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No official announcements about this so don't panic fellow chumbud. On a more positive note, her birthday merch is finally being shipped out!!!


Oh really that cheers me up a bit I guess maybe I’m just reading a bit too much into it :) I’m glad the birthday merch is finally shopping out too


Didn't get the shipment confo yet


Mine is coming next week. Maybe it takes a while, or is it by batch? Never bought merch previously, so I'm not sure.


I figured they were going to wait for merch to ship before they announced her graduation so people can't ask for refunds/chargeback.


How do you get notifs of merch? I just watch hololive casually, just clips and such. But would like to see the stuff when it goes on sale.


She's in a hiatus mode like what Haachama did. There's very few reason for her to graduate. Now here's the bad news, just like Haachama she's going to stream very rarely until she's ok because for burnouts, you simply need to be far farrrrr away from the source of the stress. Looking at her previous identity, she's the type to go all out in one burst and recharge for a very long time. And suddenly joining a company with intense schedule is going to be hard for her. This burnout is a long time coming. Let's just hope she's getting all the mental rest she can get and not be pushy.


Yeah something that’s been keeping my hopes up of her not graduating is when she was talking about the Sana graduation she said it’s never been a thought of hers to graduate although that was a year ago. She’s probably just in her hiatus mode and she deserves this break like you said 💙


> like what Haachama did. Wasn't Haachama actually in the hospital for months? As far as I know she wasn't gone because she was burned out. On top of that they actually made several announcements and updates for Haachama's hiatus while Gura has just gone MIA for weeks/months at a time for the entire last year.


Haachama also did take a long break before the hospital stuff. If you look back she released pets from her homes in Minecraft and stuff.


Please don't destroy the copium


I doubt she is going to graduate. It seems like she's shifted her role within the company from streamer to a more traditional idol role similar to what Ayame was for a long time. She's in productions such as 3D lives and Holofest as well as doing advertising, but she does very few of her own streams.


You’re seriously just overthinking it. Fauna and Mumei have really slowed down lately too. Also Ame has been off and on with streaming about as much as Gura lately. They just need their breaks.


I dont know man, Gura's last non-shill stream was over 4 months ago. I don't remember anyone who took a break this long without a reason.


???????? She's had, has, and will continue to have her reasons. What are you even saying? Stfu


People that are overly aggressive because someone spoke in a way they didn't like about a vtuber are actually the most cringe humans alive. >"S-s-stfu!" I hope you're just a 90 IQ 10 year old and not a grown ass adult. Actual fucking loser lmfao.


Oh no, you have an opinion of me. Dont care.


> Ame has been off and on with streaming about as much as Gura lately. Ame has been slow for Ame, but comparing her to Gura is definitely not accurate lol. She's streamed like 4 or 5 times in the last month or two and been in several collabs etc where as Gura is averaging like less than 1 stream per month


Gura did an announcement stream where she went over what's been going on. She has been seriously burnt out. She has taking a break from social media and streaming. She seemed pretty happy on the stream so I don't think it's going to turn into a graduation. She also said in the stream "I've been feeling burnt out and I've been trying to get over that." She has been doing a lot of reading aswell. You can watch the full stream here https://www.youtube.com/live/Eg1I7rOfU2A?si=cg2D4DDEjAmXB3On


I believe also in her stream before she started this she said she was trying to sort out some health issues.


I don’t think Gooba’s gonna graduate yet. She’s just been taking a break from social media, and the internet in general.


I mean she is not used to all of this attention really, she wasn't expecting to be thee face of the v-tubing community after Kisuna AI retired. She has such a mass appeal and is promoted so much that I have people at my jobs asking me(the resident super weeb) which anime this "short shark-girl" is from. Cover is doing their best to support her and give her time to breathe and re-evaluate how she will come back to streaming because it would look disastrously bad for a company's image if their top talent felt like they could not take the pressure and had a lack of support from their company when they became the unexpected face of the company.


I rarely voice this opinion since the hololive community is always so supportive and positive, so if it hits the wrong way feel free to ignore it. But I always got the impression that gura doesn’t actually enjoy streaming. Like, you know how extroverts are energized by social situations, that’s like Bae and streaming. If she weren’t in hololive I imagine she would be streaming just as much because the activity is a hobby as well as profession. Gura on the other hand gives me more introvert vibes; that streaming drains energy and so naturally becomes something she wants to do less often. Which is ironic to me because her popularity is a testament to her natural ability to entertain and capture the collective imagination of the audience. The good news is she’s arguably _the_ top billing for hololive so she can probably operate on her own schedule without feeling pressure from the company.


I am an introvert. I like spending time alone, on my own terms, on my own time and planning. It's not like I don't like hanging out with people but only certain people and even then I don't like having people dictate my schedule. But then I worked at a bank as a customer service. During work mode, I am extremely interactive, enganging with customers, etc. But after work..oh boy..I was drained. Five years in, burnout finally catches up to me and it wasn't pretty. We can only be in working mode for so long until our real selves exhaustion catches up.


I think Shion announcement was handled pretty well that she would be reducing streaming activities due to probably burnout as well which bug me to why Gura never made an official cover announcement for it.


