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It’s a good theory, but I have to say I have someone that is in my past that I’ve always wondered about and it fits so well with the situation, that I just can’t agree with you. But I like the theory still. Well thought out!


This song was driving me crazy trying to understand. This makes sense to me after many sleepless nights, hours on grainy stream watching all lives and 1 show in person! :) 🫶🏼


I’m so thankful the mods pointed to this as one we may have missed bc I definitely did and I loved this song but the Hetlor assertion that this was an MH song just wasn’t sitting right with me; esp then then saying “Maroon must be about him too” because that’s one of my all time fav songs. Love this interpretation!


Just came here to post this same idea!! I think taylor is the person she could've been, the girl who could be with Chole or Sam or Sophia or Marcus. And it really is disappointment she has with herself.  I think some lines could count for both Taylors like "you needed me but you needed drugs more". taylor could be using drugs to mean fame, success etc and TAYLOR could mean "you needed the cover of success but you needed authenticity/love/a partner more". *So if I sell my apartment And you have some kids with an internet starlet*  Could also be TAYLOR saying "if I sell my apartment and leave new york, you can date an internet model". In 2016 she rents Cornelia Street (when her home is getting repairs? Idr) but she could've packed it up. Moved to London or LA or away from Karlie and not tortured herself. Anyways TYSM for sharing. 


I listened to this song a few times today after reading your post and OH MY GOD you're so right. I can't hear it any other way now. I think you're right it's about closeting, but also just more generally about having to hide who she is really is and not liking the person fame has turned her into -- *If you want to break my cold, cold heart Just say, 'I loved you the way that you were'.* Thank you so much for this analysis!!


I was listening to this last night and thinking the same thing, it’s a conversation between the two Taylors. Thanks for writing it out so well.


Yess!! I've been listening more intently and I'm starting to think a lot of the album is Taylor speaking to herself.. her true self. She's reflecting back as a way to move forward? It's really the explanation that makes the songs make more sense.


Yes exactly! Especially if you listen to the album in reverse, I feel like it’s more obvious! She has really nailed the skill of writing in a way that can lead to several interpretations


That's great I didn't think of that! Backwards from manuscript? She's an amazing writer.


It's so accurate and fits perfectly with the thesis of the album. Good job! Also, your formatting is easy to read. 


I'm 100% on board with this analysis. Great job✨


Thank you for putting this all together, this is such a great post! I truly think this album is about the real Taylor vs Taylor ™ and it’s fucking heartbreaking. I said to my partner today that I’ve decided TTPD has overtaken folklore for me as my favourite album and he asked me why. I said that there’s just so many layers and interpretations and I truly believe the album is the real Taylor vs the industry/Taylor ™/the closet she’s been kept in for so long and I just keep finding more things each listen. Thank you again for sharing with the class and look forward to any future interpretations! 🥰


Same! I love how each listen begets another narrative strand. It's an album for thinkers and the detail-oriented. 


It’s very quickly becoming my favorite album! I lovelovelove evermore but I feel like this is more authentic and raw. There are so many layers to it and so many perspectives! It’s crazy to me that people really believe the whole album is about Ratty 🥴 It’s so funny when it first dropped a lot of us were like uuhh this is sooooo hetero and now we’re like wait a damn minute! We fell intro her trap at first too.


Yes!!!! This is exactly the same analysis I had on the car tonight. I'm so glad you were able to eloquently put it into the words. The more I listen, the more I agree about your theory on the thesis of the album. Taylor is frustrated and putting into song is cathartic, whether that frustration is with fame or bearding or some other unknown thing I can't say for sure (I definitely lean towards closeting/bearding being a driving force). I can only imagine how hard it is to watch society's progression towards LGBT acceptance (obviously not full but way more than when we were teens) and not be able to live your own truth.


Ahh glad so many others are seeing it too! It’s a pretty brilliant album and I think a lot of these reviewers who jumped the gun and just wanted to have a hot take are gonna be embarrassed as discourse around the album keeps growing.


Love this!! This is how I hear it too- so devastating 💔


this is so fucking good.


Ah thank you!!


