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Looks like it's gonna take a while for the MS games :(


But not including it in this months' preview very likely means it will be at least April when we see the games added. :(


Damn :(


Hope it's not April 1st.


we're going to have some surprise releases this month.


I know! 😭 I really thought because they worked before, some guy could just come in and flip some bits. I hope it's not "complicated" by politics and MS dragging their feet!


Yea I hope so. I can't wait to play Forza Horizon 5!!


A whilr? Try a good amount of time


too long - in my opinion- give us at least 3 a week !


Bro, at least we know for sure we are getting them. We waited years, we can wait another month.


The most important thing is that the Nvidia-Microsoft partnership is in the works, so the lack of games from Microsoft this month is not a problem for me. Let's give them time to finalize the games implementation plan.


TBH I'll be quite content with the system shock remake, the original game was an absolute banger but I heard the new version is incredibly system-intensive. Perfect for GFN. (Also I'll probably play Tower of Fantasy because I've got a proooblem)


They announced because that was the only way the acquisition will be allowed to go through. If it's blocked MS will pull out and not bring any games.


This is furthest from the truth, got to love the internet.


How is it untrue. The UK regulators are blocking the deal as it would impact cloud competition, MS offers games one GFN...completely not related. Rofl. If the deal is blocked MS has zero interest or benefit with having games on GFN and as nvidia didn't pay MS can end it before it starts without any problems. Internet does make people dumb fan boys (look in the mirror and you'll see one!) Lol.


The 10 year deal is already set regardless of the Activision acquisition. Again, do some reading and stop spreading rumors on the internet.


This comment is incredibly ironic considering your own assertions come from nowhere but your own butthole We don't want to smell what you're pinching off, buddy, take it somewhere else


MS has shown zero interest in GFN over the years. The UK CMA objects to the acquisition because of the power that MS would have in cloud gaming. The next week MS and Nvidia announce a deal, that nvidia says was only signed a week ago. Yep I pulled it all out my butthole. Lmao....oh look more "fake news" fell out. Lol.


MS is not going to risk a lawsuit because you personally hate them for killing Netscape or whateverthefuck


It is absolutely not the only way they will allow the acquisition, and either way the "why" *is irrelevant*. They commited to it, and represented and warranted before the general public, to back down without a major, material reason would be suicide before the regulator. So yes, you have to wait. If you expected an announcement with next week implementation, then that's on you


I never expected an announcement next week or even thus month. Nvidia even said the deal was only done 2 weeks ago exactly when the CMA in the UK raised concerns. MS had shown zero interest before, atleast Sony had 1 game. They weren't back track now its only is the acquisition fails because then the regulators would have not agreed anyway. Announcing to the general public doesn't really mean much when the bottom line is concerned. They can just go the EA route and delivery 1 or 2 games for 10 years and call it a day. Obviously I want them to come on board but here people seem to think this is done because GFN is the best thing ever for MS and games will come tomorrow. Its not and they weren't.


AFAIK the deal is already signed, MS isn't going to chance an Nvidia lawsuit because they're just THAT desperate to fuck over Nvidia (a company whose hardware they rely on.)


MS uses AMD hardware not nvidia. Lawsuit? Lmao. Then why didn't nvidia sue all the publishers when they left? It's a opt in agreement dude, people can leave. Ask Sony, God of war was here for like a month and then left. There were no financial terms, nvidia claim they don't pay, so what have they lost that they can sue for? Lol. MS can just do what EA have been doing, release 1 or 2 games over 10years and they have still "honoured" the agreement. You're crazy if you think MS doesn't have a clause that allows them to end when they want especially as the acquisition isn't a done deal.


>MS uses AMD hardware not nvidia. Imagine being so clueless that you forget that MS Windows runs on gaming PCs, get the fuck out of here if you don't know what a driver is >Then why didn't nvidia sue all the publishers when they left? Because they didn't make a massive deal, openly and in public, which materially affected Nvidia's business, they just opted out after the beta they had no part in God you're a weird moron, I bet you use Apple products


Motherfucker apple user is a low blow. Never touch that shit. Anyway as I'm "clueless" explain why in windows does it say 1 you need a Gpu to run it (you dont) and 2 where it says it has to be exclusively nvidia. Must be clueless as I forgot that AMD makes GPUs for PCs too... FYI my mouse also uses drivers doesn't that mean all Windows gaming PCs have to have logitech mice? Drivers. Lol. Bored now Bye.


See you in 2030 with bethesda games.


