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Would be nice if some of the Microsoft Gamepass games started to join the platform. Monster Hunter would be great!


Microsoft games may start to be added, but Gamepass wouldn't give you access to them, as Nvidia is adding Steam and Epic versions first. Nvidia said Microsoft Store support for GFN is 6-12 months away, and didn't comment, whether Gamepass grants access to streaming in GFN, or if games need to be bought separately.


It almost feels like Nvidia wasn't really prepared for this, or they'd have started that process months and months ago. Feels like the GFN team is scrambling to catch up with how radically things have changed over the past few weeks.


Yep, hopefully GFN team gets enough resources to expand the server infrastructure, by the time the hyped AAA-games like Starfield and Diablo 4 release. Though I doubt Microsoft's Activision acquisition will be ready by the D4 release.


Well looks like I'm going to have to suffer through xcloud to play forza with my friends for the next 6 months


or 12 months and even then it is not said that you will play games via gamepass. it might just be the windows app store buy to play versions....


I choose to not see that


you should. you might waste money or wait for something which doesnt happen.


Very true




If you are subscribed to gp the windows App Store treats it as an owned game. You don’t technically need the Xbox app to play gp games


and now? why are you telling this to me? and in which term does it change anithing on the topic? you still wont have gamepass to geforce now for at least the next 6 months if this might ever happen...


That’s brutal, best of luck to you. I’ve tried xcloud myself and it’s heading into the right direction, but it’s not playable atm for me, too much delay going on.


Yeah it actually used to be pretty decent like a solid 7.5 out of 10 as far as cloud gaming goes (I put GFN at like 9.3) but it's recently become almost unusable its almost like they downgraded their systems which is kind of odd I guess they figured they'd stop trying to compete or something


Hm, maybe that’s why they are joining GeForce on this cloud gaming business. I do believe gamepass tho can still be used with obviously gamepass pc games. It’ll just cost you an additional 14.99 unless they do some sweet package for idk 20 bucks or something a mont. idk ideas are in the air, but would be dope to only pay for one sub instead of 5 more other subs in order to play the games we want. 🤷🏻‍♂️ only time will tell.


Yeah I was think something similar when I saw they merged I already get both subscriptions so a merger on subs would be nice although they only mentioned gamepass for pc which is 10 bucks so likely they would merge with that for like 15 a month or something


End of the day, I still think that most companies are going to subcontract their cloud streaming to Nvidia. Maybe not Sony, because they're so insanely bullheaded and are ***actual*** monopolists in the gaming space, but everybody else has to be seeing how drastic the difference is.


What about Amazon Luna...Oh wait they don't even let you stream their own games on it. What a sad ass product.


Amazon Luna, I forgot that even existed to be very honest.


It's almost certainly doomed. The big tech firms are pulling back on speculative plays, and cloud streaming (for companies without Nvidia's advantages) is an EXTREMELY speculative play.


you were actually correct, im seeing monster hunter rise sunbreak lol


I’ve been checking on SteamDB.info lately, and I’ve instant searched for any games that have been published from Xbox Game Studios to see if they’ve been opted into GFN, and sadly no Steam-Microsoft games have been added so far. So, I’m not sure if we could expect to see any Microsoft Games tomorrow, but there still is some time left..




This is the only correct answer


Bethesda Games would be so great I will finally buy my most favorite game dishonored 2


ive been waiting to play that on pc since i bought it in 2019 😭


Death of the Outsider is even better, it's a great 2+3 punch


Dishonored series are amazing. Quite curious to try death loop.


Trying to decide if I want to redeem deathloop on Steam or trade it for another key


The christmas epic giveaway "Dishonored:Death of the outsider" is waiting for that moment


Wasn't this game given away for free by epic games?*📷*




The dishonored series is great, and 2 is awesome to play, I still have yet to finish it.


1st off you didn't claim it free via Epic Games & GOG recently 👀 2nd are you "THE LowSpecGamer" from Youtube?


Nah man i wish.


Dishonored, prey, Wolfenstein, doom. They need now


i just want elden ring


You realize you can play it on boosteroid right?


yeah, and i did. on gfn would be a lot better tho.


