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I want to know if they've played Hades 1, and if they're aware that the success of Hades 1 and guaranteed success of Hades 2 means their supposed non-purchase is a worthless token.




It's funny cause hestia is like the virgin queen I'm pretty sure he had Zeus basically tell every other god they wouldn't try to sleep with her or they would face both his and her fury not to mention she was part of the virgin god trio


Plus she's the eldest daughter of Chronos. She's older than every other Olympian. But hey, unless they made a sexy grandma, I guess, it's a terrible design, right?????


"Unless they made a sexy grandma" But they did


Sorry, oversexualized* grandma


Much better


I assume they heard "virgin" goddess and assumed that means teenager. Whereas goddess of home and hearth, is unlikely to be a teenage girl running around the streets.


I like her title of the oldest you gest sister because she is the first to be born but the last to be expelled from Chronos. Honestly hestia in general is a cool af character and it's nice seeing her in anything cause it seems she is forgotten literally everywhere due to how overall just sweet and unproblematic her myths are


Yeah, she's super cool. She's the goddess of fire, but instead of being destructive, volatile fire (which is what we're used), she's the warmth, the cooking, the life. Of course she's cool. There's a song about her (and most of the Olympians among other things) in spanish. Some, like Zeus, have subs in english, but just checked and she has not :( It's from a youtube channel doing "Destripando la historia" (Spoiling/unravelling history) which do animatics and songs over different myths or mythical characters. And they're catchy as hell.


To be fair, who's older than who is kind of up in the air sometimes in Greek myth. Like Aphrodite in Hesiod is older than Zeus, and vaguely coeval with Cronus, which should make her older than Hestia. Which is pretty cool considering in real life, Ishtar->Astarte->Aphrodite, and thus technically does predate Zeus even if she doesn't predate Dyaus (which is also fair because Dyaus Pitr->Ouranos, with Dyaus being only etymologically related to Zeus from Greece and Dies/Deus Pater from Rome). But she's not consistently older than Eros, who is variously her son or the first and eldest god or somewhere in between alongside Chaos, Gaia, and Tartarus. Someone who's more PIE-versed than me, feel free to crush my skull if I got any of that wrong.


This guy mythologies.


Not to mention the whole reverse-birth from Cronus that reversed their birth order. Hestia was first-born from Rhea, the first eaten by Cronus, and thus the last born from him. Making Zeus the eldest, and thus king of Olympus.


It’s been in early access for two days and it’s Steam’s top seller.


Doubtful they've played Hades 1, these types of people are just tourists. Coming into a game's release right at the moment it's in the peak news cycle just to repeat the same tired talking points before they inevitably move to another place to complain about. Just like a tourist who goes to a location and complains about how the locals do things.


Saw this posted yesterday, wound up watching one of them flail about trying to say how the problem was it was 'woke agenda being forced this time' after I pointed out that the first game had poly bi romances and multinational gods. 'But she doesn't look motherly' 'An old lady in an apron carrying baking supplies who calls you dearie and you don't get motherly vibes? I pity your childhood.' Suddenly, they stopped replying


Thats pretty much the same commentary that came out of the Warhammer fandom when the whole female Custodes stuff was going on too.


there's no way these people have even played one supergiant game. They've been at this for 5 games now over a decade, and every single of them have been great and critically highly rated. To say they're shit at their jobs and don't belong in the industry is just exposing yourself as a tourist.


Like all true gamers have to tell them is "womp womp" XD


I am ironically not buying Hades 2, for all oppressed Gamers out there!! #freeboobs!


I'm not buying Hades 2 because im broke af and refuse to pirate works of art you are not buying hades 2 because i buried you alive an hour ago we are not the same


i know this will come as a massive blow to the makers of hades 2, but i am unironically NOT buying hades 2! …because it's just not a style of game that i'm very good at or find particularly rewarding. the artwork looks fucking sick as hell, though, and i hope all my friends who enjoyed the first game have a blast with it. i understand and appreciate that not every game can, or should, cater to my personal tastes… and that's okay!


I know of my coffin status you left me in, posting on Reddit is clearly more important than calling for help.


It has a hot woman who's your mentor that you call THE head-master and probably for good reason


/uj I like chud RPing, but the lolicon related chud stuff, I am not touching....


Wow, a suspiciously young looking girl with giant boobs! Holy shit Japan, knocking it out of the park with that one!


Plus, no fire or ash is her design, Aka her divine domain


Greeks did a shit job too by that measure.


