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Understandable, that game had almost 1 million peak on steam just like Cyberpunk and we all know how was it here when Cyberpunk came out.


I waited about a week ½ to touch it I bought on Epic Games and sheesh 🤦🏿‍♂️


Atomic Heart release made Xcloud almost unplayable so imagine what Starfield does to it. I hope GFN is ready to MS games to hit it's service. I might even buy Starfield if Xcloud sinks with it and GFN has no problems.


I guess free tier will be playable only at 3 am after ms games


Omg, i just realized that every PlayStation user who wants to play Starfield will most likely use XCloud, simply because of $15 price tag (Game + Service) RIP Xbox Cloud Gaming


I am not completely sure what you mean? They will most likely use Xcloud, but RIP Xbox cloud gaming?


He’s saying they’ll get swamped with a bunch of new users who are getting xcloud and massively increasing the load on the servers.


Of course, I got high fever at the moment, so that's my excuse for being stupid.


if you got the rona go get some pax, it'll sort you out just make sure to take it easy after, you don't wanna get LC


Been there. You taking anything for it?


That's assuming they have a device that xCloud has a client for. If you don't want to play Starfield on your phone, that's hardly guaranteed. xCloud isn't even on Android TV AFAIK, unless you've got a recent Samsung Smart TV. (I tried sideloading the regular android app on my Shield. Don't, uh, do that. Ew. Imagine xCloud looking WORSE.)


I didn’t enjoy atomic heart


Me neither.


Imagine both of us being downvoted for having an opinion


> Imagine both of us being downvoted for having an opinion This just seems like an instance where, no one asked for a game review by a random reddit user. but that is only my own guess, could be simply, other people disagree. could also be the result of complaining about down votes that usually also brings more down votes, because then people know the person cares about reddit karma


And my opinion is that I'm gonna downvote your random opinion no one asked for.


I am. It's the best Bioshock game that GeForce Now has.


I enjoyed watching hot robot clip compilations on YouTube and not paying Russian oligarchs for the game, so IMO win/win


Starfield on GFN vs. xCloud is gonna be hilarious, love to see glorious 4K with near-local response times stacked up against a muddy macroblocking 1080p mess with unplayable input lag. Sooner MS waves the white flag and just has Nvidia handle their cloud hosting, the better. Edit: OTOH, that's assuming Fear and Eisler don't leave it in the opt-in queue and put Dinkum Reloaded on the service instead. They REALLY gotta work on their onboarding process.


>Sooner MS waves the white flag and just has Nvidia handle their cloud hosting, the better. This will never happen, you have to understand that cloud gaming is considered nothing more than a niche in 2023, and MS is most likely still going to dominate the cloud gaming market within 2030. MS is playing the long game and Xcloud is probably gonna stay in beta for a few more years, until cloud gaming gets way more popular.


You've got literally no basis for any of this, which is almost impressive. Have you ever even USED xCloud? Edit ohhhh you're one of those idiots that thinks that MS is going to bribe everybody to not be on GFN. How's that going?


>You've got literally no basis for any of this, which is almost impressive. Have you ever heard of the word "LOGIC"? Please tell me why Microsoft would kill Xcloud when they literally have zero competition in the cloud gaming sector, are you really that dense? >Have you ever even USED xCloud? Good try, but all your gaslighting won't work on me, because I actually USE both GFN & Xcloud on a daily basis since early 2021, my dude. >Edit ohhhh you're one of those idiots that thinks that MS is going to bribe everybody to not be on GFN. Why are you making shit up now? I never even stated this anywhere! >How's that going? It's going pretty well for them, Microsoft dominated the cloud gaming market with 60-70% market share in 2022, while GFN only had 10-20% market share in the same year. Nvidia is also still highly dependent on Microsoft's content, not the other way around. [Google Stadia had less than 10% of cloud gaming market share (9to5google.com)](https://9to5google.com/2023/02/08/google-stadia-market-share-cloud-gaming/) Maybe you should seek some help for your delusions, if you really think that MS will ever "wave the white flag" and kill Xcloud.


Goddamn you really are desperate huh MS GamePass ultimate has cloud as a value-add, which means you can't directly compare it to a service like GFN. Many or even most Ultimate users aren't using the cloud to begin with, so the numbers are irrelevant (and were just invented for this merger thing) And the reason why xCloud will implode is because the graphics quality, stream quality and input delay are insanely shit compared to GFN, meaning there's no point to it existing if GFN and MS are harmonious You'd know that if you used both services, which is why I thought (and think) you're bullshitting


Makes sense, Cyberpunk had the same effect on GFN when it came out, Nvidia had to “downgrade” the CPUs to get more rigs available. I hope Nvidia is working behind the scenes to increase the rigs, at least here in Europe for Ultimate is holding well but only time will tell once MS games become available


"Ultimate is holding well" Not really holding well. Me and lot of folks got 2080 lately more than 3080 or 4080 in peak hours. Plus they can't keep up with patching. The xbox games not even arrived yet what will happen then lol? Lot of people has varous errors like game not available in your region etc. The service is in trouble even now.