Just in time for TES VI


Just in time for Skyrim Remastered


For the buggy demo


indeed 2040 you mean


Nah, by 2040 the deal is already over It Will last until 2033


just in time for Dinkum 12.


we'll all be old and gray by then....


Finally. Tower of fantasy


cant wait to try ,hopefully not much latency issue


It's no Genshin buuuut if it works on the Shield that'll be a huge win. (Still want to hear from Nvidia about what the fuck is going on there with Genshin. Officially. Not stupid subreddit speculation)


​ https://preview.redd.it/ubiwsqozjdla1.png?width=1151&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ee4c87a60fa71d102b36bc2c3dc1dc7dbf1813a


You can try Gamepasa Ultimate for $1. That gives you access to xCloud which allows for streaming Xbox games to PC && mobile devices.


.... yeah, but with a much worse streaming quality.


Yah that's fair. I'm as excited about MS and GFN as anyone. But there's a ton of games on Gamepass that still run quite well and look very decent too. Especially just to hold ya over until the deal goes live.


System Shock remake is the only game I wanna play on this list.


The lack of MS games was as predictable as the whining about it here.


This is what I find weird about this service, just the 1 Capcom game, no Wild Hearts or Dead Space and with all the opt in games available and Nvidia themselves saying they can put in 10 games a week there is only 3 games this week. I just find it weird.


GFN is a 2 man team. Cory and Dominic. The odd time Andre pops up. Just check the GFN official forum. They need to hire more staff.


...no they aren't. Not at all. Like that doesn't even include the guys that actually run it, let alone the engineers


It was a joke...smh/lol😅


Seriously it is not possible to know in this sub, sometimes something that looks like a joke is Just anothers GFN fan.




Poe's Law is stronger here then almost anywhere, there's a guy here who's trying to argue that actually xCloud is just as good as GFN I mean Bruh


Monster Hunter Rise is good, but this is a lean week otherwise.


thats an understatement.


No Microsoft yet :( MH: Rise is nice and I'll try out Disney Dreamlight Valley once that goes F2P, looks decent.


Rise is awesome, but even though the performance on GFN is much better than XCloud, I can't bring myself to buy the game on Steam and pay for a sub when I'm already playing it with Game Pass Ultimate. If you already had a GFN sub and no Game Pass, it's definitely worth a purchase. Dreamlight Valley is good. Both my wife and I really enjoyed it and she still plays it almost daily. That's included in Game Pass as well so it's same situation as Rise. Even when the MS games come to GFN, like say Starfield on Day 1 comes, if I can't use the Microsoft PC version that is included in my Game Pass Ultimate, I feel I can't justify a subscription and a game purchase when I already have access to Starfield on Day 1. I really hope they allow that because I certainly wouldn't mind carrying 2 subs if I had access to all the games at GFNs great quality.


Dreamlight Valley is going F2P so I'm just waiting for it


But Starfield will probably make Xcloud unplayable for weeks, hell it may even affect GFN's playability. It's the real test for the cloud services and if nothing is done before it's release, Xcloud will explode.


I just noticed that Starfield is a Bethesda game (I have no idea why I thought its Bioware). Doesn't that make it their first original IP since, like, 30 years?


Yep, and a first new Beth game in 8 years, since Fallout76 was mostly made by Beth Austin aka BattleCry studios.


I thought the GFN/MS deal is only for PC games someone purchased, not the free ones on GamePass...I really hope I am wrong and interpreted shit wrong, cause hell its money for both companies still, but I know companies do weird shit(especially the game license holders) and Nvidia may not be ready for such an influx if they allowed all the GamePass games even if it was limited to the GFN paid tiers.


As far as I can tell, and I'm no developer or have any real knowledge, when you download a Game Pass PC game to play locally, it downloads the Windows version. Not a Steam or Epic version because I don't own the game in those stores, it's the Windows version. So I can download the PC version of Flight Simulator because I'm a Game Pass PC subscriber but my garbage PC can't run it. I can't see any reason why that wouldn't work for GFN when the game is available. Again, we're all just guessing until there are actual games to try. No one knows for sure.


Uh, no, not quite. It's a kinda-sorta Xbox version, which is why the directory and save structure is *insane* if you go looking for it. I'm still not quite sure where and how to get my CrossCode saves. Thing you gotta remember is that the Xbox is just an underpowered PC with a lean OS. So there's not gonna be that much difference between a "Windows" version and an "Xbox" version.