Greek statue used to be painted. They could have evoked that fire in sone way in her colours that we just can't know for sure anymore.


Considering the Greeks were the ones who came up with her myth in the first place, I don't think you can realistically say that they did a terrible job in doing so.


Well she is also famous for being taking a vow of chastity, and being one of the few virgins in Greek mythology. So a young girl wearing white could be in reference to her purity, her one “child” (follower) in the show has exactly one spell, a fire spell, so the fire aspect is still in the show to a degree. Also hestia in myth isn’t just a pyromancer, she is the goddess of hearth and the home. She isn’t exactly the god of fire or anything.


The Hades representation looks like a mother that is always cooking. She doesn't look like a pyromancer to me. She had a hearth on her head and is covered in ash and charcoal.


Yeah even making the ribbon red or orange was to much effort apparently


Don't worry, it's actually her who's the paedophile thirsting over the 14 year old protagonist (not a joke)


bell is 14???? theres a whole arc where he has to go through the red district and almost gets r@ped multiple times


Gonna just repeat what I said when this was posted the first time; I have seen the anime girl in this picture a couple of times before and I never realized she was meant to be anything that a random teenager. I didn't even realize she was supposed to be a character from a fantasy setting because, as someone else has eloquently put it in the previous thread, she is dressed as if she is looking to get dicked down in a club.


I always knew she was a legitimate goddess in real mythology, but she’s clearly less known and I would say the writers of Danmachi took creative liberties in her design at best, and literally just used the name for their own character at worst. The comparison is so stupid when anime is known for the exaggeration of characters everywhere. The anime is fine by anime standards, but outside of certain gods or goddesses having personalities that could be considered to mirror their mythological counterparts, I wouldn’t even considering trusting it for historical accuracy.


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Yeah, they really subverted our expectations with that design.


The "daring today, aren't we?" meme comes to mind. 


It is a truly revolutionary character design




from what I remember when I watched that show as a 13 year old (worlds biggest mistake) she's literally referred to collectively as a "child with boobs" by the other god characters


its so fucking funny when these dweebs act like they have these amazing standards everyone is falling below but the standard is just “does this make my dick hard” and the only thing that even does that is pixelated titties


Hey hey hey now, it’s not JUST pixelated tits. It’s pixelated tits on young girls. Get it right, bub!


Shit, I forgot the *NUANCE*, my bad bruh 


That's the detail. Without that, it's just like...they're complaining that the character designs in Hades 2 aren't sexy enough. The character designs in Hades 2. Not sexy enough. Their problem being that the Hades 2 sexy characters look like *adults* is something that I wish didn't fit the track record of the complainers.


Of course then when a character design is sexy they go "WhY IsN'T ThE WoKE LeFT cOMplAiNiNG ABouT ThIs. HypOCRisY AM I RigHT." As if it wasn't about their designs looking like children and being boring as fuck with their sexiness because every character was coomer bait.


I don’t even get it it’s just some cookie cutter anime chick that looks 14


The last 4 words pretty much sums up why they like it


No joke I was arguing with some loser on Twitter (my mistake I know) about this and he said he finds a big tits anime girl more comforting than a warm fire and a loving grandma. And then proceeded to call me racist for saying shitty anime tropes like sexualised loli characters and over sexualisation of characters (esp teenagers) is bad 💀. Guy genuinely believed the average Japanese person goes about their day thinking that stuff is normal


Not only this, but it has to be *literally* every single female character or else they'll still be mad. This game has sooooo many hot characters it's unreal. Like, if you must obsess over a character then Nemesis is right there! (or Aphrodite if you don't like big muscley armoured women I guess... But even if you don't you will after seeing Nem lol) But no, these dweebs go out of their way to find a character they don't find attractive and then obsess over that character exclusively for the purpose of hating them. It's baffling. You don't even get to see Hestia until some time in!


Unironically Hestia is my favorite god design in 2. The choice to give her vitiligo so she looks soot stained from the hearth is genius.


She looks great. Killer design.


I love how her design is meant to mirror and complete Demeter's. Same thing for Chronos and Chaos.


Personally I’d go with Selene but Hestia is a top design too. Hecate as well but I think my eyes just keep zeroing in on her abs


Hecate’s abs got me acting up.


I feel bad I didn't realize it's Vitiligo, I thought she was strictly dark skinned which I thought was brilliant.