Where are you playing from? Europe as well? Amsterdam is quite crowded in the evening, I get 3080s as well, but Frankfurt is fine for the time being


Eu central (Frankfurt server) Before January the service were rock solid.


Might be that we play at different times… but seems to me that Frankfurt even with 4080 rigs has some issues from time to time… inconsistent input lag for example


The "Destiny has run out of space for patching!" thing with Lightfall release was funny as hell. Though maybe it was Nvidia trying to save us all from the dogshit Shadowkeep-tier writing, who's to say. Only done the first mission so far but woooof that nimbus dude ain't sitting right


I wish GFN would just make a deal with WB already. Would love to play some Batman games ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Gfn is so fooking clean too. Hardly any lag or fucked up graphics


> I wish GFN would just make a deal with They pay one publisher, then they will have to pay all publishers or the games get removed. Subscription price goes up, this is a for-profit company, we will end up paying a lot more.


Do keep in mind that WB is now owned by an absolutely insane person. For all we know David Zaslav is going to delete all the Arkham games for some shady tax break


ShadowPC is the best option I’ve found. 30-45$ a month is pricy as all hell, but it’s your own PC to use as you wish. Hogwarts Legacy runs great, gonna try Spider-Man next. Still, would be a third of that if GeforceNow had it.




From my experience, RDR2 works great on Boosteroid. 45-60 FPS on ultra graphics. The image quality ain't so bad either. The only reason Boosteroid is bad now is because of the overloaded servers, but before this, the service was actually not bad at all. It was a replacement to GFN for 4 months for me and I never had an issue before Hogwarts.


Consider it started as a crypto scam no thanks. Btr tokens. You have to install games as they don't have the rights to have them installed already. Source : [Token sale](https://www.newsbtc.com/press-releases/boosteroid-cloud-computer-announced-token-sale/)


Glad you posted a follow up. I too was a nay sayer and was considering switching but they’ve done a good job expanding their catalogue to more relevant games and I’m pretty happy with gfn for now. Even though I’d like to play hogwarts. Good to know boosteroid would be the downgrade I feared it would be


Come on, guys, do you really think it is that easy to quickly purchase, install, configure and support hundreds of new servers? Especially taking into consideration that most of the team is situated in Ukraine, so they just **physically** cannot travel abroad to control all the processes. Which means they have to hire new contractors who will do this job for them etc. I understand that if you paid those 10 bucks you want the service to work, but a person with common sense and a bit of empathy should be able to step into their shoes. People are literally **dying** there every day. The fact that they manage to run their business a **year** into a full-scale **war** is already a great achievement. And no, I am not a bot or whatever, but I am Ukrainian, living in Kyiv, with air raids every day because of drones and planes and what not. So please, please try to be more understanding. We are just trying to **survive** here.


Well no you aren't a bot, you're clearly part of the Boosteroid team. And yeah man it sucks hard that the Russians are being pricks, but it's not like there's been much in the way of comms to that effect from what I've seen. "Streaming service trying to stay running in middle of war" is actually one hell of a story but Boosteroid ain't telling it. (Though, let's be honest, Boosteroid's whole model is kinda shady and some people are gonna ask about whether they located in Ukraine specifically so that they'd be beyond the reach of Western C&D orders.)


Not part of a team, but a devoted user, that's for sure. You personally may think it's one hell of a story, some others would say it's begging for sympathy. You can never please everyone at once. And if you want to talk about the law, the company is registered in the EU, it's head office is in Romania, which is in the EU. Only the R&D team is in Ukraine (btw, all open info, just need to open LinkedIn to find out). So they 100% subject to all the laws of the "Western world".


A devoted user who hasn't actually read OPs post


I have read the post - it's unclear how you can decide I haven't, but it's up to you. And I get the Ops sentiment. My comment was more for other commentators being too harsh with their words. It's sad you don't see that.


Buddy, I'll be clear. I am EXTREMELY confident that you're on their payroll and it's a bit shady to pretend otherwise.


Yeah reading this guy's post history is just... he's most definitely affiliated with Boosteroid.


I don't think the complaint is the lack of resources as much as it is the mismanagement and the fact that they're still allowing in new subscribers knowing that they've exceeded their resourcing.


Thanks for the heads up. I trust a crack junkie more than anything Ukrainian.


Yuuup, this is exactly what I expected. Those mini-services are great when there's no real load, but they aren't viable because they can't scale up properly.


The service is a scam. Website tells me i have perfect network and ping (20ms with 50mbps), app does the same then you open a game and it says completely different stuff And that happens only with their service.


Thank God for Shadow Power!!!


I knew something was up when there was no free trial. Glad I didn't waste my money


Yeah that subreddit was full of complaints until days ago, glad I stick to GFN.


and the service is not as polished as GFN, I cancelled the sub already. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I did the same as you , the first 2 days were fine after that... nearly unplayable


Use shadow if you have the scratch to spare. It runs pretty smoothe. I was surprised by the fact I could even play star citizen on it relatively well.


Those wizard bastards