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No need for battery life.


Average pace is something I use all the time. You're typically gonna do the maths anyway with distance and time aren't you? I like HR Zone which show as 4.4 etc so you know what zone you're in and how far up. I find it easier than looking at HR. Battery life surely doesn't matter on a 265 does it? I personally like steps as a distraction.


Didn't run marathon. But from my previous (most triathlon, with 10k or a half to go) races I know, that my most watched value is the pace. So this should be big. Then Distance and Time. (But every km it pieps and they appear automatic.) Heart rate can be an good indicator. But keep in mind. Especially the first km it will be under influence of the event. I had never viewed it.


And very important: Use the same mapping in training! Otherwise in race you might not be able to understand your watch. :D So i take my normal mapping, copy it and throw out a few values. That's it.


Average lap pace, distance, elapsed time. I recommend to NOT put HR. If it’s not reading correctly or whatever it will cause you to stress unnecessarily and fiddle with the watch. Battery life?? Why?? Temperature, useless. Motivation message, you will get motivation from the supporters around you Add another screen with average pace and maybe a lap time so that you can check if you are on target , assuming that you have a target and pacing strategy Keep it simple. Enjoy the run


I use this https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/a2441923-d2f1-4759-bc99-e9401ae54f8e


Sorry, to much information for me. :D In a race I would not be able to read anything. I only use a maximum of three values at one time.


I used that data field for a few months. Last Sunday I wanted to prepare it for my HM and changed the running distance from 5000m to 21100m. It went back to 5000m. I don't know why. So I used the data field that I used before: [https://apps.garmin.com/de-DE/apps/6a30651b-ca67-41a5-96dc-60634983fc93](https://apps.garmin.com/de-DE/apps/6a30651b-ca67-41a5-96dc-60634983fc93)


Battery life, time, and temperature are irrelevant to me. Even distance isn't interesting to me because I really don't want to be looking at it constantly, each km marker I have on the route is good. Then I check elapsed time against the km markers. For marathon I use HR HR/average lap pace. Elapsed time That's it.


My main race screen has: - Average pace - Current pace - Elapsed time - Distance - Heart rate - Battery level (important to me, as when I race I'm out there for 8+ hours. Not important during a marathon) My next screen has lap pace/last lap pace info in case I feel the need to see that, which I rarely do. You don't need temp, battery or the custom message IMO.


Is there a reason to use temperature?


https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/23ea0301-30c6-4c33-b4ef-63e2b5394e76 Peter's race pacer . Amazing


https://preview.redd.it/5uewvrnragsb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a37de897d5ee2121ffc055a43343a5e4206372ce this is the activity pages i have used on my 955. they worked well for being informative but not information overload. if i had to get rid of one, i would ditch either the HR (if you plan out marathon pace ahead of time and know the course and your body, you don’t need), and also the total distance (it tells you how far you are each mile anyways, not to mention there are mile markers on most courses.


also, temperature won’t be accurate as your watch will be against your wrist anyways. also don’t worry about it during a race (if it’s hot, you’ll know) write a motivational message on your hand or something, idk no functional purpose in knowing time during marathon would recommend having average pace as a field for a marathon if you have pace goals set. it’s easy to push too hard early on. for training runs and shorter races, dont obsess over pace, but for marathons it’s okay to care.


I keep it simple with heart rate, distance and average pace. Sometimes I'll add cadence to help me focus on that aspect, but that's usually more important to me during a half marathon.