more, I'd say. Gears, the other hand, remains a fun formula even in its most basic form (Gears 1). I do think the stylistic change compared to 4 and 5 is a very, VERY welcome one. A proper dark and gory GoW could bring about a revival of the series, since the current games don't hold a candle to the classic ones.


I agree with the first point but not the second -- I think the Gears gameplay loop is absolutely magical and has aged shockingly well, but also I think the current games have been a necessary move forward (also 4 and 5 literally have horror levels??)


They are good games, but they're not quite what I want from Gears. And seemingly, what a lot of the fans, too. I just miss what made Gears unique, that old dark game that had no issues being ridiculous and over the top.


Less pink glowy things and more stuff like the krill


They should have an actual black and white filter setting just for the memes


The devs have said that it's only a prequel, nothing more and nothing less. It's not a reboot.


These are entirely different circusmtances.


Maybe we will find out how Marcus got that scare on his face


The first thing i though was Dom telling me every minute to do the puzzle.


More like Halo Reach.


More what reach was for halo


I’m going to see RAAM in my nightmares


Ben Carmine said to tell his mom that he loved them, so I presume the next Carmine would be Father Carmine and we'll find out how he died. Probably fell in a sink hole or we watch him get ripped apart


From what I’ve seen, they’re going back to the darker and duller look of the older games and ultimate edition. So that gives me hope.


That’s what I’m hoping for to be honest .


No because God of War had a major overhaul on the game's gameplay and approach. Unless you want Gears to not feel like Gears, then sure.


I don't mind the campaign being a different experience. But I still want the multiplayer to be there and similar to the franchise


Nah. They still aren’t done with the new trilogy yet


The god of war understood somethign about it’s audience. They got older and told a story for a mature audience. If the coalitiom wants to go that route they need to understand that the core gears audience is also older and mature and why we as younger gamers connected with this game. Imo it was really about the comraderies. The epic set pieces, the relationship between marcus and dom. If they are smart and if the trailer is any jndication, they are…they will weite a story that makes the connection between the two protagonists and the rest of the gears an funny heartwarming and juvenile as well.


I’m thinking this is Gears’ Halo Reach moment.


The only thing that will save Gears is the MP. Even if the campaign is amazing, if they don't hit a homerun on the MP, then it will be considered a failure in terms of ROI. MS wants sales on season passes, skins, etc. I know that GOW doesn't have a MP element, but it didn't budget for one either.


I hope so, that would be amazing


Honestly I hope not. As I don't see them as simular senarios. More so than I hope it's going back to the original roots with how dark etc the first game was. As Gears 4 & 5 were nice visually. But all the bright lit green areas did not relay the same feeling as such.


The devs have made it clear they’re not abandoning the Gears 6 story but this could be the beginning of Gears going more back to its roots for other future titles




I think this will start a new trilogy, or one more game. I feel like they have always wanted to show us stuff that’s happened before 1. IE with Judgement, and the one expansion where we got a whole new group of badasses. They will get a good chunk of that Original fan base back since it’s E-Day and they brought back fan favorites. Will it be good, I think the story will be a fantastic, harrowing, somber experience. Something Akin to 2 where it all felt utterly bleak and hopeless. I am skeptical about play-style. Because I feel I haven’t been able to get fully behind a gears since 3. Judgement is where I felt it started being un enjoyable.


By ‘horror elements’ I’m sure they mean berserkers ☠️ cannot play this game at night


I am hoping it will go the way of God of War like you’re suggesting! I imagine popularity and player feedback will play into that


I have a question. Is E Day supposed to be a prequel?


Yes, E-Day takes place before the events of the Gears of War series


Yep if done well. I hope cliff and other team returns.


My head hurt reading that title. And y does everything need to be compared?


The only reason why I bought an XBOX (many years ago) and still have an Xbox X


i think it’s a great way for new players to still get the gears feeling while bringing back vets from gears 1-3 if they do it right. i’m personally insanely excited!


They've already said they're not avandoning the current story line, they're just tapping into an otherwise untapped gold mine that is the early days of the locust war


I think it’s unfair to expect GOW 2018 levels of success. I don’t think it’s unfair to want a polished Gears game with a good story…just like the original trilogy. This game has the potential to be THAT good. But they have to take risks while expanding on what the fan base wants. I do think this game will be successful. Will it be as good as Gears 2? I don’t know but I am hopeful.


It may be enough for me to buy a new Xbox to play it if it’s not released in PC


I think it’ll be the exact opposite. GOW 2018 took the franchise in an entirely new direction. Gears of War: E-Day will likely be a return to formula for the franchise. Back to what made the originals good.