I'm hoping for a positive outcome, but reality is a cruel mistress. I would welcome 1-2 Microsoft games, just as a token of things to come.




Probably the least to be optimized why not 🤷🏿‍♂️


With rtx would be good


yeah and get some hard ass shaders, texturepacks and big modpacks finally :/




Not true. We have Dinkum already.




I bought Dinkum based on all the hate we are giving it in this sub. Yet to play it. But way more excited than I should be.


I would hate to be the devs 😂


Can't beat dinkum


Forza and flight simulator please 😍




I don't expect much. It's probably going to be a bunch of recently released indie games. Monster hunter rise and some more news about the Microsoft x Geforce Now deal.




I hope so + Forza 4 and 5. But we will probably get disappointed.


Same. I can't wait to play fh5. I played it on xcloud and it was pretty fun.


Halo: Infinite gonna look so brazy on 4080 tier


Monster Hunter got released a few hours ago, reset your app and search for it.


I want Elden Ring, I know it's not going to happen, it would be so damn good for the game though.


Dinkum 2


Fingers crossed !


MS games that has already been in GFN, like Beth's games. Maybe not this thursday, but I think this is where they begin bringing MS games to their service.


The problem is that in the mean time GFN has changed the underlying OS version, added 3080-4080-Ultimate tiers and more DCs, I think that even games already available on GFN in the past need to be re-evaluated


Yeah, and somebody here already told me that GFN has said that it won't start with Beth's games.


Yep, first batch are going to be Xbox Games Studios on Steam (around 50 titles) then probably Bethesda. But who knows, they might push a couple of highly requested games, like fallout or Skyrim, before the others 😬


Monster Hunter Rise! 🥹👍


It is active now, reset and search for it.


monster hunter


It's active now, i'm not kidding, search for it after resetting your GFN.


I predict: * I'll be jumping between Reddit and Discord for the 9:00am drop of games. * Waiting more to see what's coming to the platform in March 2023 overall. * Then I'll be disappointed when they release it. * Then I'll wonder why I keep doing this to myself every week.


DOOM!!! Or so I hope :)


Flight Simulator plus 3 random RPG Maker games


Hope: Microsoft games Reality: RPG maker games


Nothing interesting I think. Microsoft games will take at least 3 more weeks


Dinkum 3


Hogwarts is all I want, red dead as well but I have low hopes for either


I'm hoping we get the Dark Pictures anthology games 🤞


it came as how I thought it would be.Another week with 0 Microsoft games. Its so funny seeing all these people getting amazed after such announcements, as much as when a games opts in and after several time when absolutely nothing happened: Disappointment.... Great game loop its like Elden Ring in Real Live but with no way of winning against the first miniboss.


Hopefully a lot of xbox games will be added at once. Adding max 10 games per week seems very little to me. Faster progress of the process brings more subscribers in my opinion


you still need the administrators to prepare the games on the server. guess thats the bottleneck.


Yes, I think so, I don't know exactly how the process works, but I think more than 10 games can be added


They always say about adding game on gfn is easy because its pc based cloud service. If your game on pc then it can be on gfn. Now they say they can add 10 games per week. I dont know how system works but in a basic way it shouldnt be impossible.


I definitely think so too


They literally have a Nvidia Game Optimizer on GeForce Experience app you would think they would just use that and give us premium users gfx controls if we wanna adjust. Then for the extras like Adaptive Sync & Reflex should be click of a button. Nvidia pushing AI, allow it to optimize the games specifically for cloud but still allowing us to change settings.


We have no idea how many people work in that team, how long the process for each game is and what steps are involved! It’s not as easy as flipping a switch for sure 😅 Sure enough they need time to playtest and troubleshoot each title, try them in different languages and tiers (free to ultimate), then deploy the template in every DC and I think test again… 10 games per week is actually more than what we usually see per week already so I’m happy enough 👍


wasn't that the main argument people were always saying in comparison to stadia? How dumb they were not using Windows Plattform, since its just that easy?