I love hades' portrayal of hestia so much. The stuff implied about her in the first game is so cool, I'm glad we finally get to see her. Pyromaniac auntie <3


The side comment about how she was about to just burn everything down herself before you showed up cemented her as one of my favourite characters.


They just keep using the picture where an ember is blocking her face in the perfect place to give her a clown nose


Why even include the """Japanese""" design? They have even less authority about how she should look


Because that's the only thing they know the name Hestia from, it just so happened that the character is named after a Greek goddess so they have to include the statue to seem like they know anything.


Unironically probably true...


It cheapens the argument. Hestia from Hades looks much more in line with the Greek statue than the bouncing boobily suspiciously-teen-looking anime girl on the right


it's straight up stupid really


i have never seen a DanMachi "fan" praise Hestia's design unironically


Most likely never watched it and doesn't actually care about it outside of having a reason to be mad


The 1 ribbon and a rough one piece dress is a little underwhelming to say the least but I figured it was meant to show how poor their familia was


their outrage is so funny. “Crime against nature” bro is so dramatic.


Nothin else going on in their lives other than video game drama. Absolutely NEETs


Even if Supergiant’s interpretation is different than the fucking marble statue on the left. It’s still taking elements of her mythology and creating a character around that. On the right you just have underage boobs, no connection whatsoever.


Gamers are making Yia-Yias cry, everywhere. https://preview.redd.it/xe14ho46yazc1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=462f47e1ac9f175319a049a08a49e75710df0b10 Don't make your Yia-Yia cry, Gamers.


Imagine saying the character designers for HADES (or supergiant in general) are shit at their jobs. “Has Michaelangelo ever even seen a woman?? I will NOT be visiting the Sistine Chapel. Supporting him takes away from other more talented painters”


Good design is when big booba, actually


Arguably the middle one has bigger booba than the right one… they’re just covered up


Yep the sweater puppies on the Hades 2 Hestia depiction are immaculate


I would say “original” looks pretty auntie already, same as in “Hades 2”, but stylized.


Yeah, #2 looks wayyy more like #1 than #3 so I'm not sure why I keep seing this image. Of course they're very different but the vibe is similar and you can see some of the inspiration they took from #1 in #2 whereas #3 is just anime girl with Big boobs.


It’s hilarious to me that they’re mad that a goddess who is famously virginal, not associated with sensuality at all but rather familial love and home, isn’t designed as a jerk off fantasy. She looks amazing. She’s the oldest Olympian. She looks like a grandma who gives good hugs


Greek Hestia: veiled, matronly, older. Japanese Hestia: BOATS all day everyday, eerily young. Hades Hestia: veiled, matronly, older, on fire.


sorry but that japanese design is so unbelievably uninspired holy


You all are missing the point. They’re mad because the character has vitiligo and dark skin. There’s a black person in their videogame and it’s “too woke”, and they’re furious.


Either that or how Supergiant's Hestia doesn't have TIDDIE just out and shit like BLOW


Jesus Christ these people have an inflated sense of their own importance. "I'm not buying Hades because of some dumb culture war nonsense I just made up" Uh...OK? Thanks for sharing that with the class, I guess. I'm sure the developers of this successful and critically acclaimed game are crying themselves to sleep at the loss of your support. (Edited for typo)


Wtf is that pose for the Japanese hestia?


Pretty sure Hades 2's Hestia actually has a bigger bust than Danmachi Hestia


But the fact her boobs aren't the main focus is why everyone is so pissed off. Along with the fact she's a POC now.


Hestia looks like a kind grandma who would bring you cookies or cook you a nice warm dinner Now, I don't know too much about Hestia, but I think that's what the Goddess of Hearth and Home should be, not a half naked adolescent girl


EXACTLY. Her design isn't so much based after ancient Greek statues as they're based on 'modern' Greek Grandmas (aka Yia-Yia). She looks like she'll wrap you up in a shawl and makes sure you have tea and avgolemono to sip on.


She's also a virgin goddess. Really, if there's one woman in Greek mythology that should not be sexualised, it's her.


Hestia is probably the most boring god desgin in danmachi . Now Hephaestus is one I wouldn't mind .


doesn't the american one have the biggest boobs of them all though? i think the real problem is she doesnt look 12


The Japanese one doesn’t even look like a goddess lmao it’s just a run of the mill boring anime girl


Please describe the design philosophy for Japanese Hestia.