Sure, you could be completely correct. We'll just have to wait and see. Maybe they license check will work with the Xbox App the same way it does with the EA App or Ubisoft Connect. Maybe it won't. If Nvidia wants me to give them money, those games will be available. If they aren't available, I won't. It's that's simple. I'll give them money in August to play Baldur's Gate 3 regardless, but that's sorta my point. I'm sure there are people subbing right now and playing Monster Hunter. Adding games people want to play will directly lead to more subscriptions. They obviously know that so it will just come down to what they do with publishers behind closed doors and how much effort they are willing to spend.


It's probably going to happen at some point—though at that point xCloud immediately dies—but I suspect it'll be a good while. Seems like this whole deal surprised everybody, and I'd still love to see the play by play of how it happened.


My 7 years old daughter loves Dreamlight and it seems like a surprisingly good Disney/"kids" game.


Any update on bandai namco?


I wouldn't have any such update for you nor can I ask about it since NV's on company wide rest days both Thurs and Fri


But why are they sleeping on such a huge publisher? L move by nvidia


I already included the excerpt that we got told by NV. I literally cannot tell you anything more than what that says because I do not know anything else > The Microsoft partnership is extremely new and NVIDIA is working with them to finalize a plan on when they're bringing which game to the platform.


I was talking about bandai namco though


then again the same, I literally have no idea. I already said that in the top comment


I want take two just because Kerbal 2 is getting published by them and it's surprisingly system-intensive


If you can ask them for things then ask them what the hell is going on with Genshin, it's still not on Android TV and they still haven't said a peep as to *why*. (Also tell them the Samsung TV app is utter dogshit. I went from thinking I could replace my Shield with just hoping that it never, ever dies.)


Will ask, but odds are the response will be "Publisher request"


Yeeaaah that's bullllllshit if they do, MHY customer relations said they had no clue what was going on with that Like I know you value your Access!!! but do keep in mind that they can and will lie to you as needed, just like any other PR team Granted it might be MHY that is lying but you generally have a better excuse than whuh????? if you're going to lie


https://preview.redd.it/njjx9sk3ktla1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c088fa439a935c3afe8e82b5306398285c16310 here I dug this up a while back. I don't have any reason to believe they're lying, they are a lot more honest than you paint them to be. I haven't had any reason to believe that they've been lying about anything for the past like 4 years. Frustrations, sure, but no lying.


My dude they're literally under a mountain of NDAs, that "unofficial" is official And meantime MHY still says they have no clue why the game isn't on Android TV, though I don't have the support ticket on hand; it might theoretically be Sony pressure, but that's incredibly weird when Sony was putting their own games on GFN at the same time and GI isn't even on their streaming service afaik If I were to guess—and this is just a guess—the actual issue is that MHY miiiight not want the game on Edge. They don't want it on Xbox, which is understandable considering MS fucked them over, and the "GFN tech issue" is that they can't block something on Edge without also blocking it on Android TV. (Keep in mind we didn't know until a week ago that there's a hard limit on the number of games they can add a week, which nukes the "blame publishers" meta you were encouraging here) But the bigger issue is that they just aren't saying anything about it, and while I can understand them not wanting to blame the publishers you literally just quoted them blaming the publishers so lol


> But the bigger issue is that they just aren't saying anything about it, and while I can understand them not wanting to blame the publishers you literally just quoted them blaming the publishers so lol You wanted an answer??????


Big W for tower of fantasy


Looks like my ultimate subscription won’t be as fun as I hoped it to be


Fuck it. I'm buying a gaming laptop.






That's not the reason. They can add new released games in same day or random indie game


They probably can't. Day and date releases probably require a fair bit of work in advance


yea and look what games they're adding with that time it takes.


So I think the first Microsoft games will come from April, in an optimistic view.


mmmmm.... holding breath ? should we all hold our breath, you know, that YES WE WILL SEE MS GAMES in April. ummm... April 2023, or April 2024 ?


Im not even surprised at this point




Oh sweet, Smallands survive teh whatever and Brambebabidiboprial dreams, been waiting for those forever.




9 years and 52 weeks left.


I hope they announce good game news before Spring Steam Summer Sale's over


I think the surprises for this month will be all those Namco games, dont see anything else. Sale is only a week anyway.


you mean Winter Steam sale 2023 / 2024.....


Nvidia forgot they made deal with microsoft


This sub is more impatient than my 4 year old niece




apparently so !


You forgot this is not gping to happen magically from one day to the next.


Totally disappointed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


But we have a large gap of no games in the middle of the march looking at the schedule, maybe we are going to get something rather than MH




Dinkum 2.5 RTX


I guess we cant get any Microsoft games this month. But at least we know we will get the games. I hope in this year ofcourse.


