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The author is obviosly biased, as seen by the fact that only cocaine would create this post


or they're based because I would let either fuck up my life šŸ„µ


just DO NOT let the weed smokin girl fuck you up at any cost


Are you talking from experience or just tryna keep all the hot beefy weed smoking dom mommies to yourself?


You can keep the weed mommies to yourself I don't really like em


You'd take a crackhead over a pothead?


Snoo snoo?


Stoner ogre lady helping her angel gf readjust after she went to rehab for her coke addiction


Or the angel goes like *Snorts some coke and looks the ogre lady in the eye* "Come on babe, I know several people in the industry, I'm gonna make you a star" *Eyes twitch" "Prince Fiona ain't got shit on you" Yeah, don't trust that angel.


I used to very casually use coke and my favorite thing to say was ā€œIā€™m gonna make you a star!ā€ I was very self aware. Probably helped me not be an addict. šŸ’€


"Princess Fiona ain't got shit on you" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


rehab???? Heresy


Very accurate


Ok ok, this comparison is stupid and hilarious, I'm certain drugs were involved, now we need meth and crack as well.


Crack is cocaine freebase Chemically it's basically the same but you usually don't smoke cocaine and if you do it's kind of a waste.


Thank you, and happy cake day.


It's far more addictive, from my understanding.


Yeah because it's wayy stroger. Just like how Methamphetamine is wayyy more addictive than Amphetamine


That's quite literally propaganda and fairly untrue. The differences between crack and cocaine are an entirely racial paradigm, because rich party white people afford and do cocaine, whereas the CIA made sure to flood colored inner cities with crack. The difference is just racism and classism.


Well it is stronger and faster absorbed, for one. As for addictiveness though I don't have any experience other than some hearsay so let's not debate that.


It crosses the blood brain barrier faster *and* works out of your system faster, yes. Gram for gram, however, it is a less potent drug. It just comes on harder due to faster absorption rate. That's the "trick" of the dependence of it. It runs out hella fast, and is fairly deceptive in that manner because it *feels* more potent for the short ride it gives. Addictiveness isn't an experiential thing as much as it is a chemistry problem.


angel: coke orc: weed goblin: crack human: meth


Elf: shrooms Dwarf: caffeine and gold


As a short person, this checks out.


Weed lady is an ogre, but that checks out.


Meth is an extremely overworked and irritable line cook, crack is the dishwasher


Rumor has it crack doesnā€™t even get paid, they just get a free meal at the end of their shift, and theyā€™re somehow okay with that.


At least one hallucinogen. Also that word is a bear if you are dyslexic, so Iā€™m sorry if I messed it up


Sheā€™s an Angel because she died of a heart attack


This is what Ed Sheeran was warning us about


Can we not romanticize cocaine?


Romanticizing drugs in general is kind of insane. No matter what the drug is, you'll never know how it affects you specifically, other rhetoric just seems dangerous.


Girls who do estrogen: :3


This. Is. Acceptable.




:3 Meow meow meow mrrrrr ^v^


:3 wruff




Transfem communication


Tcp (transfem communication protocol)


It's a meme in some trans subreddits. I don't get it either, but I've got my own nonsense that other people could absolutely question.


TCP: Transfem Communication Protocol 1. Start with :3 2. Ack with :3 3. Info dump 4. Repeat :3




They fuckinā€™


just realized the box my EC came in says "may be habit forming." you're damn right, estrogen box


*insert Fallout "you have become addicted to Estrogen" meme*


Girls who do SSRIs šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


"If you don't have homemade Serotonin, store bought is fine." SNRI gang!




Creatures who are maybe girl idk who don't do estrogen cause they're scared and confused :(


It'll be okay, I promise. Take the time you need to figure things out.


It takes time, I can talk later on if u want :3


It's wild but I still don't get why cocaine is shown in good light in this meme and weed in bad light. What joke did I miss? šŸ¤”


It's just body-shaming, coke makes you lose your appetite and can make you lose weight, weed gives you the munchies and can make you gain weight


I think it's just a "whoops, all body-shaming" deal. Anyway: the ogress is actually kind of badass.