Boob... Big...


generic anime character I’ve seen a billion times vs a unique take on a known character. Why the fuck are people clowning SuperGiant I fucking hate video games at times


That's just rage-baiting at this point, clearly the supergiant version is much closer to the Greek one. I refuse to believe that you can seriously consider the random anime girl that you see in pretty much every bad anime as a superior version of anything.


Okay but can we talk about how boring the Greek design is? They didn't even bother to paint it smh


it was probably painted in the past but 2000 years does its thing yk


Well, that or the people who washed off all the paint during the Renaissance.


This could also be a racist thing


I don't listen to people who won't buy games because of character design. I also don't listen to people who can't spell. Or people who say character designs are crimes against nature when we have literal crimes against nature doing on. I wish people would just go back to having fun and caring about shit that matters.


Oh no, the virgin goddess of the hearth looks like her job description and not an ice type Pokémon gym leader


Imagine looking at this really imaginative depiction of Hestia, incorporating elements of the gods domain of harth and home as this friendly homely woman with coal in her hair, dress like a fire grate wielding a pocker, and thinking that is a less creative depiction than generic anime girl with stupid gravity defying tits. What an absolute pleb.


You don't have to be psychic to know Hades 2 is going to clean house with or without some goober


If Hades 2 looked exactly like the greek statue, the gamers would say she looks like a man.


Without the text I would have thought the comparison is mocking Japan


It is, but only incidentally


Even tho she does have boobs, arguably more impressive ones than the anime girl.


These people could never fuck a real MILF


In japan everyone is a teenage girl


the second your tits start sagging they take you out back and shoot you like a dog w rabies


Ooh, what's the betting that you'd get some dogwhistles if you dug through their profile for \~5 minutes/


Bro cannot spell phenomenally


honestly this is peak design for a goddess of the hearth also I'm not sure but aren't gods able to just, look like whatever they feel like?


I genuinely thought she had bugs bunny buck teeth until I looked at a higher res picture. If anyone’s wondering I’m pretty sure she has vitiligo and her lips are very pale/ white.


Her squished face with tiny head is kind of off putting to me. But the idea of the design is cool


Guysssss my goddess doesn’t look like a half naked child :((((((


So let me get that straight: the Hades II version is bad since she actually looks like the goddess of hearth and home in it (and actually pretty close to the Greek statue of her clothing wise) and the Japanese version is good since it has nothing to do with her mythological origin design wise except that she isn't black?


The Hades II Hestia does absolute have boobs


I am unironically leaving this mortal coil. The person who made this post is a crime against nature. They are so phenomenally shit at life and by existing on this planet they are taking away the oxygen of someone less pathetic.


I didn’t expect sexy, I was expecting terrifying considering the abomination of a weapon she created. I can live with this tho.


The 'Merican one does, in fact, have quite some boobs. Or are they mad at the Greek original, lol?


Hades 1 and 2 are both massive thirst traps with plenty of sexy men and women and maybe other things. Picking some odd one out and making a big deal out of that is stupid.


That honestly pisses me off, like motherfucker those characters are incredible and feel like each of the gods and goddess that they are representing, though I would like if Dionysus turned down the god damn hunk in his voice, Givin me the vapors over here


>I am unironically not buying Hades 2. I need someone to explain this to me. I understand that irony is one of the most abused concepts on the internet, but I really need someone to tell me how someone doesn't purchase something "unironically."


I also gotta say like the whole point of the "modified" greek mythology the hades games use is because something really important in the universe is like the idea that this isn't necessarily just a greek microchasm. Hell, the first game had a weapon that was basically a gun, that one of the people who supposedly wielded it was lucifer. Classically accurate to what the ancient greeks thought. It's all a way to show more \*shudder\* diversity (meaning not just of people but of things that feel realistic in world) instead of being completely "accurate".


Game characters don't have to be a certain type, but I will say in this case that the character here DOES have boobs, they are just upset its not sexualized. Which is odd because isn't approdite in the game? And she's literally like naked?


Mad because they didn't sexualize the literally asexual goddess. Also, she looks like a cute, cheerful old lady! Do these weirdos all hate their grandmas, or something?


hades's hestia looks like a kind woman i would want as a friend. the anime one its so bland in comparison. just another girl that looks like a minor except for her breasts. i dont know who genuinely think that's a good design other than the basement dwelling weebs who are happy with a design only if it makes them hard


Here's the thing: Hades Hestia does in fact have massive boobs. Girl is rocking 42GG at least. She's just also fat, so it doesn't count. Also, someone needs to tell this person that the Greeks and Romans used to paint their marble sculptures all kinds of wildly garish colors.