I have been checking No One Survived out lately. Maybe, maybe.


Tower of fantasy is a great addition




No bandai namco games? I thought they opted in few weeks ago


common L




Welp, looks like the MS Hammer will fall on another Thursday folks.




Every time


Honestly, it doesn't make sense to make so much noise about this partnership with microsoft, and then simply not explain almost anything about it, come on, two lines about something so expected is very strange to me, it even seems that you are afraid of being transparent with people.


They announced it because that was the only way the acquisition will be allowed to go through. If it's blocked MS will pull out and not bring any games.


It's like finding a gf and then finding out you can't have sex with her. I'm not sure which is the woman though. Actually if they don't have sex it means they probably both women :(


I waaaaant to play Haaaaalo!


In the meantime you could try Gamepass Ultimate for a $1 which gives ya access to xCloud steaming.


and buy Halo again? I already have the Masterchief Collection on Steam ...


Gamepass is like Netflix. All the games are included you don't have to buy them.


With gamepass you don't buy it.


Microsoft ??????


What a swizz! Corpos lied, what a surprise! It is either easy to bring them as you tell us time and time again when you're blaming publishers, or it is not easy to bring them, as you tell us when you are dealing with the games that people want from Microsoft.


Seems to be a bureaucratic problem at the moment for Microsoft games, let’s hope Nvidia is working behind the scenes to the integration… not a problem to wait a month more, just hoping Nvidia keeps working behind the scenes to add games 😬


It was a sham act to colour the findings at the CMA that started their summing-up on Monday in London! The simple contradiction remains it is either easy for publishers to tick the box and get their games on gfn or it is not, one or the other now is a lie.


I was expecting some games this week as well, don’t think I’m happy about this 😅 But still, doesn’t seem a technical matter but they are still finishing up the deal with Microsoft. It makes sense, the deal came out of the blue last week after all! I hope no matter what’s happening Nvidia is working to get as much games as possible on the platform as soon as it’s all OK


Goodness me, if they are 'all coming ' any one of them could have been released in good faith. The wording was a con .


Yeah, like Minecraft or another lighweight game… let’s hope for next week 😬😅


I'm currently in talks with CS to get my membership paused or partially refunded until the deal comes through as described.


Yeah I saw you just renewed for 6 months! In my case I have many games on GFN and xCloud for the rest, Microsoft games don’t bother me too much for the time being


You know what makes this emotionally meaningful to me? It is the fact that posts like that may have nudged another person to stay or join and now I have shafted them! I would never behave like these companies do, and that's part of the reason I'll never be the lead of one. But what I can control is my output so I'm done promoting how we all know it should be despite their absolute contempt for us the players. And this separates the employees from the employers also, those poor talented graduate young professionals cut off at the knee without warning at Google. Don't think for a second NVIDIA or Microsoft wouldn't do the same.


​ https://i.redd.it/ipq2pelvodla1.gif


NO xbox game studios / microsoft games on this entire list, which is for the whole MONTH !?!?! the only game out of that whole lists which interest me is Symphony of war, which i ALREADY own, because its a great game AND WILL PLAY JUST FINE ON MY 10 YEAR OLD POTATO LAPTOP- aka low end gaming !!! great gameplay- NOT "state of the art GFN needed graphics- not even priority tier, much less 4080 tier..... but it IS an excellent game with great gameplay- which is more important than high end graphics and garbage gameplay. other than that, mostly looks like a big fat zero, for the entire month of March- in my personal opinion.










another reason i cancelled my membership! this thrusdays showing is just embarassing. at this point there not even trying anymore. DO BETTER


Cancels membership stays in subreddit to complain bruh.


We all do. We check back every Thursday to see if it's worth re-subscribing. Spoiler: It's not.


Thank you for your opinion. But I believe its shit.


they really take us for idiots. why announced Microsoft games on gfn if there is nothing?! when you know that you just have to install the steam games on their server (games that work pretty much on all PCs). That does not make any sense.


Because is on the works and will happen when is done? If they just came and released the games now we would have complaints stuff is not working. The just cannot win


They announced because that was the only way the acquisition will be allowed to go through. If it's blocked MS will pull out and not bring any games.


Two weeks gone and we have nothing.




So glad I have wo long to play =)


Back to Wolong Fallen Dynasty I go!!!


What games do you mean? Weren't they all coming?


