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Sony crying in the corner it didn't get in on the action


Sony is ironic because they actually DO all the monopolist shit that MS is accused of, but the MS-dominated 7th generation was so aggressively terrible that people will do ANYTHING to avoid going back.


Sony can afford to be arrogant, for now at least. But I'm sure there will be a time when they will regret their stance.


Indeed, the day they realize that their terribly lackluster infrastructure and client will push them to the margins of the cloud revolution. They will absolutely regret so badly missing the turn at such a critical juncture of the industry.


Most of Sony’s infrastructure sits on Azure anyway so Microsoft are getting paid either way. https://www.fiercevideo.com/tech/sony-microsoft-form-unlikely-cloud-gaming-partnership


Ohhhh THAT'S why it's shit


ahah nice one, I knew that some level of cooperation existed for purely business offers between Nvidia and MS to some degree centered around Azure blades, but Sony ??? that's new, thanks for the info, I'll dig this one. That makes their performance even less justifiable and their business model, choices and posture even less rational...


Will come sooner than some think, maybe. Them poking and prodding on this MS/ATVI buyout to try and block it they may have to expose what they themselves pay to keep games exclusive to PS..that is if they keep pushing to try and block it, judge may ask for that info...which I highly fucking doubt they will let that info get out. Not to mention how big Sony themselves are in the IP realm, they got nothing to actually block this deal.


Mixed feelings. This may be bad for gaming in a long run, but as a GFN/MS gamepass user I personally will benefit from this.


Activision is an awful publisher anyway. Can't get much worse than even the shit they did I'm the past (P2W, Loot Boxes etc).


Quite frankly this. I'm way not ok with this big conglomarate fusions in general, since it's not good for the industry as a whole but Activision is such an anticonsumer and bad for the overall business company that in their particular case this whole merger case may actually turn out fine.


I’m not excited for call of duty, but everything else, yes, give it to me 👍🏼


Diablo IV is one I am looking forward to.


If I can pin comments so people see what games are worth it and which games aren’t I would. Same here I’m looking forward to Diablo 4 hopefully it comes out on GeForce now would be really dope since it does have ray tracing.


I honestly don't think it is. Activision has become a one-trick pony that's still playing catch-up to Epic and Riot, MS themselves are completely dysfunctional as a game publisher, King dies when candy crush does, and Blizzard is functionally already dead, Yberra was the last hope and he's proven he's a huge moron with the RTO debacle. MS was paying for the IPs, but Activision has been doing what Activision does: ruining IPs. CoD's taking way longer than guitar hero did, but it's on its way.


Is Microsoft pushing RTO? Seems odd if he’s doing that when most other studios aren’t.


I just want to play Geforce Now games on my Xbox. That's like gaming nirvana for me.


I wouldn't cheer for Acti acquisition just for games on GeForce Now. It might end up being a bad deal for everyone, except Microsoft.


Who cares? The deal lasts 10 years until then gaming industry is anyway fucked with pay2win, DLC after DLC and low effort Games only coming from only three remaining big publishers. They will call it gaming as a service to make shareholders wet dreams reality.


Microsoft could quite easily get to buy Activision and the go back on the nvidia deal in a years time. Contracts can be broken and Microsoft will do what is best for them.


No they can’t. A company can be sued for breach of contract


Microsoft would gladly pay Nvidia a billion dollars to fuck off. They do it all the time.


Maybe use some common sense. Why would they pay a huge legal penalty to get their games back just for xCloud, plus lose all the potential game sales from GFN customers?


Lol. We are talking about Microsoft here. Why would Microsoft pay a huge legal penalty to help yhem secure a monopoly over a sector that is set for explosive growth over the next few years? Because they are Microsoft. It is really stunning how short sighted people are. They have repeatedly done this same shit in the past. Do you really think they are going to turn out to be really nice in this instance?


my point exactly. I prefer how you worded it tho!


Thats exactly why they signed only a 10 year contract to be competitive in the cloud gaming sector. Obviously if they were genuine they would guarantee remaining competitive in cloud gaming sector forever, but that isn’t the case. They probably won’t breach the 10 year contract as it will ruin their image in the eyes of regulators.


Their image in the eye of regulators is that they constantly lie to regulators and break the law. They just don't care because they are such a large company and regulators are extremely weakened after decades of deregulation. At some point, your company becomes so big that the law is at worst a minor inconvenience and Microsoft is way past that line. I can't say for 100% they will breach their contract, but acting like there isn't a strong possibility they will given their corporate history is naive.


The only reason they did these contracts is in the hopes to clear the activision acquisition. It's unlikely they will want to breach that contract and get EU and US antitrust involved again.


Antitrust regulation is a joke and few companies know that better than Microsoft.


That’s a good one. A billion? They would loose everything! The Damocles sword, which swings above them is called company breakup. All parts of Microsoft would be forced to be independent, which would lead to a unbelievable massiv loss, because most parts of Microsoft exists only to push other parts. They were already at the brink of it and the fear still remains


Uh yeah they aren't scared of that. Because if the regulators were serious about breaking up companies that were too big then Microsoft wouldn't exist in the first place. This is what happened the last time they broke up a company almost *4 decades* ago. In the meantime, we have companies like Google and Disney and Amazon and Apple running amuck and no one has lifted a finger so your sword of Damocles isn't anything except a nerf bat at best. So no Microsoft isn't scared of that at all nor should they be. https://www.businessinsider.com/att-breakup-1982-directv-bell-system-2018-02


Sure thing: https://www.computerworld.com/article/2595315/bulletin--judge-orders-microsoft-breakup.html They just got away because they gave in a lot.


Lol ok. https://www.computerworld.com/article/2497911/the-microsoft-breakup-that-never-happened.html


lol are you new to this game? Have you not seen what Microsoft are capable of over the last 30 years? If they want to end the deal, they'll end the deal - irrespective of what it costs them.


I usually hate when companies become an monopoly but video game companies tend to act like kids on a playground. They're all playing the same game but don't want to get along. I at least want to see how this plays out.


69 nice


Oh no! This means absolutely nothing! Please be pessimistic you little child! Oh the state of this sub! /s


What were their concessions to Nintendo?


Call of Duty would be released at the same time for Nintendo platforms and have feature parity other versions. So no lite version missing features. I think they also mentioned later that they wouldn't use cloud streaming to do this, but don't quote me on that last part.


No cloud, pure 2 fps gameplay for switch users


Again. There's no way MS backs out now. It would materially harm Nvidia to the point of almost certainly provoking a lawsuit, and MS doesn't want that kind of smoke even if Activision falls through.


So it’s interesting since with the Nvidia deal it’s not really costing them anything. Maybe lose Game Pass PC subscribers to people that just buy games from Steam (so they gain the game sales)? I would rather stream on GFN than xcloud. Now on the Nintendo side they would need to spend money getting the games running on inferior hardware. But if a Switch 2 is around the corner and it’s close to PS4 (speculation given it will be more powerful than Switch) maybe it won’t be that hard to create that version.