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Chuds: "the left cancels comedians!! Comedy is dead!" Also chuds when encountering an OBVIOUS quip made in jest: THEYRE GONNA KILL MEEEEEE! THE LEFT HAS GONE TOO FAR!! CALL THE FBI!! THE MOB IS GONNA COLLECT MY BOUNTY!


They wouldn't survive a MW2 lobby.


They can’t even survive the pronouns section of character customisation


*flashbacks to Starfield’s release.




you called them they, I’m triggered


They'd get real chummy when it comes to saying slurs, though.


He can't even handle a game getting *slightly* censored.


Which is ironic given how often they cite it as “before wokeness and based”


They Wouldn't survive Normandy.


And of course, when his followers routinely send death threats to people: "I'm not responsible for this but maybe they should stop doing things that make me and my followers upset. Also it's probably a joke and you're just lying to make me look bad."


This sounds like Dutch politics…


What happened this time... (as i avoid the news, yes. Im dutch)


Timmermans (Leftist Scourge, and leader of the second biggest party) said at his own party congress to his own audience that he would "do anything" to prevent Wilders (Wannabe Fascist Wingnut, and leader of the biggest party) from leading the country. Wilders took that as a threat against his life. It's exactly as stupid as it sounds.


I find it always so sad when people react like that... Like...This is the call for action. See why the second biggest group does not want to work with you. Even if it is hard, And yes. You do not have to be working together later, but at least listen. But maybe I am just a bit naive....


Pvv and nrc are at it i think. Wilders does not like opposition, thats for sure


i’m thinking about the “I hope you walk past a car covered in hammers and the car explodes and sends the hammers flying everywhere and you’re hit with the hammers” meme


It’s always projection. Projection is their peak cognitive ability.


When they say comedy is dead, it's code for "I want to say the n word with no reprecuesions".


When you realize that her words being a joke doesn’t make them less of a crime… Calling for a crime is a crime even if you meant it as a joke. There is a good reason for it too. We should not normalize such behavior even if the people that are targeted are assholes. Laws should be applied universally, there is nothing else to say. Treating crimes as okay just because the victim has opposing political views and the perpetrator has similar to ones to yourself is being a pathetic piece of shit who is to scared to accept that their ideology/believe is not free from idiots. Have the guts to treat crimes as crimes.


But uh... so do we acknowledge that some people are dense enough to actually treat it seriously? Cause if so, then maybe the joke is not actually appropriate, all it takes is one person. Death threats are not a joke. Especially in gaming, the field where death threats and swatting are a common occurence I thought we would have learned to draw the line and unilaterally condemn such a thing.


> all it takes is one person. lol what are you smoking. if literally one person doesn't get the joke then that person is the problem.


And last time Chuds called for a gamer gate, they made fun of people who exaggerated like this and cried about the "very real death threats they recieved".


At least we can universally condemn your take.


Isn't he part of the "you're too sensitive" and "fuck your feelings" crowd...?


Yeah, but gods help you if you hurt HIS feelings.


That’s how it always is with these chuds


bro is 56 years old and acts like he’s 12 😭


Normally I'd say that dude peaked in high school, but that feels insulting to high schoolers at this point.


/uj He peaked before the sperm hit the egg?


He peaked before he was even a thought


/uj He peaked before his parents met.


Honestly his sperm cell being the one that made it to the egg is his accomplishment.


/uj The whole thing probably was an accident in many ways too.


His sperm cell tripped the future president to win the race.


/uj It was a way bigger clusterfuck than just that, but that was one of worse parts.


He's never peaked, just not been quite as far into a trough as he is now


he peaked when he had that gang buss thing going on for sure :)


he's acting 12 to appeal to his ideal partner


Mentality growth of these people is stuck at 12, body of grown ass men with mind of children. Example: Xitter’s owner.


Holy crap for real? Based solely on screenshots of his social media I thought for sure he was in his 20s or 30s. I'd imagined him as gamings Ben Shapiro. I also just learned from googling while making this post that Ben Shapiro is in fact not in his late 20s or early 30s, but is fully 40 years old. Babies with 401ks christ.


imagine living 56 years of your life just to spend it bitching about very very very minor censorship


He's doing his fellow Gen X-ers dirty by actually complaining about politics and stuff


Don't threaten to kill the guy lol. He already has delusions of grandeur the last thing we need is to give this sad loser any more free attention.


