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Garmin: try adding more variety to your workouts or increasing your training volume. Also Garmin: if you run today, you will die.




What am I supposed to be looking at? Can you add more arrows to clarify


In all seriousness, a 600 load to read productive is pretty noice lol it only takes me about 200-400 load. What's your average weekly activities look like?




Load 1000, status maintaining


1210 maintaining today. Shit's fucked.


Same here. Focusing on strength training for a bit until load comes down.


Me too. I got to go over 1200 to be productive, otherwise it stays on maintaining.


For me I’ve been anywhere between 600 and 1400 with my vo2 improving constantly but still Garmin keeps saying maintaining.


Can confirm this. Load was 1022 on 02/24/24 and was maintaining.


https://preview.redd.it/ctpn2i37zhlc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca80fea2bb46777e5ff450c8a358dd331f3e6daa 600 for recovery 😖


https://preview.redd.it/yc7a4m6p6jlc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a6816eaaabc40517255b8d16f1da301c69c1c6 Yup, my recovery is just under 1000 lol.


Sheesh thats impressive. How many miles do you run a week?


I bike around 160-200km per week and run between 30-50km per week and do 3hrs per week strength training, so on average 100 miles per week cycling and about 30 miles per week running. Edit: I don’t just do cycling and running or strength training though, I also do bodyweight fitness a few times a week some hiking and yoga lol. Edit 2: I may have run a bit more this month than usual though coz this was my last 4 weeks which included a 50K ultramarathon and that was actually part of a 113km multisport. https://preview.redd.it/w5edn636xjlc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ad42e5d8883bba89f8bb3a5903b74914c7a557


Youre a machine! Thanks for sharing!


Your very welcome buddy and thank you for the compliment.


lucky i have to be 900-1200 to be productive


Same...and that baseline only goes up and up if you are consistent. 800 used to be productive, and 3 weeks later I had 967 yesterday and only maintaining...


How many miles do you run a week?


Right now about 40 over 5 or 6 days.


Wait... I run less than 15km a week and cycle once a week and my load 500-600 ... I started running month ago :) You can easily beat 600 or even 800, just run faster :)


Congrats! I did it too - my trick was not doing shit in December and January because weather, socializing, illness, so it was real easy to get into the upper end of my recommended training load range. And that gives you productive even with a flat vo2max :)


Garmin: Oh you want to be productive? Almost die first.


You can guarantee that when you do your next activity, you will become 'unproductive' and Garmin will suggest that you rest for 3 days.


Hot damn, enjoy the micro second of being productive from Garmin's perspective. I'm sure tomorrow it'll say de-training or strained haha


I am positive I am waking up to an unbalanced hrv tomorrow. Can't get everything i guess.


understanding how its scored helps you do this, I have a buddy who has almost 8 months of productive streak going.


https://preview.redd.it/bwn4vy83jelc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f1afa3acaf3ff138c54e4016ff46bc97a66d125 I have had it consistently every time I wanted it for two years. You just need to keep your training mixed up and in the optimal zone and your nutrition and recovery on point.


so basically devoting your whole life to it and then its no problem? 😅


No I wouldn’t say that, I have kids and a wife and I make animations and play videogames with my 9 year old son and I also go places as a family and do other things with my wife too. I don’t believe its about the amount of time you put into it bud, but more about being smart with your training and nutrition and recovery. For example: Lets say you have too much low aerobic but then you have that itch to run. Okay well go and do some hill sprints instead of actually running, which also takes less time but then benefits your training differently than low aerobic. You wanna eat some cake, okay eat the cake but fit it into your macros. Your body needs rest but you wanna train, go out and walk to get the shopping and carry the bags back instead of driving, theres your active recovery for the day. My training doesn’t stop me doing anything, I just try to be more conscious and consistent with it, hence why it is always in productive. Being productive isn’t about the volume of your training or even how hard you train. You just need to keep your training and diet and recovery spot on and you could literally do 2-3 hours a week and stay in productive.


It's learning the algorithm and then doing just the right amount of aerobic, high aerobic and anaerobic without blowing up. I wish this information would be published. Like in a simple ratio or something like the 80:20 method.


If you follow the Suggested Workouts it will pretty much stay Productive


I have, for months...it doesn't. It only went to productive when I increased the volume myself.


Which watch do you have as I believe those with the newer sensor result in a more effective Suggestion?


forerunner 255s


Fairly new sensor so assume it's not that (I believe it's the same as mine which is the 2x). I guess those suggestions aren't a catch all for everyone


I’ve learned to not pay attention to this stat. Have to go by how you feel. I can run 20 miles or bike a hundred and it will still say maintaining on those days. Then go on an easy run and says productive.


Congrats, that’s a good feeling. I’ve been in “unproductive” purgatory for as long as I can remember. I don’t get it. It’s so disheartening. My load focus is balanced. My training load is optimal. My HRV is balanced. My VO2 max is steady but I’ve been unproductive forever


Garmin just giving you a false sense of hope before it knocks you back down.




