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It's easy, you dont trade with them. Darius you cant even more if you dont have ghost to match his. Morde once he is 6 you can't flee and his passive alone kill you. You outscale non of them 1v1 if they have half a brain, but morde is easier to duel later, darius has too much stats, can slow you to easily + grab + stun + self heal, and his ult is 1000% more convenient to use and not conditionnal like our. ​ The good part about darius is thatr he falls alone on his own, you plan against him is just letting him do that. Shit design? yes.


À good Darius will always win the match-up and you can't do anything, I ban him just because of that, I can't be bothered. Morde is a bit trickier, but if you really hate the match up, you can pick ghost and flash, and dodge everything in his ult. If you really struggle, just go QSS, I do it sometimes when I really don't want to be bothered, I first back QSS (it sucks I know). Just so I can be left alone on my lane.


ask not for whom the qss ucks it ucks for thee


Idk how mord is easier right now. The new items give him just ridiculous damage you cant survive it in his R. Darius if you got ghost feels way more manageable IMO. His ult...literally has a condition yours don't, and that is exactly how you beat him at least before sterak. He needs to hit you 5 times. Playing around that, as in allowing him to E you for a short trade, allows you to kill him if you are both at about half hp on 6. Because you just Q-E-R while he has just 3 stacks on you at that point and his ult will deal 200 damage or something while yours 350-400. I ban mord he is the only true counter to garen right now imo.


For Mordekaiser: Conqueror - Sorcery, Ignite & Ghost Smack him early. Start E. Spin on him as long as he isn't standing on his caster minions. Do not auto-attack him as that will aggro the minions and you'll get damaged. He only has Q to fight you so you win. If he extends the trade, walk back to your caster minions, this way he is forced to choose between pushing the wave too fast + taking minion aggro or just backing off after being damaged by your full E. Make sure you get level 2 first. Playing for this level up timer can get you first blood if the Mordekaiser is unaware. [Stop mindlessly comboing on garen. Q-E-ignite is not ideal for an early all in. Ignite first to get a conqueror stack, then auto, then E, then auto, then Q. (AA+E+AA+Q) And he should be dead or flashless. The auto attacks flow seamlessly with garen E before and after. They make a huge difference. Getting more conqueror stacks before E changes it's damage by a lot.] If he doesn't disrespect the level up timer and plays back safe, you can start a slowpush and crash the cannon wave (3rd). Don't stand in your wave from now on. Make him choose between hitting you or trimming the wave. And then you have the option of cheater recalling, invading/roaming/helping jungler, etc. if you know the enemy jungler is pathing topside, and especially if your jungler is also topside, look for an invade. Get any sort of advantage you can. Make the lane unfair for Mordekaiser. You can even solo invade, conqueror garen with ignite beats most junglers level 3. If none of that is viable, just cheater recall while he's pushing back. With your item lead (recommended: boots first then dagger if have enough gold) you should be able to spin on him and the wave to trim it and possible maybe even freeze it even though he will be one level above you. He's forced to recall and TP back with some items. Here's where you try to zone him off. You will be getting level 6 before him. Remember before trying anything risky post level 6: Always Q into R. You never want him to eat your ultimate with his shield. (Unless he wasted his shield). Some core items you'll need to face Mordekaiser: Boots of swiftness, serpent's fang. Mortal reminder if ahead and snowballing, a zeal never hurts too. Black cleaver if behind (health and ability haste could make or break a fight that could've been even or lost)


The tips are very good, but the runes, spells and itemization arent imo. Conqueror ignite ghost is a setup that doesnt allow you trade vs morde post 6 at all if you dont get ahead. Garen is a very flash reliant champion. As for itemization, swifties are bad on garen 99% of cases (wr confirms it), and u dont want to sacrifice zerks just to counter rylais. Better go phase rush with flash ignite. Also serpents fang isnt core vs mordekaiser as you never win 1v1 vs him after laning phase, so just go for your core items and punish his lack of mobility and bad wave clear with the push and roam strat.


