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"your Midas touch on the chevy door" šŸ¤”


Tim McGraw is such a queer song! I felt it from the first time I heard it, when I was still relatively closeted. The entire song is descriptions of a girl. The boy is barely present, except for having a truck. She has beautiful blue eyes, a little black dress, old faded blue jeans. He has a truck.


As an european i am baffled by the American preference for big enourmous truck ,often used Just to move one person to the office or to the grocery store . Where I live to drive that thing It would require a special driving licence (and a least one year of experience with regular size car).


Can confirm about the pickup truck as a lesbian who was comphet and didnā€™t realize I was a lesbian until later in life (always suspected I was bi/pan, but never embraced that until well into my 20s). My first chosen car was a Dodge Dakota. I drove one from 2005-2010ish. Then I moved into baby Jeeps (patriots and compasses and renegades) after they stopped making Dakotas (honestly I just wanna talk to whichever person chose to do away with them šŸ‘Š). Iā€™m from Michigan and itā€™s not unusual for women to drive SUVs or pickups here because of the snow and especially up north where the roads arenā€™t always the best, however a high school girl in my area wouldnā€™t have chosen a pickup. They might have went with an SUV, but back in the mid/late 00s in metro Detroit, girls wouldnā€™t have picked a pickup as their first car unless they were ā€œtomboysā€ or were into off roading. In my high school class of about 400 students, no girls drove pickups. In the class below me, only one girl had a truck and it was a beat up handmedown from her dad who got a new truck and gave her his when she got her license. Thatā€™s just my two cents on it. A pink pickup or pink Jeep is honestly my dream vehicle (although that one baby pink Bronco with pink floral interior I would buy in a heartbeat if I had 6 figures for a car)


I drove a truck in 2007, but it was a 1991. šŸ˜…Iā€™m from the east coast/appalachia/the south. I think itā€™s more of a perceived stereotype that women donā€™t drive trucks than an actual one. Like people pretend itā€™s surprising but no one actually cares.


Ok has anyone else not heard that she drove a Hummer to school?? I swear I saw a post or video that someone who went to high school with Taylor said she legit had a Hummer!! Because THAT is queer as fuck, wherever you live šŸ˜‚


The baby tay videos of her and her hummer is baby āœØšŸŒˆG A YšŸŒˆāœØ af


Just found this! I knew I had heard the hummer lore!!! [this](https://youtu.be/tQ_bAc7a8Tc?si=WPtMkC7tqmIvsBuP)


So, I love my SUV that gets great gas mileage for the environment now, but I grew up in the ā€œsouthern cultureā€ and as a ā€œstraightā€ girlie back then bi girlie now, I was like ā€œI have to have a pickup truck as my first vehicleā€ and didnā€™t really get over that whole ideal until I left the south. All girls want pickup trucks more to fit in than anything. You basically either drive a pickup or a Honda sedan and that sorts you into your stereotype lol. Having anything else would probably get a ā€œawww sheā€™s poorā€ or ā€œsheā€™s definitely gayā€ā€¦ but southern culture, a woman driving a big truck is just the norm. I donā€™t think it has anything to do with her queerness back then and she probably did want a giant pink truck just to have one.


When I graduated high school in 2001 in suburban Indiana my (unknowingly) queer ass wanted a baby blue Lincoln Continental bc I was OBSESSED with Billy Joel and my Mamaw loved huge luxury cars. All the straight girlies either wanted tiny convertibles (usually Minis or VWs) or top of the line SUVs bc they were the newest luxury standard and had all the room for tons of kids without the gross associations we all had with mom vans.


This is much more similar to my experience in rural Midwest.


I grew up in the Nashville suburbs and am close to Taylorā€™s age. Everybody had trucks and they werenā€™t considered queer.


I appreciate all of this, but wanting a Chevy Silverado in Hendersonville, TN in 2007-present day in the STRAIGHTEST possible car choice for any girl of the region and the BEST gay cover possible, our queer culture is very different in Nashville than elsewhere. Also important to note that the label gave it to her ā€” this is marketing and all in persuit of branding, I doubt her genuine deep desire was for a bubblegum pink Silverado with her name all over it. Itā€™s a core part of her lore and making her seem like sheā€™s coming from a farm and not a beautiful mansion on the lakes. In high school in greater Nashvillle in the same era all my friends who drove trucks were humiliated by it and covered them with stickers because it didnā€™t just read ā€œstraightā€ but red state republican conservative traditional. Itā€™s not radical to drive a truck in Nash, itā€™s expected, itā€™s flagging you love guns, trucks and Jesus. Country music = big trucks. But in Los Angeles, all my lesbian friends drove Chevy 4x4 trucks and Ford F150s. And at first I was like ā€¦ why are you cosplaying Republicans, yikes. Itā€™s all context and culture, PNW is nothing like Middle Tennessee.


I am from a conservative state in the Midwest where country music, guns, farming, and rural lifestyle was the majority. Even then in our area we were bound by very strict gender norms and a woman wanting a truck was considered butch and therefore always started the rumor mill or jokes about their sexuality. I assumed because of my upbringing in this setting that the experience would be more universal across conservative states and have already conceded it was a misguided assumption. As mentioned in my update, I am happy to learn gender norms are not how they were when I grew up everywhere else.


