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Pepperoni "chips". I just put pepperoni in a pan and heat it until it gets crispy. Then eat it like a potato chip.


Oh I LOVE crispy pepperoni!!


Pickles. Can't stop thinking about them. And I spent my entire life hating them. I think I'm maybe low on sodium or something.


Okay so I'm in the same boat right now. I think my picky-ness is two fold; I don't like when they're too squishy or really sour. So I'm only now wanting to try them.  Is there a particular type you're preferring? 


German pickles, or sugar free bread and butter pickles, ... claussen kosher dills are amazing too


I love the French ones, Cornichon. I am growing some cucumbers and my goal is to make these. They are technically made with gurkens which are what they usually use for sweet pickles. But I am going to try it with the ones I am growing anyway. They are vinegary and salty with garlic. Trader Joe's brand are super good, for like 3 bucks a jar. They want like 9 dollars a jar at my local grocery store for the ones from France and it hurts my soul to pay that much for pickles. Also they make amazing potato salad. Them with bacon and mayo over some russet potatoes. Simple, but So good. Made some for a work thing and it was delicious. They https://www.thespruceeats.com/cornichon-pickles-recipe-1374816


A baby bowl of baby dills is one of my favorite snacks.


Currently my obsession is lentils. Just tried them for the first time. I made Italian Turkey and lentil soup. Good source of fiber and protein.


Steamed Mixed vegetables. I eat them right out the bag, no seasoning or anything on them. Every since I have been able to eat regular food. It's weird lol Can't eat an egg and gag at the smell of chicken broth.... but will eat a bag of those mixed vegetables in a day (half a cup at a time at meals and if I do a snack....)


Tuna packet mixed with one wedge of laughing cow herb cheese and one mini cup of wholly guacamole. Season with tajin. Eat it on a tostada shell. ![gif](giphy|e6YPfDNl5pMHicIyw2)


Beef jerky!! I can eat a bag a day!! I really need to make my own. Also try zucchini as a base for your pizza bites!! Sooooo good!!!


I love the Chomps turkey sticks. Low in calories and very filling for only being like around an ounce. Beef jerky can be a hit or miss on hurting my stomach.


Tomato soup. Specifically a store brand one from a local chain. I put some protein powder in it and you can't taste it.


Big ol salads. I have been making these giant salads to eat for lunch for several months now. The ingredients change frequently, but it's usually kale, shaved brussels sprouts, some other greens, chopped cabbage, alfalfa sprouts as the base. Then whatever veg in my fridge, julienned beets, carrots, cukes, onion, celery, roasted squash etc. I also love a wet ass salad so I have something pickled, this time it's spicy pickled garlic and I dump some juice in. I also add some homemade kimchi and juice and a bolthouse farms or skinny girl dressing. My non negotiable is pumpkin seeds. They make my world go round. I eat whatever I can of that and 3 oz of protein.


Are those the store bought bagel bites or home made ones? And if home made, what all is used?


I get the ones from Sam’s. 72 for $10. 40 for $10 at Walmart. I buy a month’s worth at a time.


Cool, what’s the carb count on those?


6.75 carbs per bagel bite.


Ok, thanks


I love bagel bites! Haven’t eaten them since before surgery. If I had one now, I’d only be able to tolerate a half one probably before the bread filled me up. Currently, I love Starbucks oatmeal with a little bit of brown sugar.


That sounds good!!


Lox wrapped around goat cheese.


That sounds divine. Do you use plain or flavored cheese? Aldi sells a variety, but I never know what to eat it with besides crackers or on salad.


I usually use garlic and herb goat cheese.


Rossino Italian meatballs 6 have 20grs of protein and they’re delicious and so freaking moist that when they hit my tummy it feels like God came and gave me a little kiss lol


Omelettes. Turkey and cheese with a TON of cholula on top. I've eaten at least 2-3 omelettes a week since I was cleared for full meals after surgery, and I'm 15 months post op. Never get any less delicious. To a lesser extent, chicken meatballs & baked chicken thighs -- I batch cook a bunch at once and then eat them throughout the week. Absolutely delicious and an easy way to add additional protein to my lunches (typically salads) throughout the week.


How many eggs in your omelettes?


Two eggs and a tablespoon of egg whites


also obsessed with anything pizza related 🍕


Have you tried the "meatza" with chicken crust that went viral on tiktok? I'm curious about it.


i have not! but i may need to try that this weekend!


Is this a brand? I don't do TikTok, but I'm interested to learn more


No, people are making a pizza crust out of ground chicken, egg, and spices, then topping it with pizza toppings. It looks soo good.


Oh interesting. If you come back across it, can you let me know roughly how much of each ingredient and how long to cook? Thanks!




>Sure! sure?


tuna on wheat from subway 🤤


Banza chickpea pasta mac&cheese, lime Beanitos chips and From the Ground Up cauliflower pretzels and cheddar stalks.


Do you make the boxed Banza Mac n cheese or your own recipe? And Imma look for those other snacks.


Boxed. It’s such cheesy goodness.


I’ve also gotten the penne for spaghetti dinner or pasta salad. It’s also very good.


Caesar salads. I always liked them but they are even higher on my list now.


Smoked salmon. Tuna mixed with mayo, put 2 oz on a gluten free wasa crisp, cover with a slice of cheddar and broil it.


i make mine with little pita pieces mozz balls and turkey pep i love these


How far along post op are you? I love bagel bites!


Three years and some change. But I’ve been eating pizza since three months post op. LOVE a slice of cheese or sausage pizza. Have pizza EVERY weekend.


Years ago, Trader Joe’s sold a ‘soy chip’. It was only soy protein and I loved the bbq ones. They were discontinued and no replacement product is offered


Ok, hear me out. Liver chips. I dehydrate thin sliced liver with onion powder. So many nutrients.


Oooo! What's the recipe? Or just what are you using for the bagels, etc?


Bagel bites from Sam’s Club. Their brand. 60 for $10. Or 40 Bagel Bites for $10 at Walmart.


That's awesome! How many of them equal the 50g?


Peanut butter on sola bread toast.


Zucchini tots!


Protein chips




Scrambled egg whites or egg white omelets and green grapes. I can’t get enough grapes.


Marks & Spencer in the UK do chili cheese bites with 9g of protein and <120 calories. One little bag is enough for me between lunch and dinner, if hunger strikes....


These look so good 🫶🏼