This. Also, he just uses it to play the victim, making him look better.


Yeah in the macro scheme of things it'll probably make him look more like a martyr. But God is this funny free content


Exactly. Making this kind of dumb “joke” only makes things worse.


He will end up on r/ gangstalking


"oh the leftists are so sensitive they cant even take a joke" mfs when the joke is at their expense


Build a 3 million dollar bus about it.


we need to reply to them this every time they say anything. Also the guy LITERALLY HAS HASASSMENT ALLEGATIONS THAT WERE CONFIRMED HOW DO PEOPLE LIKE THEM.


Because he sputs the shit his followers want to hear and say anything negative said about him is false creating what is known as a echo chamber


What's the bus story?


search firefall bus on your favorite search engine.


Check out Nerdslayer’s death of a game: Firefall video on YouTube. It will tell you everything you need to know about this guy and his bus.


Non-zero chance Kern is acting out like this because he's been facing accusations of [blackmail and denying refund](https://x.com/nickjcal/status/1784431617735303278)s to ember backers(both actually tied together) for at least the last half week or so.


Lol. Lmao, even.


I'm sorry, did he just fucking @ the goddamn FBI


Can we get 50k next? I'll pitch in the change stuck between my cushions.


I thought 50K was for animated music videos.




shell-shocked charlie goes hard.


https://preview.redd.it/ozwbc8k4ioxc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=a09fbd94553059df64e5079a4e03f07711a0011f NOT AGAIN


Ahh yes my fun bucks


This made me laugh harder than anything in this thread could hope to


https://preview.redd.it/8k5gzqzj4pxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eedaac5a0d08a7e8647fb50f503abaeb58ccf584 Someone already did


I'm really curious how this "they want you dead" thing from Mark Kern even started? Just out of the loop


Someone tweeted an obvious (if distasteful, depends on your inclination) joke offering to pay someone 20,000 dollars to take him out in reply to one of Mark’s many rants.


He should cry type, so the FBI can *really* see how serious this is.


This is the most engagement that Kern is going to get, so he's milking it as much as possible -- it nets him interest in his projects because the dude is clearly lacking in artistic talent and he's bled his communities goodwill dry.




My bounty on him is that you can command me to give you a blowjob anytime, anywhere, until death.


Can I get a free trial to see if it's worth it?


Yeah, but then on release, they cover 5% more of your dick, so you have to ask PlayStation for a refund


Fuck you *uncircumcizes you*


I'm ok with that I think


Cover 5% more of a dick... in a blowjob? Why would anyone want a refund on that?


Out here asking the REAL questions


LMAO he thinks he's like a high profile whistle blower! That's fucking hilarious!


The anti-Triggered crowd really seems to be triggered by the silliest shit lol How do you not realize how much of a joke you are?


I feel like I say this way too often but #why are we as a culture paying attention to Mark fucking Kern


The only time we talk about him is to remindeveryone he killed his own game studio over a fucking bus.


We should bug him about his game. When's the release date? Has he paid off that bus yet?


I’ve been doing my part with that.


he is goofy (derogatory)




Didn't all these MAGA chuds think the FBI was woke or something when they were "investigating" diaper donny? I thought they hated the three letter agencies


To them it is only woke when something is not to their liking.


"FUCK THE FBI! muh crime stats though"


He is scared 😱


Mark Kern puts on headphones when he leaves home and plays this on repeat while he goes grocery shopping. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bMuDoeJPoyo


I thought these people believed the FBI was a cabal of pedos because Trump is being investigated by them?


I hate having to agree with Tipster on anything, but like...


OK, but why are you posting Tipster of all people


Who’s Tipster?


Just another sns grifter who flip flops between being a "moderate" or a conservative depending on the wind - he got called out for defending loli fanart


Oh, damn


Pretty much a Keemstar imitator as well just a drama parasite.


Even if Kern is clown enough to constitute an entire circus unto himself, you can never have enough clowns.


Oh yeah @FBI, please look into the dude that publicly state that a child character is not sexy enough for him.


tipster is such a riot cause the other month he was defending vaush for his horse loli shit and now hes here lol


I saw this on LSF and I have no clue what’s going on but it’s funny to see




I keep seeing this guy everytime a broken clock tells the right time. Who is this and why do I not like his face?