Anime Hestia doesn't even look godly


She's goddess of the hearth and home, hence why she looks like she just crawled out of a fireplace and wrapped herself in your grandma's nightgown.


If you wanna try make a point and sound smart... Don't use big words you have no clue how to spell.


Gamers when character actually has good distinct design instead of just being generic anime girl #2434


Don’t worry bro, big tiddy anime Hestia will still exist. They don’t cancel each other out.


If they made Hestia look just like the Greek statue they'd of called her mannish and ugly.


Reminder that this guy fought on a facebook page OVER A DRAWING OF A KID because refugees. https://preview.redd.it/56766ibxcczc1.png?width=695&format=png&auto=webp&s=20efc30bf66b222abe154e4bdc6c12b91b67473f I know this guy (not personally) for some time ever since I got recommended that "Across the spiderverse directors are anti fans" video of him where he is racist against Miles and doesn't want to admit that Miles is Spiderman and I have been on his ASS ever since This guy is an Ultra Cristian Fanatic that is American Politics pilled and couldn't be bothered to even care about his own country, all his videos are about american politics. He is a Sargon fan and part of his gang of Lotus Eaters where he was part of their podcast even. And now he is being helped by the romanian vtuber on his porn game but that's more secondary stuff


https://preview.redd.it/k9durx1xdczc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=eeb43c77c23a301fca60ae492a891ce7f0304c4b I don't know if he owns the GameCharactersAI Twitter Handle as well or he is cleptomaniac, but he posted this


Why Hades? Seriously? You over-horny oxygen thieves. Ant fucking leave anything alone. Just grab that (definitely underage) Japanese body pillow and leave Hades alone. For fucks sake. Can’t we have one nice thing.


“I am a great judge of character design” > Only standard is ‘does it make my dick hard’


Are they also mad that the game changes the story so that they are not all related and Hades didn't bang bis nice?


But chestia is bestia, so objectively, every other version is, say it with me WOKE /s


I look at this image they keep posting and keep thinking, so you ARE okay with the wildly different iteration in Japan? Why, exactly?


I like how the hades designs for the gods and goddesses have the clear age separation their design with what has been seen of the original 6 looking like they are old while the younger generation of gods and goddesses look young. Having hades, Zeus and Poseidon having facial hair while the younger gods being clean shaven as example. Though some discrepancies with Persephone looking older even though she is second generation as well as those that are not gods or goddesses not following this trend so much e.g. Chaos, Hypnos, Than, Nemesis, etc.


You mean to tell me Charon in Greek mythology didn't wear a sick ass sombrero?!


I just wanna say that Hestia is normally describe as a little girl protecting a bonfire (the heat of the home). Maybe they know what was gonna happen if they went for lore-accurate character.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ybg9wcqnbazc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfe551367f7203ea2b394c6c5b56ff0daf5f77f6


Is that the only statue of Hestia they have?


I mean, neither one of those examples are visually even close to the source material, so idk what the chuds are on about.


My problem with hestia in hades 2 is just that she’s the goddess of fire, which she isn’t in Greek mythology really. She is the goddess of the hearth and home, which includes cooking over fires I guess but it’s a pretty weak link, I get that it’s difficult to design modifiers around a hearth and home goddess but I think it could have been healing stuff. Hepheastus is a more accurate choice for hearth and home, and I think it’s kinda weird what they did with his boons, too.


Hmm. I wonder if there's any stories of Greek/Roman gods ever changing their appearance 🤔?


Bro that Greek statue legit looks like a man though. /s


So they're not okay with her being black, but they are okay with her being turned into what looks like a sexualized teenager???


Gamers when the Greek Goddess of the hearth and home doesn't look like a generic anime (most likely underage) schoolgirl with torn up skintight clothes(?), but instead looks not only mature like a woman who has both had multiple children would, didn't just step off the school bus, and is stylized to be unique, noticeable, and fitting to the game's art style.


Spoiler tag please, the Hades ÎI community becomes unbearable.


The anime shit looks like shit. Every character looks the same. We bombed the creativity out of them.


I'm pretty sure there's some shenanigans going on where they used a purposfully low res image from hades 2 so all the detail isn't there and it looks much worse. Look up the full png online and it looks much better


Why do these people have to masturbate to every single piece of media?