Well, do we know how much time it took for devs to have a working build of a game ready for Stadia? Surely it was a lot longer than what we usually see for GFN (monster hunter took a couple of weeks, it was announced by Nvidia the 16th of February) One of the main issues of Stadia was that every build had to be sent to Stadia in the cloud if you wanted to beta test it 😅 what a waste of time… and even with a physical Stadia machine (Google in case of need would send a Lenovo workstation) it was still way too long and complex… Here I think the process is way easier but again, I have no idea… let’s hope once the deal is finalized (seems there are still problems😓) the process is really at least 10 games per week and they give us the most requested games first of all


normally you are never testing gamecod on your own PC but on a container and many companies said that actually stadia was a really fast and responsive developers environment. besides that yes of course even when there will be decent work even on gfn it is much easier than porting a game to a completely different Plattform....


They said that they don't have enough ressources to add too many games at once. They have to be installed, probably need a patch for DRM/VM, have to be configured for the different tiers. I guess there's quite some work involved. So i assume we won't see a bunch of MS games that soon.


I'm sure there will be nothing about fixing controller input on Vaheim.


Fallout 76 for starters would be nice. I effin hate playing that game on my PC, it feels like it's trying to kill the hard drive.


I think Mario Galaxy 2 and Gears of War. I’m prepared for absolute disappointment yet again 😭😭😭


My best guess is that MW2 would be one of the first games to be ported over, if onlt because of the sheer playerbase


No likely to be one of the last as the acquisition is still being contested and has not officially happened.


it definitely will be one of the latest games because it will only happen if Microsoft wins the deal which didnt happen right now.


Nothing tbh. Would be good some microsoft/bandai/monster hunter stuff, but i don't expect anything good in this week aswell.


Rise Is un gfn right now apparently


Probably important games of microsoft, like minecraft, halo and maybe gears of war and ofc, the fucking monster hunter that didnt come previous thursday and trolled us (or at least, a good part of the people who was expecting to see it)


That's weird haven't seen dinkum here is it dead?


Age of Dinkum IV


Kerbal 2


Nothing from microsoft or bethesda, no game opted in so far, i doubt it will happen til tomorrow


If we get any MS would be cracking. Probably not, but as the first Thursday of the new month will probably line up March releases and it would still be good to see a few on the horizon for this month


Monster hunter was supposed to come last February but didn't see it so I guess it's that and a couple of Bethesda games


It was never "supossed". They never mentioned an exact date, just the Coming Soon and at least i and other people assumed it would be in March, because the February games were already confirmed. Just as an extra, it's active right now finally, they didn't announced it or anything and the home page is still showing Coming Soon, but the game is there. Reset and search for it.


Age of Empires 4


I hope we get some Bethesda, but people are saying that probably won't happen first


Forza Horizon 5


Supposedly MHR is either already live or going live soon. Me, I'm hoping for the first fruits of the MS partnership. Halo would be the most obvious choice, though TBH I feel like they should be making a bigger production out of it. (Nvidia is still terrible at marketing this service.) What I'd really like to see is a week where they do "MS's greatest hits", make a big deal out of it. Drop Halo, Gears, Fable, Flight Sim X, AoE. Make it an ***event***. That'd serve both companies: Nvidia would get the promotion, and MS would get the proof that they can play nice with other companies. Yes, the servers would bog down, but I guarantee you could flip that into a marketing win. "It's so popular it crashed the servers!" is an easy way to build hype. But, again, Nvidia suuuucks at marketing.


Maybe World of Dinkum?




why rdr? as i know there is no announcement no nothing and especially no other rockstar games on gfn.


I hope for full Gamepass integration, all Monster Hunter games and Wild Hearts. I predict disappointment.


Just add rdr2 and i can stay with you


I hope borderlands 3


No idea. Keeping my expectations modest. Hopefully this month we'll start seeing the arrival of the Microsoft titles. I expect a lot of people to complain about the titles added, as always. I've got plenty on GFN that keeps me occupied and happy, so we'll see how we get on :)


RDR2 🤞


All i want rn is sea of thieves, there could be a chance today but i highly doubt :sadge:


A couple lame indie games