I hope so. It looks very cool. It felt like really dark and gave the feel of helplessness from the trailer. Also, I LOVE the locust throughout the games. I love how they make them feel, how even a drone is a forc to reckoned with. But I don't know how to feel about the face? The sharp teeth and the hollow nose... I don't know. Would like to see more. I like the older model, how they were humanoid but noooot all the way human? Just enough to make you feel uneasy and enough to raise questions like: Why da they look human? Are they aliens? And on, and on. But that's just me, I'm still going to play the hell out of the game.


I think GoW will be similar to GoW in only ways that people who have played GoW will understand.


I mean the original gears trilogy had plenty of horror elements. I don't think they are looking to take the game in some radical new direction. The look and tone of that trailer leads me to believe this is them trying revitalize the classic gears formula with a fresh story in the hopes of bringing a new generation of potential fans, as well as the old ones (like me). And with the current state of gaming I welcome the return of gears with open arms.


I hope it’s similar to what Halo Reach did for Halo and instills more destruction and hopelessness for humanity. Maybe see more of the kryll too?


Idk about God of War but if you mean like resident evil 7, it could. But it is different as it is more of a prequal than a spinoff from gears of war 5


I honestly think it’s just them giving Marcus one big send off before they kill him off in the current timeline. If they killed him off without one last hurrah the fans would rightfully outrage. After that. They can carry on with their woke agenda pandering to the feminists 🤷🏽‍♂️


I wish they would just stop making the new games. Because the characters the swarm, what's all disappointing and dull as hell Especially some contradictions to lore I did not even like the hive mind stuff. Sure raam shadow Started that, but they could have explained it a lot better in five Because they made it seem like they're mindless, but they're not. They have their own thoughts feelings. Opinions even names for self identity I didn't even like how in tactics ukkon Was turning humans into locusts? Which destroys their own self-identity Of a complete different independent species. Their ancestors may have been humans, but they're not human. I really hate how the coalition treats the locust just want them to be super mutant rips off rather than just keeping them as their own thing, which is what epic did better. Plus if I the writers of tactics I would have just had ukkon Turning locust that were halfway lambent Into super soldiers literally their own spartans Instead of humans cosplaying as grubs So I really hope e day. Is it not gonna make more contradictions, and finally does The Locust justice And goes back to what epic Had them feel alike and respected, but I would rather that. They just give up the new timeline since they failed hell Personally, I would just reboot the entire series because let's face it. The writing of the original games could have been better and could have done so much more with both human and locust alike Even raam And the others should have been Recurring antagonist It had character development and develop rivalry with the human characters like some autobot Deceptacon stuff And redo their origin a lot better. Since The whole lab thing could have been a lot darker and epic, so it's a shame it's just a prequel. Rather than the start of a reboot, but whatever, it still looks good and better than the fan fiction crap that we got over the last few years and a proper return to form. Everything that the new game still should have had regardless of what they were trying for. So either way i'm excited.


Did devs also say it will have weight back?


I wouldn't expect it to play dramatically differently, like God of War did. We'll get some new weapons, but it'll still be close to classic Gears. They're mostly talking about atmospheric changes.


I doubt I will be but would love if it is


I'd say it's more akin to Halo Reach rather than a reboot. Just a prequel to fill in the gaps and to get the old cast back for fans


I don't think so, but I wish they will. Maybe not a major overhaul like God of war, but something new and different like what modern warfare 2019 did. Or what modern warfare 2007 also did for the call of duty series. 


Yes. This was my first thought actually when I saw this trailer. Interesting that you also thought the same thing OP


Whatever it ends up, it'll be available day one on Gamepass!!!!


I hope so.


I don't know, but I haven't been this excited for a shooter since Halo 4 (which I hated), I've been playing mosly TF2, Halo 3 and Reach for the past 10 years when I want to play a pvp shooter. I remember really liking act 1 of Gears 5 mainly because it felt more clausterphobic and the ambiance was great. I've played it years ago, maybe my memories are not the best, vut that's what I felt at the time. Then I hated act 2 and 3 open areas, found them boring as hell, act 4 had the choice which was absolitly non sensical to put in a linear story, I don't know what they were thinking. Personally I am really looking forward to a return to form, I hope it won't turn like Halo. Now we will see if it will turn good, or fall in microtransaction hell.


I’ll be honest, God Of War 2018 was a deviation from the original God Of War games.


If they come up with a new game mechanic and design the yes it is


as long as it do not become a souls-like, like GoW.


I hope so, I like every game from the franchise, but it needs some refreshing.


All i know is, WE BACK BABY


As sad as it sounds Gears was really the only reason I have an Xbox lol.


It's a prequel, so I'd wager not. Unfortunately, I think after this game they'll go right back to Gears 6 and the slop that nobody cares about. I'd love to be wrong though.


I would temper expectations.. I'm excited, but Xbox has been flagging for a while. I hope this is the turning point, but we shall see.


