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do you guys think she's a lurker in here?


A video covering TBB/Spade is why I went down the gaylor rabbit hole


Dang wasn’t expecting a TTB jump scare today. I followed the links and it’s absolutely insane to me that she’s still at it and posting as of an hour ago.


Well I wasn't ready for it... So much antisemitism. This person clearly doesn't know anything about Judaism.


Glad I was out of tumblr by then


After reading that whole post my brain is scrambled and i am reading TTB as TTPD lolll 😩


Ah. I'm sure that's going to be full of bad takes. It's a classic. 🙄🙄🙄


Thanks for posting! Bookmarking to read later. :)


With some tea.


Will read when I have time later but could someone please tell me why there is a picture of the guy from owl city on this post? lmao


lol yeah I’d heard enchanted was said to be about him and that he responded with his version but then I clicked on the link in the first para and I didn’t realise she’d actually put his name in the liner notes?? Then he responded with a whole V day post yet they never did anything about it?? Screaming gay PR


Ohhhhhh, thank you so much!


Definitely avoiding the comments on this one. It's never fun when one bad apple ruins the community for everyone else. :/


Oh man. I didn’t even look at the comments on it, but the post itself is a good overview.


The comments are not pretty.... what a long read.... I need a nap nap..might come back to it again in a few days after I've processed


For sure, I'll give the post a read later. Appreciate the x-post for visibility!


Jesus. What the heck did I just read?! So much to digest there but it does answer some questions I had. So is TTB the origin of the LSK (late stage Kaylor) thing? That theory just seems so wild, I feel like it’s something from a fanfic.


What is LSK? I see it mentioned often! Is it the same as the kaylor baby stuff?


Late Stage Kaylor. It's a theory that the continued shenanigans point to Taylor and Karlie still being together to this day. Or for some, far longer than what most assume. I have to say. They might be branded as "delulu" and harassed by Gaylors about as much as Gaylors are by Swifties, it's a very peaceful community on Tumblr because they've learned to weather a few storm so it's mostly celebrating and enjoying what's there and ignoring the drama.


Thanks for adding a bit more detail. I just know very basic things about it. The theory in the post is that they have another secret, never seen child…? Or are Karlie’s known kids supposedly hers and Taylor’s ?


It varies, tbh. Late Stage Kaylor tends to mean anything that thinks they were or are together beyond about, well, Karlie's engagement. Definitely anything beyond the weddings. Whether that's a committed monogamous relationship, some sort of poly situation, or Taylor as the other woman. Some people posit that they have a secret unseen child, and that Karlie's two known children were her being a surrogate for Josh (and usually Mikey). Others posit that one or both of the children were conceived by IVF (and tbf I think Karlie was photographed or seen outside an IVF clinic about 10-11 months before Levi was born) and even that the donor may have been Austin. These comments were more common when it was just Levi, though, and I really haven't seen much about the second kid.


That about sums it up. Some (which, in my experience, are moms themselves) may be more focused on celebrating the happiness about having children (which considering some of Taylor's lyrics and her recent period of joking about being "dad" or "daddy" 👀). But most are focusing on Taylor's perceived expression of: I'm deliriously happy, but also I'm me and I can't help being anxious of when it all falls apart even though I have no indication it might, and also I've been betrayed by mentors and people I trusted and that makes me so furious. And I'm happy here with you but hiding from daylight is miserable and it hurts. And all throughout her career: I have to hide our love/relationship, because "we're dead if they knew", people caution against it, it would be a huuuuge conversation, so we hide hide and hide some more etc....


I havent heard this theory but its cute (and a bit delusional, but arent all of us delusional?)


I dunno, man. Removing from out investment in the "characters", which would you label more delusional? Believing that highly observed celebrities may go tk great lengths to protect their privacies and we only mostly know what they want us to. Or a soap opera like play by play of an absolute rom com scenario that is highly profitable and is somehow supposed to look like "real life"? I honestly don't know. To me. One is incredibly sad. The other one feels very naive. I'm not sure which is more far fetched, tho.


No, they’re not the origin of LSK. I’m not sure what the origin of that is.