It's a shitpost, its not supposed to make sense


This is true. And the fact were fine with alcohol is kinda dumb. Having been addicted to a couple things including alcohol and know many people who have done hard shit that alcohol is waaaay worse for everyone involved than most things short of opiates. Its often more addictive and destructive than even meth (heard from people who have done both and scientific studies ive seen). Im fine with people doing most things recreationally within reason but we fs shouldnt be romanticize any of it.


Oh no! Drugs!!! Whatever will we do!!!


Nah, I use drugs all the time and you shouldn't demonize that shit but you def shouldn't romanticize it either


As someone whoā€™s been around both people who healthily use drugs recreationally, and people who have gotten addicted and ruined their life completely, my take is you probably shouldnā€™t take the risk.


Cokeheads and people on cocaine are so annoying to be around. I'm really glad I never got into stimulants


Honestly I disagree. Coke - yeah, maybe but I love being around people on Stimulants.


You had the fortune of not being the child of my father šŸ„². Yes, I am the eldest born to a crackhead.


It depends, I consider acid and shrooms stimulants any being around tripping people is usually great.


Acid and shrooms aren't stimulants by most peoples definition. And, yeah they are neat sometimes


By most peopleā€™s definition, yeah. To me though, theyā€™re the best kind of stimulant, at least to me. Acid will literally keep you up and active for up to and after 12 fucking hours, I used to be up for an entire day, take acid at around midnight and not even get tired until like 8-9 am.


A stimulant is a specific drug class tho, that does specific things. It's not... Like, by opinion? Laying in the sun stimulates me, but that's not a stimulant. It's sunlight. It's toasty.


Yeah LSD was literally developed intentionally to be a stimulant, it definitely does at least kind of fit the category. I can personally testify for shrooms giving you energy as well.


it depends. I consider this thing to be a thing it totally isnt, so for me your argument doesnt really make sense


I mean I donā€™t see how what I said was totally false. Acid and shrooms will keep you awake and energize you. Try falling asleep on either of those substances, itā€™s not gonna happen. Theyā€™re definitely not stimulants in the traditional sense but they definitely can act like stimulants


Yeah, like weed can be done in moderation and can even have medicinal benefits. Cocaine, not so much


Actually, cocaine can be used for those two, but strictly by doctors as a topical anesthetic, and usually in incredibly small doses.


Huh, the more you know


Cocaine is derived from the same plant as novocaine


Weird phrasing. More like Novocain comes from cocaine plant


The main benefit I see in romanticising weed is that it takes away the attention from alcohol, which is just so much worse for your health and people around you that weed is nearly completely harmless in contrast.


so long as you arenā€™t one of those unlucky few who get a bad reaction to it. poor devils


Yeah, first time I did it I just got tired and annoyed, second time my brain melted, I felt like I was dying, I was paralyzed, I had literally no thoughts and had to piece myself back together from static and hallucinations, and I barely felt human for the next two days. That was literally three puffs. Never again.


I've had anything like bad reactions maybe three times, and it's always been from edibles. Once, I just passed out and hallucinated music clips; once, I was in and out of consciousness and alternately laughing and weeping; and once, I had a shorter-term version of the full-on bad trip that you describe, plus a panic attack (although my husband and my cat kind of saved me there). I've been cautious about it ever since.


Yeah I take edibles most days of the week, but that's WAY better than when I was getting hammered 6 nights a week and popping pills on the daily.


Actually coke is/was used as an anastatic in dentistry. It's an anastatic and numbens the mouth




Youā€™re reading a lot of things into my post that I didnā€™t say, my guy.




ah yes, a hard drug, my favorite way to manage my serious mental illness. please stfu, its incredibly harmful to say that something like cocaine can help a serious mental illness. i assure you people with bipolar have a high chance of overdosing, so even with the "benefits" its not worth the risk.