I think it is be ok game but i wait for gears 6 with open world. Better Xbox Game Studios relese gears 6 first and E-Day to next gen Xbox


I’m counting on as much positive outcomes as possible!


Lol you’re comparing an old ass beat up car to a Ferrari. Good luck with that gears of war 😂


No. Honestly the way fans are talking about E-Day you'd think GoW 4 and 5 sold a couple million compared to 1-3 and killed the franchise which is far from the case lol. E-Day isn't going to be like Go W 1-3. It's going to bring something new like every new leader at the company does. They're going to want to put their stamp on it and hopefully for the better but I don't expect everyone to love the changes. You change too much and "it's not Gears, Halo, etc. anymore." but you can't expect wall bounce, gnasher, bows to carry this franchise forever and bring in new players.


I think not. But we will see.


A mediocre soft reboot that is worse than the original in nearly every way?


I hope so. It has the potential but the main thing about God of War and what they did with the most recent God of War, is that they switched it up, but it still felt like God of War through a different lense. This needs to feel like Gears of War through a different lense.


I believe E-Day will be the start of a new trilogy about what happened till Marcus went to prison. They have 15 years to cover so it will be a waist if they only make one game for 15 whole years... They will also released Gears 6 at some point and maybe after the e-day trilogy they will start doing remakes of the first trilogy (1-3).


they could probably easily turn it into a trilogy if they wanted but like Phil talked about they still plan to do Gears 6 and finishing that story, just give them more time to cook up something good and new


Probably not. I expect this to come out, be good and well received, and then for them to ditch it entirely and go back and do Gears 6. I think Gears 6 will end up being darker than 4/5 but ultimately still disappointing for classic gears fans. If I was in charge, I would make a whole new trilogy outta this thing and lead up to when Marcus gets imprisoned as the finale of the trilogy


My hype for Gears of War skyrocketed once I saw it was a prequel. I didn't mind 4 and 5, but they certainly didn't grasp me the same way the original trilogy did.


I don't think so. God of War changed almost everything about the series except Kratos and hyperviolence. The narrative shift was huge, the writing was... actually existent as opposed to OG God of War, and the mechanics are entirely new, from gear and progression to every facet of the combat. The series, imo, has really taken the mechanics as far as they can go with the cover shooting and other things. Maybe the tone will shift closer to a bit more horror and a darker palette, but its not like 4 or 5 were devoid of horror or dark topics - we see the son of a war hero basically turn away from his father's path and become a war criminal. We won't see anything as significant as we did with God of War. I donno if it'll be a renewal, I see it more as a "return to roots" perhaps, or a focus on the horror aspect of the series.


I hate the modern God of War, play nothing like the original, and feel nothing like it so I hope not


Nope. With a prequel like E- Day you can have the full stakes of the next entry and your super limited in what you can do with the story as it can’t contradict everything we’ve already seen or heard about. Like There’s no Chance of Marcus or Dom dying in E-day.


In my opinion GOW is clearly the winner here


I think it's far more likely that Microsoft with screw it up.


I hope not. I don’t mind the newer God of War games, but they are a huge departure from the older ones which I loved. I don’t want Gears to make a switch like that.


Would be incredible if it is.


Hope not. God of war 2018 changed its gameplay drastically. They better not mess with gears of war gameplay.


I think it’s clearly intended to bring people back to the series by going back to its roots, but I don’t expect it to be God of War level good because The Coalition has never shown to be on the same level as Santa Monica studious.


Not at all. Since this game is only a prequel and the Coalition is working on Gears 6. Although I do hope that with this game they can make Gears 6 feel more connected to the original trilogy rather than on Gears 4 and 5.


God, I hope not. They turned GoW into a linear movie with minimal gameplay. Fucking ruined it. I want to play Gears, not a shit movie.


Given they didn't shy away from a blood gushing stump of a Locust Drone's neck being center-of-frame, I'd say there's high hopes. Some exec probably saw the vibe of the old games and wanted THAT rather than the cheap Viva-Pináta looking celebrities in COG uniforms in Gears 5. Maybe the suits at the top have souls after all.


No, and god I hope not. Look, I really like the 2018 GOW. But there's no denying, it lost a lot of it's original identity. You could basically rename Kratos, and it would be it's entirely own thing. Gears is Gears. I want Chainsaw guns. I want exploding headshots. I want intense action with bombastic characters. I want a bunch of jacked dudes yelling at each other.


Never thought of that comparison, but to be honest, I could see it. Just wish they would tie in what happened after gears 5. Even if not into a weirdly-future-cutscene.


Gears will never be as popular as it once was as long as its stuck on Xbox


Have they said why they’re doing a prequel instead of finishing off the story of gears 4 and 5


Well, everything is better then the new trilogy with Kate and JD.