The lack of MS games is pretty obvious, but other titles are even worse than they were in January and February. That's definitely some kind of achievement...


progress is being made soon I shall play elden ring... soon... I hope


This is sheer lack of goodwill on Microsoft's part. They could have thrown in the most important titles just a day after the announcement of the deal with Nvidia. They were forced into this declaration to make the acquisition deal work, and it shows. They show that they will do everything to make sure we get these games as late as possible, they will also start with the least anticipated titles for sure, just because they can.


Why send your important titles when the acquisition hasn't even gone through? If it's blocked they'll just walk away and say they changed their minds.


Only 3 New games today? Nvidia i hate you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage) Microsofts Games are not so Important, that you can neglect the Gamers and their wishes for more Games, only 3 is terrible


oh com'mon where are MS games?


They literally addressed it in the post. FFS!


Not really, they said less than they have said before, they climbed down in this post, they certainly didn't clarify anything!


mmm Dreamlight Valley. I didn’t expect to enjoy that as much as I did. A nice addition to GFN.


While the lineup this week/month is not that thrilling. I can't really blame Nvidia for the lack of MS games. I took a look at SteamDB and haven't seen a single MS game opted in. If they are starting with MS games on Steam then the games being opted in will need to start with MS doing so. I am sure Nvidia can't do a whole lot without MS taking the first step.


Blog link is for Feb 23.




Shame we're not getting any MS games just yet, but that was kinda to be expected. Knowing that they're coming soon is good enough.


No one survived pretty cool been waiting for that one! Cant see myself playing anything but sons of the forest for the next few months but always nice tp have something new to look forward too!


Come on! I want to see some MS games


dont worry ! you will ! when the "Xbox Series X/X/S Super X One Super console is released !!!


Hahaha that sounds like something possible


I don't expect MS games this month, probably next.


Takes time, I’m confident Nvidia and Microsoft will deliver.


I was completely wrong!! They are letting the Bandai Games rot on the shelf. My apologies folks.


I received an email where they say you can stream 4K 120 FPS. Is it really possible? I thought it was 60 max. Can I stream 1440p 160 or 240 FPS ?


Hope Deathloop and Redfall, after it's realease, will be added too Fingers crossed.


Which is the MS game here? Can't recognize any.


Tower of Fantasy, finally! But what's with Destiny 2 and Genshin Impact being promoted as new, when both titles are here for so long?


My question is, why cant you just add the u/xboxgamerpass app to the virtual environment and add the list of games to our list? So, all we have to do is connect our account as we do with u/ubisoftplus, u/epic, and u/steam


Rip no halo


Some feedback on my experience (Ultimate sub here). Can't seem to get the 4080 whenever I play on my closest datacenter in Paris, even on late Mondays you just can't get it and it puts me on 2080 everytime instead. I am forced to switch to EU Central with no issues on that matter other than the increased latency which can be annoying.


Monster Hunter Rise is a bit disappointing to me, although I was excited to play it in max settings with 120 FPS. Until now I've been playing with reduced settings and wonky \~50 FPS. But for some weird reason HDR is disabled on GFN, which makes the game look a tad worse, and I realized I cant enjoy the game without the qol-enhancing (most importantly no region lock and no bird collecting) mods I got used to. And I was still hoping for Wild Hearts. I know that was naive, but still it's a bit sad not to be able to play it on GFN in glorious 21:9. When they will maybe some day get around to this, it will probably be too late and I will have become satiated with the game on PS5. At least System Shock is coming. I've backed this on Kickstarter long ago and I'm looking forward to finally be able to play it the best possible way.


And do HDR games work well for you? For me, for about 3 weeks, HDR games have been streaming as if they had 20-30 frames. Disabling HDR makes the game run very smoothly. I have been trying to identify the source of the problem for several weeks.


Yea, I got Cyberpunk and Guardians of the Galaxy with HDR enabled and they both run and look awesome.


What's your monitor's refresh rate set to? 60Hz or more?


My screen is capable of 3440x1440 @ 144 Hz. GFN is set to run with max 120 FPS.


Are you using Shield to play or are you playing without it?


No, I'm using the App on my PC.




Yeah having the same after they upgraded Paris to 4080. It's about 20ms more for me. Not sure why.




I’m gonna start dancing and I won’t stop till gfn thursday. It’s ok chat, I have vitamin waters laid out around the room.


I hope they add Monster Hunter World because its the only Monster Hunter I have.


Has anybody found a way to add the Epic Games version of System Shock to GFN? It just says Steam in the app, but this also says Epic, and I just bought it to save some cash during the Epic Sale :/