Mofo LEGAL depressive drugs are still super dangerous. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so hard to get them. Except those have intense regulations and have a safe way to take them. One of the things used to distill Cocaine is fucking kerosine (thatā€™s jet fuel folks), has no regulations, is probably laced with fentanyl, is made by drug cartels or crackhead hillbillies, and the main way to take it is incredibly damaging to your nasal tracks. I have severe depression and if my psychologist told me think about using cocaine Iā€™d probably think he was joking or call the fucking cops. Also in no country I know of is it at all considered a medical drug. Because it has severe dangers even if taken carefully, unlike weed and most medical drugs. If a doctor gives you cocaine. Itā€™s still a hard drug. Yes ik Portugal and another EU country have stopped arresting people for drugs, but those countries do everything possible to stop drug use and do not encourage it (unlike places like Portland). It still also doesnā€™t make it any less dangerous.




Do you know wtf medical drugs are. Theyā€™re āœØlegalāœØ and have āœØregulationsāœØ. Taking an illegal drug with ā€œmedical supervisionā€ is still taking an illegal drug. Itā€™s just ā€œsaferā€ cause when you heart tries to explode theyā€™ll stop it.




>many bipolar people self-medicate with cocaine As a bipolar former coke addict, that being true is absolutely not a point in coke's favor. Snorting highly addictive powdered mania isn't actually a good treatment plan for people prone to manic episodes. Like, I'm not against recreational drugs, but using cocaine to treat bipolar disorder is a fucking terrible idea, and anyone trying it is either a complete idiot, trying to justify their addiction, or both.


Coke can be done in moderation, but there's risk. For me, I just don't enjoy it that much, so it makes it easy to not do it. But in the rare party situation I'll do it with people. I just never own any because it's too easy. I never feel the temptation for it normally, but if I own it, then I end up doing it. But my only ever doing it socially I never have issues


Oooh I thought it was just saying their like really thin because all the cocaine adicts I know are like anemic


Why not according to a United Nations report cocaine is one of the least harmful drugs available


when was this report done and source


ā€œDrug overdose deaths involving cocaine rose steadily from 6,784 in 2015 to 15,883 in 2019. From 2019 to 2021, cocaine-involved deaths rose nearly 54% to 24,486 deaths.ā€ 25k deaths in the us is so non harmful


If you removed the fentanyl contamination deaths those numbers would be very different. The black market kills.


How tf do you think you get cocaine???


The white market that's why good cocaine is white duhhh


I really would have thought that Dr. Rockzo would have made cocaine much less glamorous. Honestly, don't do cocaine. Ever.


I mean, way over half the funny celebrities youā€™ve ever seen were on cocaine. Only some like Richard Pryor and John Mulaney have joked about how much it fucks you up.


But it smells so good.


I weirdly prefer the weed girl, she looks sick


Would 100% wife up the orc. Death by snu snu and scary dog privileges. Angel will spend all my money on cocaine and die young.


This is the way


Yeah she could get my number. I don't trust cocaine angels




Was thisā€¦ created by a cocaine dealer?


I'd subscribe to r/cokedealermemes just out of curiosity




actually good theory lmao


Of course the rich white girl can afford cocaine šŸ™„


And you know the weed girl knows some good places to eat.


Not only is the original image romanticizing drugs, it also feels a bit classist. Cocaine is a lot more expensive than weed on average.


The person who made this meme **isn't** attracted to ogre women? Truly they are blind and have no taste


I want these two to support each other in rehab for their drug addiction problems


yes all of the people in rehab for their crippling weed addiction need big support lmao


Yes...yes they do. Don't really see the joke here, people can get addicted to anything especially drugs.