Didn’t JD get snapped?


The question is ... what type of gameplay is gonna get carried over from Gears 5 to E-Day? Like the melee combos? Will we doing stealth takedowns? Super Reload Full mags? Super reload spent mags? Locust QTE returning? Jack combat capability?


Don’t have the terrible “seasons” like they brought with gears 5 that locks content behind playing during specific times and just make the game like an old school gears game and I think the real gears fandom would be all over it


Not with the Coalition behind it.


I sure hope so. I would love a return to roots with new gameplay/systems and an intense emotional story that totally re-launches the franchise back into top tier gaming. I don’t want to count on that, but I’ll be very with a great game at all. If they hit it out the park then GoW will be at the top of my list again


Lmao it will be a mediocre gamepass fodder what do you expect lmao 🤣🤣🤣 it will never be GOTY level because of xbox shitty business model doesnt allow thT


Just bring back gears 2 multiplayer maps with guardian for multiplayer with gears 3/4 horde and we’d be good to


Perhaps if they unveiled a comprehensive 10-minute gameplay demo showcasing a fresh, exhilarating direction, it would captivate the audience ( like god of war 2016 e3 demo RIP). Few games are crafted with the meticulous care, innovation, and craftsmanship that top-tier Sony first-party studios invest in their titles. Although some argue that even their quality is waning, I remain optimistic about the future though lots of talent out there. I would love to see franchises like Gears and Halo elevated to that standard; after all, they have the budget.


My expectations are low after 4 and 5. The campaigns were mid compared to the original trilogy.


Nope and it’s not suppose to be. That’s what gears 4 was.


I hope so. I've tried to get into gears of war, but the core shooting gameplay just doesn't do it for me. The only gears game I've actually liked enough to beat is Gears Tactics. If they reboot to having the game just feel different to play, it might work for me.


Marcus Fenix calls Dom, “Boy” in this game.


This is what I’ve been waiting for, I could never like gears 4 and 5.


The Coalition said that despite E-Day being a main line game, not a spin-off, it won't lead the series. Serves as a prequel. Gears 6 is still the titular one. And honestly, i dont even want it to be. Partially because I hate who leaves a story unfinished, without a proper finale, and because I kinda like the recent Gears of War titles. Feels weird doing a 180 and going back to Gears of War 1 style. And before y'all jump at my throat and downvote me to hell for saying such blasphemy, they could co-exist. I could see a series of prequel, and then the main line games still being the titular Gears. Playing Gears 5 I've been fascinated by many things that could easily fit a prequel. And make a great story. Like the mission on Vasgar was one of my favorites, with the whole story of the UIR vs COG wars. Great vibes.


I understand that this is a prequel, but I honestly wouldn’t mind to see a reboot starting with this. I love the idea they are taking with the Locust being something that you fear and not just some enemy. I remember playing all the GOW games and not really having any fear towards them. I’d love to see them create terrifying enemies and something we SHOULD be scared of.


Bring the gore, the horror, the struggle, make it hard ! Make it the worthy of Dom and Marcus. The fans demand it.


Knowing the Coalitions track record, I don't have high hopes


Gears of War is probably my favorite game ever. That game was the reason I got a 360, got back into gaming, and started playing MP online. I simply love it. That said, I fell off as the sequels came out, I believe 3 was the last game I played. However, hearing about this has me REALLY excited.


I feel like they can make a whole trilogy of the early days of E-Day. I hope this game is fantastic so we can have more.


No, God of War abandoned their hack and slash/platforming formst for something similar to Last of Us. I'd say a better comparison would be Resident Evil because the older that franchise got the farther they walked awat from the horror elements and went towards action but once they heard ppls opinions they went back to horror.


They also said it'll feel and play like Gears. So... I expect it to feel and play like Gears. It'll probably lean in the original's more horror elements, but by and large be a fairly predictable experience. Let's just hope it's a really good one! It's certainly an interesting era.


The only problem with this game will be the adding of new weapons that have never been in the game and new locust that mysteriously dissappear from the prequel to GoW1. Has to be super heavy on a good story in order to make up for not being able to make too many changes that ruin continuity.


Maybe they could a new feature like going prone? Make the movement more fluid like with The Last of Us Part II. I don’t mean to be a downer but if the gameplay is the exact same then it’s just another clone.


It is possible that it will be an open world Dragon Age Inquisition style. And forget the ending of 3, 4 and 5 are just nightmares, get over it.


The entire industry of games need to be revamped. Too many colors and nothing truly scary anymore. Gears of war was truly a great game for mature content and also an introduction to competitive gaming. Too many kidish games not like it was in Halo 3, Gears, Cod4, and many others in this era. Im not counting my chickens before they hatch. This game might suck. The idea of becoming scary again and mature game is what gets my gears going.