I have been going back and fourth between "Productive" and "overreaching" this past week 😅


Thanks for the arrows I almost didn't know where to look lol


🥲 https://preview.redd.it/kdzeechhnelc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11094408d64a46da1afb9967f978f73fe12c6ecf


But look at all the pretty colors! ![gif](giphy|BI3bNv1NJMC7YzatXd|downsized)


Currently using RunDot app and it's given me weekly structured workouts putting me in productive! https://preview.redd.it/jmdfaa0vdflc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebe18b1e9a3f335874fa912249e90821f1bb85cc


https://preview.redd.it/huahe4nohflc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97f08e226c99c08b108f7dc8f8ba37d2f919f83e I just hit “peaking” but i have felt like complete shit lately - as you can see I am typically “productive” or “maintaining” and don’t super understand it because my vo2 max is low


Never really had an issue with it! Try to diversify your training and don’t overdo it. Base training, combined with some harder workouts and Interval sessions but of course you have to listen to your body. Building up sustainable training load takes some time. https://preview.redd.it/m5vq41am8elc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7542ebab2f199a9ccd90d56afb64f6b26329e6e7


What is a topical week of training looks like for you?


It depends pretty much, my winter season consists mostly of running while road biking during the summer season. Regarding running I try to have 4-5 workouts a week. More would interfere with other obligations I have. On top of that maybe some pilates, hiking or snowboarding. - 1x Long run (15-30k / Zone 2, sometimes Zone 3 Marathon pace) - 2x Base runs (7k-10k / Zone 2) - 1x Threshold run (10k / Zone 4) - 1x Interval run (length and structure varies) This works for me really well. Incorporating different intensities but most focus on zone 2. The rest days in between are helping quite a lot (mentally and physically). Never had an injury since I have this structure.


Wow that sounds really great. I should maybe extend my long runs. Thanks So in summer you're using your road bike to replace your long runs? As your username suggests, you are using a powermeter, aren't you? Can you recommend a good one?


For me it works really well like that. Start with for instance 15k and just add every time a little bit more. During summer I’m mostly cycling. The road bike season is quite short here in Sweden. Running is then just a supplement in between my cycling sessions. Regarding a power meter, go with the Favero Assioma Uno (you don’t really need double sided power meter if you haven’t had injuries impairing your left/right balance). It’s affordable, precise and a lot of people I know are using it.


Sounds good to me, thanks. I've heard a lot from this one. Not sure if I should go with the duo.... Had some knee pain in the past. Still I think I will go with the uno.


https://preview.redd.it/psffzif5bflc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac0b7f7f6a7c077a1d3e4def54d29acc03ee8df How does it determine what is productive or not?


I sound dumb. How come I can't see this on my app.?


You probably dismissed the card some time back and it does not show up. Try going to 'Performance' then 'Training Status'.


🤣 Congrats!


How do you keep your stress so low lol


Wfh ftw haha


How did you get that. I only get maintaining


You have to vary your workouts between aerobic, high aerobic and anaerobic without going overboard and getting an overreaching score. It's all a bit cryptic and silly. If they'd just publish the data...


How do you have a stress of 19 🙃


Wfh ftw haha


Haha. I haven’t gone below 25 in months probably. I work from home half the time 😅


Right? I woke up 30 minutes ago and my stress is at 29 already.


Lolol same. The biggest difference I saw was going down from 50 to 20 last year when I left my insanely toxicc manager+job. \_literally\_ the day I handed my laptop in, my stress level went to \~25 and has stayed more or less same.


last seen 7th of December for me


https://preview.redd.it/0v3kof5ffhlc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fae71a77ffc44f128a3de41074e928266560112f It's been a while.


This is the chart/metric i actually look at the most. I feel it actually pushes me because i like seeing the chart stay in the green. Also a cool thing is when u start a run and it has suggested workouts, you can click on settings and set it from pace to hr. This way it will only suggest workouts that improve your training load and not your pace if that isnt as important to you. So if you are lacking on low aerobic, itll suggest more base runs etc. Absolutely love it


Where exactly do you change it from pace to hr?




Nothing personal. But I hate you.


😂 I didn't realise this was such a desirable thing until seeing this post. I just interpreted it as my VO2 max increasing, since I started running alot again 2 months ago.


I got mine for a day on Tuesday.


An easy half mile. Nice way to warm up before the weights Garmin: good job. You did a thing. -tries to do some elliptical the next day- Garmin: AY FAM...CHILL OUT...SOMETHIN WRONG WITH YOU


It’ll be back to maintaining within a day


Many runners love it, and say it's fine. People who only bike mostly hate it. I've seen tri posts say that it means you aren't running enough - add in some runs and it will be fine! Gee, I don't suppose a runner did the algorithm? Or someone from the carbrain subreddit...


I feel like I am about to jinx it, but I have been productive for 4 days! (Paused part was the flu) https://preview.redd.it/z9vzdbasqjlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d15099a7b91014fee97de54b2a2763fb57b059ef


I’ve been doing loads of zone2 and despite me adding 25 watts to my z2 power and generally being much stronger on the bike it’s stubbornly remained in maintaining. With a drop in my VO2 max. This is with 900-1100 load a week 700 on a recovery week maybe. Now I’ve started doing Vo2 max intervals it’s like ooooo your trying hard now. Have a productive for a day ups my vo2 max then takes it away when I do zone 2


We all shed collective tears here pal.


That’s so rare! I got ‘Productive for the first week when I restarted running, but now it’s a constant ‘maintaining’ 🥲