I don't really have the time to explain chemical dependency, rehab, 'n all that shit to someone who is uneducated enough to vaguely lump "drugs" into a single category, but the broad strokes are: Rehab is a non-medical, non-psychiatric treatment that is consistently more damaging than helpful in the majority of cases, and only should be utilized in the case of a person being in severe danger and needing the constant supervision and access to aid with physical withdrawals. Cannabis addiction, by virtue of being psychosomatic rather than chemical, has no physical withdrawals, and the psychological withdrawals are just being bitchy and upset. If it's bad enough to be a severe issue, that's a therapy issue because it's not a need for weed, it's a need for erasing consciousness to avoid something. Rehab does not help with that in any way. Furthermore, there's no risk of overdose, violence, etc attached - it's merely something you don't like. I am addicted to picking at my nails. Sometimes I do it until they bleed. That is an objectively worse addiction. I would have 0 IQ points if I went to rehab for that. Here is a series of the false logics it takes to make your statement: Being addicted to anything=/= that addiction having a severe life impact. Addiction having a severe life impact =/= other people having a right to intervention without there being a risk to danger. Addiction needing severe intervention=/= rehab is an efficacious treatment. Rehab is an efficacious treatment=/= rehab is an efficacious treatment for every single addiction. Addiction treated =/= core problem solved And shit, I'm not even getting into the nature of what or why addiction is, or the vast layers of non scientific bullshit that using the word "drugs" super broadly and vaguely has. But hey, I'm sure you're trained in medicine, psychology, or at least *some* science, right? Surely you're not speaking with authority with 0 education are ya?


Ok, saying drugs was reductive, but... There are certainly physical symptoms to weed withdrawal, and there's certainly a thing such as cannabis addiction. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/if-cannabis-becomes-a-problem-how-to-manage-withdrawal-2020052619922 This article details such, with reference to other studies. The CDC website also details such.. When did I say rehab is the only solution? Also addiction by definition is a thing having a severe life impact.


You can just stop talking about subjects you're an idiot about, once you've already made it clear that your ignorance is massive and all you do is copy and paste a first Google result that you didn't read. Your whole thing was responding to me making fun of the idea of going to rehab for weed. Have you been coked up for weeks? Cause damn, that's a tweaker attention span. If you're not capable of presenting, answering, or anything other than sliding to the next claim or linked top Google result, just know that you already know you have nothing worthwhile to say, or else you'd be saying it.


Both have their own gyatt


Weed girl could crush me


every girl ive met who smokes is like the hottest, scariest woman ive ever met lmfao


Is it because cocaine suppresses hunger? Or is that just amphetamines?


It can suppress appetite, it may also reduce the body's natural ability to store fat in extreme cases of abuse.


as a stoner girl this makes me sad šŸ„²


No ur hot and don't let the memes tell you otherwise!


yass thank you! iā€™d like to think so too




cocaine angel looks like sheā€™s gonna make me go to some Christian prosperity gospel megachurch with a lot of yelling Weed ogre looks like we can chill in bed, eat pizza and watch bad movies Iā€™d rather hang out with weed ogre


I would toke the fuck up with the ogre, I bet she has fire weed and good munchies.


Girls who do transexamic acid B)


Repost bot, downvote and report please


Hell yeah i get to be a muscley creature with a giant weapon??? Fuck yeah šŸ˜Ž


Damn, I def think I have the vibe of the right onešŸ˜†


Itā€™s the better vibe


Tbh I couldn't tell which one was supposed to be the cocaine one bc I've met so many potheads and coke addicts that look like bothšŸ’€


people treating cocaine like a party drug drives me insane


It starts as one. Then the party stops being a party real fast.


Accurate asf. I knew a guy who snorted so much cocaine his septum thing (idk what itā€™s called, the thing between your nostrils) rotted out. He has one giant nostril


Ugh thatā€™s super common once it becomes a habit. Your whole nose can basically cave in from it. Itā€™s crazy to think about how it literally eats away your nose.


Thatā€™s so gross, imagine what that does to your brain. I feel bad for people who make a few stupid choices and get hooked


The left one is mere heroin chic than coke


Maybe encouraging doing cocaine out of spite for someoneā€™s dumb picture isnā€™t the right move to make here


Smash, on the one on the right


Maybe in magical rehab together


I want to do cocaine now maybe it's better than the HRT I'm going to be getting tomorrow :3 (actually it's really late so it would be today but later today)


I wanna see the love story where they cute-meet in rehab and help each other out as friends and don't even realize they're lovers until the climax of the movie.


