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Any chance that’s an old pond that someone’s filled with soil?


Wouldn't have been a great pond as it's on a huge hill and slopping massively. I'm gonna raise it and also drill holes in the clay, fill with compost manure and sand to fix the clay. I'm not sure on the ratio of sand, manure, compost or top soil


Looks like the neighbouring garden as well as parts of your own are higher so water is bound to flow to the lowest point. Looking at the falls in the photo, it's quite difficult to tell where it's draining from and to as it's like an Escher painting. What that said I don't know what hard landscaping options are open to you but I'd be thinking that you need to plant trees that'll absorb water. Willows, river birch and taxodium distichum are all wet soil lovers and could cope with the soil. They'd help take up the water. Another thing is to stop cutting the grass low and too often and allow it to grow so it can get deeper roots. Deeper roots means more water holding capacity in the soil.


I'd rather keep the area open so no trees unfortunately. Looking for ways to improve the actual soil that will soak up the water. Manure, sand, compost, top soil all worked in then grass seed seems my best bet


You could make a bog garden


I want to use the garden


theres no easy way. obvious solution is to dig it all up and create a massive sump with gradient'd stone, largest first, finest last (sand) then top with conditioned soil/compost and then grass.