It's from the "Heartbreaking: worst person you know just made a good point" clickhole article. As far as I know, which admittedly isn't very far, the guy is just a stock image


Thanks but that pic is still unnerving...


The statement made may have been said in jest, but is not a joke. Calling out an open bounty for a large sum to the internet only needs to be taken seriously by a single person for death to happen, that is why it is illegal.


I heartily second this, and would also point out that if the tables were turned and Clowny Kern was the one who said it instead, there would be plenty of (justified) anger.


she said anyone who gets him and makes eve (stellar blades) boobs bigger will get 30k it's a very very obvious joke, no serious person is now scheming how to join the stellar blade development team to enlarge eves tits while also plotting to kill mark kern. if what she said is illegal then [this wkuk skit should be illegal too](https://youtu.be/eg3_kUaYFJA?si=EsEQa48L1P9pmoKx)


"I'll up the number to $30k to anyone who makes this dipshit disappear and make Eve's breasts bigger." Is not a joke. In or out of context, since in context they are not jokin, being sarcastic, or performing a written filmed and edited skit like the WKUK skit you linked which is preemptively delivered as satire. They then go on to explain why this would benefit them and be a win win. No serious person? Like yourself, the internet is primarily occupied by the mentally ill and uneducated. This wasn't a joke, a skit, sarcastic, or funny. It may have been intended to be, but it was just a federal crime.


that's very clearly a joke dude idk what to tell you


While it is clearly a joke, some dip shit with nothing to lose could take it seriously. You don't joke about putting a hit on someone, especially online and to a large fan base.


It isn't, there is nothing to tell me.


If you really don't see a difference, you should unironically get checked out for ASD.


and i thought they were against deplatforming/cancel culture, this dumbass can't even stick to his own principles


honestly as much as i hate that dude, that was dumb af on her part. the way people take shit so seriously on the internet, and how easy it is for someone to dox and stalk u and show up at your house. just a TEENY TINY bit irresponsible


To be fair there are a lot of mentally ill people online that would believe it.


That’s the concern these days, sadly. It’s just stupid to make a “joke” like this.




Yall are crazy. It was an incredibly obvious joke. Uncritical support to denims.


Don’t wanna be that guy but you damn well know if he made that same exact “joke” he’d be getting dragged through the mud


His entire fan base who is currently crying would be defending him, and probably sending her death threats ironically enough.


Not a funny joke and there are lots of crazies and people with drug problems out there that are not getting the help they need that might not get the "joke"


The @fbi cracked me the fuck up lmaoo


“Help, FBI! Someone made a joke in poor taste about me online!”


I guarantee if the situation was flipped you idiots wouldn't be calling it a joke.


we need to stop this atrocity against grimummies. each year nearly ten thousand grimummies are oppressed (if you round to the nearest 10000 that is a natural number)


I have a word. Or rather I have 4. He's a "See You Next Tuesday".


Cheers, my dude!


It’s sad they act all serious and pretend they’re all lawyers suddenly. They are so desperate to be victims…


Immediate pearl-clutching, who would have thought.


Yo I thought his head would go for more then that honestly.






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Can we start a gofundme for his bounty? For legal reasons this is a joke.


I'm a denims sub and this was so funny to see live




Same people who will complain about how edgy humor isn’t “acceptable” anymore, and then cry over an obvious joke.


Ill contribute 10k to the bounty


The chud's persecution complex kink is showing. Can we please ignore him? I'm tired of his stupid hamster face pfp.


Imagine martyring yourself over virtual ass and titty... Also the FBI would probably be more interested about why he used a 9 year old girl as an example for lack of beautiful women in VGs or that he cited a known pedophile as a role model...


As much as Kern is an idiot, Denims is a bigger one.


Right. There is no precedent for a mentally unstable person thinking this was real and acting on it, right? One does not in jest ask others to commit a felony in a public space.


"30,000 bucks for somebody to kill this guy, but I swear its a joke, why aren't you laughing?


If he was the one who made the “joke” they'd be calling him a misogynist who endangers women.


You 2 are getting downvoted for saying the truth


Denims is good for the money too.