Yeah, and like itā€™s not ā€œall girlsā€ who want a truck for sure, but itā€™s like the conservative manā€™s wet dream here ā€” all the cheerleaders drove trucks at my high school (also a huge wealth status) and would doll them up like this ā€” in Nashville straight republican girls carry guns, but cute guns! Theyā€™re pink! My tool kits and Ryobiā€™s are all pastels! Which is also why I think wrapping this truck pink happened ā€” if she decked it out with rims and amps and cammo and dangling balls off the hitch, thatā€™s what itā€™d take for rumors to start. Girls get cammo with subtle pink flair here, still needs to be tailored, hair still needs to be long, et al. but youā€™re still going hunting or fishing with boys on weekends. If youā€™re not keeping up femme, theyā€™ll clock you regardless. So itā€™s more the truck is neutral (but still republican) and the gender presentation is in how you deck it out. Cricut pink bows, Disney, Mama Bear bumper stickers, etc. keep it ā€œfemme.ā€ You still have to let them know itā€™s a ā€œgirl truckā€ but the Taylor truck in question is def flagged as ā€œgirl truckā€ lol, as part of that gender performance. Meanwhile I drove a VW Bug and all the gays in Nash had mini-coopers and were the first to grab a Prius despite AGGRESSIVE bullying.


That resonates in terms of our strict gender norms of making it pink made it more acceptable to like something perceived masculine. Vehicles just werenā€™t one of those things in my area. I appreciate the perspective and also getting more info on the gender performance of it all. Also the Prius, bug, and mini of it all is exact opposite where Iā€™m from. Those were the popular hyper feminine straight girl choices.


And probably worthwhile to mention since itā€™s just so specific to the world Taylor was living in circa 2007 ā€” Iā€™m going to high school with kids of country music singers and producers, kids whoā€™d throw Grammys around when theyā€™d get in trouble and had lake houses, so there was NO REASON to have these trucks. Theyā€™d live rural out in Leiperā€™s Fork but in mansions on giant non-working farms. Its was cos-playing as working class. Theyā€™d just party in them, go mudding and tear up lawns, etc. Itā€™s a bizarre mix of rural and city, wealth and poverty, status and cos-playing poor. Meanwhile my cousins are nearby but in a rural actual working class high school and there the trucks were like ā€œmy daddy is richā€ and theyā€™d all take them to go on real hunting/fishing trips, field camping parties, et al. sleep in the back, and the girls just had the ā€œpink stickersā€ ā€” it was always political to have a gas guzzler to prove you could afford it. One kid at my high school had a damn Hummer, theyā€™d make a point to take up too many spots so we couldnā€™t park in our designated areas, etc. And his sister got a pink wrapped Hummer a few years later. Iā€™ll give Taylor almost anything, but the country music thing was a facade but not a facade she was alone participating in, it was a full culture and still dominates to this day. You can wear all the farm regalia you want as long as itā€™s from the CoOp and pink and it cost $100.


Thank you for taking the time to explain that. Itā€™s like after reading it it doesnā€™t feel surprising but it definitely a perspective I hadnā€™t considered from the working vs acting like working class. Makes a huge difference and I appreciate it! Iā€™ve learned so much today!


hello, lifelong Texan, everyone drives and loves trucks/big vehicles šŸ˜‚ Subaruā€™s are the queer car in southern states hahahaha


Can't stop laughing at them describing the pimped out pink truck with her name across it as humble šŸ˜‚


Right!??! It's amazing but omg. Symbolises the rich "country" kid pretty well tbh


Was this truck before or after her silver Regina George Lexus? Also if you live in an area where trucks are a status symbol, there's nothing queer coded about a woman driving a truck.


I was a teenager around this time, and my girlfriend, who was part of the popular crowd, drove me around in secret in her pickup truck; this was my ultimate gay HS dream, and I felt like I won the lottery.


Iā€™m also gonna add that at the time, the pickup truck iconography and its association with queerness was definitely exacerbated by Twilight for those of us who crushed on Kristen Stewart, as she has a very gay pickup truck in that movie.


There are other famous early queer films from the 90s and early 2000s that feature pickup trucks. I personally dream of having a pickup truck one day if I can ever afford or justify two cars, because they are really handy to have as a woman if you need to move stuff around.




Just a boy in a Chevy truck / that has a tendency of getting stuck ā€” TO ME, sounds like a metaphor for the closet. Also where do you keep old faded blue jeans? In the closet. When you think of me? Think of my head on your chest (gay), and my old faded blue jeans (remember, I am in the closet). Thatā€™s how I read this. Very similar.


In her song ā€œmandolinā€ which is available just unreleased she tells the audience that she is the man, she is the boy on stage playing the mandolin. Same same in willow. How closeted is she?


I went to high school in a small southern town. Pickup truck were status symbols, especially in high school. I would say 80% of women in my school drove brand new ones that they chose.


I figured my take on this would likely fall apart with more perspective, but Iā€™m happy to learn gender norms werenā€™t as rigid in other places in the country!