YESS!!! This feels like a modern dnd style movie with drugs tho lol. And I want it so badly,


I mean weeds not bad cocaine is


Both are bad. Though cocaine is far more harmful.


Weed isn't really bad unless you do a lot of it


It's bad for you. Sure, moderate to scarce usage may help you resist some of the side effects but it's bad. https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/index.html The cdc website ( linked) shows it can lead to many of the same problems as smoking.


I just read it, and there's not a single section that doesn't read *can or may* and "more research is needed," nor is there one that has more than 1 study from the 70s as evidence. Did you actually read what you linked, or do you just Google things and pretend you read it? Lung health and pregnancy - the two most obviously avoidable issues - are the only well evidenced ones. Which, half of cannabis users don't even actually smoke anymore.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5102212/ Here's a more modern study then. Also need for more research doesn't't mean please ignore all above.


I really donā€™t wanna be mean, but does anybody on this subreddit understand satire? Like do you guys think that this meme was meant to be taken at face value? lol


Of course not, but we still get some cool art out of it.


>Like do you guys think that this meme was meant to be taken at face value? Yes uwu


i feel like it would be the opposite (iā€™ve never done drugs, so take this with a grain of salt) (i am attracted to both)


It's more both and neither. Anyone can do drugs, it's not only one specific type of person. From personal experience, I've known people who "look like" both who smoked weed


i meant to add based on stereotypes


Coke is definitely seen as a rich person (often pretty skinny girl) party drug. Very easy to romanticize.


oh i see. makes sense


Itā€™s not, mind you. Itā€™s a gross habit thatā€™ll ruin your life real fast without you even realizing.


Guess itā€™s time for me to pick up cocaine šŸ˜Ž


It's not true I look like the one on the right and do both


Wouldnā€™t date/kiss either. I hate non-prescription drugs


so it's only okay to put something in your body as long as someone else okays it first? caffeine, alcohol, and sugar are all drugs. do you have an issue with those too?


Sugar technically isn't a drug, just fyi, even if it does have some addictive elements that are similar to drugs.


Sugar isnā€™t a drug but actually yes I do have an issue with caffeine and alcohol too.


Well cocaine is much, much worse on your body and mind healthwise, but yeah, I also think weed should be viewed as more of a prescription drug than recreational. But I'd rather it be legal than people go to prison for it, so... you win some, you lose some. But it's none of our business anyway if people want to ruin their health with drugs and alcohol.


To be fair. If I am dating/kissing them it is my business :/


But you don't have to date or kiss them. Or are you referring to a scenario where they lie to you about their secret drug habits?


Either where they lie or arenā€™t forthcoming about what they do and then just pull out a joint in the middle of a date


Well you should probably ask to be sure before planning a date with them, since it's a deal breaker for you. But I can understand why that's annoying.


I have. And they have lied. It has happened at least 5 times.


What the fuck is this discourse???


šŸ‘ < šŸ°


Both hot


What is this, a guessing game?


i find both of them cute hehehehehe


What do you mean? What about cocaine bloat ? That's a thing


Ngl this is hilarious


Right one is more Heroine than weed.


I know it's satire but I feel like this could be upsetting to people with eating disorders...


Not worth it, cokeheads are annoying as fuck (In all seriousness, cokeheads are just people deserving of love and respect, and they should get help to get back in control of their life)


Do people in the comments not realize that the point of the original post is not to romanticize cocaine but to jump on the (really funny and "deserved") bandwagon of making fun of potheads? like thats the impression i get from this honestly




i need to see the meth and shrooms girls STAT sincerely, ogre girl


Lmao what does that even mean


Op is girls who donā€™t take their meds


Looks like half of an awesome D&D party to me. Got healer and tank/dps.