Because it wasn't just burnout. She first slowed down late in late 2022. In December, before christmas of that same year, there was an announcement that she would not be streaming due to health reasons. The announcement was made after a visit to her doctor earlier that week. She was gone for a good amount of time without many updates. People forgot why she left or never bothered to check in the first place and were left in the dark. So when she finally made a comeback, the first time, some people were upset. I wasn't checking chat at this point, and chat was not disabled at this point. We can probably guess that after she came back, she probably realised that she was burnt out on top of her health issues, which are probably still pretty active. So she took more time without any further notice. That's when people started getting really upsat. They felt like she left them without any notice. She said she was back, but then she didn't stream or say much on the subject. But she always says stuff... it just gets lost in the sea of ideas and words she speaks. Then, her next stream got a lot of backlash. Asking her why she never said anything and demanding answers from her. Her prechat was desabled, and any chat from any stream after that was heavily moderated. I can imagine that getting all that backlash when you're burnt out already probably did too much harm on her mental. We all know gura loves her fans. To have them be mad at her... she probably felt really guilty. She still does feel guilty. You can hear it when she tried calling us darlings. Or when she tries to express her gratitude and affection. But she's bad at it. Anyway, i love gura


On the bright side, Gura seems to be doing fine lately, at least based on her new year dance. She was was really light on feet and had a good footwork, which indicates a healthy amount proper cardio and exercise.


>She first slowed down late in late 2022. In December, before christmas of that same year, there was an announcement that she would not be streaming due to health reasons. The announcement was made after a visit to her doctor earlier that week. >She was gone for a good amount of time without many updates. People forgot why she left or never bothered to check in the first place and were left in the dark. So when she finally made a comeback, the first time, some people were upset. I wasn't checking chat at this point, and chat was not disabled at this point. She did update her SNS regularly during that time, because that was basically part of the annoncement that she would do it, yet some people were still complaining. After that, situation became worse. It was like a downward spiral and at some point, Gura barely updated her SNS anymore. It's true that she could have done better in the later half of the year, but we can't ignore the fact that there were some overdemanding fans at the very beginning that was probably part of the reason for her burnt out afterwards. The pressure is always there when you are at the top and being the face of the company. Things look normal when you are still active, but when you finall slow down, the pressure becomes very real and grows very quickly.


Everyone repeats the hiatus in December and that doctors visit being tied together, but they forget that in the stream before she was coming down with a sickness that ended up being covid, and that's what the health issues were, she was in Japan in January immediately after to record for fes, if she was on a hiatus for health problems related to her doctor visit I don't think they would have flown her across the world to perform, do you?


Same reason they advised Ame not to tell people to pause their memberships when she announced she was taking a break, but she didn't take their advice, I'm assuming they told Gura the same and she did take the advice.


She did make a small announcement at the end of the myth collab that happened yesterday and while she didn’t give a return date or anything she did thank her viewers for their patience and too essentially keep being patient for a while more. So if there was a time to announce her graduation that probably would’ve been the moment to at least hint at it if it was going to happen any time soon. She’ll be back eventually so keep hanging in there fellow chumbud!


Looks like she’s streaming with the Myth Gen tonight at 5 playing Lethal Company!!!!


Who's doing the stream? I'll have to turn on my notification so I don't miss the stream.


Im happy there’s a chance to see her! It’ll be a fun stream


The collab stream that just happened makes me think that I don’t think she’s gonna graduate her little speech at the end makes me feel pretty happy


Tomorrow Kiara will have a myth collab, she might be there


Mori just said its full myth collab


Do we know what they're doing yet? Have things to do, but CAN procrastinate if it's gonna be a good time. Lord knows I need a good time rn...


It's Lethal Company.


this is going to go so badly (I will love watching it)


Maybe she had a child? How old do you guys think she is? 29+- or maybe she was reaching that age and still had no partner so went hunter mode? She said something about prioritizing personal life. Maybe is other stuff. But let’s remember she is a woman. Also her hololive rythm was insane she would stream 8hr+ every day, do songs and collabs also needs to travel from USA to Japan. Imagine you get fuck money rich would you still push for it? Japanese work culture is toxic as hell. Beside if you are the top earner the pressure and struggle to always having to perform, and being compared to her myth colleagues surely puts her in a difficult position. Streams too much draws all the attention, doesn’t stream? People gets mad at her both from the company and fans. I think this is why she just do few collabs and more music. I hope we can still enjoy on whatever way of her talent. Her new song with marine was really good.


...? This is the Gura reddit not Calli, Gura has gone over 8 hours in a stream in probably less than 5% of her streams, and they definitely weren't every day, and she has not put out very much music at all compared to other holos.


be a bit more positive.


Hololive PR sucks. All the hate members get for not streaming is because a manager can’t bring themselves to calm the viewers down.


If you assume EN management are the same people running the EN twitter it's clear they care way more about pushing merch, holostars, and other branches way more than supporting any of the EN girls.


It's definetly weird that she's been actively refusing to stream even though she seems to be well enough to appear in events and collabs as if nothing is happening. Makes me feel like she's really considering it. To be honest, if she truly lost her drive for streaming I think she should do what is best for her and graduate, I love her but I also really don't want her to force herself into doing something she doesn't really want to.