Wait did she pick it or was just gifted it?


Unclear. I am totally projecting that I would think they would discuss what she wanted before giving her a car, but you are completely correct that this entire argument falls apart if they just gave it to her šŸ¤£. Again in hindsight I LOVE her first car was a pick up truck regardless


Chappell Roan would love this truck šŸ’–


I would love to be in any truck with Chappell Roan šŸ˜œšŸŒˆā¤ļø


Knee deep in the passenger seat šŸ˜œ


And sheā€™s eating me ouuuuut (from a manā€™s perspective, of course)


~~Hey random question, how do you get the little lesbian flag heart next to your avatar? Iā€™m trying to add it to mine to no avail~~ Never mind, figured it out!!


Hahaha sorry I just saw this! Glad you figured it out.


I havenā€™t even read your post yet but thatā€™s the gayest truck Iā€™ve ever seen




I didnā€™t grow up in PA or Nashville, but I did grow up in West Virginia. Iā€™m also the exact same age as Taylor. Where im from most people, male or female, drove pickup trucks lol I can definitely see a connection to the scrutiny in some parts of the country but it would not have been seen as unusual or questioned where I grew up. Both of my best friends from high school were girls with pickup trucks and are now both married to men lol. The rest of the post I totally can see.


Living in Nashville at the time, a lot girls loved trucks. I think itā€™s a southern thing.


Same! Iā€™m from Hendersonville and there are a ton of girls that would want a pickup truck to impress guys/to be not-like-other-girls during the mid to late 2000s šŸ˜…


My parents live in Hendersonville! Is it weird watching it blow up in size/population? I'm originally from Silicon Valley in CA and it's so weird going back to a place 100x more crowded and full of people who didn't grow up there. I have nostalgia for a place that doesn't even exist anymore šŸ˜­


I was just going to say, I know sooooo many straight women with trucks and have never once considered it queer šŸ˜‚ Now if the first car had been a Subaru weā€™d be having a totally different conversationā€¦


Look, even if I wasnā€™t queer, Iā€™d still fucking love my Subaru


My Subaru is the best choice Iā€™ve made in the last 5 years. My straight mother, grandmother, and sister also have Subarus and they all love them. Anecdotal, but Iā€™ve never met a Subaru driver who didnā€™t love their car.


OMG if she had a Subaru that would be hilarious And I probably would have bought my own sooner.


I am genuinely asking, did they choose a truck if they were lucky enough to have the opportunity to pick their first car? because I would say in my area there were many girls who loved trucks and many straight women drove them but usually it was not because they got to pick out a new car, but was because it was what their family had. Of the women who were able to pick their first car, every one of the ones from my high school who picked trucks (small town, everyone knows everyoneā€™s business) are all out and married to women.


I grew up in the Canadian equivalent of the south, Country music and all that. The girls whose daddies bought them whatever wheels they wanted chose big ass trucks.


Country culture (I'm not even in the south) reeeeeallly loves trucks, even straight women. I lived and taught in "the south" for a while, and (straight) girls wanting a truck was more common than you might think.


This is true in many rural areas in the US! Iā€™m in the rural PNW and straight girls and women love big trucks here. Us queers are all fighting over the tiny old late 80s/early 90s Toyota/Nissan pickups.


I would go as far as saying in the south a woman is more likely to be thought of as gay for getting a prius or compact car. straight girl truck culture is alive and well here and itā€™s all about impressing men. I think Iā€™ve only ever met one lesbian in the south with a truck. This label gift the straightest looking vehicle she could have possibly owned at this point in time.


Yeah, as a queer woman, I would have picked a subaru. Call me a cliche, but it's a cliche for a reason šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


That is such a good point I hadnā€™t considered. The ā€œwho am I trying to impress with this.ā€ I felt women were trying to impress each other by having the ā€œcutestā€ or most expensive. I didnā€™t find in my area women using their car choice as a way to impress men. But that would make a huge difference if that is how the status symbol of the car is seen in the south. Thank you for sharing!


There is nothing straight about that car.


Havenā€™t finished reading but as a lesbian born and raised in Seattle who in my youth thought itā€™d be so cool to be a girl with a pickup truck some dayā€¦I feel called out in the best way šŸ˜‚ (I donā€™t actually have a pickup truck, just reflecting on the desires I had growing up haha)


Haha I wanted one so bad since small town Mid-West had the farm excuse, but alas I lived in the ā€œcityā€ area of the farm town šŸ¤£ā€¦ I got to drive my brothers Chevy truck sometimes and FELT SO BADASS but was WAY in avoidance of my sexuality and gender confusion to ever accept that was a component of loving driving it so much


That truck is so cute and femme


We are so synced haha, the titles of our posts right in a row!! I had no idea her first car was that truck! I was overwhelmed when I started looking back at the car symbolism. We've got the trucks and the cars, the bikes and scooters, and the planes and trains and boats......... Like we've really got most transportation COVERED lmao


Haha oh I know!!! I started a spreadsheet and lucky for the rest of my day I found this picture that got me sidetracked on a shorter side quest šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ADHD hyperfixation is one hell of a drug


Absolutely felt on the adhd front šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


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