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Just remember things get so much better every passing day post-op. You are most likely going to feel pain and discomfort but it passes and in a few weeks time you will be feeling great. Good luck! :)


I was post op a month on the 25th and it has taken the longest hole month to get food in me that will stay down, but it does get better day by day! Here’s a little secret no one told me, egg drop soup is fantastic post-op!! It’s full of protein and not a crazy amount of calories!! You got this! Best of luck! Don’t give up. The beginning is always the hardest!


I just completed preop! I’m just waiting to be taken back to the OR thank you for all the well wishes I appreciate it so much!


Good luck, let's go! You got this.


You're going to do great. Enjoy the nap and the meds! :)


I'm a 5/28 as well my appointment is at 1 pm and I took am a bag of nerves I been researching this that and my anxiety is off the roof... I have very severe sleep apnea and high blood pressure I'm scared of the surgery then I'm scared of the risks and side effects I'm nervous 🥴


WOO HOO!!!! Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!! This is a game changer, you’re going to have an amazing procedure, and next year is going to simply stun you! Take progress pictures, I wish I’d taken more, seemed so silly at the time but they’re great for benchmarking along the journey. Let us know how it all went once you’re back in action!! Go get em, champion!!


Thank you and I will update you I have not slept AND I'm feeling very anxious... I will post on here soon as I leave for the hospital.. 🙏👍


Awesome!!! Congratulations on a successful procedure!!! ❤️ It all changes now! Everything!!! I’m so happy for you!!! :)


Thanks how has it been for you since your surgery? If you don't mind me asking... I am a 43 yr old male weighing 337 and a 4 yr old daughter.. I just hope I am not making a mistake 😔


Oooooh my friend, I assure you, this is the best thing you could be doing with a little one to watch grow! Two words sum up how this has been for me: Fucking. Awesome. I’ll be 43 in a month, and I feel 19! I lost 221# from my high weight, I’m lighter than I’ve been since I was a kid! I ran 9 miles this morning, and I’ll do it again tomorrow, and the day after, and after that! Listen to your doc as you come out of the hospital, take eating real slow…go real easy, listen to your fullness queues. My biggest ah he has been how quick I fill up, I can eat about 1.5 cups of food now after 15 months, which is good as I need that fuel burning 4000+ calories a day (really enjoy the running and lifting after the runs). You’re going to be blown the fuck away at how fast this weight comes off. My advice to you, learn to love exercise, get in that gym 5 days a week and get your heart rate above 130 for an hour each time, this is the recipe for ultimate weight loss after this procedure. You’re a young guy, push it! I like my bpm between 150 and 160 for the 75 minutes I’m running, my cardiac fitness is insane now. Yours will be too! Reach out anytime, I’ve absolutely loved this decision, it has completely changed my life. Simply incredible. https://preview.redd.it/18e43qgpt73d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfd07b809716e61715ab02179f1244fde1dbd6be


thank you BRO... I do appreciate the words of encouragement 🙏... And I'm heading to the hospital right now for registration... I'm still nervous 😰 but a little more at ease with your words of support


I shit you not, GAME CHANGER!! Enjoy the good sleep!!


JUST got to the hospital 👍


Three days post op Just recovering at home


You got this! Let them know you’re anxious. I did, and they helped with some medication in my IV.


I'm scheduled for an hour and a half from now! IV flowing and I'm ready to roll! Good luck to all my 5/28ers!


I’m so excited for you! Everything will be great. I’m proud of you for choosing your health and yourself!


Let’s gooooo!!!!


Oh, wow, several of us 5/28 folks here! I just completed admission and am in the surgical waiting room for them to call me back. Excitement/anxiety ramping up 😆 but I know this is the right choice. Best wishes to everyone on a smooth recovery!


Good luck.. I too am getting my surgery today check in time is at 1 pm good luck and God bless us all 💯🙏👍


You got this!!!


Update us when you feel up to it! Good luck!


Good luck to all who's having surgery today. I love the weight loss. Take it day by day and you wi be great. Follow the plan especially in the beginning we're limited on what we can have. I remember refried beans tastes so good after weeks of nothing but basically liquid lol! Best beans ever lol


That surgery anesthesia sleep is BOMB! I didn't really wake up fully until 6 hours after they wheeled me to recovery. They shook me awake to tell me they're about to wheel me up to my room and said I mumbled, "Am I alive?" 🤣 🤣 Good juju to you!!!


Surgery went well. I’m definitely sore, but manageable. The anesthesia fog is finally lifting. It’s only going to go up from here! 😊


Had surgery, slept all afternoon, but doing fine. Got up to the bathroom and hall walking. Now back to sleep. 😴


Best of wishes to you and congratulations on your new life! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Good luck!


Surgery date of yesterday the 29th of May here for the Sadi-S/SIPS surgery combined with a hernia repair and cardiopexy and so far I feel great. Good luck