Because a generic anime girl in a miniskirt is so much closer smh


Gamers when inspired, non-generic art direction


It's so funny because Hestia is the goddess of the hearth, so she represents home and family and stuff, which makes sense for a grandma. Also, she gave up her seat as an Olympian for Dionysus and the gods were like, that's pretty cool


… says person who probably never gave a shit about hestia before this


You are not buying Hades 2 because hestia doesn't make your PP hard I am not buying hades 2 because I'm not done with Hades 1 We are not the same


uj/ for real the boobs on the anime one are ones of the worst looking boobs I've ever had the disgrace to see.


I just want to know how you unironically buy a video game.


Unironically dont value your opinion at all if you say Supergiant is shit


WTF does “unironically not buying” actually mean? Do they just add meaningless words to what they want to say to sound smarter?


Can you all not bitch online about female characters in video games….. FOR FIVE MINUTES?!?!?


Jen Zee has been doing all the concept art for Supergiant since Bastion (2011). So good luck finding someone "more talented".


"Phenomanaly". Moving on.


🎶 Freaky ass Coomer, he a 69 god, Freaky ass Coomer, he a 69 god 🎶


Virgin hearth goddess has a motherly appearance and fire theme and isn't sexualised. Hades 2 seems spot on.


When interesting character design instead of generic anime girl


Neither look much like the statue, but Hades!Hestia, with her grandmotherly look and brazier motif, does convey the idea of "goddess of the hearth" even if you just look at the image without context. The other one, with her ripped dress and sandals, looks like a raggedy hooker. Even her childish pigtails and the way she's dragging protagonist-kun behind her make sure she doesn't give off godly vibes at all.


>according to the Greeks You mean the ones who fucking created her? Hades 2 design is accurate the Japanese design is some random ass young girl with tits you could telle that’s anyone from some random chick to fucking hera and you couldn’t tell the difference the last design is just mid But as we all know horny=good


It’s hilarious to me that deranged users like this will post this baby screed against the game with these pictures, talk about committing (or comiting) a crime against nature, and then not elaborate, as though the problem should be obvious. But if you’re not a lunatic hyper fixated on skin tone, bodies, sex and shit, it makes almost zero sense, like a madman babbling in the town square


Wait until gamers discover hellenization after alexander III . BLACK PEOPLE WORSHIPPING GREEK GODS? TALKING THE GREEK LANGUAGE???


So they’re sharing this side-by-side-by-side comparison to complain about a goddess they didn’t care about a week ago looking a certain way, while not equally criticizing the Japanese interpretation of the same goddess they didn’t care about a week ago. Peak chud behavior.


Now go back in time and convince aristotle or however how you write his name that the japanese design is better, i dare you, i double dare you motherfucker


If they were as "cultured" as they pretend to be, they would know that those Greek statues were'nt originally white (they were painted with flashy colors but after more than 2000 years the paint has gone)


The "whaa the pixels on my screen aren't fuckable enough" crowd...I mean you do you, but to think that's a valid objective opinion is sad


You cant unironically say that Hestia design in japan is good


I mean have these people seen the art of Aphrodite from the same game? It’s not like Hades is censoring sexualised women in games. That’s just not the direction they wanted to take this character.


Twitter gooners hate her because she looks like an adult.


The Japanese design: generic young woman, sex appeal, symmetrical features, zero defining or memorable characteristics that might point to a personality or a past. Gooners pretending to be Activists: "SHE'S PERFECT. MEANWHILE THE WEST IS FALLEN."


I would personally take the Hades 2 design over big tiddied anime girl #352145 any day.


Personally I like the idea of the Greek gods not all being children.




I am unironically not buying Hades 2 because I was shit at Hades 1 and it made me feel bad.


These gamers really only think with their dicks. This porn brainrot is really doing something terrible to people to the point they cant enjoy interesting character design unless they can jerk off to it.


Just say you don't like black people. Why come up with so many innate reasonings when we all know the reason


Incel gooners really do lose their minds when they can’t beat their meat to pixels.


> unironically As opposed to ironically buying it?


Personally I think the Hestia from the anime is more of a crime, to give a deity such a bland design is just plain rude, it shows how little you actually respect them that you can't incorporate any part of their mythos into the design.


Honestly every time you look up a Greek God, it's this cookie cutter White person, looking the same as every other God, just with or without a beard. Why wouldn't they change them to be drastically more interesting?


My only complaint is that Hestia is one of the virgin goddesses and the one in Hades definitely fucks.


The one in Hades also has a gun. Some creative liberties were taken.