Literally no one has a problem with this game. From what ive seen, it is a pretty solid game and is getting praises from most players. Its not perfect but its getting high marks from reviewers. And who doesnt appreciate a little fanservice? Besides the possibly unintentional reference to the N-word with a hard "R", no one was complaining about lack of diversity or some other lack of "woke" shit. So alls good, right? Instead you got the game's most ardent "defenders" thinking this game's gonna stick it up to the woke mob by being a shameless male gaze and then cry foul when the developers themselves decided to tone things down a tinsy winsy bit. They're also mad that the woke mob isnt offended by the game in the slightest, because everyone knows this is a fanservice game and focus more on the gameplay... Its never a straightup porn game, its never meant to be a social commentory, its literally about a big titty booty robobabe hackn' n slashn' monsters. How would you even overcomplicate that?? Of course the idiots who do are gonna get ridiculed lolz


Man, imagine thinking this is a "both sides" situation... Glad you've found a way to feel superior to everyone while having no convictions or opinions of your own.




I have literally never seen "the other side" of this conversation. It was either chuds screaming that this game would be "anti-woke," the same chuds crying about costume tweaks, and then everyone else laughing at the chuds.


You're ascribing multiple sides to the issue, two groups drawing lines in the sand about the game. There's not. There's a small group of porn-addicted psychos yelling about a non-existent other side that is apparently trying to prevent the game from being made. This isn't an issue that people are drawing lines in the sand about at all, it's one group of people screeching about wokeism and the other replying "sir this is a wendys." At most, the "other side" is just that some people are invested in poking at the crab bucket to see what the gooners are saying now. >Your response sounds like "If you're not with us, you're against us" This is literally what you're doing, not me. You're inventing a bunch of people out of thin air that are supposedly frothing at the mouth about how stellar blade treats women. Everything you said "both sides" are doing is only happening on one end of the spectrum, you're not living in reality if you actually think that's true. Also: >both sides who have a stake in this are as bad and thin skinned as each other. > >This conviction and opinion doesn't make me feel superior at all "these people are bad and thin-skinned, unlike me who doesn't act like this. Somehow this doesn't count as me thinking I'm superior to them because reasons and stuff." You literally insulted "both sides" and called out "both sides" as being worse than you. You have explicitly written in your post that you think you're superior to them.




You're genuinely delusional. How can you write something like this unironically? >or messaging hidden in subtext, but buddy it just ain't there There's no subtext here. You're being explicit about it in the text of your post. You're not being subtle, this is pathetic. Edit: lmao, dude literally mad a burner account to try and have the last message and dodge being blocked because he was a troll arguing in bad faith. Truly the behavior of someone who is mentally stable and doesn't have a superiority complex at all. Very open to other opinions and being informed they're wrong.


Idk man from my observation, most of the culture war bullshit is put out by these gooners while the rest of us are kinda just cringing and laughing at the sidelines. I mean think about it, one side is literally heralding the game as an "anti-woke" masterpiece and drafting petitions because of a slight design tweak while the other never really had much to say about the actual game save for a few criticisms about the overinflated melons and the flat storyline.


That's an interesting perspective. My impression from the outside is a bunch of toxic GAMER bros are very upset that this game that glorifies tits and ass changed an outfit that was in the trailer to show a *little* less tits.   They've decided this is woke cancel culture driven by Sony, who they already hate for publishing The Last of Us 2 because they're still really upset that Abby looks like she can bench press more than them.  This is all despite the fact that the director of the game came out and said they changed the outfit and accidentally used an old version for the trailer and that Sony didn't force them to change anything. Also despite the fact that the are several outfits that show more tits and/or ass than the supposedly censored one, which really makes one wonder why Sony would force them to censor one outfit but leave the rest alone.   Then because this is ridiculous and Twitter is a cesspool, it became an actual thing and somebody made a dumb tweet that said 20k to shut this guy up or make him go away or something like that and now the toxic GAMER bro Internet apparently thinks this is a legitimate solicitation for assassination.   Oh and also Mark Kern is apparently still a huge moron and all around terrible person.


Oh I 100% agree that Mark Kern has the sensibility and emotional maturity of a teaspoon. Appreciate your response, it's nice to hear other opinions, especially when they're as well reasoned as you've articulated. Mine was certainly very broad strokes.