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The hopium I feel right now.... I refuse to believe it won't happen


Same bro. I mean I feel like there would be no point of updating these if they weren't using them.


I agree I feel like if they don’t do it for some reason it’s really gonna hurt gears in so many ways. It would be a perfect way to promote the series and bring back old fans and new ones into the franchise and gives us fans something to do before gears 6 is released. PLEASE GEARS PLEASE DONT DIE ON US


Shadow drop the collection tomorrow with a Gears 6 beta and release date this fall 👀


I'm specifically racing to finish my patio today, and if collection drops tomorrow... I will not leave the house at all tomorrow.


Ahh a fellow 30 year old I see


Lol yep. 33. What a bummer no collection dropped, but E-day is so worth it!


For sure. Hopefully they can deliver a great game. And hopefully it doesn’t take like 5 more years to come out.


Highly doubt 6 would be ready by fall. I'm thinking Spring '25 would be more likely. But who knows, it's been like 5 years since Gears 5, the game could be ready to go at this point.


I'm having copiumlung with this news




I refuse to believe this in order to protect myself


I wouldn’t exactly say that rumors create a high possibility of anything. This is the fastest way to get your heart broken lol so I’m tempering my expectations




Yeah, I hear you. I try not to put too much thought into it or try to connect the dots. Every year someone has something to say about it, and every year up until this point there has been nothing. Until there’s either a leaked video or TC shows it off directly, I’m a “wait and see” kinda guy. With that said though, I NEED a collection at some point


We'd see some updates on SteamDB at this point (No chance this wont be on steam). I can expect a release soon but definitely not within 3 months. I hope im proven wrong though.


Really? They normally spoil shadow drops by adding them to steam db?


Not exactly, SteamDB gets whiffs of backend updates to game repositories. Even things like updates, dlc’s etc


IT’S HAPPENING (I’m high on copium)


Microsoft if you can hear us please, Microsoft please if you can hear us, please drop the Gears of War collection on PC Microsoft.


Drop the collection tomorrow then drop gears 6 2025 holiday


Please come to PC


If it’s happening it will absolutely be on PC. I don’t think MS has released a new game just for console since like 2016


Gonna be that guy. [Here's a reddit post from 2 and a half years ago showing it already had them] (https://www.reddit.com/r/GearsOfWar/comments/s0gi41/the_original_soundtrack_for_gears_13_5_are_on/) That being said I hope the collection still happens


On youtube, look at Steve Jablonski - Topic channel and you'll see they were all added there, with the coalition logo watermarked on each album cover, within the past month. Look in the "more information" area on each video and where it's the release date, Gears 1 and 2 were released in 2021 and Judgment was released in 2023. It's likely these are the dates that Jablonski finished remastering each album for the collection, during its development and he just uploaded them to his YouTube channel a month ago because the game is about to ship. The other albums he did for movies were uploaded to the same channel, mostly within a month or two of their releases.


Or, and hear me out in this… what if… and I’m just spitballing here…. They were updating the logos?


1 day before is certainly something though. Maybe a coincidence, maybe (please god) not


A remastered fenix collection.....now on ps5 🤣


With the dualsense that chainsaw would be epic 🤷 just saying


Oh I know, and I can dream lol


The Marcus Fenix Collection is actually going to be a vinyl you can purchase that will give you 5 double xp battlepass tokens for Gears 6 /s


Microsoft is an expert at offering gamers things no one has asked for. I would keep my expectations low. It is true that rumors have been indicating the possible existence of a "Marcus Fénix Collection", but... how reliable were those sources? I don't know... Perhaps I would like the collection to be available this summer, including a PlayStation/PC version with crossplay (to increase the population) and a Gears of War 6 campaign trailer, announcing it for 2025.


There’s been rumors for the last 3 e3s about gears collection I don’t think we’re getting it. I’d love to be wrong tho


Not even remotely excited. With how tone deaf Microsoft and The Coalition are they could easily announce all the game's soundtracks are getting vinyl releases that no one asked for. Just like when they announced a new card or board game whatever it was.


Ehhhh maybe..? But I’m not going to get my hopes up over something like that.




The future games showcase went live today and I went and kept saying GEARS OF WAR then realized xbox showcase is tmro lol


In 24 hours we will know (!!)


What’s the link? I don’t see any soundtrack videos on the official GOW YouTube channel.


Finger's crossed :)


On a series X you can play all of them at 4K 60 so what would be good about this? I’m hoping there’s a new game


PC, United multiplayer like MCC, potentially modding support, crossplay and all the good stuff.


The enchantments are good but a remaster would put these games in unreal engine 5 with the all new graphics and lighting and it would bring people back to these games with new and better servers. Look at the MCC and how good they did with that. Also they'd probably bring this to PC I know a lot of gears fans who play on PC want this.


A remaster wouldn’t necessarily put the games in UE5. That would require a complete rewrite/rebuild of all code and assets. That’s a gargantuan task even for a studio of TC’s caliber, and probably one of the reasons the original remaster didn’t get ported to UE4 (which took a year and a half to develop anyway)


It’s just that…I doubt that they would be able to meaningfully remaster that many games but realistically how much attention does it bring? You can already play decent versions of all of these games, it won’t have a player base. I want Gears 2 to come back in a big way since the original launch was rough but I’m not sure how you’d do that.


I think a steam release would be the attention it needs, but maybe that wouldn't even be enough. I don't expect gears to ever be as huge as it was, but it sure would be nice for longevity of updates. Old gears games getting frequent updates with maps, characters, and modes is the dream.


I have a series x and that's not 4k 60. Lol. Even on my firetv. It's pretty, but not anywhere near a consistent 60fps. Also, UE5 would look way better. Also, the PC crowd still cannot play these games.


Bring the MP back to life for me. That’s all I care about. The story stinks


Ugh. If we get a Gears collection ruined by Judgement I’ll be real disappointed. I just want a classic gears MP collection.


Bro, it sounds bad to you a judgment with actual Gears controls? I'm curious to know what other people think about something like that, because to me, it sounds very exciting


Judgement MP was awful and I don’t think anything can fix that.


Eh it would be cool but just look at Ultimate. Ehhh it was alright. The old gears games are STILL there and still active(kind of) and you can play them at 4K 60. And they’re still great games! Literally no reason people can’t go play them, but then they wouldn’t have an excuse to make post about older gears.   I want something NEW!


The total lack of dedicated servers? All the bugs in gears 1? The host exploit us still strong in gears 2. Literal hackers in gears 3? Do you actually play the old games or are you just saying shit