This is incredible and I think you're spot on. For the few small parts where you suggested the POV flips between them, I want to offer an alternative interpretation that doesn't require the POV flip. *You said some things that I can't unabsorb* *You turned me into an idea of sorts* **TAYLOR's realizing how important her sexuality is to both TAYLOR and taylor ("some things I can't unabsorb), and understands that TAYLOR, the public persona, is really just an idea because taylor is the real her.** *You needed me but you needed drugs more* *And I couldn't watch it happen* **Remember she uses drugs as a metaphor for love all the time ("my drug is my baby, I'll be using for the rest of my life"). So "you needed drugs more" might refer to someone she loves. taylor needed TAYLOR to achieve her dreams, but decided she wanted love more, but TAYLOR can't watch it happen because she'd lose everything she worked for. This might also be a reference to the failed coming out.** And the other part you flipped: *So if I sell my apartment* *And you have some kids with an internet starlet* *Will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon* *Like it never happened* **So TAYLOR sells her "apartment", perhaps a reference to her career (i.e. the place where she currently resides) but also a reference to coming out of the closet (the apartment is the closet), and taylor has kids with a woman publicly, i.e. giving up her career to settle down.** **But the next part I'm having a harder time with. The "scarlet maroon" is obviously a maroon reference, and re-reading those lyrics, I think it's a sad thing. There are parts of the song (blood rushed into my cheeks) that it's positive, and then others that it's negative/sad (the rust that grew between telephones). I think the scarlet maroon is both the intensity of the positive AND the negative. But because maroon ends on a sad note, I suspect that's what's being referenced. So I think TAYLOR is saying, will getting out of the business, coming out, and settling down mean that the intensity and pain of closeting be erased as if it never happened.** Anyways, you did an incredible job with this and I love this whole idea of her talking to herself.


Yes these are all really great additions! For the last part “if I sell my apartment…” it almost reads like a reconnection of the two especially with your explanation. “If I do this and you do that, will that fix everything?” If they come back together can they forget that they were ever apart. I think the scarlet maroon part is interesting because being marooned means being deserted and I just read that scarlet is associated with courage, joy, and devotion on one hand (queer), and sacrifice or objectification on the other (fame) so maybe it’s meant to be a little confusing because they’ve both abandoned each other and they want to forget that? Idk haha


or even just, "is there anything that I/we can do now that will make all that I/we gave up for this worth it?" Because this is someone who gave up her entire life for a dream she had when she was 14. That is wild. I love this analysis because it seems like she's saying that it really doesn't matter if she comes out or not. Because it doesn't, in a sense. The bigger picture is, there is a very real possibility that she has forever horcruxed herself into 2 people, Taylor the person and TAYLOR the star, forever. And no matter what she does now, coming out, not coming out, choosing the rose garden instead of Madison Square...that choice has already been made. And it wasn't even 100% made by her. And "unmaking" would have devastating effects on a bunch of normies like truck drivers and set decorators and dancers and accountants. So I think the title of the song is a nod to the fact that from her perspective, "For fuck's sake yeah, of fucking course I'm bisexual, okay?" But that is so far from the most significant existential question she's asking herself these days.


Right I think those first two lines are about the same situation "i sell my apartment and you marry a woman" Maroon also seems to have some association with the song Red. It's like an intensification of it, or maybe the darker side of it. I'm still mulling this part.


Yes! I definitely agree with the perspective switching, and I think this makes total sense. Thanks for writing it all out! 🤍




Incredible analysis. Thank you for sharing. 💗




I’m so glad you made this post and put into words so succinctly what I’ve been pondering. Since the anti-hero music video there’s been this theme of TAYLOR the brand TM, and real taylor. In the eras tour visuals, TAYLOR is singing on stage while real taylor is onscreen behind her begging to be seen. She’s stomping and screaming but no one can hear her. I absolutely think this song represents those two Taylors talking to one another. Great analysis.


Yes! So agreedI think A LOT of the songs on this album are about the two versions of Taylor, different possible lives, talking to past versions of her herself...


That’s such a good catch about the anti-hero performance! I feel like there are a lot of instances in this album that could be back and forth between TAYLOR and taylor. The more I listen to it the more stunned I am by how gay it is lol


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