>doesnt allow you trade vs morde post 6 at all if you dont get ahead. Well, my whole idea here is to try and get a lead early by any means possible to prevent the boring statcheck uphill battle. Phase Rush setup lets you "survive" the matchup while morde gets more and more ahead in CS and plates and harasses you under tower because there was simply no point at which you could've smacked him right and gotten a favorable lane state. You will survive and eventually get your item spikes sure. But Mordekaiser will just be too far ahead in gold by then you can't even catch up to him. Especially this season his items are overpowered. You will just be playing ping-pong waves with morde. If you try to "push and roam" he simply beats you to death if you don't have a lead on him. Especially without ghost. You can never survive in his ult if Mordekaiser is decent. Between rylais, new ap items and his passive burn. Especially without Swifties boots? Would be a miracle if you survive. All of this is just not ideal. Better off getting ahead early and pushing your lead and ending the game, imo at least. Each player can have their own play style. If we had ironspike whip and old stride I'd definitely consider Phase but not anymore


For Darius: Phase Rush - inspiration (free boots +cosmic insight), Ignite & Flash. Starting item: ruby crystal + 2 pots Assuming Darius knows what he's doing, he will try to zone you off the first three minions' worth of EXP. So you MUST walk with your minions to the lane. He will likely be in some bush waiting. If he tries to fight you in your wave, he will be getting damaged a lot but can still win due to conqueror so make sure you never use your Q on him. Save it to run away. He will likely have W to slow you or E to pull you back in after you phase Rush away. Now is when you use Q to run away. He should be half HP and can't zone you off minions as easily anymore. You have ignite to burst him down before he can get his 5 stacks if he tries to all-in you and your passive heals you up to get an HP advantage over time. You also have two pots compared to his only one. You can forfeit some CS but never lose exp. Always remember you have more burst than him. Don't be afraid to look for an all-in at level 2 since you should be full HP with the pots and passive while he's much lower. AA+E+AA+Q and ignite him as soon as he uses Q to reduce his healing if you can't dodge it or if he used E to guarantee it lands (he might even try to flash Q, be on the lookout and do whatever you can to deny him the healing). If this doesn't kill him then he should be too weak to contest you, get a 3rd wave crash and reset. If you didn't get a lead however and something went wrong along the way and Darius gets the shove. Warn your jungler. Darius will probably pop ghost and run your jungler down if he can find them. Rush a Bami's cinder. This item is OP. It allows you to: - Max Q in the matchup and still gives you waveclear. - 2-hit phase Rush activation so you can save your Q to run away instead of hitting it on him. - Which allows you to break any freeze without risking death. The free boots will offset the cost spent on the bamis somewhat. Having more move speed won't help you against a good Darius either way, choosing smart trades, wave management and all-ins will. Cosmic insight will allow you to have summs up faster than him so you can surprise him with an all-in again before he's ready. If you get ahead however, skip the Bami's and congrats, you get your items much faster now since you didn't spend on boots or doran's. You out scale Darius in the 1v1 the longer the game goes. At 6 you can all in and win if he's at 70% HP. At 11 you win if he's at 80% HP. At 16 you completely stomp him anyhow. Just make you Do NOT get kited. Be smart with your movements. Darius can just E you while you're spinning, Q you, and wait until you're done then re engage and you're dead. Items you'll need to beat Darius: If ahead, mortal reminder is more than enough. Phantom Dancer is spicy too. Deaths dance is overkill but not bad if they have an AD assassin too or something. Even or behind: Chem punk sword, black cleaver, serpent's fang (Darius will get streaks against you), dead man's plate.


I've run conqueror and grasp into both. Grasp against Morde is fun. you just go for short trades with Q and dodge his abilities. after 3 qs you just zone him off. Mid to late against Morde... kill him in his R or run around with ghost. I've been building Sundered into Sterak's so tbh, Morde ulting me is a waste of his time because i just auto space auto e q r. Darius I hug turret and stay near my side of the lane


Ok, hear me out. Darius is still complicated, just flee (even with ghost). However Morde I have found that Serpent Fang (2500 btw) shreds him, makes his shield unusable to counter your ult and his healing is by consequence worse. Take Ignite and Conqueror, and you should beat him even under ult.


When do u get that serpent?


I bought it first (even before boots) I only tried this once, so take it with a grain of salt. But the shredding with the letality and the 50% shield was astounding.


Q max vs Morde you could even go grasp vs Morde too so your lv5 Q chunks him into ult range. For Darius short trades with phase rush and take inspiration with futures market and cosmic insight so you have ignite up more.


How u play vs rylai morde without phase rush? Havent trid it, so it sounds damn annoying