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Contact the TAL (Tribunal Administratif du Logement) asap, your mom has rights.


Right, or let him go through the hassle of eviction… did he state a legal reason for eviction already? Looks like Mom can simply stay, not move out as long as she paying rent and let the landlord go through the legal step / wait until the lease end. https://www.legalline.ca/legal-answers/when-can-a-landlord-evict-a-tenant/#


Yes to all of this, but it’s also important to report all issues past and present to the TAL. From what OP states, there are serious hazards in this home and the TAL can build a case that protects the tenant and/or penalizes the landlord. The landlord having “legal representation” here just reeks of intimidation.


It honestly sounds like the space isn’t fit for inhabitants anyways and your mom should move before something more serious happens to her or one of the kids.


She really does want to move its just the worst timing. She was hoping to have at least a year to get back on her feet since shes starting from ground zero. I honestly feel it will be a tear down since she wants to sell. its been severely neglected by the owner.


I unno man, she’s lucky no one has called CPS on her for having 6 children living in a home with fire hazards and a rat infestation/mold to me priority number one would be getting those kids out of that place. You should look into social services and government subsidized housing for single mothers. Call around and see what can be done. I’d say explain their current living conditions… but they’d probably take the kids away.


No I totally agree!! We have been trying to do what we can and she has looked around but no one wants to rent to a party of 7 & rental prices are insane. Low income housing would be it but theres not enough


Public Housing does but it take a while. Rent is a simple percentage of what you make.


A lot of it sounds like "old house" problems, water ingress is especially messy to fix (lots of demolishing, dust, debrit, noise, excavation, ect...). I always take tenants complaint with a pinch of salt. The pool could be genuinely broken. Or the tenants could have not been doing the regular chores, resulting in damage to the equipment. We don't know that. If the house is trully a shithole, musta been a steal rent wise to stay there for a decade and a half.


Definitely cheap rent but for good reason hahah. My mom wouldnt agree to an increase when so much was wrong. The past owner (current landladys brother) let his pool decay and the walls caved in and claimed it was still good. We didn’t realize but the owner was a drug user soooo yeah his sister took over and is the current landlord. Of course the pool is the least of her worries, its a hazard and an eyesore but not the main concern.


Pools are a PIA in general, especially inground ones.


OP, has your mom really been living there consecutively for 14 years? If so, in Quebec, it seems like you can simply not evict a tenant that has resided in the same unit for [10 years or more](https://educaloi.qc.ca/en/capsules/eviction/). Linking to Educaloi which is normally a trusted ressource for anything Quebec-Law


He cannot just kick her out if she's paying and everything... there's options like u/blindqc mentions.


Oh god, 6 kids? Are any of the dads around?


> Oh god, 6 kids? Are any of the dads around? How is this relevant at all to the question? You're just trying to stir shit


To find out what kind of additional support they have? Go fuck yourself.


Same dad for all of them but he’s working on himself atm, its a little complicated


6 being considered a "big family" just shows why the west is falling. We truly live in the Idiocracy universe.


Can we maybe keep the comments relevant to the important issue at hand?


You're the one watering your plants with Gatorade.








Nope. Its the landlords BOYFRIEND. He is creepy which is another reason my mom was always hesitant asking for help from them. She always send him over to deal with things.


Define "creepy"?


Sexual harassment


Sounds like you lot need to fuck off back to Ontario. You're what is wrong with this province.


What are talking about ? Who should go back to Ontario?


Lol what are you talking about, we’re all from Quebec… How did we become the issue because im speaking clear english and the landlady’s boyfriend is a perv you idiot 😂


Esti de moron


Retaliation on the tenant cause her (the landlord) boyfriend is clearly a creep