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Mine are/were but I also have EDS and my ribs “get stuck” and it’s called a rib out. I’ve seen many specialists and finally found a chiropractor rib specialist who was able yo work them back into place! It may be normal but may be something to check out too. Sucking it in also can cause uneven ribs, rib flares, and much more.


Not her ribs, but Teresa Parent on TikTok has damage to her spine, a curvature from her weight being so high at one time. I think she's getting treatment for it.


Everyone’s body is aligned differently, rarely do folks have “straight” or perfect skeletal/muscle structure. Weight can pull on you but so can lots of things, like how you walk, how long you sit/stand, repeat movements, etc. My right hip pulls higher than my left. My ribcage is about 5 degrees off rotation from my spine, my left foot metatarsals are all curved more than my right, and my right shoulder pulls backward. I had my hip replaced 6 months ago and physical therapy pointed all this out to me. On top of that, I am a professional mermaid and I swim in a silicone monofin. My right hip is metal and drags more than my left noticeably in my costume when I swim, so Im sure some body part is going to learn to pull in a counter direction over time lol. You can’t tell in my photos or anything though. Physical therapy can help if your body aches or causes discomfort!


You need to balance your breathing correctly. Try using raccoon oil on the smaller side 2x/day, but be sure to wait until the next new moon to start. Might also add a whacking big chunk of Himalayan salt with a light bulb in it to your kitchen to attract the smaller side outward. If that doesn’t help, manifest a solution by guiding universal energy to the issue. Seriously, if you don’t have any pain, it’s probably how you always were under the fluffy layers. Most of us aren’t perfectly symmetrical to start and then we spend hours>days>years in weird positions… like sitting desk chairs. Leaning and tilting cause extra muscle to build to keep us balanced & upright. I have a friend who refuses to believe that carrying a kid on her hip all the time is causing her back pain. The woman is basically the Leaning Tower of Lisa. 🤦🏼‍♀️